The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 194 Pangu's Order

Heaven beyond heaven.

At this time, Zhunti was in a panic, and the holy blood was spilled into chaos.

The gap between Zhunti and Chen Yuan was a bit big. Jie Yin appeared between them, blooming supreme Qi, filling the vast chaos, and said: "Tianzun... let's end the discussion!"

Chen Yuan's eyes were deep and he said: "That's fine... Pindao then returned to Xuanhua Mountain. I wonder if Saint Zhunti would like to be a guest. Pindao prepared some fine spiritual fruits to entertain the saint."

Zhunti coughed dryly and said, "No, Pindao has taken in some disciples. These disciples are not very well-behaved. If they don't go back, it will turn the world upside down."

Chen Yuan said: "Then I won't give it away."

Chen Yuan returned to Xuanhua Mountain from Tianwaitian in one step.

Outside the sky and within the sky.

The boundless energy of chaos rolled, and he said: "Junior brother, as long as you linger in Xuanhua Mountain for a few days, the Heavenly Lord of Creation will not do anything to you. There are his disciples there, and they will definitely not fight against you. Why bother?" Come to this outer world?"

Zhunti smiled bitterly and said: "Senior brother... you went to Xuanhua Mountain to block the door. This is not an honest thing to do. Tianzun has no enmity or enmity with us."

"Tianzun's third disciple is from the Suiren clan. It's normal for Tianzun to help the human race. We have to intervene."

Jie Yin said: "You agree with Tianzun's martial arts theory, but you have suffered a lot for your junior brother and become a saint. You should be free in the world, but you have to do such things for the great prosperity of the West."

Zhunti said sternly: "If the Lich is not dead, how can the West prosper? Who made our West so barren?"

Jie Yin said with an incomprehensible expression: "If it hadn't been for what Luo Hu did back then, our brothers and sisters wouldn't have to run around like this."

Zhunti said: "If we don't have a goal, it may not be possible for us to become Hunyuan Saints. The two of us are not the best in the world."

Jie Yin remained silent, Zhunti already had a strong obsession in his heart.

All Jie Yin can do is support Zhunti. He just hopes that Zhunti will give up his obsession and become a free Taoist again.

The two saints returned to Mount Sumeru.

Chen Yuan returned to Xuanhua Mountain.

The tranquility of the past has returned here again, without the disturbance of Zhunti.

When Qingyou saw his master coming back, he stepped forward to greet him.

Kong Xuan followed.

Qingyou asked curiously: "Master... that saint has gone back."

Chen Yuan, with fluttering sleeves and an outstanding demeanor, said leisurely: "Zhunti is not here specifically to be a guest. Now that the affairs of the human race are over, he will naturally go back. But you are about to become Taiyi Golden Immortal."

Qingyou said with a smile: "Master... now my realm is only a few steps away from Taiyi Golden Immortal. I can reach it in a few days."

Chen Yuan said: "We must work hard."

Qingyou said: "I will work hard... By the way, Master, there has been a doubt in my mind for a long time. Who is that demon? He is so arrogant."

Kong Xuan listened attentively.

Chen Yuan said: "The devil is the clone of an extremely powerful existence. I don't want to do anything to him for the time being. The consequences will come later."

Qingyou heard that his master didn't say anything, so he had no choice but to say: "Master... I'm going to practice."

After saying that, he took Kong Xuan away.

Chen Yuan smiled, still sulking.

Chen Yuan looked at Qingyou's leaving figure and said, "I'll tell you later."

Qingyou turned around, smiled, and said, "Thank you, Master...I'll leave it to my junior brother and go practice."

Chen Yuan walked back to Xuanyuan Taoist Palace, walking slowly, looking at everything on Xuanhua Mountain. It had just rained lightly, and there were a few raindrops on the trees and grass.

Chen Yuan felt his Taoism, the third level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was very close to the fourth level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This battle between He Zhunti and Tian Wai Tian Zhong gave Chen Yuan a deeper understanding of his own power. Lao Tzu is blessed with the power of heaven.

Can be compared with Chen Yuan...

It's just that the current strength comparison, the Saint and the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian will make progress, and the strength at this time is not their strength in the future.

It's just that these beings have to practice extremely slowly.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and Saint are an extremely vast Hunyuan body. It is naturally extremely difficult to improve.

The luck of the prehistoric world can make Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and saints practice faster.

But luck in the prehistoric world is not unlimited. If you get more, others will get less.

The two Lich clans occupy too much of the destiny of heaven and earth. If the two clans are removed, it will be easier to obtain the destiny of heaven and earth.

And the real management of the prehistoric world is not about having the supreme power in vain, but it cannot truly manage the prehistoric world.

This is the idea of ​​a saint, not the idea of ​​just one saint, but the idea of ​​most saints. Only Nuwa's idea is different.

She occupies the position of Emperor Wa among the demon clan, and naturally has boundless luck with her. No matter how you calculate it, she will not lose.

But that's not the case with other saints. They don't have much to do with the two races.

The best way is to erase the second clan.

Chen Yuan couldn't help but think of Taiyi and thought: "Taiyi has become a half-step Hunyuan. If he practices in the Sun Star, he can hide it from the saint's eyes. At this time, he is exposed to the saint's eyes. The saint will definitely think of some way to capture him." Remove.”

For a saint, the fewer Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals, the better. Naturally, he does not want too many Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals.

Taiyi has shown the possibility of realizing the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, which will undoubtedly make the saint want to get rid of Taiyi, but getting rid of Taiyi is not that easy.

Taiyi is not an ordinary existence, he is a half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

With some of the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he can go to any place in the prehistoric world in one step. It is not an easy task to kill such an existence.

Do it yourself...

Taiyi is an important figure in the Heavenly Court, with boundless Heavenly Court luck. Even if the saint kills Taiyi himself, he will be backlashed, and the saint must be restricted by the way of heaven.

If you do whatever you want.

That will make the world lose its order...

The rules set by the supreme Pangu ancestor god cover the world, even the saints must act according to the rules and cannot act recklessly.

Unless the power of the saint can resist Pangu's power, but how is it possible.

Pangu is the eternal one, the origin of the prehistoric world.

Chen Yuan knows that Pangu's power is beyond imagination, and Pangu is not dead. In the previous prehistoric universe, Pangu finally walked out, found a new source of chaos, and opened up this prehistoric world.

How can the order established by such beings be easily violated? If there is no order, the saints can do whatever they want.

Chen Yuan can deduce what kind of future such a scene will bring. For the endless creatures in the world, it is an extremely desperate future.

For all the spirits in the prehistoric world, it is an extremely desperate future.

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