The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 197 The Netherworld

Di Jiang's inspiring words did not make Hou Tu feel relieved.

She is extremely smart and has strong worries about the future of the witch clan. Now a saint is born between heaven and earth.

Even if the power of the saint is not as good as Hongjun Daozu, he is still more powerful than the Wu clan.

Such a powerful saint was born.

Hou Tu did not believe that a saint would have no desires and desires, and just stay quietly in the ancient world. Hou Tu would not be so naive.

The saint will not have much kindness towards the Wu clan.

Hou Tuyan said: "Brother Di Jiang, you said you wanted to refine the Twelve Heavenly Demon God Banners last time. Now that we are gathered together this time, and with these, we have found many precious treasures and materials on the ancient land. It can already be refined into the Demon God Banner."

Di Jiang once said it, but left it alone...

At this time, Hou Tu mentioned it again, and other ancestral witches turned their eyes. They didn't refine it last time. The treasures needed to refine the twelve capital demon flags are not ordinary.

Di Jiang said: "In this case, let's start refining. These twelve demon god banners can greatly share our pressure. It will take longer to cast the twelve capital gods and evil formations. Prepare the materials and refine them outside. Will be influenced by the long river of time and destiny..."

Under the order of the ancestral witch, extremely precious materials were sent by the great witch.

There was a powerful spiritual light along the way, which made the saint who saw this scene a little confused. He just saw the precious materials being sent into Pangu Hall.


nether world

The long river of time and destiny is suddenly in turmoil, with crystal clear water splashing. Every drop of river water seems to contain the fate of all souls, and all souls are sinking and floating in it, unable to escape.

It seems like something extremely important is happening.

Chen Yuan in Xuanyuan Taoist Palace lowered his eyes to the nether world.

In the underworld, there is a vast sea of ​​blood.

The land of blood sea is not in the prehistoric world.

In the nether world, the yin and yang side of heaven and earth are opposite to each other, one up and one down.

The Netherworld is a gloomy place with no vegetation and no living beings. Ordinary creatures entering it will be eroded by the Netherworld's energy in the blink of an eye.

There is also a boundless sea of ​​​​blood, where birds and insects cannot come, and fish and shrimps are not happy. This dangerous and dangerous place has given birth to the innate sacredness of Styx, and it has also given birth to two innate swords, Abi and Yuantu.

There are twelve grade karma fire red lotuses accompanying it, and there are three top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

The innate sacredness accompanying the innate treasure at birth can overwhelm him. Yuantu Abi is an incomparably powerful innate sword, extremely precious.

The innate twelve-level karma fire red lotus is an extremely powerful defensive treasure.

It's just that Styx is not visible in the prehistoric world. Except for going to Zixiao Palace, it is difficult to see him in the prehistoric world.

One person monopolizes the Netherworld, a world that can rival the Heavenly Realm, and is truly the Lord of the Netherworld.

I didn't get the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the Zixiao Palace.

But the idea of ​​becoming a saint never faded away. Later, when I suddenly saw the God of Creation becoming the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I thought that since I couldn't become a saint.

It would also be good to become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Later, when Nuwa attained the holy status, she began to teach about Hongmeng Dao. She secretly thought that Nuwa created the human race and became a Taoist. If I could also create a race, could I also become a Taoist Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian?

Styx didn't know what kind of race to create for a while, but he had such an idea in his heart. It is not that easy to truly create it.

Until later, the human souls flew into the Netherworld, and the monster souls were all kinds of strange. Only the human souls were unified, and they had inexplicable power flowing, which made them stand out.

These souls came to this netherworld for no other reason.

The Netherworld has a special attraction for souls. The souls of living creatures will be attracted to it. The Netherworld energy contained in it is very attractive to the soul.

It is a magical energy that can nourish their souls.

Different from the dangers of the prehistoric world, the Netherworld is a more suitable world for souls.

The center of the sea of ​​blood.

There is a large palace here, with the word Styx written in innate divine characters on it.

"I never thought that human souls are so mysterious and can change like this."

Styx laughed a few times, walked out of the palace, saw the soul floating on the sea of ​​blood, and said secretly: "I should be able to gain countless merits from this. I don't know how far it can push my realm."

Then the boundless divine light filled the sea of ​​blood and gathered the human souls.

The River Styx exerts its magical power to reach heaven and earth, merging the human souls with the sea water of the Blood Sea.

When the sea water of the Blood Sea merged with the soul, a magical scene appeared.

A brand new race was born, and its form was very similar to that of the human race. The aura of this brand new race was extremely ferocious, and the water of the Blood Sea was very ferocious.

How could a race created from the sea of ​​blood be a peaceful creature?

The woman is as beautiful as a flower, while the man is just the opposite, with a ferocious appearance.

Looking at the created creatures, Styx fell into thought and said: "From now on, you and others will be called 'Asuras' and are sentient beings in the Netherworld."

Styx claims to be the Lord of the Netherworld, and the beings created by him are naturally the beings of the Netherworld, ranking below him.

This 'Asura' has a weakness.

Unable to reproduce normally, Styx can only be created by Styx. This kind of creation requires the soul of the human race, which Styx doesn't care much about.

He created this race just to gain merit, as long as merit is enough.

As for whether or not they can reproduce, it is not important. Moreover, as long as the souls of the human race are not endless, Asura can be created continuously.

"This human race is really my lucky star. If it were not for Nuwa creating it under the advice of Tianzun, how could I have the opportunity to create a race."

Minghe thought happily about how much merit he could get.

At this time, he was in the late stage of Quasi-Sage, which was an extremely powerful existence in the current prehistoric world, but Minghe knew that if he did not achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

How could he be satisfied with being just a bigger ant in the prehistoric world.

He wanted to get rid of this situation. He envied the Heavenly Lord of Creation very much. Even if a saint was born, he could still be free to the end of time.

It was just that the Heavenly Lord's method of proving the Tao was a secret. When the Heavenly Lord preached, he said that it was a secret method that could not be replicated. Even if they knew it, they could not prove the Tao.

This made Minghe know that there were more ways to prove the Tao than those three. Those three were just the methods of proving the Tao that Hongjun knew, and they did not represent all the methods of proving the Tao.

Want to find a brand new method of proving the Tao.

It is not an easy task. Only by continuous attempts, perhaps one day in the future, you can find a new way to prove your truth and become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, transcending heaven and earth.

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