The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 231: General Xuzhou Chasing the Enemy

When the hundred cavalry of Zang Ba, Sun He and Zhang Fei were in fierce battle with the Yellow Turbans in Zhuang County, the Yellow Turbans from Bian, Wenyang and Lu County took the opportunity to try to break through again, while the Xun Army, under the command of Xu Zhong, once again defeated the Yellow Turbans. They stopped their offensive until Zang Ba and others won, and the Yellow Turban coalition forces of Bian and other three counties were still firmly controlled by Xun's army within the encirclement, and they could not break out after all.

After noticing the victory of Zang Ba and others but not seeing Xu Zhong ordering the Xun army of the headquarters to switch from defense to attack, Zhang Fei temporarily left the battlefield, rode his horse and galloped down to the watchtower where Xu Zhong was, got off the horse and climbed the building, where he saw Xu Zhong "General, the Yellow Turban thieves in Zuxian raised the soldiers of the whole city to fight, but were blocked by General Zang and others, their momentum has been defeated, and the Yellow Turban thieves in Bian and other places have fought several times and could not escape the encirclement, their strength is exhausted. , this is when our army is on a massive counter-offensive, please Feigan to be the vanguard, and the general to vanquish the bandits!"

Xu Zhong withdrew his gaze that had been watching the overall situation of the battlefield, glanced at Zhang Fei, then turned his gaze to the battlefield again, and said, "Your words are very true, and the reason is that the thieves are exhausted and their strength is exhausted, so I The army can't make a big counterattack right now."

Zhang Fei was stunned and asked, "Dare to ask the general, why is this?"

Xi Zhicai was also on the watchtower. Seeing that Xu Zhong didn't seem to have any intention of answering Zhang Fei, he pointed to the Yellow Turbans in Zu County, which was blocked by Zang Ba's department in the southwest, and said with a smile, "Zu thieves are too close to the city, I will If the army launches a full-scale counter-offensive now, the Zou thieves will most likely escape back into the city under the setbacks. In order to prevent this from happening, our army cannot launch a general offensive against the thieves for the time being."

Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain. Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai are the coaches of the First Army. They see the overall situation, not the small profit for a while.

Xi Zhicai was right. If all the ministries were urged to launch a counter-offensive at this time, then the surrounded Yellow Turbans such as Bian County would have no way to escape. It is very likely that the Yellow Turbans will abandon Bianxian and other places, retreat to the city, and resist stubbornly. This will not only cause unnecessary trouble for the Xun army's operations, but also will be detrimental to the "Battle of Lu into Shandong". ” to achieve the real goal.

Zhang Fei said: "Then what should be the next fight in the sense of generals and counsellors?"

Xi Zhicai said: "I have already discussed with the general, and I want to show the weak and the enemy, in order to boost their energy, first make the Zou thieves have no intention of returning to the city, and then make some arrangements. After the road, fight the thieves again."

When Xi Zhicai said this, Xu Zhong looked up at the sky, and it was almost dusk at the moment of the battle, so he sent an order: "Order all the troops to retreat, stick to the formation, teach the three armies to eat dinner, without my order, not allowed. rashly fighting."

The messengers under the watchtower led the orders, urging their horses each, and sent orders to Jiang Hu, Zang Ba and other ministries respectively.

Zhang Fei glanced at the few messengers who had picked up a few dusts and rushed to different places on the battlefield, turned his gaze back, and asked Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai: "How do the generals and the military advisors plan to deploy and dispatch them so that they can defeat the thieves and return home?" City Road?"

Xu Zhong didn't answer Zhang Fei just now because he knew that even if he didn't answer Zhang Fei's question, there would be Xi Zhicai to answer. Now that Zhang Fei asked about the specific combat deployment, as the main general, Xi Zhicai could no longer answer on his behalf Therefore, he said: "This battle is just now, although the thieves of Zou and Bian have suffered setbacks, but they have not been defeated, I expect that the thieves of Zou will not retreat because of their many troops. After night, you can lead your cavalry quietly. Go to the north of the thieves to ambush, ... see? There are some hills there, and the forest is quite lush, you can ambush there with your soldiers tonight, and wait until tomorrow, when I fight the thieves again, you wait for my order, and then attack ."

Zhang Fei complied with his promise, gave a military salute to Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai, went down to the watchtower, returned to the place where the headquarters was, and summoned officers above the headquarter to convey Xu Zhong's military order. Even if he led his troops to the north quietly, they entered the northern side of the Yellow Turbans position in Zu County, and waited for dawn.

It was night, if Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai expected it, although the Yellow Turbans in Zu County suffered a setback in the afternoon battle, the damage was not high, and because the Xun army quickly lost their battle after winning a small victory. They stopped the attack and did not expand the results, which gave them the illusion that "Xun's army is exhausted", so they did not retreat to the city in the dark that night, but actively prepared for the battle, in order to defeat Xun's army in tomorrow's battle. Completely defeated and rescued the Yellow Turban friendly troops in Bian and other places that were surrounded.

The next day, before dawn, a military order from Tan County was delivered to Xu Zhong.

This military order was exactly what Xun Zhen ordered the shogunate to pass to Xu Zhong yesterday.

When the military order arrived, Xu Zhongzheng and the newly invited Xi Zhicai, Sun He and the summoned Jiang Hu, Zang Ba and others had the last military meeting before the battle. With Sun He, Xu Zhong remained calm and did not read it out on the spot. He just put away the general's order and continued to determine their respective positions and tasks in today's battle with the generals.

Soon, the deployment was confirmed, and the generals were ordered to go out and return to their own formations.

After only Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai were left in the tent, Xu Zhong then took out Xun Zhen's military order and showed it to Xi Zhicai.

Xi Zhicai stopped looking at it and said with a smile: "The Lord ordered us to defeat the Yellow Turbans from the State of Lu and then drive them westward. Our army can first chase to Rencheng and stop, and the Lord will personally lead the troops into Yan, ... ...It seems that the Liugongshan side in Yanzhou, at least so far, has not had any doubts about the purpose of our army's attack on the Yellow Turbans in Lu."

Xu Zhong nodded, slightly worried, and said, "Liu Yanzhou is not suspicious at the moment, but after our army enters Yanzhou, I'm afraid it won't be long before he will react. At that time, I don’t know how the Lord is going to As long as our army can successfully enter Yan, Liu Gongshan will react, and it will be useless!”

The meaning of Xi Zhicai's words is obvious. As long as the Xun army can enter the territory of Yanzhou before Yanzhou realizes the real purpose of Xunzhen, and form a de facto occupation of one or several county towns in Yanzhou, then it will be considered that Liu Dai will follow suit. It was too late to respond.

As for Liu Dai, what would he do if he sent troops to fight against Xun's army?

All senior officials of Xun Jun, including Xu Zhong and others, who knew about the matter did not think this would be a problem.

It is not in Yanzhou. Nowadays, there are many Yellow Turban activities in Dongping County in Yanbei, which has made the Yanzhou army exhausted. Even without these Yellow Turbans to contain the forces of Yanzhou, it is only based on the combat effectiveness of the Xun army, plus Rencheng and other places. Xuzhou was only a hundred miles apart. Although it was impossible for Xun Jun to occupy the entire territory of Yanzhou, it was still possible to defend several counties such as Rencheng.

All in all, the most difficult part of Xun Jun's entry into Yanzhou this time is not the possible battle with the Yanzhou army, but whether he can use "chasing the Yellow Turbans" as an excuse to enter Yanzhou before Liu Dai can react, after all. , Liu Dai is the prefect of Yanzhou. If Xun Jun insisted on entering the country after he was explicitly rejected, firstly, there would be no room for change between Xun Zhen and Liu Dai, and secondly, Xun Zhen and Yanzhou army would also It can only be fought with a clear sword.

After listening to Xi Zhicai's words, Xu Zhong nodded.

He looked outside the tent and saw that the sky was about to dawn, so he stopped discussing the matter with Xi Zhicai, but focused his attention on the upcoming war. Fight today.

Great ass, plump and attractive body! WeChat public: meinvmeng22 (press and hold for three seconds to copy) You know me and I know!

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