The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 23: Yuyan Qunhao 3 people are the most

In the first half of Liu Bei's military report, Liu Bei told the story of defeating the enemy.

In the middle part, he analyzed the current situation of the enemy and ourselves in Yanzhou.

He believes that although his own army is currently blocking the way of Liu Dai and Bao Xin's reinforcements, both Liu and Bao have not done their best. Liu Dai is not reconciled to the failure in Yanbei. For his own prestige in Yanzhou, he is still actively planning. To attack the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei again, some of Bao Xin's parts will remain in Yanbei. If the two of them, especially Liu Dai, temporarily stop fighting against the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei, and then draw out their troops to attack again, Liu Bei thinks that his own army is the enemy. It is hard to resist, after all, wartime is different from peacetime. Even if the troops can support it, the large amount of armament and materials consumed will be incapable of succeeding only by the transportation of Hexiang and Dongping.

In particular, Liu Dai's defeat in Yanbei led to a large-scale invasion of the Dongping country by the Yanbei Yellow Turbans, which has now almost occupied half of Dongping. I'm afraid that the Yanzhou Yellow Turbans will "take advantage of the fisherman", and in the end, even the remaining half of the Dongping Kingdom will not be able to be saved.

At present, the situation in Yanbei is a three-way melee, with intertwined teeth. Jibei is almost dominated by the Yellow Turbans. To the north of Wenshui in Dongping, that is, the northern part of Dongping, although there are soldiers from Yanzhou, it is only a matter of strength. In other words, Yanzhou’s soldiers were completely at a disadvantage and could only barely defend themselves. There were three counties in Dongping, south of Wenshui, namely Shouzhang, Dongpinglu, and Ningyang. The county is currently stationed by Yanzhou soldiers. Dongping Lu is located in the northwest of Ningyang. Li Zan is currently guarding it. Ningyang is at the southernmost point of Dongping, less than a hundred miles from Fanxian where Liu Bei is located. Jiang Hu is located here. defend the enemy.

Liu Bei, Chen Bao, Jiang Hu, plus Li Zan, they are not only facing the pressure of Liu Dai and Bao Xin, but also the pressure of the Yanbei Yellow Turbans. Of course, for Liu Dai and Bao Xin, the two of them are The same is true. Not only are Liu Bei and others hindered in the west, but also the Yellow Turbans are attacking in the north. The reason why Jiang Hu was so eager to annihilate Bao Xin's invading troops was due to his bravery, but it was also a part of this. It was because the Yellow Turbans in the north of Ningyang and Dongping Lu became more and more powerful, and the pressure on him and Li Zan in the north became heavier.

As for the current situation in Yanbei, without Liu Bei's analysis, Xun Zhen also knew very well that, in fact, in order to avoid what Liu Bei said "being benefited by Yanbei's yellow turban fishermen, in the end, even the remaining half of the Dongping Kingdom will not be able to be preserved." The worst result of the incident occurred. He had ordered Zhao Yun a few days ago, ordering him to transfer some troops and horses into Hexiang, join forces with Xun Pu and Sun Kang, and be ready to go to Yan for help.

At the end of this military report, Liu Bei proposes a solution to the current predicament.

He suggested: "Prepare in Hexiang, and I heard that Li Qianghe has thousands of guests in the Cheng family. The dry person is also a giant wild man in Shanyang. If the Duke of Ming can get his support and order to disturb Shanyang, then Liugongshan will not be able to. If you have the desire to attack again. Once the Liu clan retreats, the Bao clan will not be concerned. In this way, after retreating to Yanzhou for reinforcements, the troops can be divided into Dongping, and forcefully defending Ningyang and Dongpinglu, so that the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei cannot invade the Wenshui River. South."

Xun Zhen also heard the names of Li Gan and Li Zheng and his son.

Among the counties and counties of Yan and Yu that border Xuzhou, or are not far from Xuzhou, there are three of the most famous tyrants today.

One is Xu Chu of the Pei country. This person is from the same town as Cao Cao. He is from Qiao County. He has gathered thousands of young people and clans. He is now stationed in Peixi. Huai Ru and Chen Liang. Sun Jian had recruited him, but he declined. Sun Jian was going to attack Chen and Liang at that time, so he did not blame him in order not to make him go to the enemy.

One is Jiangxia Li Tong. Although this person is from Jiangxia, he is now entrenched in the Langling area of ​​Runan, which borders Jiangxia. There are also thousands of guests and clans in the trilogy. Sun Jian also recruited him, but he also declined.

The other is Shanyang Li Gan. As Liu Bei said, he is a Juye. Juye borders the Cheng clan in Jiyin County to the west and Dongping Kingdom to the north, probably because Juye feels that the sphere of influence of the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei is too far away. So he gathered thousands of guests and clans, and left his hometown to transfer to the Cheng family. Liu Dai and Wu Zi, the prefect of Jiyin, have recruited him successively, and he took the following measures to deal with it: he would neither seek refuge in one side, but maintain his own secession, but nominally still consider himself a citizen of Yanzhou and be willing to go out. give them some grain.

Since the civil war, the prefectures and prefectures have gathered together. These tyrants, the big ones, have tens of thousands of people, run rampant in the prefectures and countries, resist etiquette and guard the state, and the small ones can gather hundreds of guests and clans.

With the development of the situation, some of these local tyrants have taken refuge in a certain party, such as Zang Ba and other Taishan soldiers, first relying on Tao Qian, then relying on Xun Zhen, and some are entrenched in the prefectures and counties, waiting for a price, at the same time , and use various means to further expand its own to continuously enhance its influence in local counties, such as Xu Chu, Li Qian, and Li Tong.

Xu Chu and Li Gan mainly rely on their own names to get many cavaliers and refugees from other places to invest, thereby strengthening their strength. In addition to this, Li Tong also further increased his troops through mergers. He successively It has annexed the chapters of Zhou Zhi, Chen He and other powerful men, and recruited the Yellow Turban soldiers. It can be said that Xu Chu, Li Gan, and Li Tong are the strongest among the three.

No matter Li Tong, Xu Chu or Li Gan, although the three of them are still citizens, in terms of their fame and power, they are already comparable to extraordinary county magistrates. It was precisely because of this that Xu Chu and Li Tong dared not to accept Sun Jian's offer.

But he said: Xu Chu and Li Tong should not be recruited by Sun Jian, so will Li Gan be recruited by Xun Zhen? You must know that Li Gan had already rejected Liu Dai and Wu Zi's invitations one after another before. If he did not follow the local officials, would he follow Xun Zhen in Xuzhou?

After listening to Xun Zhen's question, Xi Zhicai and Xun You answered without thinking.

Xun You said: "Li Gan is in the Cheng clan, the heart of Yanzhou. Once he raises his army, he will be attacked by both Shanyang and Jiyin. Although he has thousands of guests, it is difficult to break up Liu Yanzhou and Wu Jiyin. An enemy who joins forces. It is expected that Li Qian will not be attached to Duke Ming."

Xi Zhicai also holds the same view.

Xun Zhen actually thought so too, so he never sent anyone to contact Li Gan before.

However, since Liu Bei made this suggestion, he might as well send someone to Li Gan to test his attitude. Anyway, even if he really disagreed, it would be no loss to Xun Zhen, but if he agreed, Xun Zhen would suffer greatly. Benefit.


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