The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 229: Bian Zu's Yellow Turban is ready to go

Noticing that Xun Zhen's gaze shifted to the Lu State area on the map, Xuan Kang put Xun Cheng's military newspaper on the case next to him, and took out another military newspaper. This military report, like Xun Cheng's, had just arrived in the mansion, but it was sent by Xu Zhong.

In several previous military newspapers, Xu Zhong said: After he surrounded Bian County, he surrounded the city on three sides, emptied the west of the city alone, and attacked the city for a few days, pretending to be incapable, hoping that Lu County and Wenyang County could be taken over. The yellow turban lured him over. The trick to lure the enemy worked, and the Yellow Turbans from Lu and Wenyang counties came in separately. Xu Zhong ordered Pengcheng soldiers and 500 soldiers from Jiang Hu's army to go out to block them.

The latest military newspaper Xuankang is currently holding in his hand describes the results of the next battle that occurred around Bian County and Zang Ba and the Yellow Turbans in Zu County.

Without waiting for Xun Zhen to ask questions, Xuankang read the battle report, the first of which was Xu Zhongbu's battle experience in Bian County and the results of the battle.

The general content is: After Lu and Wenyang Yellow Turbans entered the boundary of Bian County, they saw that Bian County was surrounded by Xun's army on three sides, but the west was only missing. Perhaps it was because of a concern or a plan for Xun's army to lure the enemy into ambush. There were Xun's army ambush in the west of the city. Second, the terrain in the west of the city was relatively low, which was not conducive to offensive operations. Therefore, instead of attacking from the west of Bian County, they detoured to the southwest of the city with higher terrain and launched an attack on Xun's army from the southwest. offensive.

The number of Lu and Wenyang Yellow Turbans who came to aid was quite large. According to a rough estimate, there were nearly 10,000 people, most of them were strong and old soldiers, and their combat effectiveness was not low. In addition, the leading Yellow Turban generals were experienced in the battlefield, and they were quite skilled in battle formation. With a little bit of planning, the offensive became very violent as soon as it was launched.

Correspondingly, the Pengcheng Military Department, which Xun’s army fought against, was neither Xun Zhen’s direct descendant, nor was his entry into Lu of his own accord, but entirely because Xue Li was intimidated by Xun Zhen’s power and had to follow Xu Zhong Those who went out of the county to fight, so their fighting spirit was not high. As soon as the two armies confronted, before the battle was not long, the Pengcheng soldiers had a tendency to retreat.

Seeing this situation, the generals of the Yellow Turbans in Lu and Wenyang continued to urge the troops to attack, and at the same time made people set fire to it.

At that time in late spring, the vegetation was lush, the fires were all over the sky, and the Pengcheng soldiers had the attitude of retreating. At this moment, they were in the low ground again. , So the front line retreated, the back line swayed, and the formation was about to collapse. At this time, the Yellow Turbans in Bian County were ready to move, and some troops were sent out of the city to join forces with Lu and Wenyang Yellow Turbans to attack Xun's army from inside and outside. Once the Pengcheng soldiers collapsed at this critical moment, the battle situation would be out of control.

Xu Zhong made a decisive decision, and ordered the five hundred soldiers of Jiang Hu's army not to retreat half a step. They must block the offensive of the Yellow Turbans, and at the same time suppressed the position of the Pengcheng soldiers, and ordered Zhang Fei to lead the hundred cavalry to the rear of the Pengcheng soldiers immediately. At the same time, he personally passed the order of the generals and assigned hundreds of personal soldiers to Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin, and ordered them to go to the army formation of Pengcheng soldiers.

After Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin arrived in the formation of Pengcheng's soldiers, they first went to the front and then to the back, and successively executed more than ten men from their military marquis and Sima, and replaced them with the colony chief. They also rewarded their bravery in the previous battle. officers and soldiers.

After this short-term rectification, Xu Zhong ordered Pengcheng's soldiers to resume the battle, ordering: If anyone fails to enter upon hearing the sound of the drums, they will be executed afterward. Those who have made merit in the battle will be rewarded three times. ——The so-called "double reward" means that the first level of the enemy's head was rewarded a little, but now the reward is three times.

Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin did not return to Xu Zhong's side after rectifying the military discipline of the Pengcheng soldiers, but fought on the spot in the front of the Pengcheng soldiers. The personal soldiers were also warriors. After joining forces with the 500 soldiers of Jiang Hu's army, they marched forward bravely. There was almost no one in the Yellow Turbans who could stop them.

In the front, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, etc. and Jiang Hu's 500 soldiers were like a broken bamboo. Later, Zhang Fei and his 100 cavalry supervised the battle. There were also three times the reward. Afterwards, the officers and soldiers of the Pengcheng soldiers did not dare to retreat any longer, and they rushed to the enemy because of the sound of the drums.

The generals of the Yellow Turbans from Lu and Wenyang hurriedly gathered their bow and crossbowmen, trying to use arrows to stop the counterattack of Jiang Hu's five hundred soldiers and Pengcheng soldiers, but they couldn't stop shooting. The Lu and Wenyang Yellow Turbans were defeated. When the Yellow Turbans in Bian County saw this, they no longer dared to go out of the city to fight, but escaped from Ximen. After escaping, they merged with the defeated Lu and Wenyang Yellow Turbans and fled in a hurry.

When the five hundred soldiers of Pengcheng and Jiang Hu were fighting fiercely with the Yellow Turbans of Lu and Wenyang, the reason why Xu Zhong did not mobilize the Xun army to help in the battle was to prevent the Yellow Turbans from attacking in the city, and the other was to prevent the Yellow Turbans from attacking the Yellow Turbans after they were defeated. North and west to flee, if they flee in these two directions, then they will not achieve the purpose of driving them west to Rencheng and Dongping County in Yanzhou.

Therefore, after Lu, Wenyang Yellow Turbans and Bian County Yellow Turbans joined forces, Xun's army stationed in the north of the city immediately intercepted westward and cut off their escape route to the north and west. The Yellow Turbans in Wenyang, Wenyang and Bianxian had no other choice but to flee south. To the south of Bian County is Sishui. Fortunately, Xu Zhong slowed down the speed of his pursuit and gave them a certain amount of time to cross the river, so that they did not cause too many casualties when crossing Sishui.

After chasing the Yellow Turbans across Sishui, Xu Zhong did not seek to expand the victory, but drove the 20,000 Yellow Turbans to the direction of Zu County, just like herding sheep. , Rao is so, on the way to drive also fought against the Yellow Turbans several times, and they were all victorious.

Bian County was only more than a hundred miles away from Zu County.

As early as when the Yellow Turbans were defeated outside the city of Bian County, Xu Zhong passed an order to Zang Ba outside the city of Zu County, ordering him to march to the northeast of the county.

Therefore, when the Yellow Turbans fled outside the city of Zuxian County, they thought they could escape into the city and meet the Yellow Turbans in Zu County, but there was a scene in front of them that they did not expect.

Therefore, Xu Zhong's troops were in the east, and Zang Ba's troops were in the northeast of Zuxian County, that is, the southwest of the Yellow Turbans' defeated troops, and the Yellow Turbans' defeated troops were in the middle.

As mentioned above, if it is to completely wipe out this Yellow Turban, there is no need to fight to this point at all. As early as in Sishui Hebei, Xu Zhong could completely wipe out this Yellow Turban, but precisely because the purpose of this battle is to In order to drive the Yellow Turbans to the west, so that Xun Zhen could enter Yan in the name of pursuit, so there is the current battlefield situation, and it is precisely for the purpose of this battle, in order to make Xun Zhen's excuse for entering Yan better. It's enough. At this time, we can't attack from both sides. To attack this yellow turban, we need to call out the yellow turban in Zu County, so that the scale of this yellow turban can be larger.

Therefore, after surrounding the yellow turban, Xu Zhong did not rush to launch the offensive, but waited patiently. At the end of this military report, he wrote: The Yellow Turbans in Lu, Wenyang, and Bian County are urgent to ask for help. The Yellow Turbans in Zhuang County have already left the city, and the battle is going smoothly.

Hearing this, Xun Zhen asked, "Is there any movement in Yanzhou? Is there a secret report from Shanyang?"

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