The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 412 Splitting Peach Mountain

The creature leading Yang Jian said, "Of course, she is the daughter of Emperor Xuanyuan, and she once defeated Chi You head-on."

Chi You Yang Jian naturally knew who it was.

Yang Jian exclaimed, "She is so powerful."

There was a different light in Yang Chan's eyes.

Yang Chan thought that the woman in red was dazzling, and she also wanted to be a woman like that, a powerful female fairy.

After walking for a while.

The person leading Yang Jian and Yang Chan stopped and said, "Look, that's Emperor Yu."

Yang Jian and Yang Chan looked and saw a lake not far away.

The lake was not very big. What attracted Yang Jian and Yang Chan's attention was a man standing next to the lake. The moment they saw him, an extraordinary demeanor came to their faces.

Yang Jian walked over with Yang Chan.

Yang Jian said, "Emperor Yu."

Dayu turned around and said, "I already know your intention."

Yang Jian asked, "What does Emperor Yu mean?"

Dayu said, "I can give you the axe, I hope you can save your mother."

Yang Jian said gratefully, "Thank you Emperor Yu for your help."

Dayu had memories of the past. He was brought up by Kong Xuan since he was a child, and he had a different feeling for Kong Xuan, so when Yang Jian came to borrow the axe, Emperor Yu did not hesitate at all.

Although this is a treasure that can be compared with the best innate spiritual treasure.

The axe that Chen Yuan refined was a post-natal top-grade spiritual treasure, which can be compared with the top-grade innate spiritual treasure. Later, the merit of flood control fell, which improved the grade of the axe.

It became a post-natal merit treasure.

The power can be comparable to the best innate spiritual treasure.

Dayu said, "You don't have to thank me, thank my teacher if you want to thank me."

Yang Jian was very puzzled.

After all, there is no legend about Kong Xuan, which is related to Kong Xuan's hiding behind the scenes.

Yang Jian asked: "I wonder who is Emperor Yu's teacher."

Dayu said: "Kong Xuan..."

Yang Jian's doubts were solved, and he understood why he could definitely borrow the axe.

A magic axe appeared in Dayu's hand.

The edge of the magic axe was too blazing. The most powerful treasure in the prehistoric world is the axe of opening the sky, which has the power to destroy the prehistoric world.

It is unknown how much it surpasses the innate treasure.

Although the axe in Dayu's hand cannot be compared with the axe of opening the sky, it is also extraordinary.

Yang Jian took the axe from Dayu and was very happy, even though this treasure had to be returned.

But it was also after saving his mother.

Dayu continued: "You go back, I won't keep you, you still have to save your mother."

Yang Jian said: "Yes..."

Then Yang Jian took Yang Chan away.

When leaving Huoyun Palace.

When Yang Chan saw the daughter of Xuanyuan, Nüba smiled at her, which made Yang Chan, who was also a woman, very intoxicated. Nüba was too beautiful, very charming.

After leaving Huoyun Palace...

Yang Jian said to Yang Chan: "We are going to Taoshan."

Yang Chan said: "Okay."

Then the two of them went to Taoshan. The flying speed in the virtual world was very fast.

Time passed in a flash.

The two arrived at Taoshan.

Yang Jian and Yang Chan saw Taoshan in the distance, surrounded by clouds and mist, too tall.

Yang Jian saw a light film that ordinary creatures could not see.

The light film covered Taoshan, preventing creatures outside from entering it, and creatures inside from leaving. This layer of light film separated Taoshan from the outside world.

Taoshan was like a small world that could be self-sufficient.

Not affected by the outside world.

Yang Chan said: "This layer of light film is too powerful."

Yang Jian's hand appeared with a mountain-splitting axe.

The Mountain-Splitting Axe has an extraordinary restraint on the immortal mountains and blessed places in the world. After all, this treasure was originally made to split mountains and rivers.

Yang Chan asked Yang Jian, "Brother, do you have enough mana?"

Yang Jian smiled and said, "Enough, just watch."

At this moment, a creature appeared in front of Yang Jian and Yang Chan.

He looked dignified and said, "What are you doing in Taoshan? Don't you know that this is a forbidden place in heaven? No living creature can come here. Since you don't know, I won't pursue you. Why don't you leave quickly?"

Yang Jian laughed and said, "How can you leave? Do you know who is sealed inside?"

The guarding creature said, "Of course I know. It's Princess Yao Ji."

Yang Jian said, "Since you know it's Princess Yao Ji, do you know why she was locked up?"

The guarding creature said, "It was the princess who disregarded the rules of heaven and reunited with a mortal and gave birth to three children, which angered His Majesty."

Yang Jian said seriously, "Now you know who I am."

The guarding creature couldn't believe it and said in shock, "You are Princess Yao Ji's child, how is it possible."

Yang Jian didn't reply.

Yang Jian displayed his magical power of controlling the heaven and earth. Yang Jian's body became extremely tall, and his muscles bulged all over his body, as if he contained endless power.

Yang Jian looked at Taoshan in front of him.

Yang Jian was very excited.

The guarding creature said loudly: "You don't want to die. You can survive because the Emperor of Heaven did not pursue it. If you dare to attack Taoshan, you will die without a burial place."

Yang Jian said loudly: "First of all, I can survive, not relying on the mercy of my uncle. He wanted to kill all three of us brothers and sisters."

"And my father died at the hands of the heavenly soldiers, but we are lucky enough to survive. Now is the time for our family to reunite. I wonder where my eldest brother is."

Yang Jian no longer hesitated.

He swung the splitting axe in his hand and chopped towards Taoshan. This axe contained all of Yang Jian's strength. The splitting axe was a treasure of acquired merit, which made Yang Jian's mana not very huge.

He could also exert great power.

The guarding creatures naturally couldn't let Yang Jian split Taoshan.

Although in his opinion, Yang Jian's power was not strong, he didn't dare to gamble. He was guarding the creatures here. If Taoshan had a mistake.

If Haotian blamed him, he would be in danger.

For the sake of his own life.

He could only stop it.

A treasure appeared in Yang Chan's hand. It was a lamp with a weak flame burning on it. It seemed nothing unusual.

This was a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

As a disciple of Nuwa, it was easy for Nuwa to give Yang Chan a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

You should know that every disciple of Chen Yuan has a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

The Lotus Lantern burst into a huge flame, burning towards the guarding creature. Although this creature was an early Golden Immortal, he could not compare with Yang Chan, who was also in the early Golden Immortal stage.

The best innate spiritual treasure can greatly improve the power of the Golden Immortal.

Yang Jian was focused.

A bright axe light slashed towards Taoshan, and the first thing to be hit was the light film covering Taoshan, which protected Taoshan tightly.

This layer of light film was formed by the formation.

The formation was not arranged by the Daluo Golden Immortal Tianqing, but by the power left by Haotian on Tianqing, so the power contained in the light film was very powerful.

This is why there is only one Golden Immortal guarding the door.

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