The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 15: Xuande benevolent and righteous only child

When Chang Xi was about to set up the Hongmen Banquet, an official under the tent made a suggestion: "Xun Boping, the younger brother of the Zhendong clan, is now the captain of Liu Xuande's army, and Duke Ming can invite him together."

Chang Xi nodded in agreement.

The official also suggested: "Xiaowei Sun is stationing troops in the west of the city, should Duke Ming discuss with him first? So that we can join forces with him."

Sun Xiaowei is talking about Sun Kang.

Chang Xi had asked Gongsun Du before, if Zang Ba had sent a book to Sun Kang, and Gongsun Du answered yes, but Sun Kang was worried about the safety of his younger brother Sun Guanzhi in Xun Cheng's army, and he was uncertain and hesitant. Gongsun Du's answer to Chang Xi's words was the truth.

Chang Xiyin said: "Old Sun has no guts, so ignore it for now. When I kill Liu Bei, Chen Rong, and Xun Chang, even if he doesn't want to, he can't do anything, so he has to start fighting from me!"

Chang Xi was self-reliant and brave, and in the camps of Mount Tai, he served Zang Ba alone, and even Sun Guan, Sun Kang, Wu Dun, Yin Li, and all the captains, he regarded them as inferior, especially Sun Kang, who was the weakest among the captains. , he is even more contemptuous.

The military official said again: "Liu Xuande, Zhendong called him his younger brother, and I foolishly thought that after he entered the camp, Duke Ming would not kill him first, but if he could force him to surrender, he would surely shake Xun's soldiers, and he would be good at it. Collecting the hearts and minds of the people will help the general to attack Tan.”

Chang Xi thought for a while, and said to himself, "That's true. Xun Zhendong regarded Liu Xuande as his younger brother, and he met him very well, but if Liu Xuande actually rebelled, wouldn't it prove that Zhendong was unpopular? This is enough to shake Xunbing. The military heart of other minions." Because of this, he said, "Liu Xuande has been stationed in the township with me, and he has always respected me. If he is willing to obey me, he may not kill him."

After agreeing with Gongsun Du and other officials on the details of the murder at the banquet, Chang Xi sent people to invite Liu Bei, Chen Rong, and Xun Chang to the banquet.

Just as Chang Xi said, Liu Bei arrived in Hexiang and stayed in the same place with Chang Xi, Chen Rong, and Sun Kang. He was good at making friends with heroes, so he had a good relationship with Chen Rong, Sun Kang, and Chang Xi. .

Xun Zhenming emphasized the use of Zang Ba, etc., but he was actually quite wary of the commanders of Mount Tai, especially Chang Xi. Liu Bei was able to detect this a little, but he not only emphasized the fierceness of Chang Xi, but also felt that it was decided early in Xuzhou today. There are more than 1,000 people in existence, even if he is rebellious, it will be difficult to do anything. Therefore, he is very close to Changxi and often banquets with him. Therefore, after being invited by Changxi, he has no doubts. , invited Xun Chang to come over and said: "Boping, Captain Chang has set up a banquet, please go with me. Would you like to go with me?"

Xun Chang is the younger brother of Xun Zhen. He started the army from Xunzhen in the first year of Zhongping. He has been fighting since then. He is just over 30 years old. Xun Zhen likes him to be both civil and military. , and even a few months ago, he married Zhang Zhao's second daughter as his wife. Liu Bei had to move Kou Zhonglang and follow the example of Xu Rong and others who asked Xun's children to be his staff and supervisors. With Xun Chang as the army officer, Xun Zhen allowed him to join the army, and Xun Chang then became the captain of the army under Liu Bei's tent.

Chang Xi had invited Liu Bei and Chen Rong several times before, and he had also invited Xun Chang, but Xun Chang seldom went.

Hearing Liu Bei's question at this time, Xun Chang frowned slightly and said in his heart, "The Tibetan general will lead the army out of the country. When the battle is imminent, and the township is the rear of the Tibetan general, why is it time for a banquet?" He was taciturn, but he had the habit of heroic heroes, so he did not stop, saying, "The Tibetan general will enter Taishan, and Hexiang will be behind him. The army must not be without a town.

Liu Bei did not force him, and said, "Alright!"

Following Liu Bei out of the tent, Xun Chang suddenly remembered something when he saw that Liu Bei had brought Shiren, Chen Shi and other more than ten entourages, and sent soldiers to invite Liu Yan. He was about to lead the horse away.

He thought: "When I came to Hexiang from Dangkou, my brother had a secret book with me, and Colonel Yanchang was unruly and difficult to tame, so I needed to take precautions. In the past, Colonel Chang also had banquets for Dangkou, but they sent the cards in advance. , I haven't sent people to invite people into the night, and this seems suspicious."

It's just "suspicious", you can't stop Liu Bei from going because of this uncertainty.

Just imagine, if he did this, Liu Bei would definitely ask why, and he couldn't tell him Xun Zhen's secret book. Because of this, Xun Chang hesitated for a moment, and said to Liu Bei: "The Yellow Turbans from the Lu Kingdom have been frequently disturbed recently. The general must return to the camp as soon as possible, and do not get drunk, so as not to miss the military."

Liu Bei smiled and said, "You still don't know me? How come you've been drunk when you drink! Don't worry, I will return to camp within two hours at most."

Liu Bei's self-control is very strong, and it is true that he rarely drinks to intoxication.

Liu Yan also smiled and said to Xun Chang: "Join the army and be at ease! With Yan here, where will there be wine for the bandits?"

Liu Yan, courtesy name Weishuo, was a native of the state of Lu, and he belonged to the Han family. Fan County borders He Township. After Liu Bei came to He Township, he heard his name and sent an envoy to invite him. Because he shared the same clan surname as Liu Bei, and heard that Xun Zhen loved Liu Bei, Liu Yan came to the call and sat down with him. Next, Liu Bei found that this person was romantic and good at talking, and he respected him deeply because he stayed as a guest.

Liu Yan likes wine, so he said that if he was there, there would be no wine for Liu Bei to drink.

After sending Liu Bei away from the camp, Xun Chang raised his eyes to look at the night, and looked at the Changxi camp a few miles ahead. After a while, the commander called Zhuo Ying, the commander, and said, "Dang Kou should go to the banquet at the invitation of Colonel Chang. I am afraid that he will get drunk. You can pick up a hundred soldiers and arrive at Colonel Chang's office in an hour. Waiting outside camp."

Chen Shi and Zhuo Ying are both fellow villagers of Liu Bei. Chen Shi is currently the leader of Liu Bei's personal guards, and Zhuo Ying is the commander of Liu Bei's tent.

Although Zhuo Ying and Xun Chang were both commanders, Xun Chang, as the younger brother of Xun Zhen, was also courteous to him by Liu Bei. Therefore, when Liu Bei was not in the camp, Zhuo Ying was willing to obey Xun Chang. Command, and now respectfully complied.

But they said that Liu Bei, Liu Yan and others came to Changxi's camp, and when they got the big tent, Changxi had set up a banquet, greeted him with a smile, and asked Liu Bei to take the seat. Liu Bei was the general of Zhonglang, and his position was higher than that of Changxi, because even though he was a guest, he was still under the chairmanship. After the ceremony was over, Chang Xi asked Xun Chang, and Liu Bei answered it according to the facts.

Not long after, Chen Rong came and sat opposite Chang Xi.

Several subordinate officials brought by Shiren, Liu Yan and Chen Rong, as well as several subordinate officials under Changxi's tent, sat with him.

Chen Shi was the leader of the personal troops, his position was low, and he had the responsibility of guarding Liu Bei, so he did not attend the table, and waited outside the tent with the rest of the people from Liu Bei and the guards brought by Chen Rong.

As soon as the banquet opened, Chang Xi persuaded him to drink very diligently.

During the banquet, there were singing and dancing girls performing arts, and when the wine was a little full, Chang Xi personally came off the stage and asked Liu Bei, Chen Rong and others to dance together. When Liu Bei drank alcohol, he often stopped drinking. He had a high status, and Chang Xi could not force him to persuade him, so he summoned his young wife who was in the camp and ordered Liu Bei and others to make a toast.

Chen Rong, Liu Yan and the others all drank a full bowl, but Liu Bei still only drank a little.

Chang Xi pretended to be drunk, held up his little wife's chin with his hand, and asked Liu Bei, Chen Rong, Liu Yan and others in a blurry eyes, "General, Chen Xiaowei, Wei Shuo, what do you think of this woman's color?"

Chen Rong drank a lot of wine, and he was really drunk, but he kept the etiquette of a scholar-officer and refused to raise his eyes to face Chang Xi's little wife. Liu Bei was not interested in beauty, so he just glanced at it a little, Liu Yan was a famous scholar, Looking up and down, he raised his glass and smiled: "Excellent appearance."

Chang Xi said to Liu Bei, "This woman is what I accepted when I was in Langya. She is not bad for her appearance. She is very charming, and the general is happy. If you don't dislike it, you can take her back to the camp after the banquet tonight!" The little wife pushed towards Liu Bei, pretending to be unsteady, and followed behind the little wife, pressing her sword towards Liu Bei.

Liu Bei is not good at women, and has no interest in this woman at all, so he got up to avoid it.

Chang Xi saw that he couldn't get close to Liu Bei's body, so he stood on his feet, and smiled again: "This woman is ordinary, and the general's vision is high, and it is natural to dislike it, but there is a woman from Pei County. Not as good as those jade beauties that the general usually plays with. Has the general ever heard of it?"

Liu Bei said, "The person you are talking about is the daughter of the Gan family in Pei County?"

"It's this woman! Does the general also know?"

"I heard Zhu Jianping mentioned it."

Zhu Jianping, a native of Pei, is a well-known physiognomist at the moment.

From Hexiang to the southwest, less than a hundred miles is the border of Pei. Liu Bei heard about Zhu Jianping's reputation in Hexiang, and when nothing happened, he sent someone to invite him to show him. Zhu Jianping saw that he liked jade beauty, because he told him about this Gan family girl in Pei County.

Chang Xi said: "The general is really knowledgeable!" He invited Liu Bei to return to the table, and then asked his wife to toast Liu Bei and others, but Liu Bei still refused to drink too much.

Seeing that it was almost impossible to get Liu Bei drunk and captured alive, he tried to use the cover of his little wife to do it himself, but failed, but also noticed that Shiren and Liu Yan were already drunk, and Chen Rong gradually became invincible. Gu Wang under the seat, motioned the subordinate officials who were sitting with him to prepare for the attack, pretending to be mysterious, and said to Liu Bei: "Ba got a treasure yesterday, and take advantage of this feast, and dare to invite the general to watch it."

Liu Bei asked curiously, "What treasure is it?"

Chang Xi ordered outside the tent: "Get the treasure!"

One person entered, holding a box in his hand, before Chang Xi. This person Liu Bei did not recognize, but it was Gongsun Du. Chang Xi opened the box, took out the slip of paper forged by the Taishan Prefecture, held it with one hand, and went to Liu Bei's table.

Liu Bei asked, "What is this?" He guessed, "Could it be a famous calligraphy?" Immediately, he thought, "Chang Xiaowei Wufu, I'm afraid he won't be interested in calligraphy." Not to mention Changba, it is He, a disciple of Lu Zhi, was not very interested in calligraphy either.

Chang Xi didn't answer, but smiled: "General, please open the self-view, and you can see at a glance."

Liu Bei took the brief and opened it to read. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Chang Xi's hand touching the sword on his waist. He was prudent in nature, and he had been fighting with Xunzhen for a long time. Looking at Chang Xi, seeing that he did not know when, the smile on Chang Xi's face had faded, and his eyes showed a fierce light. Liu Bei knew that something was wrong, he reacted quickly, grabbed the brief, smashed at Changxi, kicked the food table with his foot, pulled out his sword in the back, shouted loudly, and scolded: "The thief dares to listen!" Shiren, Chen Rong, Liu Yan and Chen Shi outside the tent said, "Changba rebelled, quickly kill this thief with me!" He drew his sword and slashed at Changxi's neck, but he missed a hit. He pulled Chang Xi's wife who was not far away, and shoved Chang Xi's body to prevent Chang Xi from drawing his sword. Then, he retreated to where Chen Rong, Shi Ren and others were sitting under the seat.

Gongsun Du and the Changxi officials under the banquet drew their swords and besieged Chen Rong.

There was also the sound of swords clashing and scolding from the enemy and us from outside the tent.

Chen Rong and others realized that they had been trapped at the Hongmen Banquet, and the wine they had just drank was sweating. The soldiers of Changxi smashed the tent outside and rushed in, surrounding Liu Bei and others in the middle.

Chang Xi laughed and told the subordinate officials and soldiers to stop the siege for a while, picked up the brief note that was thrown to the ground by Liu Bei, called Liu Bei's military post, and said, "Dang Kou! Don't you ask what this is? This is a brief letter written to me by General Tibetan! Xunzhen East deceived me and the camps in Mount Tai. General Tibetan made an agreement with me to raise troops the day after tomorrow, join the commander of Yingfu, and attack the East China Sea with the elites of Mount Tai! From the time of my surrender, I will still serve you as a general, if you refuse, tonight will be the time when you will die!"

Liu Bei and the others were weak, and they were no match for Gongsun Du and the others. After a while, several people were injured. Scholar Liu Yan, the sword was just pretending, his injuries were the most serious, and he fell to the ground, screaming in pain. Liu Bei and Chen Rong looked at each other, and Chen Rong said decisively: "Generals are far superior to Rong, and the lord, the lord, is in the process of employing people. Tonight, Rong can die, but generals cannot die. Rong will clear the way for generals!"

Liu Bei said, "This..."

Chen Rong called the subordinates and ordered: "You and I will fight to the death and kill the blood for General Liu."

Chen Rong is a loyal and martyr person, and the people he uses are also loyal and fierce people. Under the command, there is no one who retreats and fears, and they all move forward bravely. Shengsheng protected Liu Bei from Changxi's tent and killed him.

Liu Yan was seriously injured and could not accompany him. He felt that Liu Bei had always treated him very well and shared meals with him. He also knew that Liu Bei was always based on benevolence and righteousness. He gathered more than a dozen local light chivalrous men, and he was expected not to abandon him. He crawled behind and called Liu Bei: "Xuande! Xuande! Save me." Liu Bei did not look back.

After fighting outside the tent, Chen Shi and others joined forces with Chen Rong's guards, and they also retreated the besieging enemy soldiers and ran to meet them.

It was late at night, the stars and the moon were dim, and the ground outside the Changxi tent was covered with trees and torches, which illuminated the distance as bright as day. Liu Bei looked around and saw at least a hundred soldiers of the Changxi tribe gathered around him, and there were bowmen around the soldiers, some of whom were already drawing their bows and crossbow, and were full of murderous aura. Liu Bei said to Chen Rong tragically: "I don't want to die here with you today! It's not a pity to die, I wish I could die on the battlefield, but I was killed by a thief!" Then he sighed, "Hey! If there is one person like Yunchang and Yide, even if there is one In the event of a turmoil, why is this, thieves and others will give death ears!"

Chen Rong suffered many injuries, and his courage became stronger, and he said eagerly: "General just go forward, Rong Wei will cut off the back!"

Chang Xi came out of the tent, carrying a head, but it belonged to Liu Yan, showed it to Liu Bei, and said, "I've long been tired of this arrogance, and now I kill him personally and cut off his head, it's a pleasure! If you surrender to me, the general's head will be on the same level as this son!" He ordered the bowman, "Let the strings!" He urged Liu Bei, "Will the general be willing to surrender? When a man acts, a word is a decision! You can speak quickly! Of."

Chen Rong said sharply: "The thief! As a general, my lord treats you very well, and you don't want to repay, but instead conspired to betray! The bandits and I only know loyalty and don't know anything else!"

Liu Bei has his self-esteem, Chang Xi, a thief from Mount Tai, how could he be willing to surrender?

Seeing that there was no way to break through the siege, he slowly calmed down, stood upright with his sword, despised Chang Xi, and said, "Ying Zhong is far away from a county, so why should he resist the attack of the lord and the lord? Killing Zhang Jiao, defeating Dong Zhuo, and binding Tao and Gongzu are as easy as the palm of your hand. Even if the situation is reciprocal with Ying Zhongyuan, how can Zhongyuan become an enemy? As far as meritorious service is concerned, what is the point of 2,000 stone! How can you submit to Ying Zhongyuan, who is bound to be defeated? I expect it to be Ying Zhongyuan's plan!" Gu Chenrong smiled and said, "Shuzi You are stupid, and you are in the middle of Zhongyuan's subterfuge. Now that you and I are dead here, the lord will avenge you and me. When the military is powerful, Xiao Xiaoer, ..." Ring pointed to the surrounding Changxi soldiers, " As well as your generation, there is no such thing as death."

Chang Xi is the nickname of Changba, Xi, a wild boar. Liu Bei called Chang Xi "Xi Er", in other words, he called Chang Xi a piglet, which was more harsh than Chen Rong. Chang Xi was furious and scolded: "Death prisoner! It's common for Ermuna to be unable to speak, but unexpectedly he will be able to take advantage of his words? If he doesn't surrender, he will be killed, and his tongue should be cut off!"

Liu Bei is a human being, friendly to corporals, without pretense, and is a military official under Changxi's tent. There are also many people who have a good impression of him. Once they have a good impression, they will naturally believe what he says, and hear him. What you said, when you think about it, does make sense. For a time, several military officials who participated in this incident couldn't help but have doubts, and they all turned to look at Gongsun Du, who followed Changxi out of the tent.

Seeing the opportunity, Liu Bei said again, "Eryan, that Jianshu was written by General Zang. Let me ask you, is the person who sent the Jianshu a close friend of General Zang?" He pointed at Gongsun Du with his sword, "If this person is the one who sent the Jianshu, then There is no doubt that it is Ying Zhongyuan's plan! How can such a major event be faked by an outsider?"

Although he didn't know much about Liu Bei, the military officer under Zang Ba's tent, he had seen most of the officers who were close to Zang Ba. At this time, he saw that several of Chang Xi's officers looked at Gongsun Du, guessing that Jian Shu must be this person, but this person's appearance is very unfamiliar, because this is what he said.

Even Chang Xi himself, at this time, did not feel suspicious, and looked at Gongsun Yu involuntarily. Gongsun Du was about to open his mouth to defend, Liu Bei and Chen Rong took advantage of the opportunity to divert the attention of the people present, and immediately burst into flames. Shiren, Chen Shi and others rushed forward to fight. , Chen Rong said that he must be fruitful, and he took the officials and guards to break the queen for him.

Changxi's soldiers were caught off guard, and they rushed out of the siege.

Chang Xi was furious, and he took the sword and led the crowd to chase after him. Chang Xi's tent was in the middle of the camp. From here to Yuanmen, he had to pass through dozens of military tents. The soldiers in these tents did not know, and they did not know why Chang Xi suddenly fought with Liu Bei. Confused, some stepped forward to block, and some just came out from the tent and watched.

Liu Bei and the others fought hard, but although they could not kill him immediately, they were able to resist and could barely defend themselves.

At this moment, the sound of killing suddenly sounded outside the Yuanmen, and someone could be heard shouting: "Zhuo Ying is here! Who dares to kill my lord?" Liu Bei was overjoyed, and said to Shiren, "Zhuo Ying is fierce and fierce, you can save us!"

Chang Xi did not care about chasing and killing Liu Bei, and commanded Buqu to resist Zhuo Ying's attack outside the Yuanmen. Zhuo Ying was unable to attack, and Liu Bei was unable to attack, so they were temporarily stuck in a stalemate. I heard that the number of people outside the camp was increasing, and soon, someone galloped around the camp and shouted: "My Sun Kang is also! Changba is betrayal, and whoever comes down early will not be killed!" Another person also galloped around the camp , shouted: "General Zhendong's order: only punish the first evil!"

The soldiers in the Changxi camp were in chaos, and Zhuo Ying and others took advantage of the situation to attack and enter the camp.

Shiren and others said to Liu Bei: "Changba's troops are in chaos, and Ren et al. please protect the general and kill him."

Liu Bei said: "Wei Shuo died at the hands of the peasants, and Chen Xiaowei would be unavoidable. How can I be alone? If I don't kill the thieves, my hatred will be hard to eradicate!"

He refused to leave the camp, so he took Shiren, Chen Shi, etc. to take advantage of the chaos in the Changxi camp, and Zhuo Ying, Sun Kang and others outside the Yuanmen attacked the Yuanmen, and turned back to look for Changxi. I was meeting Chang Xi on the road between the camps. Chang Xi was in a panic, and he didn't dare to return Liu Bei. The soldiers who followed him lost their fighting spirit and were killed by Liu Bei and others. Chang Xi hurriedly blocked twice, and Shiren and others rushed up and killed him.

Liu Bei cut off its head with his own hands, lifted it in his hand, slapped it, and cursed, "Xi'er! You want to kill Naigong!"

Liu Bei has always been indifferent to his anger and anger, but tonight was too risky. If Chen Rong hadn't tried his best to clear the way for him, and if Zhuo Ying and others had not arrived in time, he would have almost failed to achieve his ambitions, and Liu Yan and the others would have failed. The co-death of Chang Xi's subordinates, after going through great dangers, finally turned the corner and killed Chang Xi instead. At this moment, he couldn't hide his emotions, which is why he made such a rude move.

Shiren listened to his cursing and felt that there was something wrong with his cursing. He glanced at him and swallowed what he wanted to say. Liu Bei ordered Shiren and others to hold Changxi's head, and told the battalion that they cooperated with Zhuo Ying, Sun Kang and other troops outside the battalion, and the military chaos was quickly quelled.

After Chen Rong and others broke up for Liu Bei, they were already killed in battle. Liu Bei placed Liu Yan's head on his corpse, placed it with the bodies of Chen Rong and others, and placed Chang Xi's head in front of him. He bowed down and cried, saying: "Chen Jun , Wei Shuo, the thief died! Chen Jun! I went to the thief banquet with you, and you died here! Wei Shuo! You and I have the same surname, and I and you are the same as you. Today, Jun died here! Both Jun died, How can you live alone?" With his sword in hand, he wanted to kill himself.

Zhuo Ying and others were at the side, and hurriedly grabbed his sword.

Xun Chang was also present. One of Chen Rong's servants and guards was not seriously injured. Xun Chang heard about Chen Rong's death in battle from him, so he persuaded Liu Bei to say, "This is not the fault of the generals, there is no need for this! Xiaowei Chen died in battle to save the general, and the general is like killing himself, how can he be worthy of Chen Xiaowei's life to save him?"

Liu Bei wept, "It is precisely because Chen Xiaowei died for me that I did not want to live alone."

Xun Chang persuaded him again and again, and Liu Bei stopped talking about suicide just now. Instead, he bowed down to Xun Chang and said, "If you hadn't joined the army, you wouldn't be able to save your Bei and Ren, and you would all be harmed by thieves."

But it turned out: Zhuo Ying attacked Changxi At the same time, Xun Chang urgently reported to Xun Chang, Xun Chang heard the news, led troops out, sent hundreds of elite soldiers to help Zhuo Ying, and led the rest of the army to Sun Kang’s camp, falsely. Xunzhen's order was passed on, and he captured his soldiers, and then summoned Chen Rong's troops. The three troops attacked the Changsi camp together. When they got outside the Changji camp, he sent Sun Kang to gallop around the camp, in order to move the troops of the Changxi army. In the name of Xun Zhen, he still declared the revolt, saying that it was "only punishing the first evil", and he followed several measures, because he was able to quickly break through Chang Xi's fortress and put out the rebellion of Chang Xi.

Xun Chang returned the salute and said humbly: "This is the merit of the princes of Zhuo Duwei and Sun Xiaowei." He apologized to Sun Kang, who was also on the field, and said, "It is urgent to follow the power. When Changba was in chaos, it was not as good as with the Xiaowei. In detail, it was the order of the fake monarch and lord to capture the army of the captain, so please ask the captain not to blame."

What else can Sun Kang say? It would be polite to him not to investigate him and not report the fact that Gongsun Du came to persuade him to surrender. He is the only one.

Xun Chang did not return the tiger talisman he had taken, and said, "Xun Chang has sent his officials to Tanxian County to report this matter to the lord. I think there will be an order in the next few days. When the order of the lord arrives, It's idiotic for us to order the aftermath. What do you think?"

Liu Bei and Sun Kang both said, "That's how it should be."

Xun Chang ordered the bodies of Chen Rong and Liu Yan to be put away, and he ordered Chang Xi's head to be hung outside the gate of Chang Xi's camp to deter those who still had bad intentions. Gongsun Du was bound, and after asking for a confession, he was taken to Tanxian County.

When everything is done, the sky will be bright.

Liu Bei's injury was not serious, so Xun Chang asked him to lead his troops back to the general town of the camp. Sun Kang could not return to his camp for the time being, and went to Liu Bei's camp with Liu Bei. Going to camp outside Liu Bei's camp, Chen Rong died in battle, and his troops had no leader. Xun Chang ordered to station outside Changxi camp first, while he himself stayed in Changxi's army to appease the camp soldiers.

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