The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 164 Laozi's Sigh

Yuanshi Tianzun has completed accepting disciples

Then he began to formally teach the Yuqing Immortal Technique, and the wonders of it could be heard by the creatures who came to worship him.

They were all very happy.

It is worthy of being a saint's way. It can allow you to cultivate to an extremely high level. With the support of a saint behind you, you can do nothing else in the prehistoric world.

There is a great guarantee on safety.

Yuanshi Tianzun stopped accepting disciples, and the number of disciples he accepted was very few, only fourteen, and including Ran Deng, there were only fifteen, compared with the creatures who came to become his disciples.

It can only be said to be a drop in the ocean.

Saint Tongtian has been waiting for ten thousand years, and he wants to be his junior disciple until Yuanshi has finished recruiting disciples.

It’s never too late to collect.

A large formation was also set up, which was somewhat different from the one set up by Yuanshi Tianzun. It was not as strict as the one set up by Yuanshi Tianzun, and paid more attention to a living being's pursuit of the Tao.

These creatures who come to worship.

Hoping to change one's own destiny is undoubtedly deeply in line with the teachings of Jiejiao, but it cannot be accepted in its entirety.

Tongtian is a saint after all, and not just any creature can be his disciple.

Only those beings with excellent qualifications and mind will be accepted as direct disciples. There are only four direct disciples.

Taoist Duobao, Holy Mother of Golden Spirit, Holy Mother of Wudang, Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit.

There are even fewer disciples than Yuanshi Tianzun, but the registered disciples are all flying around, wearing fur and horns, with strange shapes, and most of them are monsters.

There is a sharp contrast with the disciples of Chanjiao, there are thousands of them.

These disciples staying in Kunlun Mountain are like rats in a rice vat. You must know that Kunlun Mountain is not an ordinary place, and it contains many rare treasures that are rare in the outside world.

Gods of heaven and earth.

It can be used to refine weapons, set up formations, or increase mana, and there are many other wonderful uses.

Most of the disciples of Jiejiao are demons, and most of the creatures are extremely evil, but some of them may be kind and moral.

But very few.

In the ancient world, it was normal for people to fight and kill in order to practice. However, in order to compete for resources and elixirs, they all showed their ferocity.

There were many fights, which made the Xian family's holy land and the place where the saints practice a mess.

Saint Tongtian doesn't care at all about these magical medicines and treasures. Saints have the ability to refine the energy of chaos into all things in the world, but the cultivation of these disciples is low.

You need spiritual objects to enhance your own practice.

From the perspective of Saint Tongtian, it is completely understandable. As for the other two saints, they are brothers with Tongtian. When they see Tongtian's face, they treat it as invisible.

But Saint Tongtian has too many disciples.

There were too many spiritual objects needed, so I had to search everywhere, and even found the place under Yuan Shi's door.

The second-generation disciples of Chanjiao who practiced there were very unhappy, and conflicts often broke out.

Finally Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't stand it anymore.

Kunlun Mountain is vast and boundless, and it has produced countless spiritual materials and elixirs, even if some of them were wasted by the disciples of Jie Jiao.

It's no big deal.

But there are these creatures destroying Kunlun Mountain, and more importantly, the behavior of these disciples, in the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun, is not Xuanmen style.

In the future, if such a disciple walks around the world, wouldn't it make all the creatures in the world laugh? Even though the prehistoric world respected strength.

Yuanshi Tianzun said solemnly: "Junior brother, you have accepted so many disciples, but you have not restrained them. They are all hairy and horned ones. If you continue like this, no matter how much merit you have, your luck will be ruined."

After becoming a saint.

I have a deeper understanding of merit and luck. Merit is the contribution to the prehistoric world. The original power of luck in the prehistoric world represents a living being's status in the prehistoric world. The more merit and luck there are.

Naturally, heaven and earth favor you.

Cultivation also goes smoothly, which is why Yuanshi Tianzun pays attention to obeying nature and responding to people, since he was born in the prehistoric world.

To get more luck.

Only then will it be easier to cultivate to a higher state. As the saying goes, "The good wind will send me to the blue clouds by virtue of its power." ’

What's more, accepting a disciple is a rigorous matter. The fate of the disciple and the master are connected. Practicing immortality is stealing the fortune of heaven and earth.

When cultivating to the Golden Immortal realm.

This is even more true. If a living being does nothing to benefit the world and does something to damage the ancient world, the master will not be able to escape the karma derived from it.

One share will fall on the Master.

What's more, most of Tongtianshou's disciples have little luck and look like catkins floating in the wind. They are dispensable creatures in the eyes of Heaven.

Saint Tongtian did not understand the truth, but he had his own perseverance and remained unmoved. He said solemnly: "Nothing in the world is static. I will pass down the Xuan Gong and Taoism to them and let them practice it seriously, so that they can change their character."

"Growing up the Taoist heart can naturally lead to a good path, which symbolizes the fundamental concept of Jiejiao and intercepts a glimmer of hope."

Yuanshi Tianzun was silent.

Standing there, he understood that it was useless to say anything else. They had gone through a long time to achieve this state, and the ideas in their hearts could no longer be changed.

In the view of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Most of these disciples are karma-ridden beings, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of karma.

Have this time.

Wouldn't it be easier to teach those beings who have good qualifications, blessings and luck? Aren't those kind-hearted people worth teaching?

If he had to teach these extremely evil beings, Yuanshi sighed in his heart. Even if the Heavenly Lord could save people, he still had to see whether the beings being saved were worth it.

These extremely vicious creatures.

Isn't it so easy to correct them? They behaved recklessly in the prehistoric world, and the resulting karma is indispensable to Master.

Tongtian saw Yuanshi leave without saying a word, and his heart was silent. The farthest distance in the world is the difference in ideas.

There were such signs in the past, but they were not saints at that time, and they had not accepted disciples, so the difference in ideas was not obvious.

"I can't go back to the past. This may be the price of becoming a saint..."

The mind turned.

Tongtian's figure was a little bleak, but he was so determined. There would be no change. He would only move forward. Maybe one day he would get a bloody head.

But Tongtian didn't care.

He was an immortal saint, with countless opportunities to start over. He would move forward according to his own ideas. Maybe one day he would stop when he was tired.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Saint met unhappily, and the relationship between the two religions became worse and worse.

The doctrines were even more polar opposites.

The two did not have any hatred, but just different ideas. It is countless times more difficult to change a person than to destroy a person.

Laozi saw it.

But there is no way, sighing, now they are saints, even if there was a clash of ideas in the past.

At most, they argued for a few sentences and it was over. Maybe they would be angry at the time, but after a few days, the relationship would become closer.

Now he has become the leader.

Representing their respective great sects, he can no longer give in easily, Laozi knows this very well.

"There is no going back."

Laozi sighed.

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