The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 223: The Dispatch Department is coercive

Zhang Fei and Jiang Hu had already arrived in Yinping. Although Xue Li was reluctant and forced to do so, he could only obey orders. The thousands of infantry he dispatched had also arrived in Yinping two days ago, and Zang Ba was originally stationed in Yinping. , no need to send troops to rush.

The servants that Yuan Sui had requisitioned had already assembled in Yinping a few days ago.

Xiao County, where Sun He is stationed, is only a hundred miles away from Yinping. It is conceivable that while Sun Jian passed the book to Xun Zhen, he must also give orders to Sun He. Sun He should be on his way to Yinping now. , He only brought hundreds of trilogy, with few troops and horses, less baggage, and the marching speed will be relatively fast, so if it is a day or two in the morning, and no more than three days in the evening, he will be able to reach Yinping.

The troops, horses, food and equipment are all ready, and now we can only wait for Xu Zhong, the main general who entered Lu this time, to arrive, and then wait for Sun He to lead his troops to arrive, and then the troops and horses can march towards Lu. Therefore, Xu Zhong is not in Tan County. Staying long, resting in the state capital for one night, and rushing to Yinping the next day.

The distance between Tanxian County and Yinping was one hundred and fifty or sixty miles. Because of the two literati, Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia, who were with them, they walked a little slower on the road, and they arrived at the camp outside Yinping City at noon the next day.

Zang Ba, Zhang Fei, Jiang Hu, and Peng Chengbing's generals and military commanders heard the news and hurriedly came to the commander's tent to pay their respects.

Xu Zhong didn't talk nonsense. When the generals were all together, he got up from the throne, looked around at everyone, and said, "Please read out the lord's order." After speaking, he went down to the tent, bowed down on the ground, and Zang dominated the people. People also fell to the ground.

When Guo Jia joined the army this time, one task was to be the counselor of the military aircraft, and the other task was to read out Xun Zhen's appointment documents to the generals as a shogunate in the shogunate.

He stood in front of the people, took out Xun Zhen's order, and read: "Grant general Xu Xian to command all the troops, Fujun as deputy, and supervisor as counselor."

Xu Zhong, Zang Ba, and Xi Zhicai took the lead.

Xu Zhong took out the tiger talisman he received from the shogunate and matched it with Zang Ba and others one by one.

After going through the two processes of formal appointment and deed to the tiger talisman, this time into the battle of Lu, the identity of his commander was confirmed.

To stop the tiger talisman, Xu Zhong returned to the main seat and said to everyone: "Please sit down."

Zang Ba was at the top on the right, Xi Zhicai sat opposite Zang Ba, Zhang Fei and others sat down on their knees, Guo Jia could stand in front of everyone when he read Xun Zhen's order, and now that the order has been read out, he The rank and salary and age are the lowest, so the seat is next. In addition, several important officials of the Xu Zhong shogunate were also in the tent, and they were seated according to their rank and salary.

Everyone sit down.

Xu Zhong said: "The actual numbers of troops and horses of each department will be reported one by one."

Zang Ba, Zhang Fei and others reported to Xu Zhong the number of cavalry and cavalry of the headquarters that participated in the war, and presented the books with the names of soldiers and officers. Xu Zhong didn't move, his long Shi Yuanpan stepped forward to take the book and put it on the case.

"Sun Hou has to use troops, so he can't send too many troops to attack the Yellow Turbans of Lu State with our army, only Sun He is sent. Now Sun He is on his way to Yinping, and when he arrives, he will be sent to Lu. ."

Zang Ba said, "No."

"What do you guys have to offer about this battle?"

Jiang Hu said: "The lord must have given instructions on how to fight this battle. Hu has nothing to offer. When he enters Lu, he will obey the lord's instructions."

Xu Zhong glanced at him, ignored him, turned to Gu Zangba, and asked politely, "What do you think of Fu Jun?"

Zang Ba got his start by fighting the Yellow Turbans, and Yin Ping was close to Lu State. After receiving the order to fight, he paid more attention to Lu State's Yellow Turbans. Of course he had his own opinions on how to fight the war, but at this time. Seeing Xu Zhong's questioning, he thought to himself: "The supervisor is the military advisor in this battle, and Guo Zhonglang is the confidant of the Lord. They didn't speak first, but I don't want to speak first." He was deliberately modest, because he learned Jiang Hu's words, He replied, "I don't dare to take a high opinion, I only obey the orders of the Lord."

Xu Zhong nodded, turned to Zhang Fei, and asked, "What is Yide's opinion?"

Zang Ba was suddenly stunned. He thought that after he was humble, Xu Zhong would ask him again, but he didn't expect Xu Zhong to pass him directly, and then asked Zhang Fei, thinking: "I heard that General Xu is in control of the army and is taciturn. Words, no second words, as expected."

Compared to Zang Ba, Zhang Fei understood Xu Zhong's temperament and knew that when Xu Zhong asked for his opinion, he must not pretend to be modest, otherwise, at least there would be no chance to speak at this military meeting, so he replied: " Out of the six counties of the State of Lu, three counties are now trapped in the Yellow Turbans, and Zou is the closest to the East China Sea. From the perspective of flying, you can strike Zou first, wait for Zou to attack, and attack Wenyang in the north. These two counties are settled, and the Bian thieves take it like a palm."

Xu Zhong said: "The Lord has ordered the army to order us to take Bian County first."

"Why is this?"

"Mr. Zheng currently lives in the southern city. If you attack Zou first, the Bian thief may return to Mount Tai in the east, which will disturb Duke Zheng. Therefore, the Lord ordered to strike Bian first, and then take Zou."

For the current situation of the enemy and the enemy in the territory of Lu, those with a little common sense of military will choose to take Zou County first, so if you want to attack Bian County first, you need a convincing reason, especially when Sun He will attack from the army. Down. Zheng Xuan now lives in Nancheng County, Taishan County. Nancheng is in the southeast of Bian County. The two places are about a hundred miles apart. In order not to disturb Zheng Xuan, it is a plausible reason to fight Bian County first.

Zhang Fei always pays respects to important scholars, Zheng Xuan is one of the most accomplished scholars in the world, and he respects it even more. Hearing Xu Zhong's words, he suddenly nodded and said, "Zheng Gong, a great scholar, really needs to prevent him from being disturbed by Bian Thief. He praised, "The Lord respects virtuous and important scholars, and in order to prevent the Yellow Turbans from disturbing Duke Zheng, he would leave the near and attack the far distance. After this matter spreads out, it will surely become a good story that will be recited by the scholars."

Xu Zhong also asked Peng Chengbing's general, the captain, who was just Nuo Nuo.

Xu Zhong asked Guo Jia again.

Xu Zhong, Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia were the only ones who knew Xun Zhen's true intentions of returning to Lu. It was obvious that Xu Zhong had understated the most crucial issue, namely, which Ludi county to hit first. Now, Guo Jia has nothing else to say right now.

Xu Zhongyin said to Xi Zhicai again: "Please ask the military advisor to expound on his views and give pointers to various ministries."

The relationship between Xi Zhicai and Xun Zhen is as close as one, and Xu Zhongzhi is taciturn, so he has to be polite to him.

Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "As a military advisor, you are a counselor. I have not yet entered Lu, so I have no good opinion."

After listening to Xi Zhicai's answer, Xu Zhong turned his attention to the generals and began to make specific deployments.

He said: "After entering Lu, Li Feng, Qianjun, and Pengcheng soldiers attacked Bian from me, and the Fu army was stationed in the east of Zou. If the thieves were helping Bian, the Fu army intercepted them, and if they did not defend the city, the Fu army monitored them. ."

Zhang Fei, Jiang Hu, the commander and Zang Ba of the Pengcheng Department stood up to receive the order.

Xu Zhong also ordered: "Changshi records the merits, Du Jiaming's military law, Xia Ming's superintendent's servants and supplies."

Du Jia is a native of Wei County. He studied military law with Xiahoulan in his early years, and has achieved great success. He has served as five hundred generals, Sima and other positions. He has strict law enforcement and is quite praised by Xun Zhen. Not long ago, Xu Zhong opened the palace and appointed him as the shogun. He is now in charge of the military law under Xu Zhong's account. Xia Ming is an old man from Xunzhen Xixiang, UU reading www. followed Xun Zhen with Ren Du in the early years, and was later assigned to Xu Zhong, so he has been obeying orders in Xu Zhong's army, and now he is the general of Chu Su. Mechanical logistics officer.

Yuan Pan, Du Jia, and Xia Ming were all in the tent and fell to the ground to receive orders.

Xu Zhong stood up and said in a deep voice, "From now on, the troops will follow the military law during the war. As soon as Sun He's troops arrive, they will send troops into Lu."

The military law in wartime is definitely different from the military law in peacetime. Xunzhen brought Yang Cong and Gaotanglong into Ren Du’s camp before, and asked Ren Du how to deal with him as a battalion general according to the wartime military law. According to the military law in peacetime, corporal punishment is sufficient for this kind of situation, but according to the military law in wartime, not only the battalion general, but also the wife and son will be punished. In addition, the strictness of wartime military law is also reflected in various On the other hand, if they leave their posts without permission, both military officials and soldiers will be executed, and the blame will be on their wives, children, and so on.

Zang Ba and the others received the order in awe.

"Everyone, please return to the headquarters."

With Xu Zhong's words, this pre-war military discussion is over, and Zang Ba and the others will file out.

Zang Ba has been in charge of the army for a long time. When he was in the army of Mount Tai, he used to say one thing or another, the so-called kindness is not in charge of the army. I think at that time, when he was angry, the officers and soldiers of Mount Tai, who were more than ten thousand people at most, shuddered. Su, but at this time, Xu Zhong was out of the handsome account, but he couldn't help but feel a little relaxed. Inadvertently, he saw that Jiang Hu and Zhang Fei's expressions also showed a little lightness, and only then did he know that not only himself, but also Zhang Fei and Jiang Hu, two fierce generals who had been from Xu Zhong for a long time. It was also quite oppressive at the time.

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