The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 288: Wang Taishou class Zhengzhou most (1)

Yuliangcheng went southeast for more than thirty li, crossed the Shu River, and went another thirty or forty li to Siwu. Ad-free site. Siwu was the land of the ancient Zhongwu Kingdom, which was later destroyed by Sun Wu and Wu Zixu, and was annexed by the Wu Kingdom. In the former Han Dynasty, this place belonged to Donghai County, and the current dynasty belonged to Xiapi. Xun Zhen stayed in Siwu for a long time, and continued to travel southeast to Quyang, about a hundred miles away.

Huaipu was on the north bank of the Huai River. At the beginning of the year, Xun Zhen attacked Tao Qian. Thanks to the dedication of Chen Deng's family, Xun Cheng's troops and horses were able to easily cross the Huai River.

The chief officials and county magistrates of Huaipu greeted Xunzhen at the county boundary. Chen Gui, Chen Deng's father, and Chen Gui's followers, Chen Yu and Chen Cong, also went out to greet him.

The Chen family in Huaipu is a local right surname and has been famous in history. Chen Yu and Chen Cong's father, Chen Qiu, was from official to Taiwei. In the second year of Guanghe, Chen Qiu, Liu He, Yang Qiu and others plotted to execute eunuchs. He was arrested and died. In prison, he was also a famous official of the Han family. Chen Yu's brothers were both officials in the prefectures and prefectures. Because of the war, they abandoned their official positions and returned to their hometowns one after another. Now they all live at home. Their brothers are old and have held high official positions. More importantly, they are Chen Yu. Deng's fathers were not equal to their sons, so Xunzhen did not enlist them into the prefecture, but often ordered the localities to treat them favorably.

It was reported that Brother Chen Gui was also holding a broom at the county border, and Xun Zhen got out of the car. When they met each other on the road, Xun Zhen bowed and said with a smile, "How dare you ask the princes to greet you?" Brother Chen Gui replied, Chen Yu was the longest, and he replied to Xun Zhen's words, he said: "General Ming is coming, The elders of the county are all excited, and Yu and the others are the generals who govern the people, receive kindness, and represent the power, and welcome them from afar."

It was the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly, and the Chen Yu brothers were well-dressed. Xun Zhen called to the left and right, ordered to vacate a few cars, and asked their brothers to board the car. Under the guidance of the Huaipu County chief, they rode to the Huaipu County town.

Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai were still in the same car with Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen smiled and said to the two of them: "Huaipu officials welcome me more, but Liu Zhengli is the only one. Liu Jun is really a famous scholar Gao Feng."

Xun Yu said solemnly: "Liu Zhengli of the Han clan has three sons from his father, and his reputation and virtue are well-known in the world. He is also a son of the Gong clan, and he has the reputation of 'Qiji' in the youth. He resigned as a servant a few years ago. If the imperial censor does not take office, he is certainly not comparable to other people."

During the period when Liu Yao's father, Liu Chong, served as the official court, Chen Yu and Chen Cong's father, Chen Qiu, also served in the court. Liu Yao and Chen Yu were acquainted with each other. Not too far away, Qing and Xu bordered each other, and they became friends. This is why Liu Yao went directly to the Chen family in Huaipu after arriving in Xuzhou from Qingzhou.

"Servant Yu Shi" is a subordinate official of the imperial censor, although the rank is low, but the power is large, with a total of fifteen posts. Huan Dian, who is currently serving as the imperial censor in Chang'an, Xijing, was held high by the Situ Yuan Hui during the reign of Emperor Ling, and he was worshipped as the censor in court. He was afraid, and said for him: "Walk and stop, and avoid the imperial censor of Congma", which shows the weight of his power. When the Shi Yu Shi's tenure is full, if he sends out a foreign official, the order of the large county will be relocated, and Gao Zhuo will be the prefect, Er Qian Shi, and move the prefecture and county.

Not to mention the brotherhood of Liu Yao and Liu Dai, just based on his family background and qualifications, he is indeed qualified to compete with Xun Zhen.

Xi Zhicai smiled.

Xun Yu noticed this scene and asked Xi Zhicai: "Zhi Cai, why is Qing smiling? Do you think it's not?"

Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "I laugh, but it's not because I don't think so."

"Why is that?"

"Master Xinling loved talents and visited Xianyimen, and he was praised by the world, and he has kept his name to this day. Liu Zhengli is reserved, but he can become the name of the general who loves the good. Thinking of this, I am happy for the general, so I can't help but feel laugh."

It is extremely inappropriate for Xi Zhicai to compare Liu Yao with Hou Ying, a servant of Yimen.

Xun Yu knew that the reason why he would say this was because he always looked down on those crown clan disciples who came from a high school and had great names but no real talents. He smiled helplessly and said, "Zhicai! I know a little about Liu Zhengli's deeds. This person is by no means incompetent and should not be taken lightly." He said to Xun Zhen, "Liu Zhengli was nineteen years old, and he led a guest to usurp him from the thieves and returned to his father. His prestige, he was dismissed as prime minister of Jinan, and his uprightness was comparable to Fan Mengbo; his brother was the prefect of Yanzhou, but he did not vote, and he was wise. Yes, stronger than Liu Yanzhou."

Xun Zhen agreed, nodded, and said to the two with a smile: "Wen Ruo said what he said was true, and what Zhi Cai said was not bad. Since he doesn't come to see me, I will visit him at the door."

When he arrived in Huaipu County, Xun Zhen did not enter the county temple, so he asked the county magistrate to lead the way, and asked the brothers Chen Yu to accompany him to go to Liu Yao's current residence first. The house that Le Jin bought for Liu Yao was near the county temple. Although Liu Yao accepted it, he did not live in it, so he bought a house beside Chen Yu’s brother’s house. Outside the door, Xun Zhen ordered the team of cyclists to stop, and walked in together with Xun Yu and Chen Yu's brothers.

There are many wealthy families in Huaipu, the road is paved with bluestone, the houses on both sides are high with high walls, the sun is hot, and pedestrians are rarely seen. At the end of the journey, there is a small courtyard on the left side of the road, the courtyard door is closed, a fruit tree sticks out branches and leaves from the corner of the courtyard, lush and lush, covering half of the wall. Standing under the shade of the tree, the breeze was blowing, Xun Zhen and the others suddenly felt cool, and the sweat on their bodies seemed to be very little.

The county magistrate said to Xun Zhen, "This is where Liu Jun lives."

Xun Zhen came forward and knocked on the door.

After a while, the courtyard door opened.

Xun Zhen looked at the door and saw that the door was opened by a young boy, who was not tall and dressed as a child. He was about seven or eight years old. He probably didn't expect that there were so many people outside the door. The young man was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Brother Chen Yu and the county magistrate. , but from the seal on Xun Zhen's clothes, he could see that he was a senior official of 2,000 stones, so the young man saluted without hesitation: "I don't know if General Ming is It's a shame to welcome him. General Ming please do not sin. General Ming, please wait a moment, Ji will report to my father.”

Seeing that his words and deeds were polite and generous, Xun Zhen suddenly thought of his eldest son, Ji Xia, and loved him, and asked with a smile, "Do you know who I am? Just call me 'General'."

"The five counties in the state, among the nobles of two thousand stones, are only General Zhendong. Since the nobles wear two thousand stone seals, I think they must be General Zhendong."

Xun Zhen laughed, and Gu said to Chen Yu and the others, "This son is smart!" Turning his face, he asked the young man, "Your name is Liu Ji?"

"It's a bad name."

The more Xun Zhen looked at him, the more he felt fond of him, so he began to play tricks on him, and asked, "Do you have a character?"

The so-called "calling oneself by name, calling people by word", "word" is used to be addressed by others, so usually men will get a word for social convenience when they reach the age of 20, when they reach adulthood, that is, "crown word". ", "The crown and the word, and the name is also respected", but there are also many who have the word long before the crown, either because of early wisdom or because they are deeply liked by their parents, because Xun Zhen has a relationship with Liu Ji. this question.

Liu Ji replied, "No words yet."

Xun Zhen said solemnly: "Can I take a word for you? Considering that you are a boy, your demeanor is gentle, just like a little gentleman, and the character is Bo Wen. What do you think?"

Of course, Liu Ji didn't know the origin of the word "Bowwen", but he was quite puzzled when Xun Zhen suddenly wanted to name him. , granted by my father. Although the general Ming is expensive, his relatives are not as good as the ancestors and fathers of Ji. The words given by the general are not accepted by Ji.”

Xun Zhen laughed and asked Liu Ji to come over, patted his head, took his hand, and were admitted to the hospital together.

The courtyard is divided into two entrances, and one person is transferred out from the backyard door.

Seeing that this person was nearly forty years old, with a dignified appearance, and Liu Ji had several similarities to him, Xun Zhen knew that this person must be Liu Yao.

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