The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 141 Nuwa Creates Humans

Little Phoenix never thought of it.

Her elder is Daluo Jinxian, a survivor of the war between the three clans. He was an extremely powerful existence in the ancient world, but she is different.

Little Phoenix was born after the great catastrophe of the three clans.

The realm is only the Golden Immortal realm. In today's prehistoric world, he can be regarded as a little master.

But compared to the real strong ones.

It is an extremely weak existence. This time, it met Zhu Yan, who was much stronger than her, but could not match her in terms of flight speed, which allowed the little Phoenix to survive until now.

At this moment, Little Phoenix stared blankly at Zhu Yan who had disappeared, feeling very shocked in his heart.

She couldn't help but look in all directions. Although her level was low, her eyesight was not bad. Among the Phoenix clan, there were often Phoenixes more powerful than her.

When I saw Chen Yuan and his party.

"These three people must be extremely powerful. Could it be that after they killed that abominable monster, they still want to eat the phoenix marrow. How can I eat it if it turns into a desperate powder?" I thought so in my heart, and the more I thought about it, the more relieved I became, dancing. He flapped his wings and flew towards Chen Yuan.

The reason why the little phoenix flew over was because Chen Yuan waved to her.

When she saw Chen Yuan's waving, she was even more sure of her suspicions, and she didn't dare to leave here. The mysterious Zhu Yan who disappeared was waving at her, saying that he wanted to eat her phoenix marrow.

When Little Phoenix arrived, he didn't dare to speak.

Wang Shu smiled and said with a smile: "I just heard that your phoenix marrow is delicious. I don't know what it tastes like."

Little Phoenix felt the girl in front of him.

The smile was so scary that she couldn't help but step back. It happened that the direction she was going was the direction of Nuwa.

The real body of the little phoenix is ​​dozens of feet, which is much larger than Nuwa's body at this time. But the closer it gets to Nuwa, the little phoenix's body becomes smaller, and finally turns into a little phoenix flying in the air. .

During this process, Little Phoenix didn't feel anything was wrong. It was extremely natural.

Finally, he suddenly realized that his body had shrunk but the power contained in his body had not diminished, which made the little Phoenix feel a little more at ease.

Just a little bit.

She didn't know what happened to her today, but she encountered such a powerful being. Zhu Yan's death made her very happy, but even Wangshu couldn't take action.

Little Phoenix was confident that he could escape with his own speed, so there would be no big problem.

Nuwa was wearing blue clothes. She was in a small valley near Buzhou Mountain. She said, "In this way, the great merit mentioned by Master Hongjun is to create a living being. If Creating a living being in the form of Pangu must be a great meritorious deed.”

There was a voice in Little Phoenix's ear, and she thought she heard it wrong.

She knew about Hongjun. When she was in the Phoenix Clan, the elders of the clan told her that Hongjun was a saint with boundless divine power. He could create heaven and earth in chaos, and he was an enlightened person in the prehistoric world.

She actually heard this woman say that Hongjun was her teacher, and how powerful she must be to have an enlightened person as her teacher.

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "If you just create an ordinary creature, it won't be too difficult, but it would be extremely difficult to create a race with the shape of Pangu god. If you don't have the map of Pangu god shape in your consciousness, , it will definitely not succeed.”

Nuwa naturally did not expect that the Pangu divine figure in her sea of ​​consciousness was another thing of hers, another thing of Nuwa.

Chen Yuan knew about the race that possessed the Pangu Taoist body.

It will definitely be very powerful, maybe it will be weak at the beginning, but it will definitely have an extremely brilliant civilization in the future.

Little Phoenix felt that she could no longer understand it. It was beyond her comprehension that it was possible to create living beings.

Chen Yuan saw Nuwa and realized that the reason why he was special to Nuwa was.

He was brought into the prehistoric world by the Chaos Pearl. Now he has become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. He has his own efforts and is inseparable from the Chaos Pearl. The Time Tree is transformed from the Chaos Pearl.

Nuwa was valued by the Chaos Pearl's weapon spirit.

It also left a message in the future fruit. Helping Nuwa was repaying the cause and effect. Regarding the process of coming to the prehistoric world, Chen Yuan knew that it would definitely be a process.

It was achieved with incomparable majestic power. As long as there is no ill will towards this being who helps him.

He was grateful.

I gave myself an extremely wonderful time, seeking the way to survive in the ancient world, having disciples and fellow Taoists, and finally becoming aligned with the great way of creation.

Removing the cause and effect can make Chen Yuan's mind more ethereal.

In a valley at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, the reason why this place is not a random choice is that Pangu retains the most power on Buzhou Mountain and creates creatures with Pangu's divine form.

The chance of success is greater at the foot of Mount Buzhou.

At this moment, Nuwa's expression was extremely solemn. She wanted to create a race with the form of Pangu.

Pangu was the founder of heaven in the prehistoric world, and Nuwa had strong pressure in her heart, worrying that the race she created was not perfect or good enough.

Despite all the thoughts running through my mind.

At this moment, her powerful Taoist heart was fully revealed. According to the information in the Pangu Divine Shape Diagram, she squatted on the ground and grabbed a handful of soil.

The soil was shaped into a human shape by Nuwa, and she frowned.

Chen Yuan watched this process and just watched quietly. Creating a race is not a simple matter, even if there is a Pangu God-shaped Diagram.

Nuwa also made countless mistakes, but fortunately, time was long.

Little Phoenix looked at the woman in front of him boredly and actually started playing in the mud.

"After I became an immortal, I stopped playing with mud. Without such a powerful woman, I still played with mud. After I return to the Phoenix Clan, I will tell my elders that there is an extremely powerful goddess in the ancient world. Likes to play in the mud.”

Nuwa looked at the clay figurine in her hand, which was extremely perfect. Chen Yuan could see the extremely subtle levels and the endless beauty of the avenue.

Just like the existence in the prehistoric world.

It can be transformed into the Pangu Taoist body, but it can be transformed into the Pangu Taoist body. However, I cannot understand how many mysteries there are in it.

This moment is an opportunity for Chen Yuan to have a deeper understanding of Pangu Taoism.

For this created race.

Chen Yuan saw the balance. Like Chen Yuan, who is innately divine, with heaven as his father and earth as his mother. Although he is uniquely blessed by nature, he also has limitations.

It has already been stipulated in the cultivation of the great road.

Chen Yuan is the incarnation of the Qi of innate creation. If he practices the Dao of Destruction, the speed of his practice will inevitably be extremely slow and not as good as the Dao of Creation.

But this is different for races created according to the form of Pangu.

They do not have such innate limitations, and the avenues they can cultivate do not have many limitations, unlike some innate races that have limitations.

Wangshu also tried to squeeze it, but she couldn't squeeze it as perfectly as Nuwa. She didn't understand the shape of Pangu.

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