The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 262: Xunxiu Ruoyan Iron Kaifu

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Xun Zhen smiled and said, "It's polite and not in a hurry."

The betrothed is a wife. The younger sisters of Mi Zhu and Mi Fang can only be concubines when they get married. There is really no need for courtesies, but in order to attract people's hearts, the younger sisters of Mi Zhu and Mi Fang must not be treated as ordinary wives. Do some courtesy.

Taking a concubine can be done at any time, it is not an urgent matter. Xun You said that "the salt and iron are the most important thing for the country", this is true, the salt will be completed soon, and the management of the salt industry should be Put on the agenda, and move on.

Xun Zhen pondered for a while, and said: "I intend to move Xiu, if he is the general of the salt and iron, temporarily set up the secretary of salt and the supervisor of the iron, and when the scale is expanded, the 'cheng' will be moved to the 'school captain'; To be the Captain of Salt and Iron, and command the Salt and Iron Soldiers. What do you think?"

Xun Yan appeared as a supervisor of Tieye, and was in charge of the civil affairs of Tieye in Xuzhou. Xun Yan and Xun Chen were two brothers. Xun Chen's eloquence was outstanding, and Xun Yan was inclined to the real talent. After so many days of observation, Xun Zhen thought that he had managed Tie Ye well, and could give him some more important responsibilities.

Yao Pan assisted Mi Fang in salt, and everything went well. In terms of merit and deeds, it was reasonable to promote him as Sima from the army to be the Captain of Salt and Iron. Yanchang and Tieguan are the places where the strong men gather. In the past, there have been several rebellions by the iron officials, and there have also been incidents where the saltworks were attached to the pirates and looted the coast. In such places, troops and horses are needed. Stationed for prevention and repression.

Xun You asked, "I don't know who Ming Gong wants to be the Secretary of Yancheng, and who will be the Superintendent of Tiecheng?"

"The mistress Fang Juyan has merit, and he can be the secretary of salt; the prince is pure, honest and capable, and he can be the supervisor of iron."

Wang Zichun, whose name is Zhen, is Wang Lang's younger brother. He is currently serving in the county seat of his hometown, Donghai County, as Yi Cao Ye.

In addition to Er Zhang and Chen Deng, the leaders of the scholars in Xuzhou were Wang Lang and Zhao Yu.

In the process of Xun Zhen's entry into Xuzhou, Wang Lang and Zhao Yu, who were the chief officials of the prefecture at that time, Zhizhong and Biejia, both showed a cooperative attitude. Therefore, Xun Zhen later used each of them more in order to reciprocate. Wang Lang was appointed by Xunzhen to be the prefect of Guangling, and he jumped from a hundred stone official to a two thousand stone official. Zhao Yu and Xun Chen went to the capital together to calculate the time and should be back soon. If everything goes well, he will definitely He will be granted an official by the imperial court, and he will be transformed into a 2,000-stone county governor.

It stands to reason that such reuse is enough to repay Wang Lang and Zhao Yu's original "investment", but in order to make Wang Lang, Zhao Yu, etc. be further and completely taken into his own account, Xun Zhen decided to choose another one from their family. He is handsome and can only be used according to the amount. Therefore, the older brother of Chen Deng was appointed by Xun Zhen as a "subordinate Pi Engagement", and there is now the desire to enlist Wang Zhen as supervisor Tiecheng.

The appointment of Wang Zhen and Xun Zhen was done after consideration. He was Wang Lang's younger brother, but it was just one of several reasons for appointing him.

Xun Zhen asked Handan Rong, the current prefect of the East China Sea, to know about Wang Zhen's ability and character. Just as he said about Wang Zhen just now, this person is "honest and capable". Officials not only need to be capable, rational and practical talents, but also need to be honest, which is the main reason for the appointment of Wang Zhen. In addition, one of the main iron officials in Xuzhou is located in Qu County, Donghai County. Wang Zhen is both a native of Donghai and has worked in the county government for many years, so he is familiar with iron smelting and iron officials.

Therefore, for several reasons, Xun Zhen planned to make him the supervisor of Tiecheng.

Xun You thought for a moment, then said, "It's a good idea to use these two people to supervise salt and iron." He added, "Salt and iron are important, but salt is more important than iron. Earlier, the state government only managed iron and iron. , now that both salt and iron are in the palm of your hand, Gang Ji has to pay attention to it."

Xun Zhen said, "Chang Bohuai has been the chief of my family for a long time. He is innocent, dignified, and not afraid of the powerful. I made him the ruler of salt and iron. What do you think?"

"Guangji", the law and the rules. Yan Tie Gang Ji, as the name suggests, is in the thorns.

Chang Lin has been the head of Xun Zhen's family for several years. Xun Zhen is familiar with this person's character. If he is appointed as the Gang Ji of Yan and Tie, he will be able to curb the two big blocks of salt and iron to the greatest extent possible. His son's corruption, and his status as "the emperor of the Marquis of Yingyin" can also shock the officials in Yantie.

Xun You clasped his palms and smiled, "If Chang Bohuai takes up this position, Yan Tie Qing Yan is gone."

In addition to Ercheng, Duwei, Gang Ji, Xun Yan planned to retain the positions of Tie Gong Cao, Tie Shang Strategist, Sima, and Tie Guan's chief officer. Xun Zhen planned to keep them all. After Xun Yan became the general of Yan Tie Zhonglang, he transformed the supervisor of the Tie Gong Cao and the supervisor of the Tie Tie Shang into the Yan Tie Gong Cao and the superior strategist of the Yan Tie. These officials who were in charge of the general in certain aspects still belonged to Xun Yan. Under the direct jurisdiction, the chief Tieguan was assigned to Wang Zhen's management. At the same time, Xunzhen planned to set up a salt farm guard to manage all salt farms, and all the salt farms would be managed by Mi Fang.

Xun You agreed with Xun Zhen's specific plans and arrangements.

The next day was the day when the church was promoted.

Xun Zhen then went to the hall, told the officials about the establishment of the general of salt and iron, and solicited their opinions. It was considered that the matter was settled. Xun Yu drafted the appointment letter and gave it to Xun on the spot Derive. According to the Han family system, the chief officials were appointed to the council every three or five days. Whenever they were appointed to the council, the heads of the various departments in the prefecture had to attend, so Xun Yan, who was currently in charge of Tie Ye, was also present at the council.

Xun Yan was the director of the state government before, and now he has to move to the position of Zhonglang general. He can open the government alone, and he does not need to continue to be the director of the state government. Xun Yu found a place for him in the west of the state government and let him open the government there. .

Mi Fang and Wang Zhen are "princes", Yao Ban is the "captain", and they are all "ministers". Of course, they cannot be appointed from the imperial court, so the appointment documents of the three of them are also drafted by Xun Yu and sent to Gaizhou. The seal of the government was sent to them separately, so that the three of them would take up their posts in the Yantie Palace after finishing the affairs at hand.

Chang Lin and others are "staff members", and their appointment documents should be written by Xun Yan as the general of Yan Tie, but Xun Yan has just been appointed. They have not yet been produced, and the appointment will not be issued until the seal is ready.

After dealing with this matter, Zhang Zhao left the table and went to the hall to report to Xun Zhen.

"Qi reported to Duke Ming, Zhaoxun and the state, got two people who knew the boat master and the water battle."

When he was in Hexiang, Xun Zhen asked Zhang Zhao to pay attention to the people in the prefecture who knew the navy. Zhang Zhao followed Xun Zhen back to the prefecture and immediately asked people to inquire. So far, he has found two talents in this field.

Xun Zhen was overjoyed and said, "Who are these two?"

"One is elegant and the other is Gan Shen."

Xun Zhen also had a talent for the selection of the naval general. Hearing the name "Gan Shen" mentioned by Zhang Zhao, Xun Zhen thought to himself, "This person has the same surname as Xingba."

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