The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 33: Partial division swept across the Ying Bridge

Because the recruits have not yet been trained, and they have newly acquired a county in Mount Tai, Xuzhou's current military strength is a bit tight, so Xu Zhong did not bring too many soldiers and horses to help Henan, but only selected 3,000 elite soldiers, plus Xun Pu's troops. to four thousand. m. The most economical mobile phone traffic, no advertising site. Sun Jian had more than 10,000 troopers in Yuzhou, and there was no problem in taking half of them to defend against the intruders from Nanyang. Xu and Yu had a total of more than 10,000 cavalry, and they were not at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

When Xun Pu, Xun Min, and Xu Shao arrived at the camp, Xu Zhong pulled out the camp and marched westward, passing through Pei, and arriving at Runan.

Before entering Yuzhou, Xun Zhen first handed down a state letter to the prefectural government of Yuzhou and Huang Gai and others, stating that Xu Zhong and others were here to aid Yuzhou. Everyone in Huang Gai knew about the friendship between Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, except for a few people in the prefecture of Yuzhou, either they were rigid and clinging to the old rules of the Han family, or for unspeakable reasons, they thought that Xuzhou soldiers should not come uninvited. , It is recommended to prevent him from entering the state, others are happy to welcome him.

Because of this, Sun's soldiers in Pei country not only did not block, but sent people to lead the way. As a guide, the first county to enter Runan was Shansang. In the former Han Dynasty, Shansang belonged to Pei County, and after the rejuvenation, it was changed to Runan. In the Spring and Autumn Period, this place belonged to the Song Dynasty, and it is said that Zhuangzi was born here.

From Xiapi County to here, the army marched for about 200 miles. One was to rest the troops, and the other was to gain an in-depth understanding of the current battle situation in Runan. Xu Zhong ordered that Buqu was stationed here for a day, and found out: With the help of Chen and Liang's reinforcements, Huang Gai was still holding on to Pingyu. After a long attack on Pingyu, Lü Bu divided his troops and sent bridges westward to Kedingying. He had reached the border of Yingchuan, and he was about to attack Yingchuan.

The commander of Yingchuan, Hongzi, also sent troops and horses to help Huang Gai, but failed to reach Pingyu, his troops were defeated by Qiaorui and could not advance, so they turned back to Yingchuan and settled in the border with Dingying Yan County, in order to be able to defend against the enemy based on the city, if Qiaorui really violates the border, it can be blocked outside the county. At the same time, in order to prevent Yuan Shu from invading Yingchuan from Nanyang, Hongzi left Yangzhai, the prefecture, and personally sat in Xiangcheng on the north bank of Rushui, commanding the defense of Fucheng, Kunyang, Wuyang and other counties on the south bank bordering Nanyang.

In general, Lu Bu, Qiao Rui and others attacked aggressively, and they were able to overcome even the battle. They divided their troops into strategic territories. They have already connected several counties in Runan, and they have obtained sufficient food and equipment. Yu, and threatened Yingchuan, Huang Gai, Hongzi and other passive defenses, and the situation was unfavorable.

Before Xu Zhong sent troops, Xun Zhen had given him instructions, but that was only at the strategic level, such as "The army has several victories, and the morale is high, so you can avoid its front first", "When fighting and fighting, the soldiers should be brave and strong. Build up your strength, wait for it to decline and fight again.” And so on, specific to the tactical level, it is up to him to change the mechanism and adjust measures according to the situation. Therefore, Xu Zhong summoned Zhang Fei, He Yi, Xun Pu, Yuan Pan, Du Jaw, Xia Ming, Wan Yan and other civil and military subordinates also invited Xu Shao and Xun Min to discuss the military and discuss the next steps. Xu Zhuo, acting as a shogun in the shogunate, was ordered to join the expedition. Together with Xun Pu, he returned from Mount Tai together. At this time, he was also in the army and participated in the military conference.

The so-called "upper and lower effect", a good superior will pass on the excellent style to his subordinates.

Xun Zhen was good at accepting remonstrance, whether it was political or military, he was always innocent and allowed his subjects to speak freely.

Everyone has arrived, each expressing their own opinions.

Xu Zhong said few words, did not speak, just listened.

After everyone had finished speaking, he asked them to discuss with each other.

The discussion was very lively, and there were two views that were finally agreed by everyone.

One is mainly the point of view of Xu Shao and Xun Yin.

The two of them believed that before the military, public opinion should go first, and suggested that Xu Zhong spread the news that Yuan Shu was "taking money for money, extravagant and arrogant" in Nanyang, and vigorously ruined his reputation, so as to win the hearts of the scholars and people in Runan. And called on the counties of Runan to build a strong wall and clear the fields. In this way, without local support, Lu Bu, Qiao Rui, Ji Ling, etc. will be unable to continue their attacks, no matter how fierce they are.

One is Xu Zhuo's point of view.

Xu Zhuo believed that: at present, the reinforcements of Chen and Liang are all under the city of Pingyu, and they combined the forces of Huanggai in the city to fight against Lu Bu. Said that Runan has formed two battlefields, and the forces of both the enemy and the enemy are gathered in the western part of Runan. In this way, our army can advance to the east of Pingyu.

After stationing in Pingyu East, there are two situations that may occur.

One is that Lu Bu divided his troops again to attack our army. One is that Lu Bu attacked without dividing his troops.

If it is the former, then after passing through the bridge and dividing the army, Lu Bu will definitely not send too many troops, and our army can either annihilate them or stick to them depending on the situation. If the latter is the case, then our army is in the east of Pingyu, and the Yuzhou soldiers in and outside the city of Pingyu are in a situation of entanglement, which makes Lu Bu "worry about the future", and it is expected that he will not dare to attack the city with all his strength.

Either of these two scenarios will reduce the pressure on the public side.

Xu Zhuo also suggested to Xu Zhong that Li Tong should occupy Langling and should not be called by Lv Bu. It can be seen that he did not have a favorable impression of Yuan Shu and Lv Bu. He could send an envoy to see them and try to persuade him to join our army. And if Li Tong can be persuaded, Langling is located to the south of Wufang and Shangcai, that is to say, it is located in the rear of Lv Bu and Qiaorui's troops, with our army in the east, Yingchuan in the west, and Pingyu Weike in the north. , and Li Tong to the south, Lv Bu and Qiao Rui would probably retreat from Pingyu in order not to put their troops in danger of being surrounded.

Until then, our army can pursue him or let him go, and it is up to me to attack and defend.

Xu Shao and Xun Min's opinions are related to politics, and Xu Zhuo's opinions are purely military. These two opinions just complement each Zhong will adopt these two opinions.

The next day, Xu Zhong led his troops away from Shansang and continued westward while he was spreading the word about the counties in Runan.

Shansang County was once the fief of Shansang Hou Wangchang, a famous general of the dynasty's rejuvenation. There was a settlement in the southwest of the county called Chuihuiju. In the early years of this dynasty, Wang Ba, Ma Wu attacked Su Mao and Zhou Jian here, and they were besieged for half a year. Afterwards, it was attacked by fire, and the city and soil were burned to red, and this place was called "Red City" by later generations. Ma Wu was from Nanyang and Wang Ba was from Yingchuan, Yingyang, and both of them were later ranked in Yuntai.

When Xun Zhen entered Xu from Henan the year before and became the prefect of Guangling, he passed through Shansang and told Xu Zhong and other generals some stories about Wang Chang, Wang Ba and Ma Wu. It has been three years since he left Yuzhou, Xu Zhong returned to Yu land with the military position of a general general, led thousands of tiger soldiers, aided Pingyu, and will fight Lv Bu again. Under the cover, his heart is actually quite turbulent. Have you motivated yourself with the achievements of Wangba and others? Others don't know, he knows.

After passing the Chuihui Ju, and traveling for dozens of miles, it is the Xiacheng Fu Ju. This is the place where Chen She was killed by his imperial master Zhuang Mai at the end of the Qin Dynasty.

After passing here, and then heading west for more than a hundred li, it is the State of Song. Inheriting the ancient system, this dynasty also had "three ke", "ke" means "guest", and sanke is the descendant of the royal family of the previous generation. It shows the lineage inherited by this dynasty and marks the orthodoxy. After the rejuvenation, the descendants of the Zhou Dynasty changed the title to Duke Wei. The Yin and Shang eras are very long, and it was uncertain as early as the former Han Dynasty. Because Confucius claimed to be a native of Yin, he sacrificed Shang Tang after Confucius. Guangwu changed the title of descendants of Confucius to Duke Song, Shiyi is the state of Song.

The Song State is in the northeast direction of Pingyu, and the two counties are separated by more than 200 li, separated by the Yingshui River. Lü Bu and others knew that Xu Zhong had brought troops into Henan, and in order to prevent him from coming to aid Pingyu, he ordered Qu Gong and others to lead troops to garrison the south bank of the Yingshui River to guard the ferry crossing, in an attempt to cut off Xu Zhong's approach.

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