The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 191: Zhunti's Theory of the Way

The demon clan has a great formation of stars in the sky.

This peerless formation can reproduce the stars in the sky, and its power is boundless, which is completely unmatched by the human race.

This is the reason why Suiren lacks confidence. He can't see any hope and can't think of many solutions except fighting to the death.

The prehistoric world is not a place with many miracles. The gap between realms is extremely huge. Emperor Jun has reached the pinnacle of a quasi-sage.

This realm is rare in the prehistoric world...

Countless humans are thinking in their hearts, hoping that the demon clan will never come.

A cruel thing happened. Countless monsters appeared on the shores of the East China Sea. The monsters exuded a ferocious aura and entered the human race like a tiger among wolves.

Countless humans lost their lives in this turmoil.

This is a catastrophe for the human race. Emperor Jun came in person. He did not really take action. His whole body was filled with the aura of Zhiyang Avenue. The human race at this time was not worthy of his action. The human race did not have a quasi-sage and was too weak.

Xuanhua Mountain.

Chen Yuan's eyes were dark and he was helpless about the fate of the human race.

He turned to look at Zhunti in front of him. At this time, Zhunti was standing next to Qinghua Tianchi, looking extremely relaxed.

In fact, all his attention was focused on Chen Yuan. Zhunti was extremely afraid of this Heavenly Lord of Creation, whose realm was higher than him. At this time, he stepped forward to see the door, feeling a little guilty.

Although the Saint and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian are the most powerful people in the world, there is also a gap in strength, and they are not the same.

Facing the more powerful Heavenly Lord of Creation, Zhunti would naturally not be very stable.

Chen Yuan said sternly: "Sage, you see so many days have passed. The poor Taoist has to go to practice. How about turning back to Mount Sumeru?"

Zhunti said without changing his expression: "Tianzun, it's only been a few days, but I still want to have a discussion with Tianzun and see the incomparable mysterious avenue of creation."

Chen Yuan looked incomprehensible and said: "Sage, I don't like literary theory very much, so why not have a martial arts debate?"

Zhunti's thoughts turned over and over again, and he understood that the martial arts theory mentioned by Tianzun Tianzun was not just the Tianjianmen. It was good even before fighting. How could it be possible to still want to exchange the Dao with Tianzun Tianzun.

Zhunti coughed dryly and said: "Tianzun, we are too powerful. We have the power to destroy the heavens and the ability to regenerate the world. In the great war, I am afraid that in the small notebook of the way of heaven, we will make a note of it, and the gain will not be worth the loss. "

Chen Yuan said in a quiet voice: "That's right. You two brothers relied on great aspirations to become saints. This method of becoming saints has borrowed boundless merits from Heaven. Naturally, you are afraid that Heaven will add a few more to you."

Although Chen Yuan was a little annoyed that Zhunti came to see him, he didn't have much ill feelings toward Zhunti and could still talk to him calmly.

Zhunti's eyes were deep, as if he could see the way of heaven in the dark place, covering the heaven and earth, covering all the universe, with incredible power and majesty beyond imagination.

Compared with Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the saint understands the way of heaven better. As the saying goes: "Standing closer, you will naturally see more clearly."

Zhunti said with an inexplicable expression: "The way of heaven is too powerful and cannot be compared with our saints. All saints are ants. How can saints under the way of heaven not be ants?"

Chen Yuan's expression suddenly changed and he said: "Although I understand your thoughts, it still makes me unhappy to come forward to see you like this. Since you want to discuss Tao, we will go to Tianwai Tian to have a discussion."

Although Zhunti was a little frightened, he did not refuse. He also wanted to see how the real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was different from the saint.

For beings like them, distance is not distance.

In one step, from Xuanhua Mountain in Litianwaitian, to Tianwaitian.

The sky is too far away.

The energy of chaos permeated the air without much change, and Chen Yuan did not put up any defense.

Any chaotic energy that pervades his body would turn his body into disorder, but Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's power of order has not wavered.

Looking through the dim chaos, he saw Zhunti not far away.

There are layers of golden radiance blooming all over Zhunti, with a faint Sanskrit sound, and the embryonic form of later Buddhism.

The innate golden path is lingering, dyeing the chaos with a light golden color.

Chen Yuan's voice resounded through the chaos. No saint should be underestimated. Saints have the essence of immortality. Perhaps Zhunti's current realm is slightly different from Chen Yuan's, but the difference between realms is only a small one.

It's not a big difference.

A seventeenth-grade green lotus appeared at Chen Yuan's feet. Layers of green light filled the air, as if a world group was arising and passing away.

It seemed that the shadows of living beings could still be seen flickering, but in the blink of an eye they disappeared into the void, leaving nothing behind.

Zhunti felt envious when he saw the Seventeenth Grade Creation Qinglian.

Innate treasures are also rare for saints. After Zhunti became a saint, he did not have any innate treasures. You can think of how precious the innate treasures are.

I saw a divine spear appearing in the hand of the Heavenly Lord of Creation, flashing with black light.

It has the power to penetrate the heaven and earth, and is extremely terrifying.

If a Quasi-Saint is hit, nothing will be left, everything will be reduced to nothing, and life will be completely cut off.

Although I feel uneasy in my heart, I feel that my Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal first-level realm cannot resist the Heavenly Lord of Creation.

Zhunti appeared as a Dharmakaya, with twenty-four poems and eighteen hands, holding a necklace, an umbrella cover, a flower guana, a fish intestine, a golden bow, a silver halberd, a blessing pestle, a treasure file, and a variety of golden vases. .

Chen Yuan saw the numerous magic weapons mentioned by Zhunti and felt them carefully.

It was discovered that most of these magic weapons did not have much power. Some were very common innate spiritual treasures, and some were treasures refined by Zhunti himself.

The most powerful one was Zhunti's Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, a treasure refined from a part of Zhunti's body.

It had extremely powerful power. Although it could not be compared with the innate supreme treasure, it was extremely powerful among the best innate spiritual treasures.

The God-killing Spear flashed with black light and attacked. The boundless power permeated, cutting the chaotic air. There was a surging aura of creation, as if it was going to open up a world of the universe and time and space here.

It derived a world that could breed endless creatures, but Chen Yuan's attack only had endless destructive power, without any creative power.

The movement here attracted the attention of the saint.

In the chaos, not far from Chen Yuan and Zhunti...

There was a living being sitting cross-legged on a golden lotus. Jie Yin looked at the surging scene of earth, wind, water and fire without saying a word. Zhunti and the Creation Heavenly Venerable would not fight, but Zhunti proposed to discuss the Dao.

A big battle is a good way to discuss the Dao, which can make you feel the other party's Dao more clearly.

Zhunti brushed the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, and the seven-color light spread out, smashing the attack of the God-killing Spear continuously.

Zhunti barely resisted...

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