The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 120 Pangu's Sigh

Wangshu has no palace on Xuanhua Mountain. Such a long time sometimes enters the long river of time and fate.

Learn knowledge.

In addition, there is the complex knowledge of refining in Zixiao Palace, which not only makes her grow in cultivation, but also grows in all aspects. She understands all the refining arrays.

Her mind moved.

A beautiful palace appeared, with Yuehua Palace written on it, which was the name given by Chen Yuan at the beginning. This palace is different from the one refined by Chen Yuan in style and is more gentle.

In Chen Yuan's retreat.

An extremely majestic giant tower appeared. After seeing it, Qingyou, who was not far away, explained to Kong Xuan: "This is the master's spiritual treasure, the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Jiutian Qingkong Tower, which has nine middle thousand worlds inside. I went to the middle thousand world inside and it was huge."

Kong Xuan heard that this giant tower was a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. He observed it carefully and found that there were extremely complex patterns on it, flowing with the power of suppressing the heavens.

The closer he looked, the more he saw it.

The more he could feel the power contained in it, the more he could not help but look into his sea of ​​consciousness. There was a fairy bell with five-colored light flowing. This was given to him by his master.

He said that his mother gave it to him.

But there was a lotus blossoming on it. The seemingly beautiful lotus had the power to cross the heavens and sealed the best innate spiritual treasure.

The seal on it could only be unlocked after he achieved the Golden Immortal Realm. He did not blame anyone, but only blamed himself for being too low in realm, only the Golden Immortal Realm.

Such a low realm.

Going to the prehistoric world, any existence could take his life.

He was very curious about the lotus, which could actually seal the best innate spiritual treasure. He didn't know what kind of treasure it was.

After achieving the Golden Immortal Realm, he could go to the prehistoric world with Qingyou.

That would be a very beautiful thing.

In the long river of time and fate.

Chen Yuan strolled on it, looking at the flowing river water. Every drop seemed ordinary, but it contained the fate of all spirits. Some of them even recorded the destruction of the world, which was the world in the endless void.

It will be destroyed by a strong person passing by, or by a powerful force, for various reasons.

Standing on it, if the future body is cut out, it will pave the way for the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is too important for Chen Yuan, but there are also great dangers.

The future body, as the name suggests, is the future self, and its strength will inevitably be higher than your own. It is extremely difficult to defeat a person with strength higher than your own.

Chen Yuan has no regrets. He has been in the prehistoric world for dozens of Yuanhui. The long time has made his Tao heart extremely firm. He pursues to become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

There is hope for achievement, but he retreats because of negative emotions such as fear and terror. This is not what Chen Yuan did. At this time, Chen Yuan concentrated his mind and put aside all the fear and terror.

Looking at the river flowing to the future.

There is brilliance, gathering, condensing, and becoming real. A majestic figure appears, surrounded by brilliance, and the long river of time and fate seems to be cut off.

Too powerful, beyond Chen Yuan's imagination, not one or two times, but countless times.

This is simply invincible, impossible to defeat, Chen Yuan was silent, not expecting no chance at all.

"Is it about to end?" Chen Yuan muttered to himself.

The future body walked towards Chen Yuan, the majestic and vast aura permeated the long river of time and destiny, and the avenue of creation lingered around him.

Formed into necklaces, lotus, pearls, ceiling, all kinds of things floating on the long river of time and destiny.

Chen Yuan asked in a hoarse voice: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I thought you were just a little stronger than me, but I don't regret it."

The future body was surrounded by divine light, and said: "You don't have to regret it. I am Chen Yuan. From now on, I will replace you to achieve the supreme realm and settle a cause and effect."

Although Chen Yuan was facing such a desperate situation, he was also curious and asked: "What cause and effect are you settling?"

The face of the future body was blurred and his expression was not clear. He said: "You don't think you can appear in the prehistoric world for no reason, without any reason."

Chen Yuan had thought about this problem before, but he couldn't think of an answer. He said: "In theory, a world cannot be entered casually. It has its own protective power."

The future body said leisurely: "This is recorded in the future fruit, because when you cut off the future body, it must be when your realm is extremely high."

"Already Approaching the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, after all, the strength of the future body is above yours. If it is not absolutely necessary, you will not think of cutting out the future body. "

Although Chen Yuan was extremely shocked at the beginning when facing the more powerful future body, he slowly calmed his mind. After all, he was an existence that had practiced for countless time. He said: "If it is not to pave the way for the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even if there is one less future body, it is not a big problem. Maybe I will never think of cutting off the future body. "

The future body said faintly: "So I said that you must be in an extremely high realm before you cut off the future body. The information I got from the future fruit told me that the prehistoric universe of the previous life has been annihilated in the boundless chaos. "

With Chen Yuan's Tao heart, he was still extremely shocked, even though he had such thoughts before, and said: "So, this prehistoric world is newly opened up, and it is still opened up by Pangu. "

In the future, he stood with his hands on his back and said: "Yes, the Pangu universe in the previous life was extinguished. Pangu woke up from his deep sleep. A sigh spread throughout all time and space in the three realms and six realms. The immortal saint lost his glory. Pangu's eyes dimmed. The world that held his hopes was destroyed."

Chen Yuan seemed to see the incomparably grand and ancient universe. There was once a supreme saint who preached to the world, using heaven and earth as chess pieces and all things as chessboard.

The glory gained from the prehistoric world was lost, and countless creatures were reduced to ashes in the earth, wind, water, and fire.

There are no longer six reincarnations. The Daluo Jinxian, the eternal and free spirit of all time and space, has returned to the river of destiny.

It is no longer possible to step on the long river of time and destiny. The universe has come to an end. How much despair and unwillingness have turned into chaos along with the ancient world.

The future person's tone at this time was inexplicable: "Pangu looked sad. He seemed to have an ideal in his heart. He wanted to build an eternal world that would no longer be destroyed."

"The heaven and earth he transformed into will not exist forever after all. He is so majestic, the supreme one in the chaos, and understands the existence of the three thousand avenues."

Chen Yuan looked shocked. He couldn't imagine how powerful it was. It was so difficult for him to comprehend a great avenue of creation. He said, "So the Three Thousand Great Avenues are the Tao that Pangu understood."

The future body said longingly: "Pangu is the eternal one, the strong man who can suppress the endless chaos, so he can open up this boundless prehistoric world. You have also seen the great world opened by the saint, how is it like the prehistoric world."

Chen Yuan recalled Hongjun's world and said: "It can't be compared. Even with the heaven, it's not comparable. The gap is too big."

The future body said quietly: "The prehistoric world is a world where enlightenment can be achieved. It is an honor to be born in such a world. If you are born in a world with an upper limit, your future achievements will have an upper limit.

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