The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 122 Zifu Province

Two Yuanhui.

Above Zifuzhou.

Fuxi is very tall and majestic. Now he is in the middle stage of Quasi-Sage. In the prehistoric world, he is a powerful person.

At this time, he came to Zifuzhou to persuade Dong Wanggong to submit to the Heavenly Court. Now the prestige of the Heavenly Court is getting stronger and stronger.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the twelve ancestor witches before a Yuanhui, they still exuded the pressure of Quasi-Sages. There were twelve Quasi-Sage-level powerful people.

If Fuxi didn't know that the Heavenly Court had the Zhoutian Star Array, he would have wanted to leave the Heavenly Court and wade into the muddy water.

The Zhoutian Star Array gave him confidence, as if the power of the starry sky world reappeared, making him not afraid of the witch clan.

He came here this time to persuade Dong Wanggong. After all, the other party was the first male immortal canonized by Hongjun Daozu. If it weren't for this reason, he would have been destroyed by the Heavenly Court long ago, and he would not stay until now.

Fuxi's mighty voice resounded throughout Zifuzhou, making all the creatures in Zifuzhou feel uneasy and terrified, feeling that they were enveloped by supreme majesty, and that a mighty force was hovering over Zifuzhou.

"Dong Wang Dong, I, Fuxi, come here on behalf of the Heavenly Court. If you are willing, you will become the emperor of the Heavenly Court and be on par with me. How about that?"

Dong Wanggong saw the scene outside, with countless heavenly soldiers and generals, the breath of demon saints sweeping the mountains, rivers, sun and moon, and the fairy ship as big as the sky and land. In such a powerful scene, he was not looking at the power outside, but the entire Heavenly Court.

Dong Wanggong did not hesitate too much.

The divine light was surging around him, and his face was obscured by the divine light, so he could not see clearly. He wore the emperor's crown on his head, stepped on the space, and in one step, he was in the sky.

The vast aura filled the sky and earth, covering Zifuzhou.

"Fuxi, I, Dong Wanggong, and your Heavenly Court have no conflict with each other. Why do you want me to be the emperor of Heavenly Court? You should know that I am the first male immortal canonized by Daozu."

Fuxi was also very tall and majestic, and his aura was against the other party.

On the Purple Mansion State, various strange phenomena were formed, which seemed to be extremely beautiful, but they contained a lot of murderous intentions. Bai Ze looked at this scene from afar. At this time, he had become a quasi-saint.

Pushing open the door of the Great Dao, he also felt the gap between himself and Fuxi more deeply.

Fuxi said leisurely: "Dong Wanggong, you are the first male immortal, but Daozu has already merged with the Dao. I am afraid he will not come out for this little thing of yours."

Dong Wanggong's face was livid, but he said what he was most worried about.

He was the first male immortal canonized by Daozu. It can be said that Daozu was his greatest reliance, but there was another problem. He was not a disciple of Daozu.

Daozu Hongjun gave him the best innate spiritual treasure dragon head crutch, so it can be said that he did not owe him anything.

"Since I am the leader of the male immortals, I will not join the Heavenly Court."

"Look at the heavenly soldiers and generals behind me, think about it again, don't act so rashly."

"Fuxi, since I have made a decision, I will not change it, you don't have to waste your words."

"Alas, I originally advised you kindly, so that you could avoid a disaster. Since we are both guests of Zixiao Palace, you took the initiative to volunteer in the Heavenly Court. I didn't expect that you can't see the situation clearly. Since that's the case, I have nothing to say."

Fuxi sighed, a sigh for all the spirits in this world, and finally said: "Attack."

The immortal ship, like the sky land, burst out with boundless power and landed on Zifuzhou. There was a brilliance above Zifuzhou, blocking this powerful attack.

The face of the East Palace was ugly, not because of the power in front of him.

For the power of the Heavenly Court, there are many quasi-saints in the Heavenly Court, plus countless heavenly soldiers and generals, who have the power to crush him.

In Fuxi's hand, a fairy harp appeared, flashing with brilliance, with supreme power bursting out, and sound waves went towards Dong Wanggong.

Facing this powerful attack, Dong Wanggong was still not afraid, and the dragon head crutch launched a powerful attack.

Fuxi did not expect that Dong Wanggong was so powerful, and he had already reached the realm of the great perfection of the middle stage of the quasi-saint.

He was only one step away from reaching the late stage of the quasi-saint and beheading the two corpses.

This may be the reason why Dong Wanggong was unwilling to submit to the heaven, but it was a pity that even if he defeated Fuxi today, it would not be a good thing.

Instead, it was a disaster.

Above Zifuzhou, there were countless powerful beings, and a picture appeared in one person's hand, which was extremely mysterious, with gorgeous fairy light flowing, and powerful power suddenly spread out.

It enveloped countless creatures in Zifuzhou. Faced with such a scene, these creatures did not panic at all and used their magic power familiarly.

Suddenly, a large formation rose up, and the area covered by this formation was extremely vast.

Even the place where Fuxi was was also covered. Fuxi felt that his power was suppressed, and Dong Wanggong was the opposite of him.

His power was not suppressed, but greatly improved. Dong Wanggong laughed proudly.

This big formation is an innate formation, which is made of the best innate spiritual treasure Wanxiantu. It gathers the power of ten thousand immortals and has the power to turn the world upside down.

This formation gave him confidence. If there was no innate formation, he might agree with Fuxi.

Fuxi fell into danger. If Dong Wanggong did not have this innate formation, he could have retreated completely, but this was beyond his expectation, especially when two quasi-saints appeared beside Dong Wanggong.

Destroying the huge fairy ship,

The huge fairy ship fell down, stirring up endless wind and clouds, and fell into the boundless sea, causing huge waves in the sea.

The huge waves were too huge, and countless creatures in the sea were destroyed.

Some dragons watched this scene and were smashed to death.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance founded by the Eastern King exceeded Fuxi's expectations. He sighed and a picture appeared in his hand. There were boundless mountains and rivers in it, and there seemed to be all kinds of spirits.

This picture was so vast that it covered an extremely large area. The demons did not resist and were sucked into it. This was the Mountain River Society Map.

There were boundless mountains, rivers, and heaven and earth in it, which could accommodate countless creatures to survive in it, and could also take creatures into it.

The Mountain River Society Map was a map of the prehistoric world, which could borrow the power of the prehistoric world. It was not much worse than the innate treasure. Nuwa was also Hongjun's disciple.

The treasure obtained was naturally extremely powerful.

Fuxi took the initiative to volunteer, but Nuwa was not very reassured, so she asked Fuxi to bring the Mountain River Society Map.

"Sister is really thoughtful. If there is no map of mountains, rivers and states, it is not easy to collect the monsters."

Dong Wanggong saw that the countless monsters disappeared in the blink of an eye. He looked at the picture in Fuxi's hand, and then looked at the dragon head crutch in his hand. He was instantly compared.

Although they are both top-grade innate spiritual treasures, there is not much comparison between the two.

Dong Wanggong said: "Fuxi, don't think about leaving. There is the power of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation here. It is useless to block the void and break the space here. You can't leave this formation."

Fuxi's face was calm and he seemed indifferent to the situation in front of him. He observed the surroundings. Bai Ze looked ugly beside Fuxi. He shouldn't underestimate Dong Wanggong.

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