The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

478. Ruyi Zhenxian (please order in full)

from time to time.

Sanqing Hall was full of distinguished guests.

There was the Immortal Ruyi who came from Poer Cave in Jieyang Mountain in the daughter country. He was dressed as a Taoist priest and chatted happily with Immortal Luli. There are also Mr. White Deer who comes from the Bhikkhu Kingdom, Mrs. White Bones who comes from Baihu Ridge and so on.

"Brother Huli, according to me, it is better to capture King Chechi's mind."

Mr. Bailu taught Huli the Great Immortal his experience in the Bhikkhu Kingdom, "As long as the king only obeys you, if the monk of Zhixian Temple disobeys the king's order and just steals his Buddhist temple, why bother talking to bald donkeys like them?" What’s the point?”

To be a monster, you have to act like a monster.

When faced with a mortal, Che Chi San Yao actually wanted to prove his innocence instead of causing harm.

The Great Immortal Huli smiled and said nothing.

He knew that Mr. White Deer, or the heel of the White Deer Monster, was the mount of the longevity star in heaven. The white deer monster acts recklessly, and it has the longevity star as its support and guarantee. Have confidence. But the three brothers were not so lucky. If you don't keep your heart of walking on thin ice, who knows when you will encounter disaster.

Moreover, the three of them have won the battle, and they have the support of the people and the trust of the king. Now it is just a counterattack by some monks from the Chechi Kingdom, so there is no need to cause chaos.

Mr. Bai Lu was about to say more, but Bai Gui on the side said abruptly: "Mr. Bai Lu, if my uncle does not uphold the right path, maybe the heaven will issue an edict at some point, asking me to kill my uncle to protect the world. The air is bright and clear.”

"My uncle doesn't want to do this, but he is afraid that the same roommates will fight. It will make enemies happy and relatives painful. I would like to express my gratitude to the two uncles and the master for protecting me."

He placed the jade chopsticks on the dishes, knelt down and stood up, gathered his clothes, and saluted the Great Immortal Hu Li.

This matter actually has nothing to do with him.

But outside the Sanqing Hall, he could clearly remember the protection and help given to him by the Great Immortal Hu Li, the Great Immortal Lu Li, and Taoist Zheng. If it weren't for the great help of the three demons of Che Chi, it is estimated that the scorpion spirit Xue Pipa would not have succumbed so quickly.

Of course, Bai Gui also understood that the entanglement and involvement of interests were indispensable for Che Chi Sanyao to come forward to defend him. However, being able to stand up at that time, no matter what I thought in my heart, was considered a favor, but there was a difference between thick and thin.

Right now... the White Deer Monster has lured the three demons of Che Chi into going astray.

This point, as Chechi Sanyao, is relatively difficult to answer. After all, demons have a demonic appearance. Who do you think you are if you really want to stay out of the mud? A fairy from heaven?

To answer "no" is to offend the demons in the palace.

People have human nature, and demons have demon ways.

If you really cut off the connection with the monsters, you won't be able to attack them in groups. But obviously, apart from these monsters, it is impossible for the three monsters of Chechi to get to know too many immortals. If something happens in the future, it is easy to end up alone and helpless.

Furthermore, these monsters are also monsters near Chechi Kingdom.

If the three demons of Chechi want to govern the country of Chechi well, they must deal with the demons.


Upholding the right path, doing good deeds, and cultivating meritorious deeds are the path Chechi Sanyao wants to take. But they obviously can't cut off their connection with the monsters.

Therefore, Bai Gui stood up.

He is a human Cao Guan who has the power to control human affairs. Wherever there are monsters doing evil, heaven will issue an edict and ask him to come and eliminate the monsters and judge the case. Therefore, he said that the three demons of Chechi did this because they couldn't bear to see their roommates fighting. It was reasonable for so long.

You are a monster, but other monsters will not believe you if you have kind thoughts in your heart!

But you are a monster, and you do more good deeds because you want to protect your descendants. Anyone who hears this will believe most of you.

At the same time, Bai Gui's words were a reminder to the three of Great Immortal Huli. If he does evil in the future, he, as a disciple and a nephew, will not be too polite.

The White Deer Monster glanced sideways at Bai Gui, nodded as if understanding, and said with a half-smile, "Fellow Taoist Bai's words make sense, Taoist Brother Huli, for the sake of younger generations like you, you have to do good deeds and avoid doing evil things. "

He took a step back, returned to the desk, and started to drink some wine.

"Good nephew, thank you very much."

Great Immortal Hu Li is not an idiot. This is the first time he and his nephew have met. He usually does good deeds for his own path. Who would have thought of Bai Gui, his nephew? However, the meaning of Bai Gui's words, he But it became much clearer.

He was able to let go of his arrogance and thank Bai Gui.

Bai Gui nodded, accepted the thanks, and said with a smile on his face: "If my uncle has such a character, it shows that he is not far away from becoming an immortal. My nephew wishes my uncle to be on his way to immortality soon."

The strength of the Huli Great Immortal may be on par with that of a Heavenly Immortal.

But this does not mean that Huli Daxian is a heavenly being. The same goes for Taoist Zheng and Great Immortal Lu Li. Although they are Earth Immortals, they are only pseudo Earth Immortals.

With a certain amount of merit, there are three hundred earthly immortals and one thousand two hundred heavenly immortals. You will realize the immortal position (fruit position) in the dark world. That is, the Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit and the Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit. In other words, he became an earthly immortal and a heavenly immortal recognized by heaven and earth.

And without this merit, the earthly immortals and heavenly immortals who only cultivate enough magic power are just black households to heaven and earth.

There seems to be no similarity between the immortals in Kuroto and the immortals with immortal status.

This is not the case!

Earthly immortals with immortal status are similar to reserve bureaucrats in heaven. In other words, it is equivalent to the imperial examinations in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. As long as there is a certain opportunity, the official department reports the vacancy, and after selection, you can become an immortal official and rank in the immortal class.

And the immortals with immortal status are even more powerful. Equivalent to Jinshi after the imperial examination, they will definitely be appointed as officials by the heaven and rank in the immortal class. The three levels of upper, middle and lower are Shuiguan, Diguan and Tianguan.

In addition, there are infinite mysteries in the Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit and the Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit. It is the certificate leading to the immortal golden immortal. Earthly immortals and heavenly immortals are good at cultivating, but how can golden immortals be truly immortal if they don’t have the fruition status in their bodies.

Bai Gui congratulated the Great Immortal Huli on his early arrival on the path to immortality. He did not mean that the Great Immortal Huli was not an immortal, but he wished that the Great Immortal Huli would soon complete his merits and realize the Taoist Fruits.

"Uncle, I'm borrowing your kind words from my nephew."

The Great Immortal Huli nodded solemnly.

Who can become a gangster if he can be an official?

Preaching the gospel in the Chechi Kingdom and serving as a national teacher in the Chechi Kingdom is the path of merit prepared by the three demons.

"Oh, by the way, nephew."

"I heard from your master that you are going to the Daughter's Kingdom... This is the True Immortal Ruyi, and he is also a member of my Taoist family. You are now practicing Taoism in the Daughter's Kingdom. Do you know a thing or two about him?"

Immortal Huli pointed at the corner of the courtyard pillars in the hall where Immortal Ruyi and Immortal Luli were chatting happily, and then walked over with Bai Gui, speaking as they walked.

He had heard from Taoist Zheng.

This nephew of his is quite a fisherman.

Being able to come to Chechi Country this time has some reasons that are inseparable from the daughter country.

But this does not matter. There is a Bodhisattva of great joy in Buddhism. Among Taoists, there is no need to mention the dual cultivation techniques of the Danding Sect and other sects.

"As a poor Taoist, I have met my fellow Taoist."

Immortal Ruyi made a Taoist bow and said with a smile.

Before entering the banquet, he heard Bai Gui's identity introduced by Great Immortal Huli and others. But it was introduced to everyone in the hall at that time. Everyone entered and signed up. At this moment, Great Immortal Huli introduced Bai Gui to meet him alone again.

Bai Gui also returned the gift and reported his name.

"The last king of the Daughter Kingdom had some friendship with Ping Dao. He was newly mourned the year before last. The current king of the Daughter Kingdom has just ascended the throne. He is in his prime years and has a beautiful face..."

"Fellow Daoist Bai is not bad in appearance. If you are interested, I can recommend you to one or two."

Ruyi Zhenxian's fly whisk was placed on the crook of his elbow and he smiled lightly.

Hezhou in Xiniu is different from Tang Dynasty in the east of Buzhou in the south. If you want to live and work in peace and contentment in this human country, someone must guard one area to prevent others from prying.

Otherwise, some monsters would easily eat up a country...

Mortals simply cannot survive.

The Taoist temple of True Immortal Ruyi is within the territory of the Daughter's Kingdom, which can be regarded as a shelter for the Daughter's Kingdom. As a great demon in the territory, it is obviously impossible to say that True Immortal Ruyi has no friendship with the king.

"Ruyi Taoist friend is joking, poor Taoist has already..."

Bai Gui was about to explain.

Immortal Ruyi interrupted him, "Fellow Daoist Bai, the king of the Daughter Kingdom is a king, how can he be a private wife. If you have caught her eye, just cultivate Yan well and don't worry about anything else."

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