The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 143 The Effect of Hongmeng Purple Qi

There is also a stream of merit going to Chen Yuan.

When Chen Yuan saw the merit, it was the first time he had received the merit. At this time, it had no effect on him, so he kept the merit.

There is also a slightly smaller merit.

It fell on the spiritual treasure made of gourd vines, dyeing the whip a black and yellow color, and the divine prohibitions within it were derived.

The power has increased countless times.

When Chen Yuan saw the whip that had absorbed the merit, he picked it up from the ground. This was a rare merit artifact. With a slight swing, the space was broken, and then he looked at Nuwa.

The purple energy is boundless, supreme and noble.

Nuwa's voice spread throughout the world, and she said: "I am Nuwa. I have become enlightened today and become a saint of Hunyuan. After a thousand years, I will open up a vast world outside the sky. Those who are destined can come and watch the ceremony."

Creatures in ancient times knew that saints were born and praised their merits.

When a person with great supernatural powers hears that Nuwa wants to open up a thousand worlds in the chaos, the saint who opens the sky must be different.

Heaven and earth can also be opened up in the endless void.

The energy in the endless void is limited. To gather the energy to open up a thousand worlds, it is better to go into chaos and open up a thousand worlds.

There is boundless energy of chaos in chaos. As long as the energy of chaos can be cut through and the pure and turbid are separated, there is no need to gather the power of the void in the endless void.

Opening up a vast world in the endless void means digging into the corner of the ancient world.

Maybe he will be remembered by heaven.

Wangshu was a little envious of Nuwa. She had become a saint. As expected, she was different except Chen Yuan.

You can become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal first, and obtain the existence of Hongmeng Purple Qi. When the time comes, you can become a saint. Obviously the realm of Nuwa just now was worse than her, but in such a short time , achieved the status of saint.

She even wanted to snatch away Hou Tu's Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Nuwa looked down with a complicated expression. The race she created had an incomprehensible expression. She could see the past, present and future in the eyes of an accomplished saint, and had an understanding of the general trend of the prehistoric world.

The Lich Society would decline, and the race she created would replace the Lich Tribe. Even though she knew it, she couldn't change it.

With the help of Hongmeng Ziqi, he became a saint.

There cannot be any price. A saint, also known as a saint of heaven, must focus on the general trend of heaven, otherwise he will be in danger of falling from the holy position. If Nuwa cultivates into the Hunyuan state, she can also become a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

But Nuwa's Hunyuan state is replaced by Hongmeng purple energy, so that it can be consistent with Hongmeng Avenue.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi can replace the Hunyuan state, but one day the Hongmeng Purple Qi disappears, and it is self-evident what terrible things will happen. Nuwa has no regrets.

She knows that to gain something, she has to lose something.

Feeling the great power of the saint is different from any previous state, and there is no longer the danger of falling.

Nuwa turned her gaze to the created creatures and said: "You will be called the human race from now on."

"Human race..."

Some people read such words. Under the way of heaven, the human race needs to go through disasters, and others cannot help too much.

Even Nuwa was like this. Then she looked at Chen Yuan with gratitude and said: "Fellow Taoist Xuanyuan, I have become a Hunyuan Saint. I still need to go to Tianwai Tian to open up a world. See you someday."

Chen Yuan understands that the general trend of heaven is like this, and he cannot interfere too much in the affairs of the human race.

Although he is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and is not within the heavenly realm, he is still in the prehistoric world after all, so he has to be cautious when doing things. A spiritual light fell, showing some extremely simple cultivation methods, and then he left.

The humans who had obtained the skill understood the importance of this skill to the human race, and prostrated themselves one after another to Chen Yuan, saying loudly: "Thank you, Heavenly Lord, for your great kindness."

Kunlun Mountains.

At this time, I was no longer calm.

Seeing Nuwa become a saint, a slight obsession arose in his heart. Although some people became Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Chen Yuan was not Hongjun's disciple, and there was not much comparison in his heart. Nuwa was different, she was his junior sister.

I originally thought that I would be the first to become a saint, but I didn't expect that it would be Nuwa who became a saint through her merits.

Yuanshi looked extremely ugly. If I were a saint, I wouldn't look so ugly.

After all, it was his senior brother or elder brother, and he said: "Junior sister Nuwa actually became a saint before us, and after a thousand years, we have to go to heaven to congratulate her. It's so majestic."

Tongtian is extremely arrogant and believes that he is Pangu's authentic sect. When I went to Tianzun a few days ago, I didn't have such thoughts. Tianzun's realm has always been higher than theirs.

In the end, he became enlightened without relying on the Hongmeng Purple Qi, which made him admire him.

But Nuwa's realm has always been worse than theirs, and she actually became a saint one step ahead of him. Rang Tong couldn't accept it, and said: "After a thousand years, I will go to Tianwai Tian to see her open up the world. She is just a junior sister."

I finally said: "Nu Wa's identity is different now. She has proven that the Hunyuan Saint is immortal. She will still go to Heaven Beyond Heaven. Don't say any disrespectful words when you get there."

Sumeru Mountain.

This place has changed. The world was once a Taoist place.

A huge cave was built here. When he finally left, a sinkhole appeared in Mount Sumeru. Later, he led Zhunti to Mount Sumeru.

Using Mount Sumeru as a dojo, this was originally the place where Rahu lived. Before it was affected by Rahu's self-destruction, it was the best celestial mountain blessed place in the West.

There are countless palaces located in Mount Sumeru, which makes the two of them very satisfied, and the construction effort is saved.

Although he hates Rahu very much, he has turned the beautiful western land into a barren land.

The two senior brothers once saw that there was boundless flow of innate spiritual energy in the western land. As long as they broke through the realm, they didn't have to worry about the problem of mana. They could easily break through the mana to a higher level.

It doesn't work anymore.

Once the realm is reached, it will take a long time for mana to reach the same level, and there will be many accomplished beings.

Go to other places, the east, the south, the north, and never come back. It is obvious that a state that can be achieved in a shorter time takes a longer time. How can this satisfy the cultivators?

He saw Nuwa becoming a saint in his eyes, and there was an inexplicable look in his eyes, and he said: "This saint and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian are already there. I don't know when we can achieve it."

Zhunti looked at the land of the west with compassionate eyes and said: "If I become a saint, I will definitely be able to repair the west to be more perfect."

Jie Ying persuaded Zhunti, saying: "Junior brother, if you continue like this, the land of the west will become your obsession. Practitioners must transcend the world and not be among the five elements. If you continue like this, it will be detrimental to your practice."

Zhunti looked at the western land, filled with compassion, and said with a smile: "So what, there is always something to do. This western land gave birth to me and raised me. It was once so beautiful."

"The spiritual energy becomes rain, and countless creatures survive. Senior brother, look at the situation now. The poor mountains and rivers, and the innate spiritual energy are thin, make me heartbroken."

His eyes seemed to contain all the phenomena of heaven and earth, but he was still silent, and said: "Senior brother, I will help you fulfill your wish, give up such obsession, and then become a Taoist in the free world."

Zhunti was moved in her heart. The introduction seemed to be just a short sentence, but it took countless hours to do it...

He and Jieyin were born together as innate gods, supported each other, and practiced for countless years. They were extremely important to each other, and perhaps they had spoken to each other.

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