The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 13: Xun Cheng is good at accepting the policy of filial piety

Different from Huaisi areas such as Xiapi and Guangling, Taishan and Langya counties are mountainous and hilly.

Gai County belongs to the Yimeng Mountains, with Yishan in the north, Mengshan in the south, and Taishan in the west. There are more than a thousand peaks and forests in the territory. The hilly terrain accounts for 80 to 90% of the county, and there are many valleys and canyons. Gai County, Mou County, Fei County, including Linyi, Dongguan, Juxian and other places in Langya, there is a relatively rare terrain in this area, that is, "Gu", the so-called "Gu" is the steep cut around , The top of the mountain is relatively flat, and most of the famous "Yimeng Seventy-two Gu" are distributed in this area.

This kind of landform with many mountains and many hills will have a certain impact on marching and combat, causing certain difficulties.

In the past, Xun Zhen's troops fought mostly in the plains. After arriving at Guangling, they first killed bandits in Guangling and then went north to seize Xu. After several battles, they were already familiar with the way of fighting in areas with dense river networks. But fighting in the mountains is still a shortcoming. Xun Zhen still remembers that there was an attack on the mountain when Zhao State was arrogating Huang Beard, and that battle was almost lost.

For this reason, in this battle to capture Taishan County, Xun Zhen first ordered Xun Cheng, and then decided to use the Taishan soldiers who were familiar with the local terrain as the main force.

Xun Cheng was in Langya, next to Mount Tai, and it was easy to mobilize. This was just one reason why Xun Zhen used him as the main general of the battle. The more important reason was that Xun Cheng had been stationed in Langya for several months, although he had not carried out any major battles. In the war, he only fought against Yanhao's rebellion, but at least Langya and Mount Tai had similar terrain, so he should have a better understanding of the landforms of Mount Tai. There is no need to say more about using Taishan soldiers as the main force, because they are many Taishan people, familiar with the local terrain, and there is another reason, that is, by observing Zang Ba's recent actions, Xun Zhen has already treated him. Rest assured, he recognized his loyalty.

For the same reason, Xun Zhen transferred Chen Wu to fight from Xun Cheng.

Chen Wu participated in the mountain attack against Huangbeard, and made great achievements in the battle.

Gai County has such a terrain, which is naturally easy to defend and difficult to attack, so Yang Mi has sufficient confidence and thinks that "Xunzhen will come from the east, why should you be afraid"! On the day he arrived in Gai County, he met the defender Wei Wen, and asked about the military situation.

In Taishan County, there are three counties bordering Langya and Donghai. From north to south, they are Gai County, Fei County, and Nancheng County. After receiving Yuan Shao's reminder, Ying Shao dispatched the main force to each of these three counties. County and Nancheng County are both in the south of the county, and they are very close to each other, less than a hundred miles away. He added 2,000 troops to these two counties. For this county alone, 2,000 troops were added. At this time, there were more than 4,000 garrison troops in Gai County, more than 2,000 in the city, and 2,000 outside the city. The people, all elites, called "Chongjian", built camps under the city, with the horns in the city, a group of more than 500 people, and they were stationed on a mountain more than ten miles northeast of Gaixian County, and a group of more than 600 people was stationed in the city. At the Yishui Ferry in the southwest.

Xun Cheng commanded his troops, bypassed Gonglai Mountain, entered westward along the north bank of Yishui River, and entered the territory of Gaixian County.

Guo Jia and Xu Zhuo were ordered to join the army, Guo Jia was Xun Cheng's staff, and Xu Zhuo was Zang Ba's mastermind.

Before dispatching troops, Guo Jia offered Xun Cheng a strategy.

After he rushed from the shogunate to Kaiyang, where Xun Cheng was stationed, he said to Xun Cheng as soon as he saw Xun Cheng's face: "Taishan County is vast and mountainous, and it is difficult to attack and easy to defend. Once this happens, the Yellow Turbans in the North Sea are rampant, and they have already disturbed my side. Maybe they will take the opportunity to go south, and Liu Yanzhou will also rush to help Yingjun. Until then, there will be foreign troubles outside the country, and the enemy will have strong support, and I may only be able to return without success. That's it."

Xun Cheng took it for granted.

Guo Jia is not yet thirty this year. Although he is young, he has always been highly regarded by Xun Zhen, and Xun Cheng also knows that he has a plan. Furthermore, because Guo Jia studied in the Xun clan for a long time when he was young, he is a member of the Xun family. Xun Cheng is very close to his perception, because he is not ashamed to ask him for advice, he asks solemnly: "Zhonglang must have a good strategy, and I dare to ask him."

Now, in Xun Zhen's army, Xun Cheng, Xun Yu, and Xun You are the highest in terms of status. In terms of real power, Xun Cheng is in charge of the heavy army, and the governor is on the side. , Xun You, the mastermind, is slightly higher, but when it comes to true talent, he is the lowest among the three. However, he also has strengths, that is, after receiving Xun Zhen's teaching, he always uses Xun Zhen as a model and learns from Xun Zhen. The method of employing people and making decisions is not enough for oneself, so he respects the virtuous and valiant, and draws wide attention from all opinions. There is a saying that "the one who knows oneself will understand". These four words are simple to say, but not easy to do. Xun Zhen was relieved to let him lead the army and be on his own.

Guo Jia is talented and young, and his background is not from the right name family. Although Guo's family belongs to the Yangzhai Guan family, he is a concubine of the Guo family. Because he lacks in the family tradition of etiquette, to put it bluntly, it is his personality. He is a bit "light-hearted", does not stick to common etiquette, and is deeply loved by Xun Zhen, so it is inevitable that when he is full of energy, he usually offends many important officials in the prefectures, the shogunate, and even the military, prefectures and states, and he is even criticized. Many, but for Xun Cheng and other Xun Cheng’s prestigious and high-profile children, as a “Xun’s disciple”, he has always been quite respectful. Hearing Xun Cheng’s politeness, he charged a crime and said to himself, “No. Dare", and then said: "Jia really has a plan, and I offer it to the general."

Xun Cheng said, "Zhonglang, please speak."

"Sun Tzu said: 'Soldiers are tricky. Therefore, they can show what they can't, use them and show them useless, when they are close they show them far away, and when they are far away, they show their nearness.' There is no need to rush to attack the fortress camp, but slow down the march, pretend to be hindered by the mountain tomb, show the enemy that it cannot be far away, and then send a different general to deceive the general to attack the enemy on the northeast mountain of the city, and the general will lead his own troops and make a way. Hurry up and attack the city, first break the camp outside the city, then break the camp at the ferry port southwest of the city, so, cut off all its wings, you can besiege the city and attack it slowly."

Xun Cheng was overjoyed, turned his doubts again, and said, "Zhonglang's strategy is good, but since my troops have already entered Gai, will the enemy camp at the ferry crossing to the southwest of Gaicheng still stay at the ferry?"

Gaixian is on the north bank of Yishui. The troops guarding Wei Wen at the Yishui ferry in the southwest of the city are obviously to prevent Xuzhou soldiers from coming from the south bank of Yishui. Now Xun Cheng will lead troops from Dongguan and enter Gaixian through the north bank of Yishui. In the territory, then the Taishan guards who built the southwest ferry port of the city would be useless. Therefore, Xun Cheng thought that Wei Wen would transfer this army away.

Guo Jia smiled and said: "To attack Mount Tai now, we will divide our troops into two routes. The general will be dispatched from Dongguan, and the Tibetan general will be dispatched from Hexiang. The general knows about this, I know about it, but the enemy soldiers in Gaixian don't know it. Count me in Langya and Donghai, except for the army. In addition to the camps where the generals and the Tibetan generals attacked Mount Tai, there are also generals Xin, Zhao, Youjun, Xiandeng and other troops, as well as more than ten thousand soldiers newly recruited, Xin, Zhao, Chen, Pan Zhujun, All of them are famous generals of our army and minions of princes and lords, and I expect the guards of Gai County will not dare to transfer the guards at the ferry port if they do not test my vacancy.”

The right army is Chen Dao, the captain of the right army, and Xian Deng is the captain Pan Zhang. Chen Dao and Pan Zhang are now stationed in Langya, while Xin Ai and Zhao Yun are stationed in the East China Sea. What Guo Jia said was very reasonable. In order to prevent Xin Ai, Chen Dao and others from suddenly attacking, they crossed Yishui from the south bank and went deep into the rear of Gaixian County and the hinterland of the northern part of Taishan County. Even though Xun Cheng had entered from the north bank of Yishui, The guard of Gai County, Wei Wending, did not dare to withdraw the guards at the ferry. ——More than 60 miles to the north of Gai County is the land of Linqu County in Beihai. The area between Gai County and Linqu is narrow and mountainous, which is especially difficult for the army to march and fight. From common sense, Xuzhou did send another army from Yishui. The possibility of attacking northern Thailand from the south bank.

Xun Cheng pondered for a moment, agreed with Guo Jia's analysis, and said with admiration: "Feng Xiao! You are not only wise, but also able to understand people's hearts, which is a wonderful talent! I will take Mount Tai now and wait for the county to be conquered. I will be the king in person. Remember to read, merit first."

"Followers Reading", the valve is merit, reading is experience, and the reading book is the primary reference when military and political officials are promoted.

Guo Jia smiled and said: "Jia's plan is just the old wisdom of Caodong County. The general accepts it, and Liu Gongshan can't reach it. Jiazhi Yanzhou is in the pocket of the prince!"

Xun Cheng didn't know what he meant by this, and after inquiring about it, he realized that Guo Jia also heard this from Xun Zhen.

Guo Jia's strategy was first told to Xun Zhen when he was in Tan Xun Zhen listened to it and sighed, "Qing and Cao Dongjun are conspiring together", and told Guo Jia that he had previously been in Dongping Prime Minister Li Zan. I saw a story in the book, but after Liu Dai was besieged by the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei, he was rescued by Bao Xin, Cao Cao and others. Darkness in Chencang, today there are many yellow turbans, the generals are surrounded by thieves, although they are not defeated, but there are many warriors who are afraid, it is better to imitate the good style of the previous generation, and win by surprise. If you fight, you can win if you change your clothes and mix with the bandits." Liu Dai did not accept Cao Cao's advice because he was afraid of Cao Cao's lack of quick assistance and was afraid of the Yellow Turbans.

Although Cao Cao's "speed and show slowness" is not from, but it has the same meaning as "close and show far, far and show near", it really has the deep meaning of "the victory of this military family cannot be passed on first", " "Change clothes to mix with thieves" is more in line with the meaning of "soldiers, deceitful ways". If it is adopted, it may really turn defeat into victory, but Liu Dai doesn't listen.

In fact, Guo Jia's proposal is said to be "closer and farther", and so on. In essence, it is Cao Cao's "speed and slowness". Liu Dai has good strategies that can't be used. In terms of appointing sages and listening, let alone Xun Zhen, even Xun Cheng can't compare. If there is a master like this, no matter how good the vassals are, it is useless. Therefore, Guo Jia's vision has gone beyond Mount Tai, and it has become invisible. , to see that the entire Yanzhou has been put into Xun Zhen's pocket.

Therefore, Xun Cheng adopted Guo Jia's strategy, traveled 60 li a day, entered Gai County, pretended to be blocked by the mountains, and ordered the three armies to travel 20 li a day. The small garrison stronghold set up by Wei Wen was subsequently set on fire by the granary, and he urgently ordered Chen Deng, the prefect of Langya, who was in charge of logistics and baggage, to send grain to the army.

On the night that Xun Cheng built the camp, Ying Shao sent an emissary who was sent to instigate the rebels against Mount Tai to arrive at the camp of Zang Ba and Chang Xi.

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