The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 299: Chen Guoxiang Xiang Army 1st (8)

Liu Dai fought against the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei. Although he was not victorious and was besieged in Suixiang, he had won several battles in Dongping Kingdom earlier, because some Yellow Turbans in Dongping Kingdom entered Jibei Kingdom from the north. Some of them entered the state of Lu from the east, which greatly supplemented the Yellow Turbans in the state of Lu. They regained their strength and regrouped. They counterattacked from the northern part of the state of Lu to the south and recaptured the two counties of Bian and Zou. Because of lack of food, the Yellow Turbans of Lu State had to plunder from outside in order to survive, either from Bian County to the east, plundering the borderlands of Taishan County, or from Zu County to the west, plundering Nanpingyang and other counties in Shanyang County, There are also a small number of people who flowed southeast from Zuxian County and entered Hexiang County, which swept Donghai County.

Liu Bei and others are currently stationed in Hexiang, and have fought several small battles with the Yellow Turbans of Lu State, who have entered the harassment border. newspaper.

In order to show a serious attitude, the person who was sent to the military newspaper was a Sima who was quite close to Liu Bei, named Shiren.

Shi, is a rare surname, derived from the Qi surname Du, the doctor Du Bo was killed when King Xuan of Zhou, his son Uncle Xi fled to Jin and was appointed as a judge, that is, a judge, his son Yin took his official position as his surname, The descendants are called Shishi. Although Shi surnames are rare, two surnames derived from this surname are quite common in later generations, namely Fan and Sui. Today, the most famous person with the surname of Shi Xie in China is Shi Xie. When he was young, he learned from Liu Tao, a famous scholar of the Liu clan in Yingyin. He is now the prefect of Jiaozhi. After Zhu Fu, the prefect of Jiaozhou, was killed by a thief, Shi Xie represented him. His three younger brothers were divided into three counties of Jiaozhou, and his clan power was concentrated in Jiaozhou, and he was already the largest warlord who had separated Lingnan.

Shi Xie's ancestor was from Wenyang, Luguo, and he moved to Jiaozhou when he was in Xinmang, while Shiren was from Guangyang. Guangyang belongs to Guangyang County, Youzhou, bordering Zhuo County and only over 100 miles away from Liu Bei's hometown of Zhuo County.

Xun Zhen first met Shiren many years ago. After listening to Liu Bei's introduction, when he first heard his name, he thought of a person with a very similar name to him. One time, I suddenly realized that the so-called "Fu Shiren" is homophonic "not a person", which is obviously scolding him for hurting Guan Yu, so it can be concluded that the two must be the same person.

Although it was confirmed that they must be the same person, Xun Zhen did not "treat him differently" because of this. There are three reasons. First of all, he is a part of Liu Bei, and it is not Xun Zhen's turn to govern. Second, even if he is a part of Xun Zhen, Xun Zhen will not blame him for something that has not happened. Third, this person is almost Liu Bei's fellow countryman, the two had such a close relationship, but in the end they rebelled against Liu Tosun, along with Liu Bei's wife and brother Mi Fang. From this, it can be seen that there must be something wrong with Guan Yu. He cannot be blamed alone.

When it comes to Guan Yu, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are enemies of ten thousand people. In the original history, the reason why Liu Bei was able to achieve success was indeed due to the great strength of these two. Guan Yu flooded the Seventh Army and Zhang Fei defeated Zhang He. Hu Chen, but also because of the character of the two, Liu Bei was frustrated at two crucial moments that decided his fate and future. One was Zhang Fei and Cao Bao's discord, which led to Xia Pi being captured by Lu Bu, and Liu Bei's loss of Xuzhou. It was Shiren and Mi Fang who surrendered their grandsons, causing Guan Yu to retreat south, not only losing the great situation of Weizhen Huaxia, but also directly causing Liu Bei to lose the three counties of Jingzhou, and then surrendered because Meng Da was afraid that Liu Bei would hold him responsible for not helping Guan Yu. Cao Cao lost Shangyong and other places in Hanzhong, which not only made the "Longzhong confrontation" impossible, but also caused Liu Bei's territory to shrink significantly.

There is no need to say more about this, only that Shiren sent Xun Zhen a military report from Liu Bei.

Xun Zhen began to watch, and saw that the first half of the military newspaper described the fact that Liu Bei, Chen Rong, Chang Xi, and Sun Kang had been defeated and disturbed the Yellow Turbans in the borderlands, and the second half focused on Liu Bei's belief that " This is not a solution to the root cause".

Liu Bei proposed: He asked Xunzhen's permission to keep the township with Chen Rongtun, and then he would command the Taishan troops of Changxi and Sun Kang's troops to unite with their headquarters and attack the state of Lu, at least to take down the county of Zu. He believed that, In this way, the border trouble can be completely eliminated. He also proposed that after the Yellow Turbans of Lu State were swept away, they could choose an opportunity to move westward, join forces with Jiang Hu and Chen Bao, and attack Jibei in the name of "helping Liu Dai".

After reading the military newspaper, Xun Zhen smiled and said to Xi Zhicai and the others who were sitting left and right: "Xuande is really my brother, and he has ambitions." , asked Shiren, "When Xuande asked you to send this army newspaper, did you have anything to tell you?"

Shiren knelt down in the hall and replied respectfully: "When General Liu sent the villain to send the army newspaper, he said to the villain, 'The general treats me well, and I should report it'."

Xun Zhen laughed loudly and said, "My ambition and Xuande are on the same footing, and we're the same as before, so why would you say whether you'd like to say something?" Seeing Xi Zhicai and the others, most of them had already read the military newspaper, and asked Xi Zhicai, "Zhicai, What do you think about Xuande's invitation to fight?"

Xi Zhicai pondered and said: "Lu's yellow turbans disturb the side, and the ears are small. If the general sends troops into Lu again, he will probably attract Yanzhou's attention. If he helps Liu Gongshan to attack the Yanbei yellow turbans, I'm afraid it will not be feasible."

Previously, Xun Zhen had forcibly entered Rencheng on the grounds of chasing the Yellow Turbans from the State of Lu, and then moved into Dongping. At this time, if troops were to be sent to Lu, it would not be necessary to obtain Sun Jian's consent, which would cause extreme anger in Yanzhou. Great vigilance is inevitable. Under such conditions, it is definitely difficult to get Liu Dai's welcome no matter what is the excuse of helping Liu Dai to attack the Yellow Turbans in northern Yanbei.

Xun Zhen asked Xun Yu again: "Wen Ruo, why do you think it is like this?"

"General Sun's army has broken Chen and is attacking Liang. It is temporarily unable to transfer troops to Lu, and the state of Lu belongs to Yuzhou. Even if our army retakes Zu County, there is no reason to station troops for a long time. This is not a feasible strategy. General Liu' It’s a good idea to cure the root cause, but it’s not feasible at the moment.”

The implication of Xun Yu's words, UU read, if we must retake Zu County, we must also wait until Sun Jian has captured Liang State and has enough strength to station Lu State, otherwise, even if we retake Zu County, because There is no reason for Xuzhou to station troops there for a long time, and in the end, it will only be after the withdrawal of the army, and the Yellow Turbans of Lu State will re-occupy Zuxian County.

Xun Zhen smiled and said to Shiren, "Did you hear what Zhicai and Wen Ruo said?"

Shiren replied, "Yes."

"After you go back, you can answer Xuande here."


Xun Zhen paused, glanced at Shiren, and asked calmly, "Xuande is in Hexiang, is he still used to it? What does he do every day?"

"General Liu is in Hexiang, and when there is no war, he keeps training troops every day."

"Changxi and Sun Kang are both brave generals, can Xuande and him still be friends?"

"There are frequent contacts. General Liu is modest and benevolent, and he is not at odds with Second Colonel Chang and Sun."

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "I'm relieved." Thinking of this, she smiled again, "I heard that the county gave Xuande a lot of beautiful women, Xuande always sleeps all night, and after you return to the hometown , you can tell Xuande face to face, although the jade beauty is good, you can play with it, but it must be moderate and not hurt your body." He added, "Xuande has passed 30 years, and if you have a suitable daughter, you can come and tell me in a book. Be the matchmaker for him!"

The fact that Liu Bei often slept with jade beauties at night was almost spread in the army. Xun Zhen mentioned this matter in a teasing tone. From a certain point of view, it also showed that he was close to Liu Bei. . Shiren fell to the ground and replied, "No."

While they were talking, the attendant outside reported: "The high school captain asks to see you."

Xun Zhen raised her head and looked outside the hall, and saw Gao Su in embroidered clothes, holding a pair of wooden sandals, happily standing in the courtyard.


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