The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 19: Suffering the consequences of one's actions

Hearing this, Feng Ming's heart skipped a beat. He had not intended to let Chen Yuan go.

If there was no treasure inside, he would naturally kill Chen Yuan to vent his anger.

If there was a treasure inside, he would kill Chen Yuan to keep it secret. His status in the Phoenix Clan was not as high as that of the Golden Immortal. If there was a Golden Immortal, he would know that he had obtained a good treasure.

There was no other way out except handing it over. Even if it was a matter of the Phoenix Clan, there was no way to avoid it.

Thinking of this, Feng Ming did not hesitate and swept the scroll of pictures in his hand towards Chen Yuan.

This scroll of pictures suddenly became extremely vast, as if a mountain and river appeared around Chen Yuan.

He understood that this was a treasure that trapped people. As long as he fell into it, he would fall into the other party's palm.

Chen Yuan did not hesitate. The Nine-Sky Blue Sky Tower appeared above Tianling. This top-grade innate spiritual treasure dropped strands of light.

Protect Chen Yuan strictly.

Seeing the Nine-Sky Blue Sky Tower appearing above Chen Yuan's head, Feng Ming was shocked.

He had never thought that Chen Yuan actually had such a good treasure.

This level of treasure is rare even for the Daluo in the clan. There are not many treasures of this level in the prehistoric world.

Feng Ming's eyes were very hot, and flames appeared.

Like two small suns.

Xuan Tian Chi appeared in Chen Yuan's hand. This top-grade innate spiritual treasure, although the realm is worse than the other party.

But Chen Yuan is not afraid that he is an innate sacred, and his magic power is more pure and powerful than the existence of the same realm.

The magic weapon is also more powerful than the other party.

Xuan Tian Chi can draw the power of the nine heavens, and its power is even more powerful.

The huge fluctuations of the two people disturbed the weather here. It was already very chaotic, and now it is even more chaotic.

Both of them are extremely powerful, and these changes are only regarded as breeze.

There are large areas of Buzhou Mountain that have been destroyed, and only the surface has been destroyed.

The real Pangu spine inside cannot be damaged by the two at this time.

Although the opponent's picture was overwhelming, it could not be taken away. Chen Yuan, who had the Nine-Sky Blue Sky Tower, was like a magic needle that could stabilize the sea and did not waver.

Chen Yuan had the Nine-Sky Blue Sky Tower for defense, but Feng Ming had no innate spiritual treasure to defend against.

Just as Chen Yuan could withstand powerful attacks, Feng Ming could not withstand Chen Yuan's attacks.

Suddenly, a ruler shadow appeared on Feng Ming's body and hit Feng Ming directly.

Chen Yuan had attacked this many times, but he dodged them all, but he did not dodge this time.

He survived the power of the spiritual treasure with his body.

Feng Ming was blown away to a far place.

Chen Yuan was not sure whether this would cause Feng Ming to die, after all, he was a member of the Phoenix Clan.

If he went back, he might be able to find the existence of the Daluo Jinxian, and he could even tell Feng Zu, who must be interested in getting a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

With this idea in mind, he quickly went to the place where Feng Ming landed.

At this time, Chen Yuan was looking down from the sky, with a green light in his eyes. He looked at that area like a god, patrolling the world.

As Chen Yuan searched, he soon found Feng Ming.

At this time, flames rose from his body, and his whole body was filled with this flame, as if he was healing. He stepped into the void and arrived in front of Feng Ming in one step.

Seeing Chen Yuan appear in front of him, he smiled miserably.

He didn't expect that Chen Yuan had such a good spiritual treasure and could exert such a powerful force. He didn't have a defensive innate spiritual treasure, so he couldn't break Chen Yuan's defense. Chen Yuan hit him and took his life.

He didn't know that the Nine Heavens Blue Sky Tower was the second-ranked treasure in Chen Yuan's hands.

The innate treasure required a very strong mana, and the innate treasure was still too eye-catching. If it was sensed by some powerful beings, there was an innate treasure in Buzhou Mountain.

It would be disadvantageous to Chen Yuan.

The best innate spiritual treasures are different. Those powerful beings generally have them. For the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus, Chen Yuan would not use it if he could. When he has enough power in the future, he will not be afraid of others plotting against him.

Then he can be fair and aboveboard.

The great repressive force of the Nine-Sky Blue Sky Tower pressed on Feng Ming, pressing him into something smaller than dust. Chen Yuan did not want anyone to see a phoenix die here. Compared with the Phoenix Clan, Chen Yuan today cannot do that. Although he is innately sacred, he also needs time to grow. He is not born invincible. Even Hongjun has gone through a long period of cultivation to reach such a high realm.

When Feng Ming died, Chen Yuan was also relieved. After all, he was a member of the Phoenix Clan, one of the overlords of the prehistoric world.

It is impossible for Chen Yuan to have no fluctuations in his heart at this time. The prehistoric world is such a world. Sometimes it is either you die or I die.

Chen Yuan is not a person who likes killing, but sometimes he has to stop killing with killing.

He does not like it but is not afraid.

The distant Immortal Mountain was ablaze with red. It seemed that Feng Ming's fall had caused some commotion, but there was no way to find out who did it. The vast Yuanshen entered the long river of time and fate to investigate the situation, but in Buzhou Mountain, there was the power of Pangu, which was blurred in the long river of time and fate.

It could only be left unresolved.

A painting appeared where Feng Ming was. It was a painting that could cover the sky and the earth and could contain people.

Chen Yuan picked it up and resisted. There was a mark of the soul left by Feng Ming inside. The innate spiritual treasures obtained from Mo You before also had a mark of the soul. They were easily destroyed under Chen Yuan's magic power. They were not Chen Yuan's opponents when they were alive.

It was even more impossible to be dead. A little mark of the soul was easily removed. Chen Yuan did not care about the resistance of this painting and put it into the Nine Heavens Blue Sky Tower.

There are places on Mount Buzhou where there are such evil spirits. There are not many such places.

Such places are generally the evil spirits left when the sky was opened. The power of the evil spirits is very powerful.

Nowadays, the existence of cultivation is generally based on innate spiritual energy. Evil spirits are very dangerous to the body and soul. Feng Ming suspects that there are powerful treasures inside and does not want to go in by himself.

He wants to find someone to go in first and explore the way for him. This is why he will find Chen Yuan. If the Golden Immortal is too weak, the early Taiyi Golden Immortal is a good candidate.

He returned to this place with evil spirits. According to Feng Ming, the time of appearance of this entrance was uncertain, but Chen Yuan did not wait for long. Half a year had passed.

Chen Yuan waited quietly, but did not enter the cultivation. This was not a good place for cultivation.

There were evil spirits everywhere. If the evil spirits here were absorbed into the body, it would cause great harm. It was not worth it.

This entrance did not make Chen Yuan wait for long, and finally appeared.

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