The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 186 The Door to the Primordial World


Under the mountain peak, the clear stream was flowing. Miluo was sitting by the stream, trying to practice the 'Origin Sutra'. However, his expression was not very calm and it was difficult to enter the state of practice. His practice was short.

Insufficient concentration.

The first practice was achieved under a mysterious power, and he suddenly faced the death of his father.

It makes his mind turbulent and difficult to calm down. If he is a practitioner who has practiced for millions of years, he can maintain peace of mind even in the face of all kinds of twists and turns, disasters, life and death.

It was difficult for Milo to communicate with his own creation energy. This situation made Milo increasingly anxious, making Milo feel like there was a volcano in his heart that could erupt at any time.

If you want to go back and fight for Mi Xian, even if you die in the end, it will be over.

Such thoughts made him stand up, with light blooming on his body, and look for the way he came.


There is a figure ahead.

When he saw this person, Milo's mind calmed down a lot, as if he were seeing a clear spring, full of tranquility.

Milo was both familiar and unfamiliar with this person.

The figure who appeared inexplicably said faintly: "What are you going back for?"

After seeing this inexplicable figure, Milo's eyes were a little blood red at this time, and he said angrily: "Prophet, I want to go back and fight for them."

The prophet said: "Using your best will not solve the problem. As long as you practice the 'Original Sutra' well, you will definitely gain more powerful power to end all this. Don't do such meaningless things."

Milo was a little unsure and said: "They are so powerful. Even if I practice this 'Origin Sutra', I may be able to surpass them, but it will definitely take an extremely long time. I don't want to wait."

There was an aura of peace emanating from the prophet's body, which made Milo even calmer and said: "You will undoubtedly make your father's sacrifice in vain. Your uncle is not what you imagined. He listens to your father.

He just killed your father. Although it is true that he really wanted to be the clan leader, he did not want to kill your father. At most, he would expel your father. "

Milo was puzzled and said: "Why did my father want to die? As long as we hide in the wilderness, we can live well and practice the 'Origin Sutra'. In the future, we will have supreme power and can change the situation faced by the Yuan clan." "

The prophet said: "Because I left, those people from the Demon God tribe will definitely doubt what Mizhen got. It is useless even if he hides in the ends of the earth. There will definitely be strong people who will find him."

Milo was silent for a while, not knowing what to say. He should hate the prophet, but he couldn't.

Seeing Milo's silence, the prophet said: "I will send you to another world, where you can gain powerful power faster, but that world is also more dangerous and much more powerful than this one."

Milo was silent for a while, then said with an incomprehensible expression: "There are other worlds."

The prophet said leisurely: "The world is endless. The world where your Origin Race is located is just a thousand worlds in one side. There are even more vast worlds above this.

The world you want transcends the prehistoric world of the universe. There are endless strong people. Where can you get extremely powerful power?

In the future, you will return to the world of creation with supreme power, turn the tide, and clean up the world. "

Milo said doubtfully: "Creation World is the name of our world."

The prophet said quietly: "Yes, you may understand the meaning in the prehistoric world."

Milo asked: "Why?"

The prophet replied: "Some of the worlds in the endless void were opened by those with great supernatural powers in the ancient times!"

Milo was suddenly shocked and said: "So, the Ancestral God is also in the prehistoric world. Can I see the Ancestral God?"

The prophet seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and said: "You have seen the ancestor god, but you don't know him either."

Milo didn't understand what he meant, thought for a moment and said, "That should be dangerous, right?"

The prophet's eyes were deep, as if he had seen the extremely distant ancient world, and said: "There are too many strong people there, you come to me."

Milo walked in front of the prophet and found that he was much shorter than the prophet. The prophet stretched out a finger and touched the source crystal between Milo's eyebrows, and a radiance filled the prophet's hand.

Milo didn't know what was happening.

The prophet pointed to the stream and said, "Go and take a look and see what you look like now."

Milo obediently walked to the stream and leaned over the water on a calmer surface. A person appeared above the water, although he was not particularly good-looking.

But this was not what Milo paid attention to as he was a very handsome boy. He noticed the source crystal between his eyebrows.

It actually disappeared, which surprised him. This was something that was impossible to happen.

Source Crystal is something that the Source Clan is born with. It will not disappear, but it does not exist forever. As long as the people of the Source Clan die, the Source Crystal will slowly lose its power and eventually transform into the world of creation.

Milo said anxiously: "Why did the source crystal disappear? Prophet, you have to help me get it out."

Xian said: "Don't worry, this source crystal has not disappeared, but you can't see it now. If the source crystal is between the eyebrows, there will be a lot of inconvenience if you go to that world.

Okay, I’ll take you there now…”

After the prophet finished speaking, a door of light appeared in front of Milo. It was overflowing with light and brilliant brilliance. Milo was shocked to see it.

He had never seen such a scene before. A light gate suddenly appeared in front of him. He was surprised to see a different scene from the light gate.

This was different from his uncle, and it was fused with the blood of the demon god.

Having a powerful force to defeat his father was an unimaginable force that could do many unimaginable things.

But Miro's world was very small, and he didn't know what he could do specifically.

Miro asked, "Prophet, I can just go in."

The prophet looked deep, as if he saw the primitive world inside the light gate, and said, "There is an extremely magnificent primitive world inside. You can go in. We will meet again in the future."

The prophet's figure was fading, fading, and dissipating, and finally disappeared in front of Miro's eyes. He didn't know where he went. At the last moment of dissipation, the prophet said, "Go in quickly, the light gate will not last forever."

After hearing this, Miro took a last look at the world of creation. He had a hunch that it would take a long time for him to come back.

Then he walked into the light gate without hesitation, in this world of creation.

Miro's father has died, and his mother died when he was very young. He does not have many concerns, but he has a sense of attachment to his own people.

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