The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 287: Zhang Lian Li Xian Xia Pi (Part 2)

There are rumors in the East China Sea that Handan Rong is corrupt, but there is no evidence. In fact, Handan Rong is also very clean. Handan Rong and Le Jin were in charge of the prefectures, and they were all clean. Only because the Handan Rong family was a noble family, when they joined Xunzhen in Yingchuan in the past, they not only brought 500 Handan children, but also brought a lot of money and food with them. He gave some to Xun Zhen, and he kept some for himself, so until now, although he has not been greedy for ink, he has not lacked in money and silk. The clothes and food are all luxurious. Compared with Lejin, it is really frugal to shabby. , and only because of the shabby, even more rare.

Xun Zhen gave Le Jin 100,000 yuan of money and silk, and the next day, it was passed on to Xuzhou, in recognition of Le Jin's integrity and virtuousness.

After leaving Xiapi County, Xun Zhen went to Xu Zhong's camp outside the county, and Xu Zhong greeted him outside the Yuanmen.

After returning from Rencheng and leading the army, Xu Zhong rested for a few days, and then began to patrol the garrisoned troops in various places in Xiapi County. Until a few days ago, it was reported that Xun Zhen was going to travel from the prefecture to the county. The station outside Pi County, after welcoming Xun Zhen with Le Jin at the county boundary yesterday, Xun Zhen told him to go back to the camp, so he didn't have to go into the city with him, because he didn't attend the banquet at the county house last night.

Xun Zhen's cavalry team stopped outside the camp gate. Xun Zhen got out of the car and saw that Xu Zhong and others seemed to be about to kneel and bow down, so he stepped forward, stopped, smiled and said to Xu Zhong, "Jun Qing, Qing et al. With Jie Zhou on your body, you can do the military salute!" Xu Zhong and the others went to the military salute.

Xun Zhen held Xu Zhong's hand, and the two entered the gate side by side.

When they got to the camp, Xun Zhen inspected the camp before going to the tent. The soldiers and horses stationed here were only five hundred cavalry, all of them were Xu Zhong's personal soldiers, and they were the elite of all the troops stationed in Xiapi and Pengcheng. , neat and tidy, with deep moat and watchtowers, all of them, the school field is flat and wide, there is a corner of the camp, and there is a military market, which should be laid out according to regulations.

Xun Zhen inspected it and was satisfied.

Because Xun Zhen was about to come, Xu Zhong gave an order in advance, ordering the soldiers on foot and cavalry not to leave the tent without permission, so the camp seemed a bit empty and silent, only the occasional neighing of horses could be heard.

Xun Zhen came to the school grounds, climbed to the high viewing platform, and ordered the guards to beat the drum of summoning troops.

Before the first drum was finished, the officers’ calls for troops and orders sounded all over the camp, and the second drum sounded. Before the three drums began to strike, the school field was already full of various songs. The fine armor was shining, and the spears and halberds were like forests. According to the different types of arms, five hundred soldiers were arranged on both sides, walking on the left and riding on the right. The flag is flying.

With the end of the assembly, the officers' orders, the soldiers running, the collision of armor and weapons, etc., and even the sound of horses gradually ceased to be heard, and the entire battalion returned to silence.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe that the school field at this time was actually crowded with cyclists.

According to the classic system, one tom is three hundred and thirty-three beats, and two tom is six hundred and sixty-six beats. Of course, there will be a certain time interval between the first tom and the second tom, but the total Together, the two-tone drum is less than a quarter of an hour. In more than a quarter of an hour, the soldiers put on their armor and weapons, assembled according to each song, and then came back to the school field to form an army, and they were still mixed with infantry and cavalry, although there were five hundred cavalry. They are all elites, but it is difficult to do so unless the main general is good at governing the army.

Xun Zhen was even more satisfied, he smiled at Gu Xun Yu, Zhang Zhao, etc., and said, "How is this soldier?"

Zhang Zhao and the others replied: "The drums are only two-way, the army has been integrated, the formation is orderly, and the troops are silent. If you don't see it yourself, you can't believe it."

Commanded by Xu Zhong, the five-hundred-footed cavalry were used as combat units on the school grounds. They performed various tactical moves in order, and then divided into two groups, each forming a formation and switching between offense and defense. In the midsummer season, the morning sun is very hot, the field is dusty, the soldiers are sweating like rain, the flag is heading, the attackers are invincible, and where the golden drums are sounding, the defending side is indestructible. The military officials such as Xin Ai and Dian Wei watched with excitement, while Zhang Zhao and other literati were all dazzled and dazzled, even clenching their fists and holding their breath, and the hair all over their bodies seemed to tremble.

After the soldiers had rehearsed, they regrouped and gave a military salute to Xun Zhen on the stage. They lined up with the sound of drums, and returned to their tents. After returning to their tents, Zhang Zhao watched them off. Jue sighed and said, "Wei Liao Ziyun 'Who is the one who mentions 100,000 people, but the world is incomparable? It is called Duke Huan. Who is the one who mentions 70,000 people, but the world is incomparable? It is Wu Qi. There are 30,000 people. And who is incompetent in the world? It is said that Wuzi also', if there are 30,000 soldiers like this, I know enough to be incompetent in the world!"

Chief clerk Chen Yi said: "'If you point to the enemy and forget your body, you will die if you die.' Zhen said, "The Marquis of Wuyang raises one hundred thousand people, and he dares to run wild among the Huns, far inferior to General Xu."

"Focusing on the enemy and forgetting one's body" and so on, is also from. Xun Zhen was fond of the art of war, but today is in troubled times, so although Zhang Zhao and Chen Yi were civil officials, they also read military books quite a bit. Xun Zhen is now adding and deleting the military books of all dynasties from ancient times to the present. He plans to compile a volume and send it to the generals under the account to read and study, so as to improve their military ability. The military book he chose is a more important one.

Xu Zhong has always been taciturn. At this time, he heard Zhang Zhao and Chen Yi praise him for his skillful training, but he did not say anything modest, but said to Xun Zhen: "Xunzhen is a native of the country, how do you know about military? , all derived from the teachings of General Ming.”

He is telling the truth. Xun Zhen listened, smiled and stroked his back, and said to Chen Yi, "The Marquis of Wuyang has made great contributions to his family, and the lackeys of the dog's ears, how can he be able to match Junqing? General Xu, my Zhou Yafu." Xu Zhong had high expectations.

He spent one night in Xu Zhongying's camp, and the next day, Xun Zhen continued to travel to the state.

Le Jin, Xu Zhong, Liu Ru, He Yi and other high-ranking officials in the county followed each other. Xun Zhen passed Xiapi County and traveled north for more than 60 li to Liangcheng. The chief officials and county magistrates of Liangcheng County went out to greet him, and Zhang Fei led five hundred and eight hundred cavalry to camp here, and they also went out to greet him.

Zhang Fei is about the same age as Zhao Yun. He is two years older than Zhao Yun. He is 29 years old this year. Although he is not from a noble family, he is elegant in literature, and he learned calligraphy in his early years. He can write well and has good painting skills. In the middle, he did not abandon his old friendship, and he continued to calligraphy, painting and literature in addition to military affairs. For this reason, compared with generals such as Xu Zhong and Dian Wei, he was famous for his mighty power, but he had the style of a Confucian general.

Xun Zhen took a grand cavalry team and the distinctive banners of "Zhendong General" and "Xuzhou Mu" to the middle of Liangcheng County. After achieving the goal of "showing majesty", he did not stop at the county temple. That is, accompanied by Zhang Fei, he went out of the county to Zhang Fei's camp.

There were a few words that Xun Zhen wanted to say to Zhang Fei for a long time.

In fact, what he wanted to say had been said to Zhang Fei before, but the effect was not good. According to reports, Zhang Fei did not fully obey. Therefore, Xun took this opportunity to travel to the state and pass by Zhang Fei. Zhen wanted to warn him again.

What Xun Zhen wanted to tell Zhang Fei was about Zhang Fei's character.

Zhang Fei respected the gentleman, but did not show mercy to the villain. Xun Zhen had previously warned him that even a villain should not be humiliated. Although Zhang Fei did not take Xun Zhen's warning as a deaf ear, his nature was hard to change, but he still scolded him from time to time.

After patrolling Zhang Fei's camp, Xun Zhen retreated to the left and right, leaving Zhang Fei alone in the tent, calling him to take a seat, and said to him: "Yide, you have been with me for a long time, you should know how I manage the army. The army should be strictly controlled, but the punishment should not be overdone. Wen Qing often whips the elites for being too small, and gives little care to the soldiers. , sucking pus for the soldier, the mother of the soldier wept and said: 'Wu Zi sucked my husband's creation, and my husband died without turning his heel. Now he **** my son again, knowing that my son will die in battle! 'Grandson Yun' regards the soldier as a baby, so You can go to Shenxi with him, and treat your soldiers like your beloved son, so you can die with them. This is the right way to govern the army."

Zhang Fei replied: "The general has taught Fei before, and Fei has known it before, so he dare not forget it."

"If you know what you've done, you should change it. You can't just not forget it. You must restrain your nature and change your previous actions."

Zhang Fei agreed.

Xun Zhen also taught him painstakingly: "You should be close to Zuo Shi on weekdays, and often introduce him. Zuo Shi, Qing's eyes and ears are close to each other, only when Qing can know the human feelings of the soldiers in the department, it is rare to see them. If people don’t know, what is the reason for the affairs in the Ministry of Knowledge?”

Zhang Fei replied, "No."

After saying these words that she wanted to tell Zhang Fei again, Xun Zhen saw a few words hanging in his tent. Is it written by the Lord?"

Zhang Fei hung these words in the tent. UU reading was just for Xun Zhen to see. Seeing Xun Zhen asking about it, he quickly replied, "It's Feishu."

Xun Zhen pointed to one of the characters and said with a smile: "I was in Yingchuan in the past. I tasted Liu Desheng's calligraphy, and this book has three parts of its charm." , said, "Fighting and fighting, fighting with halberds and wars, is the law of this book a teacher suitable for officials?"

Liu Desheng was a famous scholar in Yingchuan. He was good at calligraphy. He was called "the originator of running script" by later generations. Many scholars have learned his calligraphy, and Zhong Yao has also learned it. Xun Zhen was in Yingchuan and met him at Zhong Yao. The authentic calligraphy of Liu Desheng. Shi Yiguan is the most famous master of "Bafenshu" at the moment. Emperor Ling was fond of calligraphy. When the Hongdu School was set up, hundreds of people were recruiting all over the world for craftsmanship. Shiyiguan was the most famous for Bafenshu.

Zhang Fei replied: "General Mingcha, Fei this book is indeed a suitable teacher for learning."

Xun Zhen commented on Zhang Fei's calligraphy works, and couldn't help thinking of Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was born in a family of eunuchs. He was influenced by his family style and was different from the children of the gentry who were heirs of Confucianism. Much better. Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Meng De and Liu Gongshan attacked the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei, I don't know how the battle is going?" After two or three days, he did not receive the military report from Jiang Hu and Chen Bao from Yanzhou, and he did not know that Liu Dai attacked this time. Will the Yanbei Yellow Turbans still end up being defeated and killed, as they have always been? Or can it win the victory?

After talking with Zhang Fei for a long time, seeing Zhang Fei respectfully keeping his posture of sitting on a squat without moving, Xun Zhen rejoiced and said with a smile: "Qing and Zilong are close to each other, they live in the army, they are both good at literacy and Confucianism, and they have similar interests. Be more close. The military chaos at home and abroad, my ambition is to clear the world, welcome the emperor to return to Luoyang, restore the Han family, the minister and Zilong can work hard to make it a prince, and do not slack off.”

Zhang Fei respectfully agreed.

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