The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 389 Pangu in the Chaos Space

Chen Yuan is the master of the wheel of fortune.

After refining the forty-eight innate divine prohibitions of the Fortune Roulette, Chen Yuan could clearly see everything in the Fortune Roulette.

This is the core of the wheel of creation.

There are forty-nine innate divine prohibitions that are derived. As long as the forty-nine innate divine prohibitions are derived, the creation roulette will become an innate treasure.

It is still an innate treasure formed from the core of the Jade Certificate of Creation, and it is possible that it will become a more powerful treasure than the innate treasure in the future.


Chen Yuan felt a sudden change in the world. Chen Yuan was no longer in the world of creation and appeared in the chaotic space.

It is not a chaotic space beyond the sky.

It wasn't the space within the Chaos Bead. Chen Yuan didn't know where it was. Chen Yuan was stunned. Anyone who saw such a scene would also be stunned.

There is a big man in front of Chen Yuan.

The body is majestic.

The space around the big man is constantly changing, along with the big man's Qi.

One moment, the sun, moon, and galaxies were orbiting around the big man. The big man was the center of the galaxy and the master of all the stars. The next moment, there was demon soil appearing around the big man.

Sometimes it is an endless land.

There are many different scenes.

Chen Yuan was shocked because the big man was not an ordinary person. He looked exactly like Pangu. Chen Yuan observed carefully.

It was found that Pangu's eyes were closed tightly, and he seemed not to notice Chen Yuan's arrival.


Pangu's eyes opened.

His eyes were pale, looking at the world blankly, without spiritual fluctuations.

When I met Chen Yuan.

With a move of his hand, the boundless energy of chaos condensed, and a huge divine ax appeared in Pangu's hand.

The divine ax struck suddenly.

With supreme power, the surrounding chaotic energy was separated by the light of the axe.

Ax Light headed towards Chen Yuan without any hindrance.

Chen Yuan wanted to offer sacrifices to the Seventeenth Grade Good Fortune Green Lotus, but Chen Yuan discovered that there was no Seventeenth Grade Good Fortune Green Lotus, not even the God-killing Spear.

Chen Yuan is very strange.

Although there is no Seventeenth Grade Good Fortune Green Lotus, Chen Yuan is not panicked.

He still has the sixth level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and is very powerful. Even without the innate treasure, Chen Yuan's strength will not be reduced too much.

Chen Yuan's whole body was filled with mysterious light, and layers of brilliance enveloped Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan opened his hand, and the boundless energy of chaos gathered towards Chen Yuan.

The supreme divine thought changed the nature of the chaotic energy, condensed it into form, and a cyan divine ruler appeared in Chen Yuan's hand.

This is a treasure that Chen Yuan condensed into the form of the Great Way of Creation.

It has huge power. Although it cannot be compared with the innate treasure, it is still better than having no treasure at all.

The divine ruler burst out with a huge ruler shadow.

Slash towards the ax light.

The ax light and the chi shadow collided with each other. The ax light was more powerful. Part of the power of the ax light was offset by the chi shadow, but it still came towards Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan's body flashed and appeared in an extremely far away place, avoiding the power of the ax light.

Chen Yuan looked at Pangu solemnly.

Chen Yuan knew that this was not the real Pangu. If he met the real Pangu, he should not think about fighting Pangu.

This is impossible.

Pangu's power was not something Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could deal with.

Chen Yuan felt that Pangu's figure was a bit illusory, and illusion was only relative. Compared with ordinary immortals, Pangu was extremely real, but in Chen Yuan's view, Pangu was a bit illusory.

Chen Yuan didn't think he was hallucinating.

Pangu is definitely not Pangu himself. The Pangu here should be just a spiritual thought, which explains why Pangu is so weak.

Chen Yuan thought to himself: "The Chaos Pearl Spirit said that Pangu was asleep. If he didn't lie, it would explain the reason why Pangu had no spirituality."

Knowing that it was just a divine thought from Pangu, Chen Yuan did not take it lightly.

The appearance of Pangu Divine Mind did not surprise Chen Yuan too much.

The wheel of creation is the core of the jade ultimatum of good fortune, and it is inextricably related to Pangu. It is completely possible for Pangu to have a ray of divine thought in the wheel of good fortune.

Chen Yuan and Pangu's spiritual thoughts fought together.

The battle produced huge aftermath, causing the energy of chaos to roll.

There are worlds arising and passing away.

Fighting with Pangu's divine will, Chen Yuan could only use his own strength, and all the innate treasures were gone. Chen Yuan suspected that this was an illusion, although he thought it was an illusion.

But Chen Yuan had no intention of giving up the fight.

Chen Yuan didn't know what abilities Pangu Divine Mind had.

But if he fell in the illusion, he might fall in the real world, and Chen Yuan would not feel any danger when facing Luohu.

But Pangu was the ancestral god who opened the sky.

Beyond the existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, no one knows how powerful Pangu is.

Chen Yuan mobilized all his own power to unleash what he had learned and understood throughout his life. Sometimes it was the magical power of thunder, and the infinite divine thunder of creation was densely surrounding Pangu's divine mind.

The divine thunder is arranged according to the shape of the Zhoutian star formation.

The blooming of power is at the same moment.

In an instant, there was a vast expanse of whiteness in the chaos, and the power was blazing to the extreme.

Pangu's divine mind, shrouded in divine thunder, did not use any magical powers. He just used his divine ax to split open the vast white chaotic world.

The sea of ​​thunder turned into a void.

Nothing existed anymore. Chen Yuan saw that such a powerful sea of ​​divine thunder could not do anything to Pangu's divine will. Chen Yuan was not discouraged.

The next moment.

The Divine Ruler of Creation in Chen Yuan's hand turned into the Divine Sword of Creation. The Divine Sword was so cold that it flashed with the power to destroy three thousand worlds.

The sword energy is everywhere.

The sword energy is pure blue and contains extremely blazing power.

The sword qi combined into a formation, echoing each other, rotating and cutting around Pangu Shennian, containing the power to destroy the world, and the sword formation closed.

Pangu Shennian still had no expression on his face in the face of this scene, as if everything he did was an instinctive reaction.

Pangu Shennian's actions were extremely simple.

He just swung the magic axe, and the blazing axe light slashed out, and the axe light shattered the sword formation around him.

Chen Yuan saw the broken sword formation.

The sword of creation in his hand changed its form again, turning into a bead, which was extremely chaotic.

Contained the supreme avenue.

This was a treasure transformed by Chen Yuan according to the Chaos Bead. The Chaos Bead is a chaotic spiritual treasure.

It has extremely strong power.

And the transformation into a Chaos Bead can also have very strong power.

Chen Yuan sacrificed the transformed Chaos Bead and went to Pangu Shennian. Pangu Shennian swung the magic axe in his hand again, but this time it was blocked by the Chaos Bead and could not break the Chaos Bead.

Chen Yuan's face lit up.

Seeing the dawn of victory, Chen Yuan didn't wait for anything and attacked Pangu's divine consciousness.

Pangu was majestic and tall.

Even with a stronger power, it was not easy to defeat Pangu's divine consciousness. The terrifying fluctuations swept through the chaos. If the war took place in the prehistoric world.

I don't know how much area would be destroyed.

The battle was very difficult. Although relying on the Chaos Pearl, he could gain some advantages, but it was extremely difficult to completely defeat Pangu's divine consciousness.

Chen Yuan felt very tired.

Chen Yuan didn't know how long it had been since he had felt this way, even when fighting with Luohou.

Pangu was really too extraordinary.

Chen Yuan didn't dare to relax at all, and could only fight with all his strength.

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