The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 37: Wen Yuan suddenly fell into Yingchuan Camp (Part 2)

Among the generals and academies currently under Lü Bu's tent, Zhang Liao's identity is somewhat special. He is different from Wei Xu, Hao Meng, etc. Wei Xu and others were originally Lü Bu's trilogy, but he and Lü Bu were both under Ding Yuan's command back then, but they were peer relationship. m.

Three years ago, when He Jin was in power, he intended to punish the eunuchs. He stationed troops in Luoyang, which was under the control of the eunuchs. He recruited Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo as minions, and summoned the troops of Liang and Liang into Beijing. When Ding Yuan sent Zhang Liao, who was working for the state, he led the troops. After going to Luoyang, Zhang Liao was sent by He Jin to Hebei to recruit troops. Today, Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi, was also sent, but Zhang Yang did not go to Hebei, but was sent back to Bingzhou. Zhang Liao was in Hebei and had a total of more than 1,000 troops. However, He Jin failed to execute the official and was killed, so he returned to Dong Zhuo. A few months ago, Dong Zhuo was killed by Lü Bu again. Zhang Liao and Lü Bu were both from the same prefecture and were once colleagues. Because they led troops back to Lü Bu, they moved their officials and cavalry to the capital.

Zhang Liao is not very old. He is only twenty-four years old this year. He was even younger when he worked for Bingzhou in his early years. At that time, he was less than twenty. Although he was young, he was extremely powerful in force, and he was also a member of his ancestor Nie Yi. Ding Yuan's daring and tactical strategy was first used by Ding Yuan, and now he is valued by Lu Bu.

Hearing Lv Bu's "aggressive" question, Zhang Liao got up from the table, pressed his sword and said, "Liao dare to ask for Junhou Fu Junqing and Xun Pu to offer sacrifices."

Lu Bu was overjoyed and asked, "How many soldiers are needed?"

Zhang Liao thought for a moment and replied, "Three hundred riders and eight hundred soldiers are enough."

Although Zhang Liao had the rank of Captain of Cavalry, he, like Lü Bu, was mostly trapped in Chang'an. When he arrived in Nanyang, with the addition of the recruits along the way, now he only has more than 100 cavalry and more than 300 foot soldiers. This force is obviously not enough. Hearing what he said, Lu Bu waved his hand and said, "Okay! Then I will give you two hundred rides and five hundred soldiers, and I will wait here for the good news from the Qing!"

Zhang Liao gave a military salute and replied: "The lords only need to attack the city, and Liao will surely make the lords have no worries."

The military situation was urgent, Zhang Liao led the military orders, and did not stay in the camp for much longer. That afternoon, he took the headquarters and the troops assigned to him by Lu Bu to the east of the camp to counter the Xuzhou soldiers. As locals, Qu Gong and Shen Cheng were familiar with the terrain, and they had played against Xu Zhong and Xun Pu, so they knew a little about the enemy. Therefore, Lü Bu chose Qu Gong from the two of them, and ordered him to bring his remaining headquarters to follow Zhang Liao in battle. .

After traveling for more than 20 li, Zhang Liao built a camp on the spot, rested for one night, and returned the next day. Not far away, he received a report from a scout, saying: Xu Xian is heading westward from the south bank of the Yingshui River, crossing the fortress. At the beginning, when they arrived in Anyang, they set up camp in the south of Anyang County and east of Gepi.

Zhang Liao summoned Qu Gong, and then asked someone to take out the map and spread it out to watch.

After watching it for a long time, Zhang Liao said, "Xu Junqing's camp here seems to have a long-lasting meaning." He asked Qu Gong and others, "What do you think?"

How did Qu Gong know about military affairs? Stunned, speechless.

Also watching the map were several of Zhang Liao's vassals. They understood why Zhang Liao said this, and they all nodded and said, "It looks like this." , it is time to advance bravely and join forces of Chen and Liang to relieve the siege of Pingyu, but why is Xu Junqing stationed here, it seems that he has no intention to fight?" He said to Zhang Liao, "There must be deceit!"

Qu Gong was quite ashamed to hear that "Xuzhou soldiers won a big game". He stared at the map, but he couldn't understand why Xu Zhong "garrisoned troops here", which means that he "seems to have no intention to fight"? After babbling for a while, he finally summoned up the courage to ask: "The villain is ignorant, dare to ask the commander, why does the Xuzhou soldiers seem to have no will to fight?"

Zhang Liao was famous for his martial arts when he was young. He was turned into a state by Ding Yuan before he was 20 years old. Among the generals under the tent, which one is not a mammoth? Not to mention Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu himself, including Ding Yuan from earlier, can be said to be the one-time choice among the northern heroes. He has been in such an environment of tigers and wolves for a long time. First of all, Zhang Liao has a very high vision. Second, he was only in his early twenties. When he was in his prime, under the influence of Lu Bu and others, it was impossible for him to be as polite as a Confucian scholar. Polite, and inevitably angry.

Because of this, he despised such a waste as Qu Gong very much. He just remembered what Lu Bu said, "We are attacking Runan today, and we are going to borrow a lot of the power of Runan." But he still concealed his contempt and explained to Qu Gong: "Look at the place where Xu Junqing built his camp. The south is the Tan River and the west is Gepi. The camp must not be far away from the water, but his camp is surrounded by water on both sides, and it is still east of Gepi, with Gepi. If he wants to attack our army, it will be inconvenient and unable to move quickly. So I say that he seems to intend to persist."

Zhang Liao did not say one more thing. With Ge Pei standing between the soldiers of Xuzhou and the soldiers of Lu Bu in Pingyu, not only did the soldiers of Xuzhou fail to seize the opportunity in time and attacked the soldiers of Lu Bu quickly, but also the troops of Lu Bu were not able to attack quickly. Xuzhou soldiers.

Ge Pei is a water conservancy project built by He Chang, a famous minister of Emperor Zhang of this dynasty. It can irrigate more than 30,000 hectares of fields, and the area of ​​Pei Lake is not small.

When the Yellow Turbans started, because the geographical environment of this area was suitable for defending and the transportation was convenient, a large number of Taiping Daoists gathered here. The army sent more than 10,000 people north to attack Xu Chu's fortress in Qiao County. Xu Chu became famous in this battle, and Huai, Ru, Chen, and Liang were all afraid of his name.

This Gepi Yellow Turban has been destroyed, but it can be seen from the fact that they chose this place to build their camp, Gepi is indeed suitable for defense and attack, and it is a place suitable for long-term occupation.

Zhang Liao noticed that there was a pavilion not far east of Ge Pei on the map. After seeing the pavilion name, he said strangely: "This pavilion is also called Fanyang!"

The rest of the people who were looking at the map were reminded by Zhang Liao, and they were amazed when they followed his gaze. Zhang Liao saw that one of them had a slightly happy expression on his face. Knowing that this person had always been a little bit scheming, he asked, "Why are you so happy?"

The man smiled and said, "The officials know that the Xuzhou soldiers will be defeated!"

"how do I say this?"

"Zhendong started at Fanyang and then went out of Henan and entered Hebei, and established his work in Xu, which is well known by people in the sea. Xu Junqing is now ordered by Zhendong to return to Henan, aid Runan, and station troops. The adjacent place is actually called Fanyang, so what does that mean?"

"What does this mean?"

"In my humble opinion, this is to imply that the Xuzhou soldiers will be defeated here, and Zhendong is exhausted!"

Xun Zhen started his career in Fanyang Pavilion, and then established his business in Xuzhou. Now his troops and horses have returned to Yuzhou. Coincidentally, the pavilion on the edge of the garrison is still called Fanyang. The reincarnation of heaven has a beginning and an end. Perhaps this It is a sign that God has already rejected Xun Zhen, and wants him to start in Fanyang and fall in Fanyang. This kind of theory seems absurd, but there are many people who believe it nowadays, and there are many people from Zhang Liao's left and right subordinates to Zhongxin. Suddenly, several people looked happy and said to Zhang Liao: "In this way, Junqing must be the captive of the capital. !"

Zhang Liao didn't believe this. He smiled and said, "There are more than 100 counties, counties and pavilions in the world with the same name. How can we talk about military affairs and family affairs?"

What he said is the truth. The Fanyang Pavilion in Yingyin belongs to Yingyin. In the original history, this place was the place where Cao Pi was given the sanctuary by Emperor Xian, and the Fanyang Pavilion in Runan belonged to Runan. The site of Fanyang City in the Spring and Autumn Period, where the Wu army defeated the Chu army. Although the names of the two places are the same, they have no special meaning. However, in the end, what the man said just now is a good luck, and it is also good to boost the morale of the military. Because, Zhang Liao did not denounce the fallacy.

After familiarizing himself with the map for a long time, Zhang Liao decided to attack the enemy.

He said: "The Xuzhou Barracks is between the water and the perimeter, which is not good for my cavalry to attack. I intend to use the infantry to lead them out, and then the cavalry will clash. Do you think it is okay?"

Everyone said: "Captain Gao Ce will definitely defeat the Xuzhou soldiers."

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