The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 396 The Golden Immortal Falls to the North

Demon Ancestor Rahu came to the Peach Festival, something that people with great supernatural powers never expected.

I was extremely surprised.

Haotian, who was on the throne, quickly came down. He didn't want Luo Hu to have any objections to him.

Even with Dao Ancestor here, Haotian feels he has no bottom.

Haotian walked to the door and said: "When Taibai Jinxing came to invite the Demon Ancestor, I didn't expect that the Demon Ancestor actually came and made the Lingxiao Palace shine."

Luo Hu looked at Haotian with a smile and said, "As long as you don't scold me in your heart."

Haotian was sweating. He did greet Luo Hu countless times. Haotian didn't want Luo Hu to come to Lingxiao Palace at all. Luo Hu was too powerful.

It's not something Haotian can resist.

When facing other existences, it is best to stay far away, which is the best way.

Haotian said sternly: "How is that possible? I admire the Demon Ancestor very much."

He didn't even believe what Haotian said.

At this time...

A blue mysterious light filled the sky, covering all time and space...

The entire Daluotian is filled with rich vitality. The immortals above Daluotian feel extremely relaxed and aware of some hidden wounds, Dao wounds, and spiritual wounds that are difficult to cure.

Everything is fine now.

They were very grateful.

"I didn't expect fellow Taoist Luo Hu to come first. Pindao thought he was the fastest."

Haotian was relieved when he saw that the person who came was the Heavenly Lord of Creation, but he was not too happy, and Haotian didn't think he was in danger.

As long as he is still the Emperor of Heaven.

Luo Hu would not really do anything to Haotian.

Luo Hu turned his head and said to Chen Yuan: "I just want to see what the Peach Blossom Festival will be like, and I am inevitably a little anxious, which makes Tianzun laugh."

"I would also like to hold a grand event in the demon world, but it's a pity that the spiritual roots of heaven and earth are difficult to find."

Luo Hu looked at a certain area, where the peach tree was.

Haotian's heart couldn't help but tighten.

I was worried that Rahu would take away the peach tree, but Hongjun separated the peach tree so that it could have a lot of fruits.

If there are too few flat peaches.

It won't have much effect on heaven, and it won't benefit low-level immortals.

And the number of immortals joining Heaven will decrease.

Chen Yuan said: "There are still some spiritual roots that have not been found. As long as Demon Ancestor looks for them carefully, he should be able to find them."

Luo Hu wanted to say that finding the innate spiritual roots was very troublesome.

How easy it is to grab.

Luo Hu did not take action in the end. Luo Hu was worried about drawing Hongjun out. After all, it was Hongjun who gave the peach tree to Yaochi.

Luo Hu has no scruples about grabbing women's things.

If Luo Hu was stronger than Hongjun, Luo Hu would naturally not have the slightest concern.

The peach tree will be brought over soon.

Haotian said: "You two, there are seats prepared for you two inside, please come inside."

Luo Hu and Chen Yuan walked in.

There were Da Luo Jinxian and great supernatural powers inside, as well as some of their descendants. Only then did they enter the Lingxiao Palace. Many creatures looked at Chen Yuan and Luo Hu curiously.

They saw Haotian going to greet him in person.

But when their teacher arrived, Haotian didn't go to greet him.

There are many seats next to Haotian's seat, the height is the same as Haotian's seat.

Luo Hu went to the seat on the right, and Chen Yuan went to the seat on the left.

Chen Yuan was about to sit on it.

At this time, a human wearing imperial uniform walked up to Chen Yuan, bowed first, and said respectfully: "Master."

Many human beings were extremely surprised.

They never thought that the Qinghua Emperor of the East, who controlled all species in the three realms and assisted the Supreme Emperor in controlling the growth of all things, was a disciple of the Heavenly Lord of Creation.

The most widely circulated story about Chen Yuan is that he and Nuwa created humans.

Later, he became a disciple of the Suiren clan, although many living beings knew about it.

But knowing that people all have advanced realms, it has not spread widely among the human race. Ordinary races have life spans.

It won't last forever.

After Chen Yuan sat down, he said: "You are quite diligent in your cultivation. Now you are in the late stage of Quasi-Sage, and you may have the hope of becoming a Hunyuan in the future."

Zhen Yuanzi heard this.

His heart was very complicated. The gap between him and the Suiren family was very small, just a small gap in realm. This made Zhen Yuanzi feel a lot of pressure.

It’s just that it’s too difficult to prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Zhen Yuanzi also didn’t know how beings such as the God of Creation, Taiyi of the Eastern Emperor, the Taoist of the World, and the Demon Ancestor Luohu attained enlightenment.

You must know that saints rely on Hongmeng purple energy to become saints.

But Chen Yuan and the others were able to realize the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian without using the Hongmeng Purple Qi. This was creating a miracle out of the impossible.

It's not something ordinary beings can do.

Suirenshi said: "I dare not expect the realm of Hunyuan, it is too transcendent and difficult to prove."

Chen Yuan didn't say anything. He saw the human next to Suiren and said, "This must be your disciple."

Suirenshi pushed Beiluo next to him and said, "Exactly."

"Why don't you call me Master quickly?"

Beiluo bowed and said respectfully: "Master, my name is Beiluo, and I am Master's only disciple."

Chen Yuan saw that Beiluo had the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

It is very extraordinary. Compared with Miluo's cultivation level, only Kong Xuan and the others can beat Bei Luo. Bei Luo's brows contain a strong murderous aura.

Let others not dare to look down upon you.

Chen Yuan took out a sword and said: "This is an innate sword. Its attack is extremely powerful, so I will give it to you."

Bei Luo took the sword from Chen Yuan's hand.

From the sword, he could feel the Tao that was very suitable for him. This made Beiluo very happy and he quickly said: "Thank you, Master, for the treasure."

Suddenly there was a voice, and I didn't know who it was from.

"This is actually a top-grade innate spiritual treasure."

Many creatures looked at the top-grade innate spiritual treasure in Beiluo's hand with greedy eyes, and some great masters also looked at it with burning eyes.

Although you can break through the realm without beheading the corpse.

But after beheading the corpse, you will be more friendly to the great way of heaven and earth and practice faster.

Many creatures want innate spiritual treasures, but there is a limit to the number of innate spiritual treasures, and generally there will be no increase.

Only the innate treasure Qiankun Ding can refine innate spiritual treasures.

But Qiankun Ding fell into the hands of the World Tianzun, and the World Tianzun was not interested in innate spiritual treasures. He had no disciples.

There was no need to refine innate spiritual treasures.

What's more, refining innate spiritual treasures requires the consumption of luck, which can make the practice faster. Qiankun Ding refined an innate spiritual treasure once.

That was because the world was curious about how innate spiritual treasures were refined.

The luck consumed in refining innate spiritual treasures made the world feel distressed for a long time.

Later, they were no longer willing to refine innate spiritual treasures. It was obvious that they could refine acquired spiritual treasures, but they were not as mysterious as innate spiritual treasures, and the power they contained was not weaker. The world did not want to refine innate spiritual treasures.

It was too unnecessary.

Although the saints knew that Qiankun Ding could refine innate spiritual treasures, they also knew that refining innate spiritual treasures required luck. Luck can be said to be the power of the origin of the prehistoric world, which can have the magical ability to transform acquired into innate.

Luck is really too magical.

Luck is, to some extent, a manifestation of Pangu's power. The prehistoric world was opened up by Pangu.

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