The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 416 The deadline of forty-nine Yuanhui

Yao Ji can see outside, but her mind cannot be extended, so her vision will be severely limited.


Yao Ji was shocked. She saw three creatures appear in her sight. Yao Ji stared at Yang Jian closely. Yang Jian's appearance did not change much, at most because of cultivation.

More different.

And Yang Chan changed a lot.

She became more beautiful, so Yao Ji, whose mind could not diffuse, could not recognize her. If Yao Ji could extend her mind, the situation would naturally be different.

Yao Ji has the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, and can distinguish a person from a more fundamental level.

And will not be confused by the appearance.

Even if a creature's appearance has changed a lot, Yao Ji can recognize it at a glance.

The premise is that the realm of this creature cannot be higher than Yao Ji.

Yao Ji looked at Yang Jian and said, "Erlang, is that you?"

Yang Jian hurried forward and said, "Mother, my sister and I are here to save you."

Yao Ji looked at the girl next to her and said, "You are Chan'er."

Yang Chan said, "Yes, mother."

Yao Ji said, "You should leave quickly. Haotian is not easy to mess with. He is the master of heaven and has extremely powerful power. If you don't leave, your life will be in danger."

Yang Jian said, "Mother, don't worry. Now you are free. Haotian promised to let you go."

Yao Ji said, "How is this possible? Although I can't see your current realm clearly, even if you work hard to practice."

"It's great to have the Golden Immortal realm at most. This realm is impossible for Haotian to compromise."

Yang Jian knew that his mother was right, and pointed to Kong Xuan next to him and said, "Thanks to the help of this immortal."

Yao Ji looked at Kong Xuan, but didn't recognize him. Although Kong Xuan had been to heaven, he had never met Yao Ji.

Yao Ji asked in confusion, "Who is this?"

Yang Jian introduced, "He is Venerable Kong Xuan, a disciple of the Heavenly Venerable of Creation of Xuanhua Mountain."

Yao Ji was not too shocked. In Yao Ji's opinion, it was impossible to rescue her from inside without a certain realm and power.

After all, Haotian was not a kind person.

Only a saint or a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian would make Haotian compromise.

Yao Ji said gratefully, "Thank you for your help, Venerable."

Kong Xuan said calmly, "I see you are trapped in the light prison, I will rescue you from it."

Yao Ji said, "Thank you for your great help, Venerable."

Kong Xuan pointed to the light prison that trapped Yao Ji.

The mysterious power overflowed from Kong Xuan's fingertips, swirled in the air, and casually entangled the light prison, in Yao Ji's perception.

The light prison was fading, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Yao Ji was more powerful than when she was sealed. After all, she couldn't do anything else in it, so she had to practice.

This was the only thing Yao Ji could do.

Yao Ji also fantasized that one day she could break the seal after cultivating to a sufficient level.

In this way, she could regain her freedom and find Yang Jian and the others.

Kong Xuan saw Yao Ji coming out and said leisurely: "I'll go first..."

Kong Xuan didn't wait for them to speak, and he stepped on the space and disappeared.

No trace.

Yang Jian sighed that Venerable Kong Xuan came and went without a trace, and he was really a dragon that could only be seen from the head but not the tail.

Kong Xuan didn't hang out outside, but went back to Xuanhua Mountain directly. Yang Jian and Kong Xuan didn't care. He didn't know Yang Jian very well, but Qingyu asked him to go.

Kong Xuan went.

Kong Xuan was a creature who looked very cold and arrogant on the surface, but he was different to the creatures he recognized, and Qingyu and Kong Xuan had the same blood.

Kong Xuan, who returned to Xuanhua Mountain, saw a girl waiting for him.

There were only two women on Xuanhua Mountain, one was Qingyu, and the other was Wangshu who appeared occasionally.

Wangshu naturally couldn't wait for Kong Xuan.

It's almost time to wait for Chen Yuan.

Then there's only Qingyu.

Qingyu stepped forward and said, "Brother is back."

Kong Xuan smiled and said, "I didn't disappoint my sister. The matter has come to an end, but Yang Jian needs to serve as an official in heaven for forty-nine Yuanhui."

Qingyu said, "This is already very good."

Kong Xuan said leisurely, "This is also borrowed from the power of Master, otherwise Haotian would not give in so easily."

Qingyu smiled and said, "If there is no such a great existence as Master, we need to face Haotian head-on. Haotian is not an easy person to deal with, and Brother is only in the middle stage of Quasi-Saint now."

"Haotian is the peak of Quasi-Saint. Even if Brother is lucky enough to defeat Haotian's evil corpse, facing Haotian's original body is a dead end."

Kong Xuan was silent for a while and said, "There is still a big gap between me and these old masters."

Qingyu looked at Kong Xuan with admiration, "Brother, you are already very good. You have practiced for a shorter time than them. You are of the same generation as Master, and they have heard Daozu preach."

"This further widens the gap, but as long as they cannot achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, one day Senior Brother will close the gap."

Kong Xuan smiled and said, "I really hope that there will not be a day to close the gap."

Qing Yu was puzzled and said, "I don't know why Senior Brother said that."

Kong Xuan sighed and said, "You should know that these old masters of great supernatural powers can achieve today's achievements. They are not just people who have gained fame in vain. They can be said to be sacred beings born from the gathering of the divine brilliance of heaven and earth."

"But even such a sacred being cannot achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. This makes me feel a little gloomy. You should know that these masters of great supernatural powers also include Master Uncle."

Qing Yu is very close to Wang Shu.

Because Xuanhua Mountain and Xuanxia Mountain are very close, Qing Yu sometimes goes to Xuanxia Mountain.

Qingyu said seriously: "I hope that Master Uncle can achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible."

Kong Xuan said: "Master Uncle is so outstanding, he will naturally achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Where did Qingyou go? I can't sense Qingyou's energy in Xuanhua Mountain."

Qingyu said leisurely: "It was when Senior Brother Mi Luo came to find Qingyou that he said he wanted to go to the world of creation. You should know that Senior Brother Mi Luo is a creature derived from the world of creation."

"I have always wanted to go to the world of creation after sublimation, and after hearing about it, Senior Brother Qingyou also wanted to go to the world of creation and see what it looks like."

"The world of creation has endless power covering the world. Even the Daluo Jinxian cannot see the scene inside through the long river of time and fate. Everything is Too chaotic. "

Kong Xuan smiled and said, "Don't even mention the Daluo Jinxian. Even I can't see the scene in the world of creation clearly. This should be the realm of Hunyuan. After all, the Great Thousand World is the same level as the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. "

Qingyu sighed, "I wonder if Senior Brother Mi Luo will be very disappointed. I heard from Master that his tribe can no longer be found in the world of creation. "

Kong Xuan said, "He will accept it slowly. The tribes in the Middle Thousand Worlds are born and die. How can they exist for a long time? There will inevitably be disasters. "

Qingyu smiled and said, "If the most eternal thing in this world should be the realm of Hunyuan. "

Kong Xuan smiled and said, "This is also the reason why sentient beings want to pursue the realm of Hunyuan so much. "

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