The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 136 Great Gods Gather at Xuanhua Mountain

Wang Shu saw a few figures outside at the entrance of the palace, secretly looking inside, couldn't help but smile and said, "Come in."

The one walking in front was Qing You, followed by Kong Xuan, Ming Mo and Qing Yu. Even Black Tiger, who often stayed in one place and didn't move much after coming to Xuanhua Mountain, also came. For Chen Yuan's legendary The announcement all over the world made him a little confused. He felt that he should no longer think about leaving here, but instead think of some ways to please and change his situation.

Qingyou saluted, a little confused, and asked: "We heard a voice before, it was Master, you became the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. We only heard about Daluo Jinxian. Junior Brother Kong Xuan told me that there is a quasi-sage realm. It seems that there is another realm of saints, I don’t know what realm this Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is.”

Chen Yuan usually doesn't talk about these things because he is too far away from them, but since Qingyou asked about it, he talked about it and said: "This Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is an existence at the same level as a saint. I have achieved this level this time as a teacher." "

Kong Xuan was also a little confused when he heard this. He knew about the realm of saints. When he was still in the egg, a voice came saying that he had become a saint. At that time, he felt that this saint was a bit powerful and could actually pass through the formation. Fa Jiang's voice came in, and he didn't quite understand how powerful the saint was.

He is not Daluo Jinxian, and he cannot enter the long river of time and destiny with his soul, see countless existences at the same time, and hear the same voice. Therefore, in Kong Xuan's impression, the saint is only in a somewhat powerful state. .

Wang Shu could see that Chen Yuan's two disciples did not understand what they heard. Only Cheng Daluo Jinxian could understand the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Wangshu looked coldly and said: "After a period of time, people with great supernatural powers will come, even the six who will become saints in the future will come."

Chen Yuan nodded and said to Kong Xuan and Qing You: "Wait for a while and a person with great supernatural powers will come to visit. You can see the world and broaden your horizons to know who are the truly powerful beings in the ancient world. "

Kong Xuan was a little puzzled and asked: "Master, since I came to Xuanhua Mountain, our Xuanhua Mountain has been extremely quiet. Only Uncle Master occasionally comes here. How come someone with great supernatural powers suddenly comes here?"

Wangshu glanced at Chen Yuan and said: "For me, Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is not an ordinary realm. It can be said to be the highest realm in the prehistoric world. The sound you heard covers all time and space in the prehistoric world."

Qingyou revealed it at first, and said: "I'm afraid it's just a pretext of congratulations, but it's true that it has an ulterior motive."

Pangu Hall.

Twelve stalwart figures.

Di Jiang looked extremely solemn and said: "Xuanyuan became the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. I once traveled throughout the ancient times and even went to his dojo, Xuanhua Mountain."

Hou Tu had a temperament unique to the earth and said: "The Heavenly Lord of Creation and our witch clan are not very familiar with each other and have not had much contact. Fortunately, he is not familiar with the Heavenly Court either. He even had a grudge in the past. Don't worry that he will help. Heaven.”

Di Jiang did not expect that Taoist Xuanyuan, who was once a somewhat powerful Taoist, would become a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. He said, "Even so, we must prepare generous gifts so that even if we cannot become friends, we will not become enemies."

The other ancestral witches didn't have any objections. Hongjun showed them the power of this realm last time. If possible, they naturally didn't want to become enemies with a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

The Wu Clan has a lot of innate spiritual treasures. Now you can take out one or two of them as gifts. If you are a monk who practices the Dao of Yuanshen, the innate spiritual treasures are naturally hard to part with. For the Wu Clan, it is just one piece. It's just a collection, not of high value.

Kunlun Mountains.

I had a complex look on my face. He thought he would be the first person to achieve enlightenment. He never expected someone to become the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. In his opinion, even if Xuanyuan Taoist had a higher realm than him, he would not have the Hongmeng Purple Qi. , he will definitely catch up.

Yuanshi looked solemn and said, "It seems we have gone to send some congratulatory gifts."

Lao Tzu's expression didn't change much, and he said: "Of course. If all the other people with great supernatural powers went and we didn't go, it would be very troublesome to offend him and try to do something about our enlightenment. Something possible.”

Tongtian finally said: "Since we have prepared some things now, let's go."

There are many such people with great supernatural powers, and they all head towards Xuanhua Mountain.

Xuanhua Mountain.

At this time, extremely powerful beings came here, including the handsome Taiyi Emperor Fuxi, Kunpeng, and Minghe who liked to live in the sea of ​​blood. Zhen Yuanzi from Wuzhuangguan looked at the demon clan. His eyes were extremely cold.

The beings who have arrived here are all at the lowest level of the Da Luo Jinxian realm, and there are no beings who have cultivated to the Da Luo Jinxian realm.

Chen Yuan walked out, giving those with great supernatural powers an extremely obscure but irresistible feeling. Those with great supernatural powers who saw him were extremely shocked, and an irresistible feeling arose, as if they saw Hongjun in their own bodies. before.

Chen Yuan saw that in the prehistoric world, the real great supernatural beings were coming, and said loudly: "Everyone, I have become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. I want to thank Taoist Hongjun for his selfless preaching. After entering this realm, there are so many Fellow Taoist congratulations to me."

Seeing Chen Yuan come out, among these beings, only the six Laozi Yuanshi Tongtian, Yingyin Zhunti, and Nuwa could calm down and understand that sooner or later they would become saints.

I asked curiously: "Teacher Hongjun gave us Hongmeng Purple Qi. Taoist disciples can cultivate themselves into Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal without relying on Hongmeng Purple Qi. I don't know how this state compares with that of a saint."

This question is what everyone present wants to know. Some are confused by these two realms. What is going on.

Chen Yuan's eyes were extremely chaotic, as if nothing existed. The place he was at was in the open space of Xuanhua Mountain. There was a high platform at his feet. He was sitting cross-legged on it. No one had any objections. He who knows the way is a teacher. , Chen Yuan's realm at this time may be a little worse than Hongjun's, but after all, they are in the same realm.

Kong Xuan and Qing You were in a corner and saw so many seemingly ordinary but extremely majestic supernatural power users. Originally, in Kong Xuan's memory, his mother was extremely powerful, but according to his observation, here There are many quasi-sages who come with great supernatural powers, and some are extremely powerful among quasi-sages.

He was extremely shocked. Originally, his understanding of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was very shallow, and Chen Yuan did not show his power in front of them, but at this time, too many stalwart beings came to Xuanhua Mountain and sat there quietly, one by one. Especially polite.

Kong Xuan and Qingyou listened carefully. The knowledge involved was the top knowledge in the prehistoric world.

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