The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 301: Chen Guoxiang Xiangjun 1st (10)

But it is: at the moment when the wheat is ripe, Qingzhou officers and soldiers are fighting for food, and the Yellow Turbans in the territory are repeatedly confronted, and there is almost no victory. The Yellow Turbans from these two states gradually tended to join forces. The Yellow Turbans from Jinan, Le'an, Qi and other prefectures entered Jibei from the southwest, or invaded Mount Tai from the south, while the Yellow Turbans from Donglai and Beihai swept across the county. In addition, there are signs of invading Langya. Yin Li, Pan Zhangping and Huang Qian, who were stationed in the northern part of Langya, have been repulsed several times. - Pan Zhang was originally stationed in Dong'an, not long ago. Xun Cheng transferred him to Dongwu because of the northern invasion of the Yellow Turbans in Beihai and Donglai, and formed a defense line with Yin Li, who was stationed in various counties. Fast update without ads.

The military report about the Yellow Turbans that Xun Zhen received immediately was Lu Bu Chuanjie, who once again defeated the incoming enemy from Pan Zhang.

It is not only because of Tao Qian's earlier efforts to drive out the Yellow Turbans from Xuzhou, but also because Xun Zhen, the master of Xu, dispatched elites into various counties and actively attacked the power of thieves and bandits in various places. The internal environment of Xuzhou is relatively stable as a whole, and the borders of the state can be maintained. , In particular, the state borders in the north and northwest are very unstable. There are Qingzhou Yellow Turbans in the north, and Lu State and Yanbei Yellow Turbans in the northwest. Only then did Liu Bei's military report of defeating the Lu State Yellow Turbans came. Here comes Pan Zhang's once again repulsing the Beihai and Donglai Yellow Turbans.

Xun Zhen ordered Xun Cheng to fetch the military map of Langya State and start to examine it carefully.

On the map, the mountains, rivers and rivers are all visible, and different colors are used to mark the respective areas where Pan Zhang, Yin Li, Huang Qian and others are stationed, and the areas occupied by the Yellow Turban forces in Beihai, Donglai and other counties currently detected. It is also marked. At first glance, the counties and districts in Donglai and Beihai counties are almost all occupied by the Yellow Turbans, and only a few counties are still under the guard of officers and soldiers.

Xun Zhen ordered Taishi Ci to be summoned.

When Taishi Ci arrived, Xun Zhen pointed at the map and asked him, "Ziyi, Qingqian came to Xu from Donglai and traveled alone. How did you get through these yellow scarves?"

Taishi Ci looked at the map, and there was nothing wrong with the spheres of influence of the Yellow Turbans in Beihai and Donglai. Even the names of Shuai Qu of the Yellow Turbans were not wrong at all, and some of them were not even his. I know, I was surprised by Xuzhou's familiarity with the current situation in Beihai and Donglai, and replied: "Ci Nengshe, although there are many thieves, they can't get close, and they can't do anything." After a pause, he said, "There are many thieves. Wuhe, a warrior of Shaoyi, who is kind on the road, encountered thieves about seventeen or eight times before and after, most of them killed their leaders with arrows, and then the rest scattered. Kill him with a halberd."

Taishi Ci was both civil and military, good at archery with ape arms, and good at using knives and halberds. He shot them from a distance, and killed them when he was close. He encountered seventeen or eight yellow scarves along the way, and no one was his opponent. One-way on foot, there was no danger or danger all the way, and arrived in Xuzhou smoothly.

Xun Zhen sighed: "Single step past the jackal, Qing is really a tiger!" asked, "Qing Yan can shoot, can you see it?"

Taishi Ci had no reason to refuse, so everyone went out of the hall and went to the open field. Xun Zhen asked people to target a target under the tree. Taishi Ci drew a bow and shot an arrow from a hundred paces away. And he used a strong bow, powerful and powerful, and the arrows penetrated deeply into the target. Xun Zhen asked Xun Cheng, Xin Ai, Dian Wei and other generals who were watching, "Can you do it?" Everyone shook their heads, but they couldn't do it.

Xun Zhen noticed that Taishi Ciyong's picks and forks were very simple, and thought that he did not ride a horse, but walked to Xu, knowing that it must be because his family was not very rich, and he had given him a horse. , Knowing that he is good at archery, now we can give him another set of archery equipment, so he ordered: "Take my usual picks and step forks."

Soon, the attendants brought the picks and forks that Xun Zhen used every day.

Xun Zhen took it personally, gave it to Taishi Ci, smiled and said: "The sword is given to the martyr. I always boast that I can shoot. Compared with the Qing, it is far different! These things are really useless in my hands. Make sure that the Pearl will not be dusted!"

The "jue pick" is two things, the picker, that is, the wrench finger, which protects the fingers from being damaged when pulling the bowstring, and the picker, which is the arm jacket, which is put on the left arm to protect the arm when the bow is drawn. "Step fork" is the name of the quiver, and the arrow is inserted into it, so it gets this name.

Taishi Ci declined and said: "After Ci came to Xu, he did not report the kindness of the general for caring for his mother, and he has been given a horse by the general. How dare he receive treasures."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "You have come from Donglai, and you are familiar with the reality of the Yellow Turbans in Donglai and Beihai. In recent months, the Yellow Turbans in these two counties have disturbed the border of Langya. I would like to Qu Qing temporarily work for the state's martial arts and give him three hundred soldiers and horses. , how about Xie Yuanlong helping guard the state boundary?"

Taishi Ci responded graciously: "The general has orders, and Ci will obey."

Xun Zhen was overjoyed, and Gu said to Xun Cheng, Chen Deng and the others, "You have Ziyi to help you and the others, Langya is safe!"

Xun Zhen's employment is based on meritocracy, but when it comes to the military, even if he is particularly famous in later generations, as long as he first arrives at the tent, usually he will not suddenly assume a heavy position. For military merit, the generals, schools, and even the soldiers and soldiers of the army will inevitably be dissatisfied, and even if they are given heavy responsibilities, it will be difficult to play their role. The position given to him cannot be rewarded for his honors, so either he is like Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin, he first uses them as shoguns, or he is currently Taishi Ci, who uses them to work for the state government, both of which are of low rank. However, for the positions of relatives and nobles, when they have made some military merits, and when there is a suitable opportunity, just like Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin, they will be granted positions in the military, and then they will be promoted based on their merits.

"Wu Meng is engaged", you can see that it is a military post by looking at its name. The official seal used by military officers is used in the military, and the military situation is like fire. In order to cast it, the seal of the military officer is mostly chiseled, and it is chiseled into the text with a hammer. There was a printing worker in Chen Deng County, and Xun Yu immediately asked him to summon the printing worker to chisel the official seal of "Wu Meng engaged in", and also ordered someone to fetch the ribbon, and Xun Zhen personally paid it to Taishi Ci.

After accepting this appointment, Taishi Ci was Xun Zhen's subordinate official. The bow used by Taishi Ci was strong, but Xun Zhen did not bring such a strong bow with him. After more than half a month, Xun Zhen returned to Tan County, and asked him to select three excellent strong bows from the arsenal of the state capital. Ask someone to quickly send it to Taishi Ci.

This is a later story, no need to say more, just say that the three hundred soldiers allocated to Taishi Ci are all elites, all 100 soldiers, Taishi Ci has a beautiful beard, is majestic and brave, heavy and promises, has the style of ancient righteous men, but he He soon gained the support of these three hundred elite soldiers.

Haiqu, Langya and other counties had just gone through the war to quell the Yanhao Rebellion, so after Xun Zhen entered Langya from Ganyu, he did not go west to the county seat first, but went directly north, traveled more than a hundred miles to Haiqu first, and then More than a hundred miles to Langya.

Haiqu and Langya are all facing the sea, and when you go all the way, you may climb high and overlook the sky, looking at the vast sea and sky, looking at the beacon smoke in Zhongzhou, and the heroes are fighting, and Xuzhou has been settled, civil and military, and dominate the southeast, wait for a while, but there is a chance, It will be possible to conquer the south and take the north, and the unification may be completed in his own hands. After Xun Zhen thought about it, his mood was agitated, and when he looked at the sea again, he had a feeling of "Jieshi in the east", so he wrote the eight characters in Langya County: "East Langya, to see the sea."

After leaving Langya County, it was still more than 100 li to the northwest. When he arrived at Dongwu, Xunzhen called Pan Zhang to see him and asked him about the military situation. Then he went southwest for several tens of li to the counties, and called Yin Li to see him and reward him for his merits. Traveling north for about 100 li, to Kumu, this county is only 123 li away from the county of Beihai, where Xunzhen wrote a letter to Kong Rong, and sent a warrior order to deliver it. In the letter, Xun Zhen wrote: The Yellow Turbans are rampant in the North If you are in a hurry, let a ride come, and Xuzhou will do everything to help.

From Kumu to the south, crossing the Shu River, first to Dongguan, and then to Juxian, Xun Zhen personally introduced Huang Qian and Taishi Ci to each other, so that the two became acquainted. two counties. Yang is the hometown of the brothers Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang, and Xun Zhen went to their home to have a look. Leaving Yangdu County and going southwest for dozens of miles to Linyi, which borders Taishan County, Chen Dao was stationed here. Several dozen miles south of Linyi is Kaiyang, the county seat of Langya. Xun Zhen lived for two days in Xun Cheng's camp outside Kaiyang County. Next, it traveled southwest to the State of Zing, turned back, and traveled eastward to cross the Yishui River and arrived at Jiqiu. At this point, all the counties in Langya County have come to an end.

Xun Zhen traveled to all counties and rewarded Chen Deng. During this trip to the prefecture, Xun Zhen not only publicized his majesty, but also made the people of all counties and counties know that he had been ordered by the imperial court, and was worshipped as the shepherd of Xuzhou and the general of Zhendong. The ministers of the country have different advantages and disadvantages in terms of governance. Handan Rong is strict in governance, he is happy to be honest and respectful, Wang Lang is generous in governance, and Chen Deng is full of vigor and talent. Xiang Jun is particularly outstanding.

From Jiqiu South, about a hundred miles is Tan County.

Before reaching Tan County, Xun Zhen received the county newspaper sent by Xun Chen, Liu Ye succeeded, Fu Ling Prime Minister had already resigned, and Jiang Gan also fulfilled his mission and reached a covenant with Sheng Xian. He arrived at Tan County, and the next day he finally received a letter from Cao Cao. He led the remnants to join forces with Cao Cao.

The situation of Qing and Yan has developed so far, and it is not optimistic, but when Fuling is in Yangzhou, the situation seems to be slightly favorable for Xun Chen.

Xun Zhen stayed behind closed doors and thought about it for two days. On this day, Chuan Yu, Xun You, Xi Zhicai and others came together to hold a military meeting.

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