The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 423 Little Fox Yuan Miao

There is a continuous group of buildings on the top of the mountain. The little fox Yuanmiao has been to many places. It is not like the demon clan who has never seen the world can compare.

Plus the Xuan Gong passed on to her by Chen Yuan.

This makes the little fox even better.

Among the techniques taught by Chen Yuan, there are some methods for refining weapons, and the little fox studied them.

I have some experience in refining weapons.

The buildings on the mountain peak were created by the little fox Yuan Miao. Those monsters who had never seen the world were extremely shocked. They did not know that there was such a fairyland in this world.

In awe of the little fox.

When Chen Yuan and Wang Shu reached the top of the mountain, a demon who had not yet fully transformed blocked their way.

This monster still has a pair of horns on its head, and it can be seen that it is a monster in the form of a deer.

The deer demon said loudly: "Who are you and what are you doing here? I wonder if this is the territory of King Miaoyuan. Could it be that you are people who want to join King Miaoyuan."

Chen Yuan knew that King Miao Yuan was Yuan Miao.

Yuan Miao adjusted the name Chen Yuan gave her and she became Miao Yuan.

Chen Yuan said calmly: "I am an old friend of your king."

The deer demon didn't believe it and said: "How could our king have such an old friend like you who can't fly? If you are flying here, there is still some possibility. You must know how powerful our king is."

Chen Yuan was not angry at all.

For him, as long as he had the slightest thought in his mind, the deer demon would turn into ashes and there would be no chance of survival.

Chen Yuan smiled at Wangshu and said, "It's really not easy to meet the little fox."

Wang Shu said: "You only need to release a little bit of Qi, and it will become very simple."

Wang Shu said: "No need, I'm just going to travel around the world with you, anything I experience there is just embellishment."

Lu Yao listened to the conversation between Chen Yuan and Wang Shu. He could understand every word, but he couldn't understand the meaning when they were put together.

The deer demon stopped Chen Yuan and Wang Shu.

Many monsters on the mountain noticed what happened here.

People came here one after another, and some demon clan pointed, but did not come forward, because the deer demon is a small leader here and has a certain prestige.

They are somewhat afraid of the deer demon.

Lu Yaoyan said: "Don't talk to yourselves and ignore me like this. Let you know how blazing the anger of a true immortal is."

Chen Yuan found it interesting.

But he didn't say anything, he just waited, because Chen Yuan knew that the main character was coming.

Just when the deer demon was about to say something, he saw a rainbow light coming towards here.

The person who came was none other than the little fox demon Yuan Miao.

When the demon clan on the mountain saw the appearance of their king, they all saluted to show respect. The deer demon was no exception. He was only a true immortal, although he was very powerful in the eyes of other demon clans.

But it cannot be compared with the little fox demon Yuan Miao.

The difference between a firefly and a bright moon.

Under the gaze of everyone, the little fox Yuan Miao walked up to Chen Yuan, bowed respectfully, and said: "Immortal..."

The little fox Yuan Miao was very respectful.

But Chen Yuan could feel some feelings of hatred, not because of anything else. It was the last time Chen Yuan threw the little fox into the sea. The sea was a completely unfamiliar place to the little fox.

Originally, the little fox planned to return to the ancient continent.

But then I saw a giant island and thought it was a good place to practice. In the eyes of the little fox Yuanmiao, the prehistoric continent was vast.

But there are countless powerful beings on it.

You will encounter an opponent that is completely invincible for some reason, and the situation will be much better in the Four Seas. The creatures in the Four Seas are not as powerful as those on the mainland.

The ancient continent is the essence of the world.

So the little fox decided not to return to the mainland for the time being.

When he has enough strength to return to the ancient continent in the future, he will meet several Yuanhui in the past. Xiao Yuanmiao's strength has become stronger and he has understood the innate magic to a deeper level.

He was almost going to become Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Chen Yuan pointed to Wangshu next to him and said: "The goddess invited me to travel around the ancient world. After we came to the East China Sea, I thought of leaving you here, so I came over to have a look."

The little fox Yuan Miao said seriously: "Thanks to the Immortal Chief for remembering Yuan Miao. The East China Sea is a completely unfamiliar place to me. I was at a loss at first, but now I have adapted."

The deer demon and other demon clansmen were stunned.

Understand that these two creatures who suddenly came must be extremely powerful and sacred, otherwise their king would not be so respectful.

The deer demon felt that he had caused a big trouble.

But he didn't dare to escape from here. He knew the strength of King Miaoyuan and it was impossible to escape even if he wanted to.

Chen Yuan said: "That's good."

The little fox looked at Wangshu and said, "This fairy is so beautiful and flawless that she seems to be a goddess above the moon and stars. She does not belong to the mortal world."

When the little fox praises people, it is also very touching.

Wangshu looked back and smiled, and the flowers suddenly bloomed on the mountain peak.

The subtle fragrance intoxicates the living beings.

Wang Shuyan said: "You really guessed it right. The place where I was first born is the Supreme Star Taiyin Star."

Yuan Miao was speechless.

She didn't expect that she had guessed correctly. The little fox looked at the Lunar Star and then at Wangshu.

The little fox smiled and said: "The Taiyin Star is so high. I hope I can go and see it one day."

At this time, there were Chang'e and Hou Yi on the lunar star. Chang'e was waiting for Hou Yi to wake up for a day.

Wang Shu said: "It's not difficult to get to the Taiyin Star. You just need to fly through the thirty-sixth layer of Heavenly Gang Thunder and Fire and enter the starry sky."

"At this time, there is a virtual world in the world. You, who are in the Golden Immortal Realm, can go to the starry sky with the Tianmiao Treasure Mirror."

The little fox was not surprised that Wangshu knew about the Tianmiao Treasure Mirror. In the little fox's opinion, it was the immortal who told Wangshu.

The little fox was just talking about going to Taiyin Star.

Although it is possible to go to Taiyin Star, after all, the little fox has the Tianmiao Treasure Mirror, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and it is not difficult to pass the thirty-six layers of Tiangang Thunder and Fire.

The little fox knows that top-grade innate spiritual treasures are also rare in the prehistoric world. The little fox will not sacrifice the Tianmiao Treasure Mirror unless it is a really critical moment.

Wangshu saw what the little fox was thinking, but did not say anything.

Chen Yuan looked into the distance...

The little fox Yuan Miao saw Chen Yuan looking into the distance. She was very close to Chen Yuan and had no fear. She asked, "What's wrong, immortal."

Chen Yuan said leisurely, "It's just that someone who shouldn't have come came."

The little fox Yuan Miao was a little confused and said, "What's going on? I don't understand."

But Chen Yuan did not continue.

Wangshu, a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, understood the reason and explained, "An uninvited guest has come to visit."

The little fox Yuanmiao said, "What's there to worry about? I, King Miaoyuan, am the most powerful being on the island. I can't be dealt with by just any cat or dog."

Wangshu liked the little fox very much and had no intention of hiding anything. He said, "But what if it's not a creature on this island?"

The little fox's eyes rolled and said, "Could it be that there are no powerful islands nearby, but there are neighboring islands..."

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