The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 399 Yao Ji descends to the mortal world

Hongjun said: "Where are you Yuanshi?"

Yuanshi Tianzun heard Hongjun ask him and said: "Teacher, my disciples are all moral people and should not be on the list."

Hongjun didn't say anything, he didn't comment, then he looked at Tongtian and said, "Where are you, Tongtian?"

Tongtian heard Hongjun ask him.

Instead of being like Yuanshi Tianzun, he selected a few disciples to be on the list. These disciples are all immoral and low-level immortals, and they are the black sheep among the Jiejiao.

Tongtian put these beings on the list of gods.

No regrets at all.

Zhunti said: "We in the West, the Western Church, will not be involved in this matter."

Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but look at Taiyi.

After all, there are many demon clans under Taiyi's command. If these demon clans can be listed on the list, the vacancies on the list of gods can be filled and the vacancies can be filled.

This is over.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Taiyi, you have many monster clans under your command. You can fill in some of them or make up for the vacancies."

Taiyi looked as usual and was not irritated by Yuanshi Tianzun. He said: "It was me and Di Jun who opened up the heaven. I can't stand the current heaven. You still want people from the demon clan to go to heaven and become gods. This is impossible."

Seeing Taiyi's determined look, Yuanshi Tianzun knew that this was impossible.

He said no more, turned his eyes, and saw the Holy Hunyuan on the field.

The rest have not established a religion, and even if they accept disciples, they will only have very few disciples. Naturally, it is impossible for these sacred disciples to go to heaven and become gods. Yuanshi Tianzun knows this very well.

Nothing more was said.

There are still very few names on the list of gods.

Taiyi continued: "Yuanshi Tianzun, it was you who insulted Haotian. The whole thing started because of you. You should at least send some disciples to heaven to become gods."

Yuanshi Tianzun naturally disagreed.

He only has a dozen disciples. If he really sends some, he will not have many disciples. Doesn't this mean that he, Yuanshi Tianzun, is cultivating disciples for Haotian.

How could Yuanshi Tianzun do such a thing.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "This is impossible."

The following is what the sage and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian said.

It did not surprise Hongjun that the saint and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian were the highest-ranking existences in the world, although Hongjun was more powerful than both the saint and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But Hongjun is still within the scope of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

How could the saint and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian make wedding clothes for Haotian?

This was impossible, and things reached a deadlock. Hongjun's eyes were as deep as a deep pool, and he couldn't see any joy or anger.

He seemed indifferent to the sight before him.

I asked Hongjun and said, "Teacher, why don't we forget about this matter and let Haotian find outstanding people to become gods in heaven."

Hongjun had supreme power flowing around his body. Hearing what Lao Tzu said, he said: "Put this matter aside for now. You go back first and we will discuss it after three yuan meetings."

Hongjun's tone was firm.

The Saint and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian knew that Hongjun had not given up. If the person above was not Hongjun, the Saint and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian would not care.

But Hongjun is the ancestor of Taoism, and his body conforms to the way of heaven.

How supreme is the strength.

Even the most powerful Luo Hu below felt awe-inspiring, and naturally he would not turn a deaf ear to Hongjun's words. Laozi, Yuanshi, and Tongtian were all lost in thought.

Thinking about where to find so many gods of heaven and earth, I and Yuan Shi looked at each other.

Then they separated.

They all understood what the other party was thinking, but they didn't want to use it unless they had to.

After all, the consequences are serious.

Hongjun disappeared, and the group of people looked at each other, showing no interest in talking, and returned to their respective dojos across endless time and space.

Chen Yuan looked indifferent when he returned to Xuanhua Mountain.

Even though he knew that a calamity was about to happen, Chen Yuan's heart did not fluctuate much. He was in the sixth level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

This is the source of Chen Yuan’s confidence.

Chen Yuan thought of Hongjun and his eyes were extremely solemn. When he saw Hongjun this time, a mysterious and mysterious force surrounded Hongjun.

Chen Yuan couldn't see what Hongjun's state was.

He only knows that Hongjun is extremely powerful and cannot be competed by him.

This was not beyond Chen Yuan's expectation. Hongjun had a jade certificate of creation that contained three thousand avenues. Although the jade certificate of creation was no longer the treasure of chaos.

But at least it has the level of Chaos Spiritual Treasure.

The Jade Certificate of Good Fortune contains the Three Thousand Great Ways. This is the transcendent aspect of the Jade Certificate of Good Fortune and can play a great role in cultivation.

The obtained beings can easily transcend all living beings.

It is true that the Jade Certificate of Creation contains too many mysteries. It would be strange if its master could not escape from all living beings.

Chen Yuan walked into Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

Looking at the netherworld through endless time and space, Kong Xuan and his senior brother Qingyou are here together, and the two of them assist Emperor Fengdu in managing the six paths of reincarnation.

There are so many things you can encounter here.

Some creatures that are extremely difficult to encounter, beautiful or ugly, strong or weak, and all kinds of incredible creatures can be seen.

This made Kong Xuan and Qing You feel even more transcendent.

Chen Yuan has no intention of letting Kong Xuan and Qing You come back if they survive the upcoming catastrophe of heaven and earth in Netherworld.

Very good too.

Other saints will not know that this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, but what kind of existence Hongjun is. When Hongjun first joined the Tao, he said that he would not appear unless it was a catastrophe of heaven and earth, or some extremely important things.

Being invited by Haotian this time was extremely unusual at first glance.

Chen Yuan knew how the Pangu universe evolved in the past, and then he knew that there would be a catastrophe next, and perhaps the prehistoric continent would be shattered.

Chen Yuan's slightly fluctuating mind regained its calm.

He no longer paid attention to the outside world, and fell into the ocean of the Great Dao, and his realm was growing bit by bit.

Until one day, a shocking change occurred, and he achieved a higher realm.

The sun rose and the moon set in the outside world countless times, and ordinary creatures did not know how many times they reincarnated. Only the Golden Immortal Realm could look down on this scene.

This day...

Above the thirty-three heavens.

A fairy appeared in the first heaven of the heavens. She looked at the East Heaven Gate in the distance with a hesitant look.

She was Haotian's sister Yao Ji, and Yao Ji's reputation was not loud in the world.

Yao Ji looked at her dress.

She wanted to go to the prehistoric continent, but such an idea was destined not to be recognized by Haotian. Haotian only had Yao Ji as a sister, so he naturally did not want Yao Ji to fall into danger.

The prehistoric continent was not an ordinary place.

There were countless great masters, saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who had dojo in the prehistoric continent.

Even if Haotian had the peak of Quasi-Sage.

But he is definitely not the most powerful being. In addition, he recently offended Yuanshi Tianzun, and other saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian did not like Haotian very much.

Who made Haotian go to complain?

Hongjun and others could not deal with him, but they certainly did not want to give Haotian a good face.

Yao Ji changed her expression and walked towards the East Heaven Gate, which was located in the first heaven of the heaven.

East of Taihuang Huang Zengtian.

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