The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 225: Shogunate delegation 3 way


Xuan Kang came to the hospital, saluted, presented a document, and said to Xun Zhen, "I just received an urgent report from General Xun and Prime Minister Chen from Langya, and General Xun found out that Langya salt was arrogant to cause chaos. "

Xun Zhen took the document and looked at it carefully, and saw that this secret report was written in Xun Cheng's name.

It reads: Langya Yanhao is in private connection and wants to cause chaos. According to the current information, Changxi, Yin Li and Yanhao have close contacts, and Changxi sent several messengers to see Sun Guan, Wu Dun, and Sun Kangzhu. People, but in recent months, they have invited Sun Guan several times, observing his words and expressions, and it seems that there is no rebellious meaning, but it may also be a fake. Chen Dengji said: "You can ask the various generations of Changxi to attack them. If they don't attack them, their relatives will lead troops and horses out of Kaiyang, first to break the Yanhao, and then attack the camps of Mount Tai."

Xun Zhen pondered for a while, then asked Xuankang, "What do you think of the Yuanlong's plan described by Zhongren in this secret report?"

Today, it was Xuan Kang's turn to be on duty, so after Xun Cheng's secret report was delivered to the shogunate, Xuan Kang was the first to read it. He had already considered the "Chen Deng's plan" in the secret report. At this time, he saw Xun Zhen asking. With his own opinion, he immediately replied: "Zang Ba has already entered Lu from General Xu, and even if Chang Xi and Yin Li want to cause chaos with Yan Hao, they will not succeed. Chen Xiang's plan, in Kang Yu's view, seems available too."

In the Taishan Army, although Sun Guan, Chang Xi, Yin Li, Wu Dun, Sun Kang, etc. are all well-known outside, each holds military power, and each has his own part under his account, but in terms of prestige, it is Zang. Pa highest.

That is to say, if the person who secretly communicated with the Yanhaos was Zang Ba, then this matter would be more serious, because Zang Ba was like a betrayal, and Sun Guan and others would definitely obey.

But now Zang Ba is not in Xuzhou, if only Chang Xi and Yin Li are betrayal, then firstly, Sun Guan and others will not necessarily rebel together, and secondly, even if Sun Guan and others rebel together, because the dragons have no leader, it is very difficult. Easy to calm down.

Therefore, Xuankang judged and said: "Chen Xiang's plan, in Kang's humble opinion, seems to be useful."

Xun Zhen also made the same judgment.

He thought to himself, "If the people of Changxi have any objections, it is indeed possible to take this opportunity of Yanhao to create chaos and destroy them together!" He also said to himself, "The only one to be concerned about now is the people of Ruochangxi. What is Zang Xuangao's reaction in the Lu Congress?"

Zang Ba only brought a thousand soldiers and horses to follow Xu Zhong to fight against the Yellow Turbans of Lu, and there were too few episodes. Even if he heard the news of Chang Xi and others rebelling, he would not dare to echo it, but he was extremely It is possible that he would defect from the state of Lu to Yanzhou and other places because he was worried that Xun Zhen would join him.

If this happened, for Xun Zhen, there would be no actual loss. Although Zang Ba and the others in Mount Tai had many horses, they were not Xun Zhen's direct line. It will be difficult to command Ruyi, some of them are solid, and it is not a pity to lose, and there are even benefits: imagine that if Zang Ba really defected to Yanzhou, no matter if Liu Dai, the prefect of Yanzhou, took him in or not, Xun Zhen would be able to let him go. So there is an excuse to use military force.

Even so, as Xun Zhen thought about it, he still didn't want to see this scene happen.

the reason is simple:

Zang Ba and the others were "submitted generals", although Xun Zhen treated them well, promoted them in the military, and gave them generous rewards, but to be honest, Xun Zhen's intention to be wary of them does exist. , if nothing else, just talk about adjusting Zangba out of Langya and changing the village to Yinping. Anyone with a discerning eye will know at a glance that there is no other reason to explain Xun Zhen's move except for the reason of dividing the Taishan army. When Xi and others rebelled and Zang Ba fled into Yanzhou or elsewhere, if the word spread, the fact that Xun Zhen was wary of the Taishan Army would inevitably be exaggerated by those who wanted to attack him for being "small-minded" and "not willing to surrender". , and even said that the Taishan Army was "deliberately forced to turn back" by him, which would be detrimental to future attacks.

Therefore, Xun Zhen was still very reluctant to see Zang Ba escape.

He pondered for a long time, and said to Xuankang: "Return to Wen Zhongren and Yuan Long, and order them to closely monitor Langya Yan's house, Chang Xi and Yin Li, and ensure the safety of Mi Fang and Yao Ban. Strictly order them both to get my hands on them. Don't act rashly before the military order."

Xuankang was puzzled and said, "Today the general Yanhao is in chaos and has not yet risen. Just when he was attacking urgently, why did the general order Langya not to move rashly?"

A little Yan Hao is in chaos, even if they are ready to start the army, even if they add the battalions of the Taishan army, they are definitely not the opponents of Xun's army, or they don't even need to be transferred from outside, only Xun Cheng's troops can defeat them. It is possible to fight an army, but in the end it is better to have as little loss as possible. Now Yan Hao is not ready, it is a good opportunity to attack the enemy first, so as to minimize the casualties of Xun's army and the loss of luggage, but Xun Zhen ordered Xun Cheng and Chen Deng were only allowed to monitor and not act rashly. No wonder Xuankang was puzzled.

Xun Zhen didn't answer him directly, but issued another military order, saying: "I will go to Junqing again to discuss the connection between Changxi, Yin Li and Yanhao, and send this secret report together to Junqing. Qing, ask him to turn it over to Xuan Gao to take a look."

Xuankang heard Xunzhen's words, and then he suddenly realized, and said: "General is thinking that the people like Changxi are really rebelling, and General Tibetan may not be at ease?"

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "That's right." He said again, "Give Zilong a secret meeting and ask him to prepare 2,000 soldiers and horses. If there is a change in the state of Lu, or Langya is in chaos, he will immediately rush to it. ."

Xuankang replied, "No."

Seeing that Xun Zhen had no other orders, Xuan Kang stepped down from the hall with the secret report from Xun Cheng, and returned to the seat next to the hall. According to Xun Zhen's wishes, he wrote his own writing and gave them to Xun Cheng, Xu Zhong, and Zhao Yun respectively. Wrote an order, sent people 800 miles to rush, and sent it immediately.

Zhao Yun's station was closest to Tanxian County, and he was the first to receive the order. On the day of the order, he prepared his army for battle, not to mention.

Xun Cheng received the second letter.

In the letter to him, Xuankang also wrote the reason why Xun Zhen told him to "not move rashly". After reading the letter, Xun Cheng asked Chen Deng to come to him, and he asked him to watch and wait for him to see him. After that, he said, "Yuanlong, what do you mean by the general's words?"

Chen Deng said: "The general is benevolent, so I would rather give up the opportunity to attack thieves, and wait for Zang Xuangao to express his position In this case, you and I should obey the general's will and act according to the rules."

Xun Cheng said, "I think so too. Besides, I would like to invite Sun Guan to come back to Kaiyang to test his meaning. Do you think it's okay?"

"It's impossible."

The reason why Xun Cheng had invited Sun Guan several times was only for Sun Guan, and this time, it was for three reasons.

First of all, Yangdu, where Sun Guan was stationed, was only 60 miles away from Yangdu, while other generals of Mount Tai were stationed far away from Yangdu, and two counties such as Yinli, Sun Kang, and Dongwu were also nearby. Beihai has the responsibility of defending against the Beihai Yellow Turbans. There is no suitable excuse, and it is not easy to invite them to leave the camp.

Secondly, among the commanders of the Taishan Army, Sun Guanzhi's status is second only to Zang Ba, and with the addition of his elder brother Sun Kang's trilogy, his number of subordinates is also second only to Zang Ba. Even rebellion doesn't matter.

Once again, Yangdu and Kaiyang are both west of Yishui, and they have mastered Sun Guan. In the future, if they really want to use troops to fight against the Changxi generation, then they can directly cross Yishui and go east, which will be quite beneficial to the progress of the war. .

Xun Cheng and Chen Deng discussed it, Xun Cheng immediately sent people to Yangdu, and once again invited Sun Guan to Kaiyang.

Sun Guan was invited and arrived in Kaiyang two days later.

Xun Cheng held a banquet to invite him, and carefully observed his words and deeds at the banquet, and realized that he was not concealing his appearance, as if he really had no objection.

Even so, Xun Cheng invited Sun Guan this time, but he did not send him back to Yangdu in a short time like the previous few times.

On the front line of the state of Lu, Xu Zhong was the last to receive the letter.

After reading the order, Xu Zhong ordered his ministries to pay attention to the rear, to prevent Zang Ba from pulling out the camp from Zu County and attacking his army from behind, while sending someone to send Xun Cheng's secret report to Zang Ba.

Zang Ba was shocked when he received the secret report.



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