The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 170: Hou Yi's Power

A figure saw ten golden crows.

With murderous aura on his body, holding a bow in his hand, millions of tadpole characters flowed, containing magical and incomparable power, Houyi moved slightly.

He arrived in front of the ten little golden crows.

"Who are you to block our way? You are tired of living." The big golden crow was a little nervous.

He felt that the young man in front of him was unfathomable, more powerful than the last time he met Kuafu, and felt a fatal threat.

It seemed that his life would be taken away at any time and no longer belonged to him. This feeling made the big golden crow uneasy.

Houyi looked indifferent.

Even if the ten golden crows in front of him were the princes of heaven, maybe other creatures would have some scruples.

But Houyi had no scruples at all, and said coldly: "You dared to act wildly on the territory of my witch clan, and even took away Kuafu's life, give me your life."

In an instant, an arrow was put on the bow in his hand, and millions of tadpole characters bloomed with brilliance, containing boundless power.

It contained a force of destroying the soul, which could completely destroy the soul of a living being, leaving no life force behind. It was extremely powerful.


The arrow turned into a beam of light, and its speed was too fast to be described as lightning. It caught up with a golden crow in a blink of an eye.


It broke into the body, and the spirit in the eyes of the golden crow disappeared. It was originally flying in the sky, but suddenly lost all its strength and fell to the ground.


The golden crow fell to the ground, causing a huge aftermath, forming a tiankeng, and the body of the golden crow stayed in it.

The sun's true fire was still emitting.

The other golden crows were instantly chilled. Although they had the sun's true fire with them, they were still cold to the bone. They used to play and practice together.

They died in a blink of an eye, which scared them terribly.

Instinctively flew in all directions, Houyi sneered, he wanted to let these ten golden crows be buried with Kuafu.

‘Draw the bow and draw the arrow’

A flash of arrow light passed by, and a golden crow fell to the ground. With a loud ‘boom’, another golden crow fell to the ground.

It no longer looked majestic in the sky.

Houyi was indifferent.

His heart was already dominated by the thought of revenge. He drew an arrow again and shot it again. Another golden crow fell. He wanted to dodge it.

“Old three.”

A miserable cry sounded. Seeing Houyi bend the bow and draw the arrow again, aiming at the fourth, the golden crow flapped its wings vigorously.

Wanting to escape the fate of being shot, it felt locked by a breath of energy, as if it would be useless even if it escaped to the ends of the earth.


A golden crow fell to the ground.

Houyi did not stop for a moment, and the remaining golden crows were even more terrified. They were fine just now.

In the blink of an eye, a fierce god came out from nowhere and kept shooting the golden crows. There was no hope at all, and there was no way to go to heaven.

There was no door to enter the earth.

There were nine pits on the ground, and the sun's true fire was blazing inside. Nine golden crows were lying there. Houyi looked at the last golden crow.

Just at the critical moment.

Di Jun crossed the boundless distance and was extremely angry. He didn't expect that only one of his ten sons was left in a blink of an eye. He looked at Houyi with a grim look.

Houyi was enveloped by boundless pressure.

Xiao Shi saw the figure that suddenly appeared, rushed over, and cried: "Father, except for me, all the brothers are dead. He was shot to death by arrows. If he came a little slower, I would have been killed by him."

Di Jun burst into tears.

In a blink of an eye, only one of the ten sons was left. If it wasn't for the final breakthrough of the fog of fate, the last one would have been gone. He looked at Houyi with a ferocious look.

There was boundless killing intent in his eyes.

Even with Houyi's strength, he felt extremely cold, and a chill penetrated into his heart. He knew about Di Jun's strength.

He was not an opponent at all.

There was no place to escape. At this time, Hou Yi's power was at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm.

Facing Di Jun, who was at the peak of the Quasi-Sage Realm, there was no chance of survival. Hou Yi's fighting spirit was still unabated, and he bent his bow and drew his arrow.


A beam of arrow light flew towards Di Jun.

Di Jun, who was still immersed in sadness, felt an attack coming, and the overwhelming power burst out and collided with the arrow light.

The gap between the two sides was too big. This power was offset by the arrow light, but the remaining power was still extremely powerful and attacked Hou Yi.


Hou Yi flew backwards for an extremely long distance and hit a high mountain. With a loud "boom", the mountain of millions of miles collapsed instantly.

Hou Yi felt his own state, and with a "click", several bones were broken and he suffered extremely serious injuries.

Just give Hou Yi time.

The injury will recover soon. The recovery power of the Wu clan is extremely powerful. Not to mention such a small matter as breaking a few bones, even if it becomes a piece of mud.

It can also recover.

Di Jun came over holding the tenth prince, looking down at Hou Yi with a cold gaze.

No more hesitation.

In order to avoid more nightmares, he stretched out a fist, which was shrouded by the tangible Zhiyang Avenue, and the vast golden light filled the world.


To deal with Hou Yi, he didn't even need the best innate spiritual treasure. The gap between the two sides was too big. The power he possessed alone could kill Hou Yi.

Hou Yi stood up.

His black hair was loose, without the slightest fear. He had thought that he would encounter the current situation. You killed someone's son.

Revenge is not allowed.

He mobilized his own power to fight back. Although the power gap was incomparable, Hou Yi would not sit and wait for death.

"will die"

A thought flashed through Hou Yi's mind, but he was not afraid at all. He was a great witch, how could he be greedy for life and afraid of death? Maybe there were people in the witch clan who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

But definitely not Hou Yi.

"I have not brought shame to the Wu clan. I killed my brother. So what if I am the prince of heaven? I don't only have one life. My arrows can destroy the soul. There is no chance of survival at all." Hou Yi waited for death to come and return. The embrace of God the Father.

Hou Yi's idea was destined to fail.


The sound of violent collision resounded throughout the world, and Hou Yi saw a familiar figure standing in front of him, with three thousand black hair hanging down from his waist.

The goddess was extremely beautiful, and Hou Yi had no blasphemous thoughts at all. She was the ancestral witch of Hou Tu.

It was the essence and blood of Hou Tu's ancestral witch that gave birth to Hou Yi. To Hou Yi, Hou Tu was sacred and majestic.

The aftermath of the fight between Hou Tu and Di Jun was overwhelming, ripples spread in circles, and as the ripples reverberated, the soil on the ground was lifted up, turning into a bare piece of land.

Hou Tu was the closest to here and was the first ancestral witch to come. He said sternly: "Emperor Jun, Tao Ancestor has said that witches are in charge of the land. You dare to attack the witch clan. This is against Tao Ancestor's decree. Go back to heaven quickly." among.”

Emperor Jun was furious. At this time, he was not paying attention to the decree of Guanzu. He said angrily: "As long as you hand Hou Yi over to me, I will return to the heaven. Otherwise, you will also die. This will just stop the formation of the twelve gods." Perfect again.”

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