The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 25: Twenty-fifth

Li Gan said that he decided to sit back and wait for the change, but in fact, he still favored Cao Cao in his heart. After all, first of all, he and Cao Cao were old friends. Secondly, although Xun Zhen had made great achievements in battle, Cao Cao's pacification of Dongjun was the result of Li Gan's near Cheng clan. What I saw from the distance was that he wrote a letter to Cao Cao, telling the truth that Xun Zhen recruited him, as if he wanted to occupy the entire territory of Yanzhou as soon as possible. Fast update without ads.

Li Gan's letter was delivered to Cao Cao's camp a day later than Bao Xin's letter.

Bao Xin sent his son Bao Shao to Cao Cao's army yesterday, and Bao Shao presented his letter to Cao Cao, and Bao Shao informed Cao Cao of the current situation in Yandong in detail, telling Cao Cao that after Jiang Hu's small defeat, he would not be able to defend the fortress. It was difficult for the headquarters to go from Dongping to aid Mount Tai. Liu Gongshan's troops were defeated by Liu Bei, and they were unable to attack Chen Bao, and they could not find a way to rescue Yingshao. However, Xun's troops had recently defeated Yingshao's reinforcements outside Mouxian City. Seeing that Mouxian was about to fall, Fenggao and the counties in the northwest of Mount Tai will also be difficult to protect, and the situation in Taishan County is very critical.

These are the things that can be said clearly and cannot be said clearly, and he wrote them in the letter.

In the letter, he analyzed to Cao Cao: The Yellow Turbans are rampant in Yanbei, Xuzhou's intention to take advantage of the rivalry between You and Ji has been revealed. In the situation, he would lose sooner or later, the only difference being that he lost to the Yellow Turbans or to Xun Zhen. If they were defeated by the Yellow Turbans, it would be fine. With Shanyang, Jiyin, Dongjun and Chenliu, Yanzhou would be able to regroup, but if they were defeated by Xunzhen, then at least the three prefectures of Taishan, Dongping and Rencheng would be owned by Xuzhou, and then Shanyang and Jiyin will also be in danger. As a result, he and Cao Cao's earlier strategy of "governing the south of the great river" will be difficult to achieve.

He asked Cao Cao: What is the best strategy for Meng De now?

Combining this letter from Bao Xin and reading Li Gan's letter, Cao Cao slapped the table without realizing it, and sighed: "Beautiful Zhenzhen, she is also abolishing loyalty for the sake of profit? Ying Zhongyuan stabilized Mount Tai. After all, Liu Gongshan was very popular among the scholars of Yanzhou, and secretly said that Boqing wants to attack Shanyang, Zhenzhi, Zhenzhi, are you not afraid of losing the world's expectations?" Recalling the first time he met Xunzhen, and looking at his present, Cao Cao was deeply saddened.

"Boqing" is Li Gan's character. Regarding Xun Zhen's transformation, Cao Cao sighed with condolences.

Chen Gong waited under the tent, and after reading Li Gan's letter, he asked Cao Cao, "The chariot and Bogui are fighting urgently, and Bogui is expected to attack. Will the plan be released?"

Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao have been fighting each other for a long time, and now all the counties and counties in the northern and central parts of Jizhou who are willing to attach Gongsun Zan have already attached. As the weather turned cold, Yuan Shao could continue to hold on, which would waste Gongsun Zan's strength, but Gongsun Zan would definitely not continue to make trouble, especially since Zhao Qi had already gone to the book to persuade Liu Yu to attack Gongsun Zan's rear. There will be a decisive battle with Yuan Shao soon. Yuan Shao is Cao Cao's biggest support now. At this time, he will definitely not be able to withdraw from the battlefield and turn to Yandong to personally support Mount Tai.

Cao Cao has a clear understanding of this.

He got up and left the table, walked around the table, stroked his beard while pacing the tent, considered for a while, made a decision, and said, "If the original is a failure, then I will have Gongsun Bogui in the west and north, and Gongsun Bogui in the east and west. There are Zhenzhi and Wentai in the south, and the situation is difficult to defend. The only strategy for now is to ignore Xuzhou and help the original victory with all our strength, and then use the troops of Jizhou to move eastward, and Yuzhenzhi's offender."

Yanzhou is Cao Cao's personal interest, and the war between Jizhou and Gongsun Zan is the overall interest of the political group Cao Cao and Yuan Shao. In other words, the contradiction between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan is the main contradiction, and the contradiction between Cao Cao and Xun Zhen is because Cao Cao is still dependent on Yuan Shao. It can only be regarded as a secondary contradiction, the so-called "if the skin does not exist, the Mao will be attached", so although I am worried about the situation in Yandong, I am worried that the situation that Bao Xin said will occur: Shanyang and Jiyin will be directly affected by Xunzhen's troops. Cao Cao could only make up his mind, ignore Xuzhou for the time being, and try his best to help Yuan Shao, hoping to end the war sooner and win.

Chen Gong said regretfully: "It's a pity that Zhang Mengzhuo was not in harmony with the chariots and cavalry, and resisted Gongshan. Otherwise, if you could get Chen Liu's help, not only would you have a chance of winning the battle with Gongsun Bogui, but if it was bad, you could also borrow Chen Liu's soldiers. Prevent Xuzhou from advancing westward."

Zhang Miao and Yuan Shao did not get along. He has been famous for a long time. He is one of the "Eight Chefs" and a native of Yanzhou. He is quite popular among Yanzhou scholars. Because of the convenience, he was the leader of the Suanzao alliance, and Liu Dai was also courteous to him at that time, because he was not very willing to listen to Liu Dai's orders. Today, Xuzhou and Yanzhou are fighting, and Jizhou and Youzhou are fighting. Staying in the middle of these two battlefields, but for the above two reasons, if you stay out of the way, the two sides will not mix.

Cao Cao and Zhang Miao have a good relationship. Chen Liu borders Dongjun. He also needs Zhang Miao to help him in an emergency. Therefore, he is reluctant to comment on Zhang Miao in public. For Chen Gong's words, He didn't respond, but thought in his heart: "Although Meng Zhuo doesn't move, if he sits and watches the tigers fight, and if Xuzhou really invades Shanyang, I think he will send troops to help Liu Gongshan for his own sake."

The reason why Cao Cao decided to ignore Yandong and help Yuan Shao with all his strength was not only because "if the skin does not exist, the Mao will be attached to him", but also because he has such a judgment on Zhang Miao that Chen Liumin is rich in soldiers, as long as Zhang Miao Sending troops to help Liu Dai, Xun Zhenzong could take Mount Tai in a short period of time, and then take advantage of the situation to annex the entire territory of Rencheng, but it is impossible to continue to attack Shanyang.

Bao Shao's letter to Bao Xin was sent back to Bao Xin this morning.

Cao Cao wrote back to Li Gan personally, saying in the letter: There are many Bogui people attached to Jizhou County, and because Bogui is arrogant, arrogant soldiers will be defeated. I have challenged Tian Kai's generals and all the Bogui generals. Knowing the facts and facts, after you receive this book, within five days at the most, you can hear my good news.

The letter is written and sent away. Cao Cao summoned the generals, dispatched orders, and attacked Tian Kai and other troops.

Xiahou Dun was ordered to go north, and with great fanfare, he pretended to attack Pingyuan County. Cao Cao personally led the main force to sneak westward and attack Ganling.

After marching all night and half a day, they entered the territory of Ganling.

Cao Cao chose the cowardly as his cavalry, and did not give him any weapons. The commander asked why, and Cao Cao replied, "Today our army is sneaking, and we must not let the enemy know beforehand. Fighting bravely will reveal the whereabouts of our we choose cowards and don’t give weapons, we can refrain from fighting, so that we can know the enemy’s situation and have no fear of revealing the traces of our army.” The generals Thank you.

The next day, the soldiers went outside Beiqiu County and met Tian Kai's troops. Because it was unexpected, Cao's soldiers won a small victory, chased down to Beiqiu City, and fought again. .

In one day, one victory and one defeat, Cao Cao looked worried when he won a battle, but happy when he lost a battle.

The generals are puzzled, ask them. Cao Cao replied: "In the past, after a small victory, the enemy was defeated and rushed to Beiqiu, and together with the defenders in the city, the city might not be easy to conquer, which is why I worry; after a small defeat, the enemy will despise me, and the city will not be difficult. Take it! I am so happy."

Two days after the siege of Beiqiu, the reinforcements sent by Tian Kai arrived.

The enemy city is still invincible, and the Tianbe reinforcements outside are called 10,000 people, and the banners are like forests.

All the generals and schools below Xiahou Yuan were shaken, thinking that the enemy should stop the attack and retreat, and wait for the opportunity to come back to attack Beiqiu City.

Cao Cao was overjoyed, and said, "The enemy is exhausted from urgent aid, and he is confident that the crowd will not doubt me, and if I can break it, then Beiqiu will have it for me!"

With Xiahouyuan as the vanguard, he hurriedly attacked the enemy's reinforcements and rushed straight to the bandit formation. Xiahouyuan and his elite cavalry came out from left and right, disrupting the enemy's formation. Cao Cao led the main force to attack together. Frightened, Cao Cao took advantage of the situation to attack again, but the attack was broken.

When the good news reached the Cheng family and became known to Li Gan, it was the fourth day after Cao Cao's reply was sent to him.

When Cao Cao's reply was sent to Li Gan at the beginning, Li Gan was worried that he would not be able to do it, so he did not tell Bu Qu to know.

After reading his parts, including Li Zheng, they were all fascinated and convinced of Cao Cao's military ability.

Li Gan said: "Meng De's wisdom is a gift from heaven. The use of troops is like a god!"

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