The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 58: Cao Zixiao follows orders

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Liu Dai is currently leading the state soldiers and is fighting against the Yellow Turbans in the southwest of Jibei. Even if he wants to kill him, he cannot just kill him. He must first consider all possible consequences and make some preparations in advance.

Cheng Li said, "Meng De, the first thing you need to do is to find out what Yuan Benchu ​​meant. You can't ask it outright. You can send a confidant as an envoy to see him privately in Wei County, ask him about the situation in Yanzhou, and see him. What to say."

He was getting old and a little afraid of the cold, he slapped his hands, and then said: "Yuan Benchu ​​entrusted his wife and son to Liu Gongshan, it is not unbelievable, but when Gongsun Bogui's army was strong, Gongshan was uncertain and did not know what to do. After days of indecision, although I followed my advice later, I did not attach Bogui, but according to my expectations, I would have resented him at first, and he would definitely be deeply dissatisfied with Liu Gongshan. As the king on behalf of Muzhou, he should not object. "

Liu Dai and Cao Cao, one was hesitant and wavered between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao, the other firmly supported Yuan Shao, and proved with practical actions that he personally brought troops and horses to fight for Yuan Shao, which of them would Yuan Shao favor? it goes without saying.

Cao Cao said: "In the beginning, there is no need to send someone to ask."

"What?... When you came back from Wei County this time, what did you say at the beginning?"

Cao Cao told the truth: "I said at the beginning, if I can help Gongshan break the Yellow Turbans and keep the state safe, he will come to the court in the coming days and ask me to pay homage to me."

"Assist Gongshan, please..."

Cheng Li immediately understood the meaning of Yuan Shao's words, "helping Gongshan" is just a passing word, and the three words "please give thanks" are the key point. Just as Cao Cao thought when he heard this sentence, Cheng Li also tasted that there are only two possibilities for "Following worship", one is to be a feudal lord, and the other is to go further, from the governor of the county to the shepherd of the state, Of the two, the latter is more likely.

Rao Yi Cheng Li's palace was deep, and he didn't feel happy. He slammed his palms and said, "If you have said this at the beginning, you will be more certain about this matter."

Yuan Shao had a great influence on Yanzhou. Yuan Yi and Wu Zi were all his henchmen, and the chief officials of several large counties were also former officials of his Yuan family. Cao Cao's foothold in Yanzhou would be of great help.

In fact, it was precisely because of Yuan Shao's remarks that Cao Cao would consider Bao Xin and Cheng Li's proposals. Cao Cao knew that although his family belonged to a wealthy family, they were descendants of eunuchs and eunuchs. When it comes to his reputation among scholars, not only can he not be compared with Yuan Shao, but he is also a lot worse than Liu Dai, regardless of Liu Dai's ability. The family is a serious Han clan, a son of the public clan, and Liu Yao is also known as "Erlong". He has long been famous in Qing and Yan, and is much stronger than Cao Cao. Without Yuan Shao's support, Cao Cao did not dare to take risks rashly.

Cao Cao asked: "Exploring the original meaning is the first thing that needs to be done. Dare to ask Duke Zhongde, what is the second thing that needs to be done?"

"Liu Gongshan has led the army outside, and he needs to prevent chaos. Before starting, he must first adjust the elite troops to settle in Gucheng. This is the second."

Liu Dai was the main general. He was assassinated and died once. There was no leader in the army, and there were yellow turbans outside. It was very likely that chaos would occur. It was necessary to arrange a force at the junction of Dongjun and Jibei to prevent chaos.

Cao Cao said, "What Duke Zhongde said is true." After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Who do you think it would be good to send into Tungu City?"

"Cao Zi has both filial piety, wisdom and courage, and his troops are cleaned up. He can suppress chaos and fight violence.

Cao Ren is twenty-five years old this year. Although he is young, he has the style of a general. He did not practice inspection when he was young. Since Cao Cao's battles and generals, he has changed his old style and strictly followed the laws and regulations, often enacting the "Han Military Law" and other military regulations Take it with you, read it at any time, and work on the case. His trilogy is one of the most strict military disciplines under Cao Cao. Cao Ren himself is smart and brave, and since he is from the Cao family, Cao Cao can secretly tell him the real intention of sending him to Gucheng, so that he can prepare early, he is indeed a suitable candidate.

Cao Cao thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Zi Xiao is indeed appropriate."

After deciding on a candidate to prevent Liu Dai from causing chaos, Cao Cao asked, "What about the third thing? What is it?"

Cheng Li said, "As long as you can do these two things well, you can start doing things." Glancing at Cao Cao, he said, "Meng De, I have a question. I wonder if I can say it directly?"

"If you have anything to say, please speak up." Cao Cao and Cheng Li had a speculative conversation. He had been standing by Cheng Li's case just now. He was a little tired now, and he pulled the mat on the side and dragged him to the side of the case. Sitting down cross-legged, facing Cheng Li's gaze, he said sincerely.

"It's not difficult to kill Liu Gongshan, just one or two dead soldiers can do it. The difficult thing is: after Liu Gongshan took charge of Yanzhou, can you, Meng De, have a plan to keep Yan and chase the enemy?"

"I'm about to ask Duke Zhongde for advice, he must have a long-term plan, so dare to ask him."

"Now that I am surrounded by enemies on all sides, do you think which is more important and which is less?"

To the north of Yanzhou, Tian Kai is in Pingyuan County, to the northeast, to the north of Jibei with the Yellow Turbans, to the east is Xuzhou, to the south is Yuzhou, Xu and Yu are allies, Sun Jian's influence has now extended to Hanoi, and Hanoi is in the southwest of Yanzhou. side. Cheng Li said that "we are surrounded by enemies on all sides", which is not an exaggeration at all. - In fact, if it wasn't for the dangerous situation that Yanzhou is currently facing, Bao Xin probably would not have proposed a risky strategy to chase Liu Dai.

Cao Cao replied: "Tian Kai's great enemy is Benchu, Sun Wentai is brave and greedy, Runan is half-invaded by Lv Bu, and the two of them are less important, while the Yellow Turbans and Xuzhou are the most important."

"Your intention is the same as mine. Then I will ask you again: Xuzhou and the Yellow Turbans, which is more important?"

"The Yellow Turbans use copying and plundering as a source of capital, although they have cultivated crops, they cannot last for a long time. In the end, they are just robbers. At this time, thieves are light. The danger of the Huaihe River, the tiger is looking at the east of Yanzhou, and it is serious and serious for Wuzhou.”

"Meng De, Jun and Zhendong are old friends. Until recent months, the two of you have kept writing letters. How is Zhendong?"

After Yuan Shao, the second person asked Cao Cao what he thought of Xun Zhen in just a few days. Cao Cao did not answer Cheng Li by answering Yuan Shao's words. He said, "Xu Zijian once said that Zhenzhi was a 'valley of barren years'. Looking at it now, it would be better to say that he is a 'hero of troubled times'."

"Not bad. Xuzhou raises people's strength, recruits elite soldiers, and Zhendong is active and enterprising. Although the battle between Ji and You was won at the beginning, Bogui's strength still exists, and neither of them is able to look eastward. This is a good opportunity given by God to Xuzhou, Meng De. , In my opinion, by next spring at the latest, he will use troops again."

"What is the general will."

"When he uses the army, it is the opportunity for Jun to stabilize the state!"

"..., Duke Zhongde, what do you say?"

"If Zhendong uses troops, there are only two directions, either Qingzhou or Yanzhou. I expect that he will go north to Jinan. Mengde, you can make arrangements in advance, and the main force should be located in Linyi and Gucheng, and deceive to attack Jibei. The Yellow Turbans are called, and they will fight for a little while. When the battle between Zhendong and Jinan Yellow Turbans is in full swing, they will lead their troops to the south and join forces with Shanyang and Jiyin to recapture Dongping and Rencheng. Then they will fight back at Jibei and force Jibei. The Yellow Turbans enter Jinan in the north, or Mount Tai in the west. In this way, the situation of the enemy and us will be easy to attack and defend, and we can slowly restore Mount Tai."

Cao Cao was overjoyed, he clenched his right fist, hit the left palm, and said, "Prince Zhongde! What a wonderful strategy!"

Xun Zhen is Yanzhou's biggest foreign trouble, so, if you want to stabilize Yanzhou, the most important thing is to know Xunzhen's next move, so that you can deal with it early. Chen Gong judged that Xun Zhen would attack Jibei next, and Cheng Lize judged that Xun Zhen would attack Jinan next.

Because the two people's judgments on this are different, the countermeasures proposed by the two are also different. Chen Gong suggested that Cao Cao's current focus should be on preventing Dongjun from being infested by the Yellow Turbans. Cheng Li thought that Xunzhen should take Jinan to the north. If there is a chance, first recover Dongping and Rencheng.

Then Chen Gong and Cheng Li's judgment, who will be correct?

When Chen Gong said his judgment before, although Cao Cao did not object to it, he actually did not agree with it very much.

Xun Zhen's ambition is lofty, his vision will not be limited to Xu and Yanzhou, he must have all Dongxia in his eyes, if it is Cao Cao, he will ask himself, he will definitely choose Jinan as the next strategy direction .

This is because if Jinan can be taken down, then the rest of Qingzhou except Pingyuan County will be in the pocket, and the benefits will be far greater than that of Jibei, which is one of them.

Second, Chen Gong said, "By attacking Jibei from the west, we can drive the Yellow Turbans in Jibei into Qingzhou and Dongjun, without fighting to the death, and take advantage of the opportunity to consume Qing and Yan's strength." From this point of view, it is best to first Jinan laid. After Jinan is taken down, it is equivalent to cutting off the road for the Jibei Yellow Turbans to flee in the direction of Jinan, so the more Jibei Yellow Turbans can only choose to flee to Dongjun or the southern part of Yanzhou, which can better consume Yanzhou's The strength is conducive to Xuzhou's next strategy for Yanzhou.

Although he leaned towards Cheng Li's judgment, there was one point in Cheng Li's words that Cao Cao did not agree with. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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