The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 46: Lu Bu withdraws from the siege and crosses Ru in the south

Xun Min speeded up his journey and returned to the outside of the camp when it was twilight.

In the wind, rain and snow, the soldiers at Yuanmen were armed with armor and spears, and took on the heavy responsibility of guarding. After the festival, let him in.

Walk along the road opposite the Yuanmen for more than 100 steps, go around the watchtower, cross two ravines, pass between several high platforms guarded by crossbowmen, and enter the main area, where rain and snow hit the neatly arranged tents. There was a rustling noise, and as it was about dinner time, the smoke was rising everywhere.

After entering the Yuanmen, according to the requirements of the military order, Xun Min did not take the carriage again.

Soon, Xun Yin's crown and clothes were wet, and the chill was soaking through, and it was freezing cold. However, the education he received from a young age made him resist the urge to keep warm with his hands, maintain the demeanor of a gentleman, and walk like a scholar. Fang Bu walked slowly in spite of the rain and snow.

Xu Zhongzhi was very powerful and had extremely strict military discipline. When he was not fighting, all the sergeants in his battalion, whether officers or soldiers, had to follow a strict system of training, activities, and work and rest every day. During the period before dinner, both When there is no drill and when the officers are not relaxing, therefore, in the huge battalion, apart from the patrolling soldiers, there is not a single person on each road, only the voice of the sergeant can be heard from the passing tents from time to time. outgoing.

The twilight was getting deeper and deeper, the road was quiet and quiet, and while walking alone, even though he knew that he was in a large camp with thousands of footsteps, he still felt a little cold. He recited silently: "The wind and the rain are like dark."

When he was about to reach the handsome tent, Xun Min heard the sound of a low drum.

Although Xun Min did not hold a military post, after all, he had been fighting from Xu Zhong for many days during the war and turbulent years. He still knew a little about the meanings of the different drum sounds. Order to light the drum of light. Sure enough, with the sound of this drum, candles and torches were lit in the tents on the roadside, and when I looked at it, the snow was shrouded in twilight, and the lights from far and near were like a little starlight.

Not only inside the tent, but also on both sides of the road outside the tent, at every distance, there are wooden trunks erected and torches on them, and the patrolling soldiers will also ignite one of them. Stepping on the fire, Xun Min came to the outside of the handsome tent.

Waiting for the guards outside the tent to enter and report Konger, Xun Min raised his eyes and looked at the big flag in front of the tent. The military flag with a height of more than ten feet stands tall, fluttering in the rain and snow, and it is very solemn under the heavy twilight. Soon, the guards came out of the tent and asked Xun Min to enter.

Xun Tu adjusted his clothes, handed the sword to the guard, walked to the entrance of the tent, opened the curtain, and walked inside.

As soon as I entered the tent, I felt the heat hit my face, and my body felt warm, but there were braziers burning in the four corners of the tent. Xun Min looked intently. In the brightly lit tent, Xu Zhong was sitting on his knees, Zhang Fei, He Yi , Xun Pu and others sat on the right, Xu Shao, Xu Zhuo, the soldiers sat on the left, and everyone had different expressions, all of them looked at him, some smiling, some solemn, some slightly frowning, as if they were considering whats the matter.

Xu Zhong said, "Xun Jun is back? Are you still safe along the way?"

Xun Min bowed down and saluted. After bowing, he got up and said, "There are fine armored cavalry and cavalry guards assigned by the general. Even if there are thieves along the road, how dare you do it? There is nothing on the road, General Duo Lao is worried."

Xu Zhong asked the officials to arrange a seat for Xun Min, and asked him to sit below Xu Shao and above Xu Zhuo.

Xun Yin sat down and looked at the tent, thinking: "The Chinese and the military are in the camp, and General Xu will use troops to gather all the people?" He asked, "I dare to ask the general, but I have already received a message from the horsemen sent by Xun Tu. report?"

The "wenbao" that Xun Min said of course refers to the agreement he reached with Li Tong. Xu Zhong nodded slightly and said: "I received it two days ago, and I have sent someone to send it to Sun Bofu. I think he should have received it now."

Xun Yin said, "On the way back, when he arrived at Ancheng, he heard that Lu Fengxian had withdrawn from the encirclement of Pingyu and headed south, and after crossing the Han River, he heard that Lu Fengxian had led his troops to Langling. . . . ?"

Xu Zhong said, "Not bad." He turned to look at Xu Zhuo.

Xu Zhuo knew what he meant and went down instead of Xu Zhong: "When I first heard that Lv Fengxian was withdrawing from the encirclement, he thought he was going back to Nanyang, but soon after, a military report came, saying that after crossing the Rushui, he went straight to Langling. , Judging from his posture, it seems that he is going to attack Li Tong, because it is, General Xu summoned us to discuss countermeasures."

When I heard that Lu Bu was going to Langling earlier, Xun Min suspected that Lu Bu was going to attack Li Tong. At this time, after hearing what Xu Zhuo said, and knowing that Xu Zhong and others had the same judgment as him, Li Tong had a good impression of him. , his perception of Li Tong was not bad, and he was immediately worried about Li Tong, but couldn't help but feel puzzled, so he asked: "Lu Fengxian was well surrounded by Pingyu, why did he suddenly withdraw his troops and head south to Langling?" Said because Qiao Rui was defeated by Sun Bofu, and Zhang Liao and our army were unfavorable in several battles? "

Xu Zhuo said: "Qiao Rui and Zhang Liao were unfavorable in the battle, and Pingyu could not be attacked for a long time. This should be one of the reasons, but in Zhuo's view, the more important reason should be: Lv Bu must have detected that our army was colluding with Li Wenda. Li Wenda surrendered to our army and cut off his retreat, so he simply retreated from Pingyu and switched to attacking Langling." Xiao said to Xun Min, "Your mission has not yet been returned, and the mission has been accomplished."

Compared with Xun Min's guess, Xu Zhuo's analysis is more reliable.

Xun Min went to Lang Ling, saying that Li Tong’s purpose of joining Xu and Yu was to let Li Tong cut off Lü Bu’s retreat, thereby shaking the morale of the cloth army. The siege of Pingyu, the urgency of turning Runan, although everyone did not expect that Lu Bu's reaction speed would be so fast, the agreement with Li Tong was sent to Sun Ce soon, Sun Ce did not reply, the Xu and Yu armies still Without agreeing on how to join forces with Lang Ling, he had already retreated to the south, but Xun Min's purpose of this mission was achieved.

However, although the goal was achieved and Pingyu had to be relieved, Langling was going to be in danger.

Xun Tuo said in his heart, "If it was because of my mission to Langling that Lv Fengxian retreated from the encirclement of Pingyu and attacked Langling in the south, I would feel sorry for Li Wenda." He then asked Xu Zhongdao, "Since this is the case, I don't know. What are your plans, General?"

What else can you plan? There are only two options, help Li Tong, or sit back and do nothing.

Xu Zhong said, "I'm discussing with the monarchs." He asked Xun Min, "What's your opinion on returning from Langling?"

Xu Zhong's question was a bit vague, but Xu Zhuo was afraid that Xun Min would not know what Xu Zhong was referring to, and added: "Li Wenda claims to have more than 7,000 families, with more than 10,000 soldiers. What I see, is this the truth? Can he stop Lu Bu?"

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