The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 25 Palace Complex

"It's done. Judging from the quality, it should be on the level of an acquired spiritual treasure."

Acquired spiritual treasures are treasures refined by monks themselves, unlike innate spiritual treasures nurtured by heaven and earth.

Acquired treasures are not necessarily worse than innate treasures, but innate treasures contain great ways, and you can use them to understand the great ways that are compatible with you.

The acquired spiritual treasure cannot be compared.

Of course, the piece Chen Yuan refined cannot be compared with the innate spiritual treasure.

I threw this bead into the Jiutian Qingkong Tower. I worked hard to get it. If I use it to give it to others in the future, that's fine.

Now that it has been successful, it means that Chen Yuan has opened a door.

He continued to work hard at refining weapons, and made a lot of treasures that imitated his own innate spiritual treasures.

I have built several pagodas for my Jiutian Qingkong Pagoda, and some others.

Finally, relying on more skilled weapon refining methods, Chen Yuan took out an innate material.

After refining a piece of clothing, Chen Yuan saw here that this piece is an imitation of the Seventeenth Grade Creation Green Lotus.

So there is some defensive power.

It doesn't have much other effects, so it's more solid.

This already made Chen Yuan very satisfied.

This time it is a black gown with many patterns on it, including mountains and rivers.

He also refined one for his disciples, the color was white. Still satisfied.

Finally, it was refined with Youjin, and a connected palace was used as a future residence.

Chen Yuan was very satisfied, so he threw the palace to the ground, and it expanded in the wind, turning into a building covering an area of ​​ten miles.

Seeing this, Chen Yuan was satisfied for a while.

The middle one is the Xuanyuan Palace, where Chen Yuan is. There is also Qingyou Palace, and there are thirty-four unnamed palaces.

This is refined according to the number of Tiangang, there are thirty-six.

At this time, Qingyou had almost understood the technique and opened his eyes.

He was shocked to see such a magnificent building. Chen Yuan had told him about this before.

Qingyou didn't take it to heart.

He always thought that he didn't need a place to stay.

"Qingyou, this is where you will live from now on. These thirty-six palaces can make it easier to gather innate spiritual energy. From now on, you can practice in Qingyou Palace. You have already understood the techniques I gave you."

Qingyou nodded and said: "I have generally understood the technique, but there are still some things I don't understand."

Chen Yuan nodded, this is normal, and said: "Since you don't understand, then you can ask."

In the next year, Chen Yuan explained this technique. After there were no doubts in the end, Qingyou entered the practice.

When practicing this technique, you cannot enter the spirit treasure space.

There is nothing to do in the cave, but it cannot be in the spiritual treasure, it must be in the wilderness.

This is the reason why Chen Yuan did not put Qingyou into the Jiutian Qingkong Tower.

Chen Yuan has been in this cave for three thousand years and is ready to leave here. There is a chance in the outside world.

Even if I have to stay, it will be in the future when there won’t be many opportunities.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan no longer hesitated and headed outside.

As for Qingyou's safety, he is not too worried. Not everyone can be found here.

Having said that, Chen Yuan still arranged the entrance to make it more hidden.

In this state, Qingyou will replenish his innate origin, but it will take an extremely long time to wake up.

Looking for the secret door, he left the cave and came to the outside world. He took one last look at Qingyou and then turned around and left.

Time passed by slowly. It had been many years in Buzhou Mountain. Chen Yuan just walked by in a hurry and didn't take a serious look at it.

This time, Chen Yuan looked at the different scenery and gradually purified his mind, making his whole person more in tune with the Tao.

Especially since the strength of the body increases so quickly, it is extremely powerful and requires a stronger mind to control it.

There are 480 million spaces in his body, and these spaces can burst out with extremely huge power.

If it weren't for such a powerful force, it would be impossible to kill the ancestor of Yin and Yang.

The ancestor of Yin and Yang is an innate divine being with immense power.

It’s not bad even in terms of treasures.

Even if he was careless, if Chen Yuan's power was not strong, even if there was this moment of opportunity, Chen Yuan would not be able to seize it.

To strike iron, you need to be strong yourself. The power of Nine Transformations Xuan Gong is so powerful.

The soul with Chen Yuan has lost its balance. The Great God Pangu has an extremely majestic soul, not just the body.

Quietly feeling the body, you can see countless dots emitting light. These are the 480 million spaces.

This corresponds to the stars in the sky.

According to Chen Yuan, the stars in the sky were transformed from a part of Pangu. It is normal for Pangu to have some similarities with those who practiced the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique.

The cultivation techniques left traces in a prehistoric world and became a natural phenomenon in the prehistoric world.

It can be seen that the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique is superb.

But Chen Yuan obtained the power very easily, it was because of Pangu's bone marrow.

Without this bone marrow, it would have taken hundreds of yuanhui to have the current strength.

The disadvantage of the power obtained in this way is that there is unfamiliarity in the control of power.

Chen Yuan is slowly getting familiar with it and feels that his power is very powerful.

During the last battle with the Yin Yang Ancestor, this power had not been fully unleashed.

There are many wonderful uses that Chen Yuan has not yet understood.

Gradually I was immersed in it, forgetting to look at the outside world, and just walked casually.

If there is a trace of spiritual thought, looking at the outside world, if there is danger, he will wake up instantly and deal with it.

Thousands of years have passed.

Chen Yuan is still immersed in the world of Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art. Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art contains profound mysteries, which makes Chen Yuan often ponder for a long time. In this, he also understands many principles of heaven and earth.

There are small gains every moment, and I am becoming more and more familiar with the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful power came from a million miles away, causing Chen Yuan to wake up. This power was Da Luo's power.

Now Chen Yuan is no longer afraid of Daluo Jinxian.

If Chen Yuan had just faced the ancestor of Yin Yang and had some lack of confidence in Daluo Jinxian, he is now.

It has been able to use the power of 480 million spaces more skillfully.

Looking over there with his vast spiritual thoughts, he found that two Da Luo Jinxian were fighting, and the huge fluctuations spread this place millions of miles away.

It was completely destroyed, but fortunately this is Mount Buzhou.

With the majesty of the Great God Pangu, the fighting power here can be reduced, and if it is a prehistoric world, it can cause even more powerful destructive power.

After careful inspection, I found that Daluo Jinxian's battles mainly used treasures.

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