The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 425 Quasi-Saint Ao Min

Chen Yuan said leisurely: "I know you have a jade pendant on you. If you crush it, this can notify your old dragon."

When Ao Ming saw that Chen Yuan had revealed his method, his expression did not change and he said: "I am also a celebrity in the nearby sea area. Many living beings know that I have such a method. It doesn't mean anything if you tell me about it."

Chen Yuan said calmly: "No need to explain anything."

Ao Ming said: "Even if you knew, could you still stop it? If you kill me now, there will be no room for easing things."

"As long as you let me take the little fox away, I will let you go."

Chen Yuan sneered and said: "You should inform your ancestor that there was a period of time where we didn't understand the cause and effect between him and me. I always keep it in my heart that there will be no end to this."

Ao Ming's expression changed.

But he firmly believes that his ancestor is powerful and supreme. Even the Dragon King of the Four Seas cannot compare with his ancestor.

In Ao Ming's heart.

The ancestor is invincible, no matter how powerful the existence is, there will be no opponent of his ancestor, except for existences beyond the norm such as saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

If Chen Yuan hadn't arrived.

Ao Ming can achieve his wish. Ao Ming's level is not low. He is in the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, although there is no Daluo Golden Immortal.

But not too low.

In the prehistoric world.

Daluo Jinxian is the ultimate immortal, and it is not something that can be achieved easily.

Although in Chen Yuan's view, let alone Daluo Jinxian, even if he became a quasi-sage, he would still be an ant, but the achievements of Daluo Jinxian cannot be denied.

An existence that can stand on the long river of time and destiny, with a power that spans the heavens and all realms, and a god that appears in endless time and space.

After all, any living being will go through a process of growth.

There is no holiness that rises above all living beings as soon as it is born.

It cannot be said that there is no such existence. In Chen Yuan's view, it is the way of heaven.

All creatures in the ancient world cannot compare with the way of heaven.

The supremacy of the way of heaven has always been engraved in Chen Yuan's heart. Under the way of heaven, there are saints. Saints must follow the destiny and the way of heaven.

You cannot disobey the decree of heaven.

If you disobey the destiny, there will be bad consequences. After all, Chen Yuan can't guess what kind of power the heaven has, but it will definitely not be weak, it will be extremely powerful.

The connection between saints and the way of heaven is very deep.

Chen Yuan has never seen any saint disobey the law of heaven. This also shows how powerful the law of heaven is. If the law of heaven is weak, Chen Yuan does not believe that the saint will be so obedient.

The ancient world was a world where strength was valued.

Creatures who grew up in the primitive world have the mark of respecting strength engraved in their bones. They cannot be good babies, they can only be frightened by the way of heaven.

This is the prehistoric world.

Chen Yuan looked at Ao Ming and saw a jade pendant appearing in Ao Ming's hand.

The dragon is engraved on it, vividly.

It seems that the jade pendant will fly out at any time and transform into a real dragon. The jade pendant is filled with pure dragon power, which frightens most of the creatures present.

I feel there is a strong pressure.

Only the little fox didn't feel it because she stood between Chen Yuan and Wang Shu, so she seemed very calm. At this moment, she didn't know how the future would develop.

The only thing the little fox knew was that she was in no danger.

The little fox became a disciple of Wang Shu, but she still didn't know the identities of Chen Yuan and Wang Shu. She just knew that she had an extra master.

The little fox was speechless.

Everything feels so dreamy...

Ao Ming crushed the jade pendant into pieces and opened his palm. The fragments of the jade pendant fell from Ao Ming's palm and fell on the ground.

The material of the jade pendant is very extraordinary.

Falling so lightly, it also made holes in the ground.

Ao Ming looked at Chen Yuan and the others and said loudly: "The biggest mistake you made was letting me crush the jade pendant, otherwise you would kill me."

"There is a possibility of escape. If there are elders behind you, there may be a possibility of survival."

Chen Yuan said leisurely: "Only Pindao has always been the backer for his disciples and others. Although there are more powerful saints than Pindao in this world, there are only a handful of them."

There is no one more powerful than Chen Yuan in the ancient times.

Hongjun counts as one, Luo Hu counts as another. Yang Mei, who has left the prehistoric world, in Chen Yuan's view, although his realm is undetermined, he cannot be very weak.

Finally, there is the way of heaven.

And the god of origin of the prehistoric world.


Exactly five.

Dragon Clan Ao Ming sneered. He did not believe what Chen Yuan said and said: "The most powerful people in this world are the Saints and the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. There are more than ten of these existences. How can they be counted on one finger?"

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "Your realm is too low and your vision is too narrow. You cannot see the scenery at the top of the world. I don't want to explain so much to you, because later, you will re-enter the six realms of reincarnation with your ancestors." "

Ao Ming said sternly: "You are not allowed to talk about my ancestor like that. You talk so arrogantly. I will let you know later that my ancestor is powerful and you cannot deal with it."

Ao Ming is still showing his loyalty at this moment.

Chen Yuan saw the little fox tugging at the corner of his clothes and asked, "Is there something wrong..."

The little fox said: "How should I call you? I can't call you Immortal..."

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "Of course not. Pindao disciples call your master uncle, tell me what you should call me."

The little fox thought for a moment, bowed, and said, "Uncle."

Chen Yuan found this scene interesting.

I know that the little fox is like this because the little fox will be Wang Shu's disciple in the future.

You will get along with Chen Yuan with a new identity, and you will no longer be Yuan Miao, a little fox wandering the wild world with nothing to rely on.

She has a master.

Ao Ming looked at this scene, although he was very angry.

But he knew that Chen Yuan was a powerful and sacred person. Without the presence of the ancestor, he did not dare to have the idea of ​​offending him, otherwise he would really anger the other party.

He would only perish.

Ao Ming felt that every day was like a year. He was extremely worried that Chen Yuan would change his mind and destroy him. If such a thing happened, then he, Ao Ming, would have no way to deal with it.

He could only accept it unwillingly.

Time passed.

Ao became calmer and calmer, because he knew that the ancestor was coming.


A majestic aura like the sky permeated and covered the huge sea area.

The creatures in it felt extremely uncomfortable. The colorful and boundless sea surface was sinking, and more parts of the island under Chen Yuan were revealed.

This island is not a real island, but a tortoise's back.

So the exposed part is the tortoise's shell.

There are mottled marks on it, some of which are difficult to recognize. If you don't look carefully, you will think it is a stone, and the life aura of the tortoise is very obscure.

It's hard to detect...

Chen Yuan looked at Wangshu next to him with a deep gaze, saying: "The old dragon is here. He has lived for so long, and he should be satisfied."

Wangshu smiled and said: "He likes female fairies, so why not let him be single forever."

Chen Yuan did not refuse, saying: "Fengdu controls the Book of Life and Death and the Judge's Pen, he will let the old dragon be single forever."

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