The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 282: Xu and Ji

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278 Hearing the East China Sea's Resentment

The East China Sea is the seat of the prefecture, and it leads thirteen counties. Today, there are more than 90,000 households and more than 450,000 people. There are more than 1,000 county and county officials included in the collection book. In the documents submitted on the clock, the county's household registration, farmland, money valley, prison and other aspects related to the administration of the county are included in it, and the number of incumbents of the county and county is also one of them.

The East China Sea is a "country".

In the seventeenth year of Jianwu, Emperor Guangwu abolished Empress Guo and established Yin Lihua. After he and Empress Guo's eldest son Liu Qiang were not at ease, they asked for a change to the title of vassal king. In the nineteenth year, Guangwu abolished the crown prince Liu Qiang and changed it Feng Qiang was the king of the East Sea. Because of his "can't let go of the past, there is a courtesy", so he took special care of him. He made Lu County, a total of twenty-nine counties, and King Lu Gong had a good palace and a hall of Lingguang, which was very magnificent. Exist, Guangwu Zhao Qiang Du Lu, that is to say, Liu Qiang is called the King of the East Sea, and the real country is in Lu, so now Lu is called the country, and the East China Sea is the county.

The East China Sea belongs to Xuzhou, and the State of Lu belongs to Yuzhou. When Dong Zhuo came into chaos, the prefectures and counties became independent. The food, clothing, and rent taxes that should have been given to the King of the East China Sea have not been given since Tao Qian's time. With this alone, Xuzhou can earn tens of millions more every year. .

In addition to the East China Sea, there are three kingdoms in Xuzhou, namely Xiapi, Langya and Pengcheng. In these three kingdoms, Langya and Pengcheng have kings, but there is no king in Xiapi. After the death of Liu Yi, the last king of Xiapi, he has no children. In Chang'an, there was no need to establish another king of Xiapi, nor was there an edict to expel the country, because Xiapi is now without a ruler in the country.

Tao Qian, in the name of attacking the Yellow Turbans and raising grain and salaries, cut all the taxes that the three kingdoms should have paid to the king's palace every year.

Since Xunzhen took charge of the state, Xiao Gui and Cao followed first, and then went a step further a month ago, using the suggestions of Xi Zhicai, Langya Prime Minister Chen Deng, Xiapi Xiang Lejin, Colonel Zan Jun, and Chen Qun who led the shogunate’s military resources. , according to what the Ming emperor said when he conferred the prince, taking King Qing of the East Sea as an example, he cut the rents to the three kings' mansions again. When the Ming emperor conferred the prince, no matter how much he gave to the county, the year of each prince was often used as the basis Until it reaches 20,000,000; Liu Su, the king of Donghaiqing, is the grandson of Liu Qiang. Yong junior high school, Yixi Qiang is still in peace, and he donated 20 million yuan to the court. In Yuan junior high school, he added 10,000 horses to help the country.

According to Xi Zhicai's meaning, he originally suggested to Xun Zhen to "loan the king and the Hou Kingdom for one year", that is, to take advantage of the annual rent tax of the Three Kingdoms and the Hou Kingdom in the territory, saying that it was "loan", and "robbing" "It's no different, wait until "return", I don't know when it will be.

This dynasty was strong and prosperous, the merger was serious, the people were overwhelmed, and they abandoned their homes and fled. When Emperor Huan, Chen Fan wrote a letter saying that there are "three empty" disasters in today's world. "The fields are empty, the court is empty, and the warehouse is empty. Empty '", food shortage, the state borrowing "state rent" from princes and princes is often seen, this has become a "Han family story", the most important "story" of the Han generation, as long as there has been a routine before , usually can be implemented effectively, therefore, Xi Zhi has this idea, but it was opposed by Xun Yu, and Xun Zhen did not accept it.

There are other lords in Xuzhou, such as Guangling houguo. Guangling houguo is the descendant of Liu Jing, the king of Guangling. Liu Jing tried to rebel several times. However, because he was the same brother, the Ming emperor did not pay attention to his affairs. Later, Liu Jing committed suicide, and the Ming emperor sealed him. His son was the Marquis of Guangling, he served Wang Xishou, and he still ate the six counties of Liu Jing's homeland, which has been passed down to the present day. When Xun Zhen was in Guangling, he had already cut the annual rent and tax to this lord, and even then, he had cut it again.

Tan County is the prefectural government, and it is also the county government of Donghai County.

Handan Rong and Xun Zhen were in the same city, so he did not need to go out of the county to welcome Xun Zhen. Xun Zhen and Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai, Xin A, and Dian Wei walked out of the house.

Usually in the mansion, Xun Zhen also wears casual clothes, just like Cao Cao, with a thin coat and wide sleeves, just wrapped in a robe. Today, the purpose of visiting the county is to "show the prestige of the Han family", but the clothes are complete with seals and ribbons.

In order to show the importance of culture and education, he was crowned Jinxian. As the Marquis of Yingyin, he had three beams on his crown. It was summer, so his clothes were red, with a purple ribbon and a gold seal. The straight sword, surrounded by Xun Yu and others, was heroic and calm.

Seeing that Handan was waiting outside the mansion gate, Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Prince, how quickly did you come!"

"The general is in the county, how dare Rong be slow?"

The three of Handan Rong were also dressed in red. Handan Rong had a green and silver seal, while Qin Qian and Ling Cao both had ink and bronze seals. Ling Cao was a military officer, so he crowned Heguan, compared with Wenguan, his ears were shorter, and his tail was doubled.

Xin Ai was the Zhonglang general, Dian Wei was the captain of the school, and he was a military officer, so the seal was the same as that of Handan Rong, the crown was the same as that of Ling Cao, and Xun Yu was the captain of the school. Crown, so with Xun Zhen, Handan Rong, Qin Qian, also crown Jin Xian.

The rest of the servants are all dressed in red, and their crowns are divided into civil and military. Officials who are in charge of the law wear dharma crowns, or yellow ribbons and bronze seals, which are more than 200 stone, or green and blue, and half-pass seals. This hundred stone officials are also , and there are servants of small officials, without crowns, scarves with red robes, and some with black robes. Other guards, such as the subordinate governor Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou, etc., all dressed in military uniforms, armored with swords and halberds, and were strong and strong. In imitation of the old practice of yin and spring, Xunzhen this time, regardless of age, brought along those young shoguns in the shogunate, who were not allowed to wear crowns when they were underage, and these young people were wrapped in robes.

Outside the mansion gate, the chariots and horses of the officials were ready.

Hundred stone officials and above either rode horses or chariots. After Xun Zhen boarded the chariot, everyone got on the chariot and rode, some leading and some following.

There were dozens of officials and hundreds of guards, and Xun Zhen, the squire, left Tan County. Xin Ai and Dian Wei’s ministries had been waiting outside the city for a long time. From around Xunzhen.

From the middle of the county to the outside of the county, the people in the county were crowded, shoulder-to-shoulder, watching the bikes and riding Shengli, and the voices of praise were endless.

Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai were confidants, so they sat in a car from Xunzhen.

Xun Zhen heard the people's comments, lifted the curtain of the car and looked out of the car, and immediately Gu said to Xun Yu with a smile: "Wen Ruo, can you show the prestige of the Han family?"

Xun Yu replied: "If the general is like a curtain, the majesty will be even more evident."

However, he was tactfully criticizing Xun Zhen's behavior of pulling the curtain of the car a little lightly. Xun Zhen laughed and let down the curtain.

Xi Zhicai smiled and said, "The curtain is lowered, why does it show majesty?"

Xun Yu replied sternly: "The majesty is displayed by chariots and horses, and the guards of honor will come out. For the emperor's shepherd's side, you should move and be polite."

Xi Zhicai first made friends with Xun Yu, and then got to know Xun Zhen. He had a very good relationship with Xun Yu, so he didn't want to make fun of him. He got a serious answer from Xun Yu. He felt bored, laughed and changed the topic. The Xingjun Shang who came down said, "Although I am not in the prefecture, I often hear people say that the Duke of Handan is deeply involved in ruling the county." He asked Xun Yu, "Wenruo, have you heard of it, sir?"

Xun Yu, who was in charge of state affairs, was more aware of Handan Rong's "profound governance" style than Xi Zhicai. He nodded and said, "I've heard about it for a long time." He said to Xun Zhen, "General, the public ruler is strict, and the people have complaints, or there is a cloud of greed for ink. Now the general is in the county. Check the truth, if it is false, and prosecute those who spread rumors, if it is true, you should urge the public slaughter to correct it.”

Handan Rong is sensitive to the inside, quick-witted and talented, and he is a strong and courageous person. Xun Zhen knows his strengths and weaknesses. In the early years, he was the lieutenant's bookkeeper of Xun Zhen, and he often said: "If you don't break my law, I will handan Rong, and if you break my law, my lieutenant's bookkeeper is also"! In order to collect food for Xunzhen, as a native of Handan, he was not merciful to the surnames of Handan County, and got a nickname, which was called "Handan slaughter slaughter Handan" by the county surname, which shows his nature.

In the current era, there are pure officials, legalists, and refutation officials. The pure officials use Confucianism to govern, while the refutation officials use Confucianism and other techniques. There are many pure officials, followed by refutation officials, and few who specialize in legalism. , Handan Rong is one of them. Compared with pure officials, Xun Zhen admired refuting officials more. He was not as opposed to Handan Rong's style of administration as Xun Yu, but he could not say that he was very supportive. After all, being too cruel would lead to public resentment.

After listening to Xun Yu's words, Xun Zhen was noncommittal because he still didn't know what the political affairs of Donghai County were.

Handan Rong is sensitive to the inside, quick-witted and talented, and he is a strong and courageous person. Xun Zhen knows his strengths and weaknesses. In the early years, he was the lieutenant's bookkeeper of Xun Zhen, and he often said: "If you don't break my law, I will handan Rong, and if you break my law, my lieutenant's bookkeeper is also"! In order to collect food for Xunzhen, as a native of Handan, he was not merciful to the surnames of Handan County, and got a nickname, which was called "Handan slaughter slaughter Handan" by the county surname, which shows his nature.

In the current era, there are pure officials, legalists, and refutation officials. The pure officials use Confucianism to govern, while the refutation officials use Confucianism and other techniques. There are many pure officials, followed by refutation officials, and few who specialize in legalism. , Handan Rong is one of them. Compared with pure officials, Xun Zhen admired refuting officials more. He was not as opposed to Handan Rong's style of administration as Xun Yu, but he could not say that he was very supportive. After all, being too cruel would lead to public resentment.

After listening to Xun Yu's words, Xun Zhen was noncommittal because he still didn't know what the political affairs of Donghai County were.

279 Township Song Xun's Father's Living Infant Grace

Go out of the county to the west, cross the Yishui River, travel for dozens of miles to Xiangben, and then travel for dozens of miles to Lanling.

There was a Shiting outside Lanling City. In the late period of Duke Mu of Lu, Jun Laozi was young. There was a woman here who was worried that the country would be in danger. Because she believed that the fate of the people was closely related to the future of the country, she leaned on the pillar and screamed, and the grief was uncontrollable. , Three years later, the state of Lu was in chaos, and this woman was able to leave her name for future generations. After all, Xun Zhen studied in a previous life, and was born in a Confucian family in this life. In addition to being in the army and horses, he sometimes travels in the mountains and rivers and pays homage to historical sites. This time, since he is in Lanling, he will of course be there. The second room Pavilion to have a look.

The chief officer of Lanling led the way, Handan Rong and others followed, and when they arrived at the ruins of the second chamber, nothing was left. Xun Zhen looked around, only to see distant hills and nearby fields. There are farmers in the fields who are harvesting wheat, and they all bow down to the fields at this time. Xun Zhen didn't intend to disturb the people, so she stopped looking at it, returned to the car, ordered the return trip, and walked for a few miles, and saw a pavilion on the side of the road.

All the pavilions in the world have similar structures. Xun Zhen’s eyes saw that the pavilion was standing tall, surrounded by yellow mud and brick walls, and saw the branches and leaves of a fruit tree sticking out of the wall. After seeing what he had seen in Fanyang Pavilion in the past, he suddenly got an idea, called the team to stop, got out of the car, and took few people with him, only Handan Rong, Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Dian Wei and a few guards entered the pavilion. in the house.

The head of the second room pavilion was frightened and trembling, and entertained Xun Zhen in the pavilion.

Summoning the pavilion chief, Xun Zhen asked, "In recent months, have there been any robbers in the pavilion? Are there many refugees?"

It was hot in the day, and the pavilion of the second room was tense, sweating profusely, hunched over, not daring to raise his head, and replied, "Reporting to the general, compared with last year, there have been not many thieves and thieves in recent months, and there are some refugees. Not much." His voice trembled because he was too nervous.

"Can there be rumors in the village?"

This "rumor" refers to the folk ballads and proverbs that discuss current affairs.

The Han Dynasty attaches great importance to folk rumors and often listens to them. The praise and criticism of the folk songs are an important indicator to judge whether the local chief officials are qualified. If the rumors of a certain official in the people are not good, when he is impeached, the folk songs will even become one of the evidences. Xun Zhen was in Yingchuan in the past, and because of his administration and for the people, he received many rumors praised by the people, which greatly helped him to improve his reputation.

Of course, there are rumors in the township, some are related to Xunzhen, some are related to the chief officials of Handan Rong and Lanling County, some are good, some are demoted, the pavilion chief of the second room does not dare to say that the degraded, the selected good. Said and replied: "The general ordered that in the village, those who give birth to babies are exempted from compulsory service, and the people praised it and sang it as the general. A few days ago in this pavilion, a family gave birth to a baby, saying 'Director of Xun Fu', and using the general's surname as the baby's name, The name is Xun Nu."

Infant refers to a girl, and child refers to a boy. Because she is a girl, she is called "female".

Xun Zhen smiled at Gu Xun Yu and said, "It is also my brother's merit to not make Jia Weijie specialize in beauty."

Banning the killing of infants and exempting them from servitude for the birth of babies are the state policy jointly set by Xun Zhen and Xun Yu.

Jia Biao made up the new interest and made the county, killing a baby and murdering the same crime, over the years, thousands of people adopted children, the son was named "Jia Zi", and the daughter was named "Jia Nu". There are three brothers Jia Biao, known as the Three Tigers, and eight brothers Xun Shuang, known as the Eight Dragons. Xun Shuang and Jia Biao were as famous in the county in their early years, but the two were incompatible. Beautiful than before", which means from here.

Because Cen Chen ignored the court's amnesty, he killed Zhang Mou, a beautiful foreign relative of Emperor Huan, and executed more than 200 guests of his clan, which implicated his chief official Cheng Jin, causing Cheng Jin to die in prison. Yang fled, many relatives and friends hid him, only Jia Biao refused to accept it, saying that he was "respecting the king to provoke and blame himself", and wished he could "fight each other". Jia Biao's attitude towards Cen Ye was very much in line with Xun Zhen's wishes.

Xun Zhen was extremely disgusted by "pure disciples" like Cen Chen who had a reputation, but had no responsibility.

Xun Yu knew that Xun Zhen actually admired Jia Biao, and he understood that he was joking, so he also laughed: "'Jia's three tigers, Weijie is the most angry'. Brothers and brothers, brother's morality is the highest."

Xun Zhen laughed.

Living one more baby will save one more fresh life. After fifteen or twenty years, the baby will grow into an adult, and it will also add one more vitality to the future reorganization of mountains and rivers, which will benefit both the country and the state. , Seeing that her good governance had paid off, Xun Zhen was in a good mood.

He asked Chief Ting, "Are there any other rumors?"

Chief Ting replied: "The general's army is strictly disciplined, never disturbing the people, and the people also sing for it."

There was a garrison near Lanling, which was originally Liu Deng's department. After Liu Deng went south from Xun Chen to Jiujiang, Xun Zhen ordered Zhao Yun to transfer other troops to this place. Xun Zhen is very confident about the military discipline of the troupe. From the day he started the army, Xun Zhen has been strictly controlling the military discipline. Xun Zhen's intentions can be said to be the right-hand man, and she is not at all sympathetic in the execution of military law. No matter whether it is valuable or not, as long as the law is violated, it will be punished. Xiahoulan's military punishment, as dear as Xin Ai, was also sentenced to a fine by fashion.

Although the law is precious, it cannot be avoided, and the law enforcement is so strict, the military discipline is of course strict.

Xun Zhen asked again, "Are there any other rumors?"

Ting Chang couldn't think of what to say for a while, and was sweating profusely.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "You are in charge of a pavilion, and you are in charge of catching thieves. How can you not have the guts? How can you protect the people of the pavilion when you are so cowardly?"

Chief Ting was anxious and wise, and replied, "The general's mighty power makes the villain sweat like a stream."

Xun Zhen smiled.

This pavilion chief's answer reminded Xun Zhen of an allusion that has not yet been seen, and may never be seen again.

Cao Pi summoned Zhong Yao's two sons, each of them were twelve or thirteen years old. One was sweating on his face and the other was not. So Cao Pi asked them separately. The answer is "Trembling, I dare not sweat", and Jizhi is so.

From this allusion, Zhong Yao came to mind.

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Since Dong Zhuo was executed, Yuan Chang did not know that Wang Yun's life would not last long, or that he had the idea of ​​using it in the court, because he did not want to come to Xu with Youruo and Duke Zhao, so it was inevitable. After Wang Yun was killed, Chang'an is in chaos, but I don't know if it will affect him?"

Zhong Yao was not affected at first, but now there is one more Xun Zhen, it is hard to say.

Xun Zhen thought about it for a while, and felt that he was far away in Xuzhou, and Guanzhong is now a self-contained body. He should not be able to affect the changes in Chang'an. If you can protect your body wisely, you should be fine when you think about it.”

The presence of the Son of Heaven is the center of the country, and Zhong Yao had his own reasons for not wanting to leave the imperial court. There are at least two advantages to living in the court: being close to the emperor and the princes, which is beneficial to raising fame; envoys from the prefectures and prefectures come to Beijing, communicate with them, give assistance, and be able to make friends with the princes abroad. ——Of course, these two benefits are not easily obtained by anyone, they must have the ability and knowledge like Zhong Yao.

Seeing that the pavilion leader was in a state of fear, Xun Zhen did not let him suffer, and asked him no more, waving his hand and telling him to retreat, looking back at Handan Rong, and said with a smile: "Gong Zai! The county people call Qing 'Yan Hu'. This pavilion is trembling, is it because of the minister?"

280 times to send Li to the remote in the room

Handan Rong replied: "It is not me who is strict, but also the law. Rongzhi County does not put 'strict' as the first priority, but the national law. If the people violate the law, if they are honored by the law, they will not be honored. If they do not violate the law, why should they be afraid? This pavilion chief is trembling with fear and has nothing to do with honor, he is timid."

Handan Rong always speaks out bluntly, he has nothing to hide, Xun Zhen knows his temper, and is not angry when he is "contradicted" by him, but he pretends to be dissatisfied and asks him: "Since you put the country's laws first, you will be careful with your diners. If there are those who touch the law, why are they not cured?"

After leaving Tan County, Xun Zhen first summoned Donghai to engage in Shi Nuo, and asked the county magistrates of Donghai County about their governance over the past few months. In addition, Chen Yi, the chief clerk of the prefecture, was called to privately inquire about the officials in the county, and he was also called by the prefectural scholar Xun Min, Cheng Bing, Sun Gan, etc., who were in the prefecture, to visit the right surname and the family of the powerful in the county. In charge of county government affairs, and selected a few elders from the shogunate, he ordered to visit the village in micro-clothing and listen to folk songs.

Based on what I heard from various sources, I have a general understanding of the governance of the chief officials of Xiangben and Lanling counties, as well as the governance of Handan Rong in the county.

Regarding Handan Rong, what I get the most is: the officials he employs are harsh, the literature is deep and the net is secret, and the law is the rope. Only minor punishments were given, but no strict punishment was given.

Therefore, Xun Zhen had this question.

Hearing Xun Zhen's question like a question, Handan Rong calmly replied: "The diners, the minions, ears and eyes of Rongjian County have already humiliated the officials and people of the county, and occasionally violated the trivial law. , for fear of hurting the hearts of loyal dogs. This is the same as Rong and General."

Handan Rongzi compares himself to Xunzhen's loyal dog, which is not only an exaggeration, but also very appropriate. In the early years in Zhao State, in order to raise food for Xun Zhen, he attacked the powerful people in the county. Now in the East China Sea, in order to implement Xun Zhen's policy, such as the previous "release of slaves and servants for the people", he did not hesitate to be infatuated and attacked the county. Taxi and Hao are hard-to-find, so they are nicknamed "tricky".

Looking at his past and present actions, the word "loyal dog" is well-deserved.

Xun Zhen smiled and stopped investigating him for his lenient behavior of the diners. Instead, he spoke earnestly and said to him: "Public slaughter, it is not an exaggeration to govern with the law. The power of arrogance can be indulged a little, but it is wise and benevolent.”

Handan Rong bowed down without a crown, apologized, and said: "General Zhaotai is in Xu, and he has high aspirations and will do things to the world. Don't you know Rong? It's just my nature that I've violated the general's will. The general teaches, and the government is benevolent and clear."

Xun Zhen lifted him up, looked into his eyes softly, patted his arm with a smile, and said, "People's words are not enough to fear, but people's words can be feared. Be aware of it, and grasp the degree.”


If Handan Rong said, since then, although he still can't change the way of French in the administration of the county, he has indeed relaxed a lot.

What Xun Yu said, I heard someone say that Handan Rong was greedy for ink, and when he summoned Shi Nuo to see him, Xun Zhen also heard what Shi Nuo said. However, when looking into how Handan Rong was greedy for ink, or who paid him a bribe, no one could tell a specific case.

Xun Zhenyu knew that this was probably due to the strict rule of Rong County in Handan, which had offended many people in the county, thus causing this rumor to ruin his reputation, so he stopped asking people to investigate the matter, and At the moment, I said a few words of "human words" to Handan Rong.

After turning around in the pavilion, Xun Zhenxing had already exhausted his head, so he and Handan Rong went out of the pavilion. At the entrance of the pavilion, they caught a glimpse of several wanted documents posted on the wall, with the portrait of the prisoner on the top and the name of the criminal on the bottom. Origin, physical characteristics, etc.

Xun Zhen stopped in front of him and looked at it with great interest. Gu said to Xun Yu and others: "I used to taste the image of Xuan Gao in the pavilion when I saw it in Fanyang Pavilion. I know him early, he knows me late." He said, laughing.

Stopping in front of the board wall, Xun Zhen came out of the pavilion door, looked back inside the pavilion, and saw that the pavilion chief was leading the thief, patriarch, patriarch, etc., bowing down in the scorching sun, bowing down on the ground in the courtyard, respectfully. send him away. Xuzhou has experienced several years of wars. The pavilions of this sub-room pavilion are simple and crude, and the environment is not as good as that of the Fanyang Pavilion in the past, and the clothes of the people in the pavilion are broken. Xun Zhen sighed unconsciously, and suddenly thought of Chen Bao and Jiang Qin.


Dian Wei, carrying a pair of short halberds, stepped forward and replied, "Yes."

Xun Zhen pointed to the fruit tree by the wall of the house, but it was a plum tree. It had already produced fruit, and there were some ripe ones, and ordered, "Pick some and send them to Justice and Uncle Qin."

The old and old people who were in Fanyang Pavilion have their own fortunes, but now only Chen Bao and Jiang Qin are by their side. In the world, if you want to have great development, ability and opportunity are both indispensable. When you have opportunities, you have insufficient ability and short knowledge. It is like a big wave washing the sand. Sooner or later, you will be eliminated. Only those who have the ability and knowledge Only people can seize the opportunity and stand out.

Du Mai and Er Fan were no longer worthless, but Chen Bao and Jiang Qin also had different futures due to their differences in temperament. Chen Bao was generous, resourceful, and discreet, and was liked by Xun Zhen and loved by the generals. , its status in the army has been higher than that of Jiang Qin, and the future is bound to be bright.

Xun Zhen ordered to get a pen and paper, not in the small school on the side of the entrance, but had someone press the paper on the wall, and just like that, he took the pen to write letters to Chen Bao and Jiang Qin. First, I wrote to Jiang Qin, writing: "Xingzhou to the second room, see Li in this pavilion, and think about Fanyang." Then I wrote to Chen Bao, and wrote: "This time, Li also in the pavilion, sinking in the cold water, can be Relieve the heat." Both letters were written very simply, with deep affection.

Once it was written and sealed, Xun Zhen sent people to distribute it to Jiang Qin and Chen Bao.

A few days later, Chen Bao and Jiang Qin received letters one after another.

After Chen Bao finished reading it, he put the letter away carefully, and asked people to bring cold water to him, alone in the tent, so that Shen Li could eat by himself; The two have different personalities, and their actions after getting the letter are also different.

Not to mention that, it is only said that Xun Zhen wrote letters to the two of them, and it was not enough that the poems flourished, and she wrote a poem to Handan Rong. Handan Rong said, "The ruler and the minister are like friends, and it is important to make friends. I know what kind of person you are. I know that there are rumors in the county, and you don't have to mind."

Those who fly yellow are horses; those who are toads are those who spread rumors.

After leaving the Cishi Pavilion, Xunzhen did not return to Lanling again. He told the chief officials of Lanling County not to send him away, and ordered him to return to the county to manage the administration.

Zangba was stationed in Yinping, and he and Yinping's chief officer, Yinping Cheng, greeted him at the county boundary.

Yin Pingcheng is Zang Ba's son Zang Ai. Zang Ba asked Zang Ai to be the savior of the shogunate. He offered his loyalty, and Xun Zhen treated him with trust. Xun Zhen's use of people made Zang Ba's heart break, and made him think more and more about serving Xun Zhen, which is why he actively requested to send people back to Mount Tai to recruit troops for Xun Zhen not long ago.

Xun Zhen did not enter Yinping City, so Zang Ba led the way to his camp.

Sitting down in the tent in the camp, the first thing Xun Zhen said to Zang Ba was: "I want to call Xue Li to see you, what do you think?"

281 Pengcheng County Lisuo money urgent

Yinping is just north of Pengcheng, only forty miles away from Pengcheng.

Zang Ba said: "The tyrant is in Yinping, Chapengcheng is military, his army's heart has been unstable for a long time, and many of his soldiers flee. General Ming flew away, and Xue Li would not dare not come."

The previous commander of Pengcheng was Gan Ning, stationed in Wuyuan. After Gan Ning was transferred to build a boat division, Gao Jia succeeded him. Xun Zhen first established the post of commander of Pengcheng and entered the country of Pengcheng. Then, when he attacked the Yellow Turbans of Lu, he transferred Pengcheng soldiers to the war. After the battle, he did not let Pengcheng soldiers return to the county. Under Li's helpless "continuous retreat", Pengchengguo's army soldiers have long been fluctuating. Even if the military's heart is not fluctuating, Xun Zhen is far from being the enemy of Xue Li, what about now? As Zang Ba said, Xue Li will come when they are called together.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Xue Pengcheng is two thousand stone, and the scholar-bureaucrat is also a scholar. You should not be taken lightly. How can you call me together?" Looking around in the tent, she asked, "Qing, who would like to make a trip to Pengcheng for me? Xue Xiang invited you?"

When Xun Zhen traveled to the state this time, those who were engaged in trivial government affairs in the state followed half-heartedly. Hearing Xun Zhen's remarks, several people came over.

Xun Zhen looked around and saw that it was Sun Gan, Jian Yong, Cheng Jia, Lv Dai and others.

Sun Gan, Jian Yong, Cheng Jia, plus Jiang Gan who was sent from Xun Chen to Jiujiang, these four were under Xun Zhen's account to send envoys and receive guests. It was related to Pengcheng, so they took the initiative to ask for orders one after another.

Lv Dai is diligent and capable, and his talent is in pragmatism, not in mission.

Xun Zhen smiled and said to him, "Fang waited to ask Qing Pengcheng in detail, but Qing is not allowed to travel." After thinking for a while, she said to Cheng Jia, "This matter must be yours."

The three of Cheng Jia have diplomatic talents, but they have different personalities, so the three of them have to be appointed according to the occasion. Sun Gan was sincere, Jian Yong was not careful, and Cheng Jianeng was arrogant. He called Xue Li to see him. Although he thought that Xue Li would not dare not come, he had to prepare more in advance. If he refused to come, he would have to scare him. He, like this, is the most suitable to send Cheng Jia.

When Cheng Jia was sent to Yuzhou last time, he made a great contribution in response to the situation. After returning to Xuzhou, Xun Zhen generously rewarded him.

As a close old official, he often follows Xun Zhen's left and right, is highly respected and has a high status, and Xun Zhen seldom refuses to ask for anything. If you don't pursue it, he is deeply envied by many people in the Fuzhong and the prefecture. Although others are low, their ambitions are high, especially when Xun Chen and Zhao Yu are divided into a county, he hopes that he can go further, and his heart to serve and make contributions will grow stronger. It is fiery, so whenever there is an opportunity, it is actively seeking.

At this time, he got Xun Zhen's command, and he was so arrogant that he bowed down and said, "I will call Xue Lilai for the general!"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Good news for Hou Qing."

After saying goodbye to Xun Zhen, Cheng Jia led more than ten servants to the south, traveling more than a hundred li, to Pengcheng County, the capital of Pengcheng.

Ever since he heard that Xunzhen was in the state, Xue Li was worried.

The story of Han Gaozu's use of Chen Ping's strategy to travel Yunmengze and summon Han Xin happened in the Xu and Yu areas. At that time, Han Xin was the king of Chu, both in Xiapi, and Pengcheng was the territory of Chu. Xue Li was deeply worried that Xun Zhen would follow the example of Han Gaozu and would do this to him. Just when he was in a panic, he suddenly reported to Cheng Jia to ask for an interview. Let's go back to Han Xin."

Thinking of this, he felt that he was too far away from Han Xin, and that he didn't deserve to lift his shoes. He laughed at himself, and immediately became angry, and said to himself: "Nei Gong has repeatedly given up, Shuzi is too forced to invade others! Do you really think that I, Pengcheng, are easy to deceive?" Standing up on the table, he summoned the outside officials to come in, and said, "Hold my seal to Cheng Junchang and say that I am ill and can't see him." After a while, he said, "Tell the house to pack up and return home today!"

But a scholar can be killed but not humiliated.

Not long after Cheng Jia waited in the hall, he saw an official and **** arrive with a seal.

The official soldier held the seal ribbon high, bowed down outside the hall, and said tremblingly: "Xue Fujun is ill, unable to welcome the envoy, and ordered the official to honor the seal ribbon with you. Xue Fujun has ordered the rear house to pack the luggage, and will return home today. "

Cheng Jia was stunned.

He came to Pengcheng vigorously, thinking about how he should intimidate Xue Li if he refused to answer the call, but he didn't realize that Xue Li was so sensible.

Cheng Jia motioned to the official to take the seal and ordered him to take it with him.

Although it is a seal of 2,000 stones, it is only a square inch, and the quality is silver. More than 2,000 stone, the official seal is often called "zhang", and the seal of civil officials is often made of "cast". Cheng Jia held this seal, played with it for a long time, put it back in the bag, and waved to the outside of the hall.

The official outside the hall took off his shoes, climbed over the threshold on his knees, walked in on his knees, bowed his head on the ground, and asked in a trembling voice, "What is your order?"

"I think this impression is fake."

The officers and soldiers turned pale in shock, kowtowed repeatedly, and said anxiously, "How dare you have a fake! How dare you have a fake!"

According to the laws of the Han family, those who make fake seals should be "punished by a knife and saw", which is a great treason.

Cheng Jia handed the bag to the servants and asked them to take the seal and look at it, and asked, "Do you think it's true or false?"

Some of the servants knew Cheng Jia's intentions and answered loudly, "It's true!"

Cheng Jia said to the official soldier: "I will not embarrass you, go and invite you 'Xue Fujun' to come out and see you."

The officer's hands and feet were weak, but he still walked out of the hall on his knees, rolling and crawling, and rushed to ask to see Xue Li. When he saw it, he told Cheng Jia's words to him. Xue Li was trembling with anger and said, "Is Cheng'er trying to kill me!"

Although this official and soldier was horrified in the hall, he heard and saw it, and his mood was calm at the moment. He roughly guessed Cheng Jia's purpose, and hesitantly said: "The official is stupid, and Cheng Shi seems to have other plans."

"What picture?"

"Ming Gong might as well give him some money, try it out and see if it works?"

"..., you mean he's asking for bribes?"

"Looks like it."

Although Xue Li was angry, he had no choice but to ask the official to see Cheng Jia again and try to bribe him to see if this was Cheng Jia's purpose. The official guessed right, Cheng Jiaguo "smiled when he heard the money" and no longer mentioned the matter of "printing a fake".

Xue Li was in Pengcheng for several years and accumulated a lot of money. The officials and soldiers first reported the number of 200,000. Cheng Jia ignored it and reported the number of 300,000. Jia satisfied. The official returned to Xue Li, and Xue Li was furious again. He almost vomited blood with anger. Cheng Jia squeezed out nearly half of what he had worked so hard for for so many years.

People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. In order to save his life, even if he is reluctant, Xue Li can only offer as much as he can.

Cheng Jia, on the grounds that "money is too heavy to carry", does not want copper coins, but only gold. The official price is one gold worth ten thousand dollars, but in fact one gold can be exchanged for more than ten thousand dollars. Xue Li took out a hundred gold, and the official price was one million, but it was actually far more than that. After careful calculation, Cheng Jia was no longer squeezed out. "Nearly half" of what he has earned over the years is "mostly". He has the intention to give Cheng Jia some money from the inventory of the county government, but unexpectedly Cheng Jia has sent a few servants to guard in front of the treasury. So that he can't take a penny, he can only take out his own private money.

Xue Li originally excused himself from illness and didn't see Cheng Jia, but now he was forced to be so angry and heartbroken by Cheng Jia that he almost fell ill.

Cheng Jia accepted the money and supervised Xue Li's family in Xiaoli County, and then invited Mi Zhu to temporarily monitor the county.

Mi Zhu was the chief of Pengcheng. After Cheng Jia arrived in Pengcheng County, he did not send someone to inform Mi Zhu out of the thought that he would not be given credit by Mi Zhu, but came to see Xue Li directly.

After Mi Zhu was temporarily in charge of the county, Cheng Jia led his servants back to Yinping, met with Xun Zhen, presented the seal and ribbon of Pengcheng's state minister, and presented all the millions of money he had received from Xue Li.

282 Xu and Ji

Zhang Zhao ruled the state, and he followed Xun Zhen to travel to the state, sat next to him, and listened to Cheng Jia's contented speech about the envoy's journey. Is that the case?" He said to Xun Zhen, "General Ming is known for his generosity as a gentleman and the people. Because he was a scholar, his military strategy did not understand the general's intentions, and he invaded too much. He had a mission and damaged the general's reputation, and he should be held accountable!"

Cheng Jia is now a military commander, and "military plan" is the name given to him.

As a native of Xunzhen's prefecture, Xu Shao, since he arrived in Xuzhou, although he has no official duties and has been given preferential treatment, this time he also traveled to the prefecture from Xunzhen, and in the auditorium, he also said: "It is like Duke Ming's foreword: Xue Jun Er Qian Shi, scholar-officials, should not be taken lightly. Military planning is not too narrow!"

Cheng Jia originally came back excitedly to resume his life, but he was suddenly criticized by Zhang Zhao and Xu Shao. He felt hatred in his heart and wanted to refute.

Xun Zhen flicked the case with her finger and thought for a moment, then consultant Xun Yu said, "Wen Ruo, what do you think?"

Xun Yu was elegant, dignified, and well-mannered, and did not like Cheng Jia's excessive persecution. However, because Cheng Jia was an old official and had many meritorious deeds in the past, he replied, "to take care of his face, he replied: "The military has been in chaos since then, and the resources I'm nervous, the military seeks money, and it's also for the state, but it's a little too much. From the humble point of view, 'responsibility' doesn't seem necessary, and now there are many thieves on the road, the general will send a little part to **** Xue Jun to return home. "

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "Just follow Qing's words." Xiao said to Cheng Jia, "Jun Chang, please get up."

Cheng Jia got up.

Xun Zhen said, "How about I give you another errand?"

"General please give orders, Jiading will live up to its mission."

The four words "live up to the mission" are obviously aimed at Zhang Zhao's four words "have a negative mission". Cheng Jia was outspoken and narrow-minded, after all, he couldn't help but retorted Zhang Zhao.

"You take this million money, go to Pengcheng again, hand it over to Mi Cheng, and say it's what I said: tell him to divide the money into three parts, give 20% to subsidize the poor county officials due to stroke, and 30% to subsidize the poor. Subsidize the poor teachers and students in the county school, and provide 50% of the relief to the poor households and displaced persons in the county.”

Zhang Zhao, Xu Shao and others couldn't help but praise.

Xu Shao sighed: "Ming Gong is really benevolent and kind!"

Xun Zhen smiled and asked Cheng Jia, "Could it be possible for Qing to complete this mission?"

Cheng Jia knew in his heart that Xun Zhen would not hand over this errand to anyone else, but still asked him to do it. On the surface, it was to give him a chance to "atone for his sins", but in a deep sense, it was not for Zhang Zhao and Xu. Shao's criticism and blame him, still full of confidence in him.

He bowed down and prostrated, and said loudly, "I will live up to General Ming's credit!" He stood up and called the officers outside the hall to come in, pick up the gold that was spread out on the ground, and bowed again to Xun Zhen, then backed out of the hall and turned around. Turn around and go down to the courtyard.

Xun Zhen was Cheng Jia who was sent by Zang Ba camp last time, and now it is Cheng Jiazhi who was listening to the report in the hall of Yinping County Temple. When he went outside, Cheng Jia spat, looked back at the hall, and saw Zhang Zhao and Xu Shao. The two of them are sitting relatively high, one with a high crown and sword, sitting upright, like a straight minister, the other with a robe and wide sleeves, in an elegant state, very famous, and looking at each other like Baimei from a distance, he immediately consciously looks ugly, the more he hates, he said bitterly. : "The two of them spoke badly in public and didn't show mercy to me, so don't blame me for being rude!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and walked with his arms raised.

Zhang Zhao frowned as he watched Cheng Jia leave, and then saw him pause outside the hall, glanced back at the hall, and then walked away, shaking his head, as if he wanted to say something.

One is to be close to the old minister, and the other is to be the current one. Xun Zhen didn't want Zhang Zhao and Cheng Jia to have a rift because of this, so she pretended not to see him, didn't give him a chance to speak, and smiled at Xu Shao, He said: "Xu Gong, I heard that in the early years, the old Sili schoolmaster Ying Shishu visited Yuan Pengcheng, saw the driver of Pengcheng, and met him on the road in the next few decades, and Ying Shishu knew it. Is this true? "

"Yuan Pengcheng" refers to Yuan He, the father of Yuan Zhong, the current prime minister of Pei State, and "Uncle Ying Shi, the old commander of the Sili School" is the father of Ying Shao, the prefect of Mount Tai today. Yuan He used to be the prime minister of Pengcheng, and Ying Feng was twenty years old when he went to visit him. Yuan He's driver opened the door a crack, and Ying Feng only saw half of his face. Decades later, the two met on the road, Ying Feng I still remember the person's appearance and name, I recognized it at a glance, and called him face to face. The so-called "don't forget half face" comes from this code.

Xu Shao, Ying and Yuan are all in the same county. Knowing this, they replied, "There is no falsehood."

Xun Zhen sighed: "Ying Sili Zaohui is a famous official of the Han Dynasty, Ying Taishan is also young and well-known, he has a lot of knowledge, he is really a famous family!" Pointing to Chen Qun who was sitting under the hall, he asked Ying Shao, "Chang Wen Younger is smarter, Kong Beihai and Dingdi. In your opinion, how does Changwen compare to Ying Sili when he was young?"

Xu Shao said, "A man with a long and calm writing is a man of life."

Chen Qun left the seat and said humbly, "If the talents of my county are like Wenruo, Zhicai, Gongda, Xiuruo, Youruo, and Zhongyu, there is nothing right in the world. great."

Xun Zhen laughed and said, "Wen Ruo, Zhicai, Gongda and my brothers are not right in the world, and Qing Yi is just like what Xu Gong said, 'Calm life' is a talent!" He waved his hand and called Chen Qun back to his seat. He asked Xu Shao with a smile, "Does Xu Gong intend to enter Pengcheng with me? Maybe, like Ying Sili, Gong also left a good story in Pengcheng."

Xun Zhen offered the honor to prevent Zhang Zhao from criticizing Cheng Jia. After all, there are many scholars from Jizhou and Xuzhou under his account, one is an "old official and an old minister", and the other is a "local native". There are a lot of people who hold high positions and hold great power. To give two simple examples, there are four prime ministers in one locality. Handan Rong is from Jizhou, Wang Lang and Chen Deng are from Xuzhou, and four prefectures , Luan Gu and Mi Zhu are divided into Xuzhou and Jizhou people. In another state government, the highest status of the state government is involved. Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong are both Xuzhou people, and they are close to the officials. The chief clerk Chen Yi is from Jizhou. The scale of the two scholar groups in Jizhou and Xuzhou is second only to the Yingchuan scholar group, and they are evenly matched. If the two groups of scholars were in conflict, the trouble would be big, so Xun Zhen deliberately brought up the subject to change the topic.

But after mentioning Yingfeng and talking about Chen Qun, it was no longer just to change the topic.

After considering the style of scholarly debate and worrying that public opinion would not be in her control, Xunzhen has been trying to improve her family's reputation among Xuzhou scholars, asking Xu Shao about Chen Qun and asking him to comment on Chen Qun's ability. The intention is to further enhance Chen Qun's reputation. Chen Qun was smart and humbled himself when he stood up. He not only showed the virtue of modesty, but also praised Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai.

Satisfied, Xun Zhen happily took Xu Shao, Zhang Zhao and others south to Pengcheng.

Zang Ba, the chief officials of Yinping, and Zang Ai sent Xun Zhen and others to the county boundary, that is, they stopped outside the boundary of Pengcheng Kingdom.

Yinping and Fu Yang of Pengcheng State meet at the junction. Sixty or seventy li to the east of Fu Yang is Wuyuan, where the commander of Pengcheng is stationed. Welcome to the world. Mi Zhu should have also come to greet him, but because Cheng Jia went to the prefecture again under Xunzhen's order, and the errand was not finished yet, so he could not be greeted by the prefecture boundary, but sent his chief registrar to wait in his place.

Brothers Gao Jia and Gao Bing are both strong generals, one is good at halberds and the other is good at powerful crossbows. Every time a battle comes, the two brothers fight to the death. ". Xun Zhen praised them as "my desperate Erlang". Xun Zhen was a lieutenant of the Zhao State. The two brothers were both in the cavalry army, and they were deputy Xin Ai. After accumulating a lot of military exploits, they were able to get a separate command. Gao Jia succeeded Gan Ning, and Gao Bing was now a false captain. If it goes further, both of them will be higher rank than Erqianshi's captain.

Gao Jia is thirty-five this year, and Gao Bing is younger, and he is thirty-two.

In short, the two had been fighting in Xunzhen for eight or nine years.

Under the protection of Gao Jia and others, Xun Zhen and others came to Fuyang County. Although Xun Zhen was not good at disturbing the people, one of the important purposes of this trip to the state was to "show majesty", so he entered the city with great fanfare and came to the county temple.

When he arrived at the county temple, Xun Zhenping retreated from the rest, leaving Gao Jia alone, and told him to sit down near the case, looked at him for a long time, and sighed.

Gao Jia was puzzled and puzzled, and asked, "Why is the general sighing? But what did Jia do wrong?"

"It's not that Qing is at fault, it's just that there is one thing that I intend to do with Qing, but I don't know if Qing can do it well, so I sigh."

Gao Jia has a strong temperament. Hearing the words, he immediately stood up, bowed to the ground, and said loudly: "Under the command of the general, Jia will die without fear!"

Xun Zhen sighed again and said, "I'm just afraid that you will be impatient, so I don't know if I should refer this matter to the Minister's Office."

Gao Jia said: "Although A is impatient, he knows the importance. If the general has any orders, please ask for instructions, and X will obey."

Xun Zhen turned her face to joy, and said, "Okay! With your words, I am relieved. Xue Jun is leaving now, there are thousands of soldiers in the Pengcheng Kingdom, and there must be no leader. Entering the prefecture, the troops will be stationed in Donghai, and the minister will be the commander of Pengcheng, and the rest will be given to the commander to control Pengcheng.

The soldiers of Pengcheng County have been following Xue Li for a long time, and Xue Li has resigned now. There may be some dissatisfaction among the soldiers of the county. One of them is that Xue Li has ruled Pengcheng for several years, and some people in the county who have been favored by him may also refuse to obey, and there must be courageous generals to suppress them. In the county, this task is not too big or too small.

Gao Jia replied: "The general must not be disappointed."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Get up, and sit down."

Gao Jia got up and sat down again.

Xun Zhen told him about the soldiers of Pengcheng County for a while, and instructed him how to lead him to be kind and powerful, so as to win the hearts of the soldiers of Pengcheng County in the fastest time.

Xun Zhen asked, "What concerns do you have? You don't need to hide from me, just speak freely."

Gao Jia replied: "How to deal with the soldiers of Pengcheng County, the general has given clear instructions, and Jia follows it, there is nothing to worry about, just, just..."

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "Qing has always been upright, when did you become hesitant?"

"It's just that A feels that his name is cheap, and it doesn't fit the position of the commander. ... I ask the general to give A a good name."

Xun Zhen laughed dumbly.

The old people in Xixiang were from Xunzhen, because they all came from the countryside, and their names were so indecent, such as Xu Zhong, in the words of later generations, they were "Xu Er", and brothers Gao Jia and Gao Bing were "Gao Boss" and "Gao Boss". The third child, like Ren Du, who takes the name of an animal, etc. Now they are all in high positions, and some of them will inevitably find their names unpleasant.

Gao Jia couldn't hold and finally asked Xun Zhen for a name.

Xun Zhen named a lot of old people in Xixiang, and Xu Zhong's present name Xu Xian was his name. It is said that 'Xianjia for three days, seeks also', with the name of 'seeking', the word is 'Xianjia', can you please?"

What Xun Zhen said, Gao Jia couldn't understand either, so he recited "Gao Gao Xian Jia" a few times in a low voice.

Xun Zhen also said to him earnestly and earnestly: "As a general, you should plan before you move. You are brave and you should plan before you move in the future. You don't deserve this name!"

High armor promises.

After setting up the command of the soldiers of Pengcheng County, Xun Zhen sent Gao Jia back to Wuyuan to set up the camp, and ordered him to return to Fuyang after the camp was set up.

He stayed in Fuyang for one night, and the next day, Gao Jia sent troops.

Xun Zhen took him and Xun Yu and others out of Fuyang and headed southwest. Two days later, they arrived at Pengcheng County.

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