The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 38 Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag

This incident is a good excuse for Zulong to find a reason to officially start the war.

Zulong wants to be the Lord of the Great Desolate World, to have all spirits, gods, immortals, demons and all the ways bow down at his feet, to become the only ancestor and saint of the Great Desolate World, to have the sun and moon rise with his will, fall.

Even Hongjun and Luo Hu must bow at his feet.

To achieve such an achievement, we must get rid of the Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan, the two most threatening existences.

Thinking of this, Zulong replied without any hesitation: "My son died in the hands of your Feng clan. As long as you hand over the murderer, I will leave now. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Fengzu's eyes were deep and cold, and the flames surrounding her suddenly disappeared, and he said loudly: "If you want to provoke a war, the world must be murderous. I don't know how it will end. ”

Zulong was extremely domineering, and even more powerful pressure spread around, but was blocked by Fengzu's red light. He said coldly: "Since you don't want to, then wait for our army to come and flatten your Fengzu."

After saying that, Zu Long left here. Seeing Zu Long leave, Feng Zu did not stop him. If there was a battle here, the Feng Clan would definitely become a dead zone.

Such destruction was too powerful, so Feng Zu had no way to stop it.

Feng Zu turned around and went back, ready to fight.

Suddenly, the acquired spiritual treasures were stored and distributed. These acquired spiritual treasures were the result of the Phoenix Clan's exploration of weapon refining over the years.

It is even more powerful than Chen Yuan's achievements. There is no way Chen Yuan can compare with the Phoenix Clan in this regard. He only refines some things to assist him, such as some palaces and some clothes to wear.

He has no intention of refining other things. His main focus is still on cultivation, but there are dedicated people in the Phoenix Clan who are responsible for refining weapons.

The main focus is on refining weapons, but this will inevitably have consequences, and the cultivation will be delayed.

This is the reason why Chen Yuan does not specialize in refining weapons. He will not delay his cultivation for the sake of refining weapons.

This is a lack of priority, and you will definitely regret it in the future.

These treasures have the level of high-grade acquired spiritual treasures, which can be compared with the power of mid-grade innate spiritual treasures. However, the power is as high as that of innate spiritual treasures. There are many mysteries that cannot be compared with acquired treasures.

Acquired Lingbao has top quality, medium quality and low quality.

After Fengzu explained the matter, she headed towards Buzhou Mountain. She was going to see Qizu when she arrived here.

He did not spread his coercion, but just reminded himself that he had arrived.

Suddenly a tall man appeared, wearing a black suit with Qilin embroidered on it. Qi Zu was surprised when he saw Feng Zu arriving.

He doesn't know yet what's going on there.

Fengzu said: "Qizu, it's like this. Longzu is about to start a war. He uses our clan to kill one of his sons as an excuse. Who knows how many sons he has? Even if one of them dies, it's nothing." Big things have happened in recent years. This time, I used this incident as an excuse to think that the Dragon Clan is more powerful and want to destroy our Phoenix Clan. "

Qizu's expression was very cold. He didn't care about the life and death of the Feng clan. He said, "Please come back. I don't care about the grudges between you."

Feng Zu was not discouraged and continued: "How can the Dragon Clan be satisfied if they destroy my Feng Clan? Then they will destroy your Qilin Clan. If nothing is done now, it will be too late by then."

Qi Zu did not say anything about letting Feng Zu go this time, but said: "You are right. Their Dragon Clan has the most powerful ambitions and is the most powerful among our three clans. This time we will deal with the Dragon Clan together. From then on, we will manage the flood together."

Fengzu breathed a sigh of relief. She was worse than Zulong. This was a fact that she couldn't refute, and it was the reason why she let Zulong go so easily.

Even if you are afraid of a war in your own clan, you can chase him out. If you are not in your own clan, you can avoid such a thing.

The luck of the Dragon Clan is the most powerful, and the achievements of the Ancestral Dragon are the most dazzling.

It can be said that he is the most powerful among the three. This is also the reason why Zulong will provoke the war, because he is confident that he will win.

Chen Yuan, who was on the Taiyin Star, looked at the ancient land and found that there was a huge evil spirit rushing into the sky, and the avenue of heaven and earth became even more difficult to comprehend.

When practicing, it is easier to exit the state of cultivation.

Various signs let Chen Yuan know that a great disaster was about to happen.

"I have the Seventeenth Grade Good Fortune Green Lotus to suppress the Yuanshen, so the Yuanshen is very clear, and this Taiyin Star is not a strong place for the great calamity, so I am not affected by the great calamity."

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan looked towards the distance where Wangshu was and felt relieved when he saw that it was very quiet there.

I know that the calamity on the Taiyin Star is not serious and cannot affect Daluo Jinxian.

"He finally found a top-quality innate spiritual treasure. I'm afraid he will be extremely happy." Chen Yuan thought to himself.

The world Taoist looked at what he saw in front of him very happily. There was water vapor rising from a small flag, and it had an extremely mysterious aura. It was a top-quality innate spiritual treasure.

There are also mysterious fluctuations.

"I finally found one of the Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flags. If I can't find any, I'm afraid I'll have to lower my head next time I see you. It would be too embarrassing."

The world's Taoist finally breathed a sigh of relief. This was a famous treasure in the previous life. It had strong defensive power. This was even more rare. The defensive treasure was always more valuable than the offensive treasure.

This is still the best of the defensive treasures, only inferior to the innate treasures.

The world Taoist blind cat meets a dead mouse, he had no hope, just walking around casually.

When he walked to a place near the South China Sea, he encountered an innate formation, and originally thought it was just an ordinary innate spiritual treasure.

He was disappointed with his luck.

He was not very interested in ordinary innate spiritual treasures, only the best innate spiritual treasures were of great use to him.

But when he saw the Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag, he was very happy. With the best innate spiritual treasure, he had greater confidence.

The rest was to refine this best innate spiritual treasure. Fortunately, with his quasi-saint's Taoism, the speed of refining would be very fast.

Even if it was very fast, it would take the time of Yuanhui.

After all, it would take a lot of time to refine the last few innate divine prohibitions.

The Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure with forty-eight innate divine prohibitions, which is the best among the top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

If one more innate divine ban is added, it will be an innate treasure.

When the Taoist priest of the world was refining the Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag, the outside world had already begun a catastrophe.

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