The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 114: Zixiao Palace Lecture 3

Zixiao Palace.

Chen Yuan, who had completed his seventh turn in chaos, had replenished his mana.

I found a star in the starry sky and practiced on it for a while. When I could enter the Zixiao Palace, I went there.

Chen Yuan, who arrived at Zixiao Palace early, saw Wang Shu arriving and greeted him.

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "You are here. This is the last sermon. It should allow me to achieve the post-quasi-sage status."

Wang Shu glanced at Chen Yuan and said with a smile: "Yuan, you are already in the middle stage of quasi-sage. You have achieved the late stage of quasi-sage. You are not far from Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal."

Chen Yuan shook his head and said: "It seems that there is only a small distance, but Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian has a chasm. If you cannot cross it, you will only waste endless time."

Wangshu, who was already at the peak of the early stage of quasi-sage, saw that Chen Yuan had surpassed him.

He knew that such a day would come, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly. He said firmly: "I believe you can cross this chasm."

After a long time.

On the Taoist platform in Zixiao Palace, a figure appeared silently. It was extremely mysterious, and the aura on his body was very natural, just like an ordinary old man.

The aura on Hongjun's body did not increase or decrease, as if Hongjun had not changed. Chen Yuan did not believe that Hongjun had not changed.

It can only be said that the realm of saints is too lofty and lofty, so that people who are quasi-sages cannot see clearly and feel unclearly.

Hongjun didn't say a word, and just continued to speak. A series of maxims on the great road slowly spewed out from his mouth, lingering in the Zixiao Palace:

"Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to all things, all things bear yin and embrace yang, and inject qi into harmony."

"Doing nothing, doing nothing, tastes tasteless. No matter how big or small, repay grievances with virtue. The difficulty is easier than the easy, and the details are greater than the details. The difficult things in the world must be done in the easy; the great things in the world must be done in the details. Therefore, the sage will never be great. Therefore, it is possible to achieve greatness. If a man makes a promise, he will have little faith, and if there is anything easy, there will be many difficulties. This is why it is difficult for a sage, so there is no difficulty in the end."

"It's like stretching a bow. Those who are high suppress it, and those who are low lift it. Those who have more than enough will lose it, and those who have less will take it. The way of heaven is to damage the excess and make up for the deficiency; but this is not the case in the way of humanity. If there is insufficient damage, there will be more. So. A sage does not rely on his own merits, and his achievements are nowhere to be seen, and there are no virtuous people in this world.”

This sermon is about the way of Hunyuan.

It is extremely mysterious, and it is very difficult for everyone to listen to it. Fortunately, there is still a mysterious way around, and you can feel the way you understand, even if you don't understand the Hunyuan Avenue.

It can also improve your realm.

Hunyuan Avenue is not always talked about. Most of the time, only the Mysterious Avenue is around.

Chen Yuan heard the extremely mysterious Hunyuan Avenue in confusion, and only understood a very small part of it.

This Hunyuan Avenue is beyond Chen Yuan's realm at this time. Only by becoming the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal can one truly understand it.

As for whether others understood it, he didn't know.

Understanding more about Hunyuan Dao can improve some hopes of becoming Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. While listening to the sermon, someone broke through the realm. Taiyi next to him was closer to the quasi-sage stage.

One day, he passed this level and reached the quasi-sage stage.

More existences began to enter the quasi-sage stage.

First, Wangshu became a quasi-holy mid-level existence and killed the good corpse.

In the Three Qing Dynasties, first Laozi beheaded the good corpse and became the mid-quasi-sage, then Yuanshi beheaded the good corpse and became the mid-quasi-sage, and finally Tongtian achieved the mid-quasi-sage.

There are even more existences that have achieved quasi-sage. Zhunti and Jieyin have achieved the mid-term quasi-sage. Fuxi and Nuwa also killed the good corpses and achieved the quasi-sage stage.

Chen Yuan has become a late-stage quasi-sage.

Three thousand years later, Hongjun stopped his sermon and said: "When Pangu created the world, I got the jade certificate of creation, understood the great way, followed the heavens, taught and transformed all living beings, and preached three times. Now it is complete. After today, I will If you follow the Tao with your body, you will not be able to do anything other than the general trend of heaven and earth.”

Upon hearing this, all those with great supernatural powers bowed down one after another, and Hongjun continued: "Under the way of heaven, a saint should follow the way of heaven and be born as the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. After realizing the Tao of Hunyuan, he will be in harmony with the Tao and become an immortal body. If you don’t realize Hunyuan, you will eventually become an ant.”

When all the people with great supernatural powers heard this, they were all horrified and inexplicable. All saints were ants. They had heard it before, but after hearing it again this time, they just wanted to stop being ants.

Then Hongjun said even more horrified.

"There should be six saints under my sect."

Everyone looked at the six futons. They were just right, and they instantly realized that they were six holy thrones.

Some people are envious, and some people are beating their chests. There are two people who are different. One is Hongyun, who already occupies a holy throne.

But he gave it up in vain. Although he was a good man, he still regretted it. That body was indestructible, so how could he give up such great achievements?

The second is Kunpeng.

At this time, Kunpeng stared at Hongyun with great hatred. In the past, he only hated the other party and it made him lose face, although it was not easy to live with.

You can also go there, but today you know that it is a holy place. If looks can kill, Hongyun has died countless times.

Hongyun turned around and saw Kunpeng's eyes, and felt chilled.

There were also people with great supernatural powers who were determined not to give up even after seeing the Yellow River, and asked: "I dare to ask the teacher, who can enjoy this holy position."

Even though I and the six of them were looking at Hongjun closely, they were a little nervous that only when it came from Hongjun's mouth would it become a certainty.

Hongjun flipped his hand and seven mysterious gases appeared in his hand, showing purple. This was the foundation of the Great Dao, the primordial purple gas. Then he said: "Pangu created the world and the primordial spirit was divided into three parts. Laozi Yuanshi Tongtian has great merits. You can be my disciple. When the opportunity comes, you can become a saint."

After that, three mysterious purple gases flew out of his hand and went to the three people. They sank into the eyebrows of the three people. The three pure ones showed joy.

Hongjun continued: "Nuwa will have a great merit in the future. She can be my disciple and a saint."

A primordial purple gas fell into the eyebrows of Nuwa.

Jieyin Zhunti thought that they would be the next, but Hongjun did not move, as if that was it, which made the two anxious.

Seeing this, Zhunti immediately kowtowed and said, "Teacher, my brother and I are seeking the truth with one heart. I hope you can help us."

With snot and tears, he could let go in such an environment. In the prehistoric world, few people with great supernatural powers could do it.

Hongjun nodded, as if he was moved by the two of them, and said, "Well, you two can be my registered disciples, and you are destined to become saints in the future."

Hongmeng purple qi also fell into the eyebrows of the two, which made Jieyin and Zhunti feel relieved. As long as they have Hongmeng purple qi.

In the future, they can prove the truth of Hunyuan and become saints. Even if they become registered disciples, it is better than nothing.

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