The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 410 Kong Xuan's Guidance

Yang Jian saw Qingyou and Kong Xuan.

They all feel that they are extremely outstanding and are one of the few existences in the world.

Yang Jian listened to Qing Yu and said: "The one with the black and white Qingyun is the senior brother, and the other with the five-color Qingyun is the second senior brother."

Yang Jian asked: "What are they doing? It seems that the atmosphere of the avenue here is particularly strong."

Qing Yu said: "They are discussing the Tao, which makes the Tao full of flavor."

Yang Jian nodded as if he understood something, and said: "That's amazing..."

When Kong Xuan and Qing Yu noticed Qing Yu's arrival, they stopped. They also stopped discussing Tao from time to time to digest what they had gained from discussing Tao. Kong Xuan and Qing You discussed Tao.

The biggest gain is Qingyou, after all, Qingyou's realm is even lower.

But Kong Xuan's cultivation level is higher in the quasi-sage stage, so the natural gains are relatively low.

Kong Xuan and Qing You both restrained their blazing divine light and became much more restrained.

Kong Xuan walked up to Qing Yu and said, "I wonder what junior sister wants from us."

Qing Yu smiled and said, "It's about Yang Jian."

Qingyou glanced at Yang Jian for a few times, but didn't see anything surprising. Qingyou didn't understand why the master let Yang Jian stay in Xuanhua Mountain.

Qingyou is puzzled.

Qingyou said: "What can happen to Yang Jian? He is only in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. Even though his body is very powerful, most peak Golden Immortals can't match him."

Kong Xuan glanced at Yang Jian in surprise and said, "He must have practiced some kind of extraordinarily powerful technique that allows both the physical body and the soul to practice at the same time. This technique is extremely mysterious."

Yang Jian did not hide anything and said: "This is the Nine-Nine Mysterious Technique taught by Tianzun. It is a method of cultivating both body and soul."

Qingyou nodded.

He doesn't have much interest. The most important thing for him now is not to cultivate his physical body, but to break through to the quasi-sage realm. This is the most important thing.

Qingyou said: "Then you should practice Jiujiu Xuan Gong hard."

Yang Jian said seriously: "Yes..."

Kong Xuan asked: "What's the matter with Yang Jian?"

Qing Yu said: "It's like this. Yang Jian wants to save his mother, but his strength is slightly weaker, so the chance of success is not very high."

Kong Xuan smiled and said: "Yang Jian, since you want to save your mother, then go ahead and do it. I support you."

Yang Jian felt extremely warm.

He never thought that Face Xuan would be so supportive of him when he met him for the first time, which was beyond Yang Jianqu's expectation.

Qingyou touched Kong Xuan and said, "It's not easy for us brothers and sisters to take action personally. Haotian is so powerful that he is at the pinnacle of quasi-sage."

"But it won't appear on Peach Mountain. There is nothing to be afraid of. But Haotian's other abilities are not great, but his ability to complain is first-rate."

Kong Xuan paused and said, "Exactly, Sanqing Saint is a little worried because of Haotian's complaint."

Qing Yu said: "Since the two senior brothers can't take action, is there any good way?"

Kong Xuan walked back and forth. His mind was clear, and after a while he had a flash of inspiration and said: "We can't take action. After all, if Haotian files a complaint with Dao Ancestor, it will inevitably embarrass the master. This is absolutely unacceptable."

Qingyou said: "From the look on my junior brother's face, he seems to have thought of a way. Can you tell me?"

Kong Xuan smiled and said: "There is nothing to say. Since we can't do it ourselves, we can let Yang Jian do it himself."

Qing Yu said: "The chance of Yang Jian going to save his mother alone is not high, so he wanted to ask two senior brothers for help."

"But how can it be possible for Yang Jian to go alone and rescue his mother? Haotian must have deployed powerful forces in Taoshan."

Kong Xuan said confidently: "Of course I won't let Yang Jian go like this."

Yang Jian asked curiously: "I don't know how to let me go."

Kong declared: "There is a treasure in this world that is specially designed to control the mountains. It can split the fairy mountains and cut open the rivers."

The green ghost's light flashed, and he understood what Kong Xuan was talking about, and said: "It's a mountain axe..."

The girl Qingyu said solemnly: "But the Tianshan Mountain is in the hands of Dayu. Now that Dayu has gone to Huoyun Palace, you don't want the master to refine another mountain-breaking ax."

Kong Xuanhan said with a smile: "Of course not. Although I ask Master, Master will help me refine it, but it will be too troublesome for Master."

Qingyou said: "Since we don't ask the master to refine it, we can only borrow it. The mountain-breaking ax in Dayu's hand has the merit of water control, which makes the power of the mountain-breaking ax more powerful, and using it consumes very little mana."

Kong Xuan agreed: "Not bad..."

Yang Jian asked: "Can Dayu be Emperor Yu? He can control the floods in the world and have great merits for the human race."

Qingyou pointed at Kong Xuan next to him and said: "When it comes to controlling the flood, my junior brother also contributed a lot. He killed Wu Zhiqi."

Kong Xuan said sternly: "I told you earlier, it's the third junior brother's credit. I was just a helper. At that time, I was only at the peak of Daluo Golden Immortal. How could I be the opponent of Quasi-Saint."

Yang Jian felt that he was in Xuanhua Mountain.

The creatures I heard or saw were all extremely powerful. Unlike when I was a human race, I saw only ordinary humans. I saw earthly immortals a few times at most, but I couldn't see the real world at all.

Yang Jian lamented the magic of opportunities.

He originally thought that he was an ordinary human being, but he never thought that he was the nephew of Haotian, the Lord of Heaven, even though Haotian wanted to kill his nephew.

After all, in Haotian's opinion.

This is his stain, not something worth celebrating.

Qingyou said: "It's hard for us to take action. Just go to Huoyun Palace and ask Dayu to borrow the mountain axe."

Yang Jian asked uncertainly: "Will Emperor Yu lend it to me?"

Kong Xuan said: "Yes, as long as you go, you don't have to worry about these things."

Yang Jian said: "Then when will I leave?"

Kong Xuan said: "Now."

Yang Jian did not hesitate and said: "Okay..."

Then Yang Jian went to the outside world, and the light film that would have stopped Yang Jian from leaving also quietly opened. Ling Zhuzi, who was wearing red clothes in the distance, watched this scene and did not come over.

At this time, Ling Zhuzi's mind gradually matured.

He did not want to leave Xuanhua Mountain just because he saw the light film opened.

Time will change everything.

The breeze on the mountain blew Qingyu's hair, and Qingyu asked Kong Xuan, "Will Yang Jian succeed?"

Kong Xuan smiled and said: "It should be..."

Qingyu said: "Senior brother, are you sure?"

Kong Xuan did not answer.

Qingyou said at this time: "Qingyu, Master asked you to teach Yang Jian, how does it feel to be a teacher?"

Qingyu smiled and said: "It's okay, Yang Jian is not a stupid person, it's easy for him to understand the truth I said, but after he became a terrestrial immortal, he learned a new set of skills, and there is not much I can teach him."

Qingyou said: "Junior sister, do you want to discuss the Tao with us?"

Qingyu asked: "Is this okay..."

Kong Xuan said: "Of course it's okay."

Kong Xuan has a good impression of Qingyu. He regards Qingyu as his sister, which is related to the fact that they both have the blood of the Phoenix Clan.

So Kong Xuan takes good care of Qingyu.

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