The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 297: Chen Guoxiang Xiang Army 1st (6)

Xun Zhen asked, "What's the matter?"

Wang Lang said: "Yuanda has been in Chen for many days, and he has not written a letter with me. I wonder if he has a letter for General Ming? I wonder how he is doing now?"

Tao Qian was in charge of Xu Shi, Zhao Yu was in Biejia, and Wang Lang was in governance. The two were very familiar with each other. Now that Zhao Yu has been ordered to take office in the state of Chen, Wang Lang is of course unavoidable when he knows that Sun Jian is attacking Chen. He would be worried about Zhao Yu. He knew that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian had a good relationship. He felt that Xun Zhen might know more about Chen Guo's current situation and Zhao Yu's current situation, so he asked this question.

Wang Lang's question came at the right time.

Just a few days ago, Xun Zhen had just received a military report. After the siege of the city for dozens of days, Sun Jian finally broke through Chen County. Since he loved Liu Chong and Luo Jun so much, and resisted them for so long, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to use them in the end. So after the city was destroyed, they slaughtered them. In addition to those who had been drowned by the canal before, tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians died. He was blocked, and Liu Chong died in the chaos of the soldiers. Because he remembered that Xun Zhen wrote several times to suggest that he should keep Luo Jun's life, Sun Jian didn't intend to kill Luo Jun at first, but Luo Jun scolded him and refused to surrender. , Sun Jian's temper came up, and he killed him.

When Xun Zhen received this military report, she was shocked before she finished reading it, and after reading it, she sighed incessantly.

It is not only lamenting Luo Jun's death, but also lamenting Sun Jian's massacre of the city.

Since the start of the army, Xun Zhen has never killed prisoners or massacred the city, but this does not mean that others do not do it. Take Huangfu Song as an example. When the Yellow Turbans were pacified, Yingchuan, Runan, and Jizhou went to battle in several places, and killed many people. 100,000, in the battle of Quyang, the first more than 100,000 were won, and it was possible to build a Jingguan in the south of the city, not killing prisoners, how could there be so many gains? And Huangfu Song can still gain the reputation of the world, and even Xun Zhen admires his military skills and personal morals. Of course, this has a direct relationship with the "Yellow Turban" being a "thief", because it is a "thief", so Huangfu Song doesn't have to be merciful. Sun Jian's attack on Chen was an "unjust war". In the eyes of the people of the time, it was incomparable with Huangfu Song's attack on the Yellow Turbans, but after the two were defeated, the purpose of killing prisoners and slaughtering the city respectively was the same. It was to frighten the rest of the crowd, and let those who rebelled and did not obey orders know what would happen to them if they still refused to submit.

Long before Chen County was overrun, Zhao Yu arrived in Chen State. The territory of Chen State was full of Sun Jian's trilogy. He was alone, with only a few cavalrymen and no solid backing. Under Sun Jian's hint, few people were willing to respect him. Although Zhao Yu was angry, there was nothing he could do. After Chen County was breached, he immediately asked to see Sun Jian, trying to stop his order to massacre the city, but Sun Jian didn't see him at all. When Luo Jun was killed, he ran for Luo Jun again, but Sun Jian still ignored him. Knowing that Chen Wang and Liu Chong died in the chaos, Zhao Yu wanted to collect Liu Chong's body and bury it, but among the tens of thousands of deceased, Liu Chong's body could not be found. It was Sun Jian who ordered Liu Chong's body to be found and buried him according to the etiquette of the princes and kings.

Liu Chong is good at crossbows, can hit ten hits, and is good at crossbows. In the past, there were thousands of strong crossbows in possession. During the Zhongping period, the Yellow Turbans rose, and Yuzhou prefectures and counties abandoned cities. Luo Junping always loved the people like sons, mainly because his thousands of strong crossbows had a shocking effect on the people of the country. At that time, he personally led troops to station in Doting, - Doting, as the name implies, the county. In the pavilion of the county seat, the people of the country knew that they were good at shooting, and they did not dare to rebel. Luo Jun and Liu Chong were both literary and martial, and the two cooperated well. Now that both of them are dead, Sun Jian is cheaper. Since the Yellow Turbans, there have been few wars in the Chen country, no disasters have occurred in the territory, the annual harvest is rich, the storage is abundant, the food is abundant, the county soldiers of the Chen country have been destroyed, and the powerful crossbows and armour have been seized. Sun Jian's strength has improved immediately. A big chunk.

Compared to Sun Jian's beaming joy, Zhao Yu could only say that he was full of anger.

But it was useless for him to be angry. There were only two options in front of him. One was to return to his hometown with a seal and return to Xuzhou, or he might still be able to leave the prefecture. , If not, Luo Jun may be a lesson from the past.

What choice will Zhao Yu make? He did not write to Xun Zhen, because of his relationship with Sun Jian, Xun Zhen was in a dilemma, and it was not easy to send a letter to inquire, because it was not known yet. But having said that, before going to Chen Guo to take office, Zhao Yuying could already guess what kind of situation he would face when he arrived in Chen Guo, so maybe he had already made up his mind when he took office.

Not to mention, but after killing Luo Jun, Sun Jian probably felt that he couldn't resist Xun Zhen's several requests, but he actually did something that Xun Zhen didn't expect: He gave Luo Jun's little wife to Xun Zhen. Zhen sent it.

The person was still on the road, the letter was delivered first. In the letter, Sun Jian first talked about the situation of Zhao Yu’s arrival in Chen State, and then mentioned the matter of sending Luo Jun’s wife to Xu. In the letter, he wrote: Xiaoyuan did not surrender. My original intention was to follow the words of my wise brother and send him back to his hometown. Xiaoyuan was still scolding him, and he couldn’t bear it. Xiaoyuan's youngest wife, Mrs. Zou, from Yuzhang, has been pregnant for several months. When asked where she wants to go, she hesitated and said nothing. She sent her to the virtuous brother, and the virtuous brother could be accommodated according to the situation.

Sun Jian and Cao Cao were the same age. They were born in the same year, and both were several years older than Xun Zhen. Therefore, Sun Jian called Xun Zhen a "virtuous brother".

Luo Jun is Wushangren in Kuaiji. His eldest wife is Wushang in his hometown, and his youngest wife, Zou, is in Chen County. Zou is now several months pregnant. In the later life, it is still very relaxed. After the death of the husband, there are still many regular wives who remarry, and more small wives. So Sun Jian asked Zou whether he wanted to go back to Yuzhang's mother's house, or to Kuaiji's husband's house? The implication is that if you go to your husband's house, you will celebrate the festival for Luo Jun, and if you go back to your mother's house, you will save the idea of ​​remarrying. A weak woman from the Zou family. In today's time of war, the road is not smooth. Whether it is to go to Kuaiji or Yuzhang, it is thousands of miles away. She does not know where to go, and it is inevitable.

Regardless of whether to go to Kuaiji or return to Yuzhang, these two counties are not too far from Xuzhou. Guangling is to the south, passing Wu County is Kuaiji, and passing Danyang is Therefore, Sun Jian simply decided to put the Zou family. Sending it to Xun Zhen and letting Xun Zhen make up her mind would be considered to make up for the mistake of not listening to Xun Zhen's words, but still killing Luo Jun.

Xun Zhen didn’t have to tell Wang Lang all of these things, Wang Lang only asked Zhao Yu, so Xun Zhen answered briefly: “Yuan Da and I have no books, but I heard the words in the letter of Sun Hou: Yuan Da has already to Chen."

"Lang heard rumors yesterday that Sun Hou has broken through Chen County and massacred a lot of people in the city. Is Yuan Dak still safe?"

"Yuan Da is not in the army, no matter how fierce the battle is, he will not be involved."

Wang Lang sighed and said, "I hope so!" Then he said to Xun Zhen, "The general has a deep relationship with Sun Hou, and the court has appointed Yuanda to be the prime minister of Chen, so Sun Hou Gu will not have a rift with the general, and Sun Hou's department Qu Zhu generals will inevitably have good detractors, when Wen Yuanda was appointed prime minister, Lang wanted to persuade him not to take office, but before the letter was completed, he had already left Xu by bicycle." He sighed again and again.

In terms of political wisdom, Zhao Yu is not as good as Wang Lang. Wang Lang knew that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were on good terms, and worried that Zhao Yu's appointment as Prime Minister Chen would destroy the de facto alliance between Xu and Yu. Could it be that Zhao Yu didn't know? No matter if he is honest or upright, he has to go.

Xun Zhen didn't want to say more on this topic, she just smiled.

Leaving Guangling, from Dongyang to the west, first to Gaoshan County, then to the south for more than 100 li, to Dongcheng, the hometown of Lu Su, which borders Jiujiang. situation and circumstances. Then turn back from Dongcheng to the north, travel 150 or 60 li, to Huailing, and then to the north is Huaishui, crossing the Huaishui is Xuxian, the important town of Xiapi.

In Huailing, Xun Zhen received two military newspapers one after another.

One is from Yanzhou and the other is from Jingzhou.


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