The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 218: The matchmaker got 2 approvals for marriage


After deciding on the supply of military resources, the requisition of soldiers, the transfer of troops and horses, and the dispatches to Lu and Yan, it was only after Sun Jian asked Xuzhou to send troops to send the prefecture. The officials used the yue to start to implement the matters that they were responsible for.

Xun Zhen stayed alone in the hall, ordered someone to unfold the map, carefully looked at the geographical situation of Lu State, Rencheng and other counties, thought that Sun Jian was going to attack Chen and Liang States, and looked at the situation of Chen State and Liang State. When he saw Chen State, he suddenly remembered. One person was Luo Jun, the prime minister of the state of Chen.

In the early years, Xun Zhen passed through Chen State from Huangfu Song to ask for the Yellow Turbans in Yuzhou. Luo Junyuan welcomed Lao Jun. Xun Zhen had a relationship with him, and he was very impressed. However, Xunzhen saw a thriving peaceful scene in the territory of Chen State, the people were happy, and the scene he saw at that time made him admire and unforgettable.

Thinking of this person, and thinking that this person's hometown is Kuaiji and his home is in Jiangdong, Xun Zhen's heart moved without realizing it.

With Sun Jian's knowledgeable soldiers daring to fight, no matter how many crossbows Liu Chong has, and if Luo Jun is supported by the people of the country, even if the reinforcements from Liang Guo and Chen Liu are added, they will definitely not be Sun Jian's opponent. When the country is broken, can Luo Jun be invited to Xu?

Thinking of this, Xun Zhen shook her head and said in her heart, "The friendship between me and Wentai is known to the world. If Chen Guo is broken, Luo Jun will definitely not respond to my offer." Then he thought, "If I shouldn't offer it, I will give it to me. Wentai sent a letter, asking him to treat Liu Chong and Luo Jun with courtesy after he defeated Chen Guo. It would be better to send someone to send Luo Jun back to the township of Kuaiji, but he might also be able to form a relationship with Luo Jun. Good karma, may be able to use it later."

Writing a letter doesn't take much effort. If you can really form a good relationship with Luo Jun because of this, if you can use it in the future, you will make a lot of money. Today, Cheng Jia returns with Sun Jian's gift. You need to send a letter to Sun Jian to express your receipt.

At the moment, Xun Zhen thought of it and did it, because it was a private letter to Sun Jian, so she didn't call Chen Yi to come over, she wrote it by herself.

He wrote: "On March 29, Zhenbai: Wentai was safe? There was no letter from the minister for ten days, is it because the minister did not write, or the Tao died? The short dagger is the love of Ji Xia. The former letter said: 'Runan county is still connected to two yuan, think about choosing three or two to kill it', Zhenxin replied, thought it was impossible, and after thinking about it, he still held this meaning. In addition to being able to get real, famous people will look down on the state, and they will lose their virtue. Jia Shuqing will attack Chen Liang. Don’t ignore it, strike the right place, avoid future troubles, only the domain of bullets, not enough to promote the prestige of generals, Chen Xiangluo Jun, I have seen in the past, although my knowledge is short, I can still care for the people, Chen Ren used Luo’s name and sent him back with courtesy In this township, you must be able to demonstrate the virtues of the state’s animal husbandry. Recently, I often reminisce about the trip to Changsha in the past, hunting in the mountains and wilds, enjoying the scenery, and unforgettable happiness. Although Dong Zhuo is in the west, he is still violent in the dynasty, and the Guandong attacked each other. Talented man, and Qing Qing to overcome difficulties and filth, to help the royal family together. "Grandson" hand notes, if you have any doubts about the policy, you can write to me and answer in detail. Zhenbai."

The "sound ball" is a kind of toy for children nowadays. It is similar to the sound toys for babies in later generations. They put some projectiles in a sphere. When shaken, they make a rustling sound, which can exercise the baby's eyesight and hearing.

"There has been no letter for ten days", this "letter" does not refer to a letter, but now the meaning of a letter and a letter are different, a book is a letter, and a letter means "messenger", referring to the person who sent the letter, Xun Zhen I keep writing letters with Sun Jian. I can receive a letter from the other party in three to five days in a long time, and I can get a letter in ten days when I am young. It has been ten days since I received Sun Jian's letter last time, so Xun Zhen said : I haven't seen your messenger for ten days.

"For those who belong to the tyrannical and powerful, unless they can get the truth, the famous and the state will look down on the state, and the general will lose their virtue." Xun Zhen knew that Sun Jian was light-hearted and did not respect the scholars enough. Wang Rui, kill Zhang Zi, the prefect of Nanyang, both of them are celebrities, and they were forced to kill them like dogs. In order to prevent him from doing the same thing in Yuzhou, every time Xun Zhen sent him a letter, he would persuade him to bow down as a corporal. , especially in his last letter, I saw that he expressed his intention to kill a few famous Runan scholars who communicated with Eryuan, and he had to persuade him. In the last letter to him, Xun Zhen had already persuaded him. I'm afraid he won't listen, so I still continue to persuade me in this letter. If I really want to kill, rather than slaughtering famous people and causing the county to be distracted, it is better to kill a few tyrants and get some benefits.

"Chen people use Luo's name as their son", which refers to a phenomenon that has made Chen Guo popular today because of a virtuous policy of Luo Jun.

Among the several policies Xunzhen had previously set to increase the population of Xuzhou, one was to follow the old law of the previous generation. As long as any people became pregnant, the county would send rice and meat to increase the nutrition of pregnant women and fetuses. Luo Jun and Xun Zhen. In the same way, he also took into account the problem of population reduction during the war. In order to ensure the population number, he also encouraged childbirth in Chen State, but it may be due to the high rate of dystocia and infant mortality, so he did not do it when pregnant women were pregnant. After the Chinese gave birth to a child successfully, whether it was a male or a female, they were given a portion of rice and meat. For this reason, Chen Guoren was grateful for their kindness, and many people named their children after Luo Jun's surname.

When the letter was written, Xun Zhen sealed it, called the servants outside the hall to come in, and ordered a messenger to deliver it to Sun Jian immediately.

When the little official took the letter out, Xun Zhen lowered her head, pressed the map, and continued to check the terrain.

After looking at it for a long time, I heard someone outside the hall say: "Ms. Media is back, and Duke Ming will not welcome you?"

Xun Zhen looked up and saw a person standing at the entrance of the hall. It was Yao Sheng, so she covered the map and said with a smile, "Uncle Qian is back?"

Yao Sheng took off his shoes, walked into the hall, bowed and saluted, and said, "Fortunately, I didn't lose my life."

"Oh? Are you married with the right surname of Wu Jun?"

"Although the four surnames have not responded yet, the rest of the clan have permission."

In addition to the four surnames "Gu Lu Zhu Zhang", there are also many other big surnames among the nobles in Wu County. I heard that no one of the four surnames agreed to marry, and some of the other big surnames agreed. Although Xun Zhen felt that it was not enough, But not too disappointed.

The gentry of Wu County cannot be compared with the crown surnames of Guandong, Guanzhong, and Shu, but they are also quite high in the world and have a long lineage, such as Gu Lu Zhu Zhang, and Shen, Ying, Xu, Gao, etc. Except for a few who moved to Wu County in modern times, most of them are people who lived in Wu for a long time, and they were famous officials. They tend to be conservative, so although the four clans did not agree to get married, only the other two big clans agreed to the marriage, but it was not too far below Xun Zhen's expectations.

The local consciousness of the scholars in Wudi is heavier than that of the scholars in Kanto and other places.

First of all, academically, in today’s Kwantung and other places, the ancient scriptures have already replaced the modern scriptures, but Wu is still dominated by the modern scriptures. Jinwen Jing emphasizes the Dharma of the Master, and strictly restricts the monopoly of the scriptures. The nobility in Wu is usually inherited from family, such as the Yu clan in Kuaiji. Up to now, the generation of the Yu clan has been governed by the "Yi" for five generations.

Secondly, in the history of governance, the two earliest local history books are "Yue Jue Shu" and "Wu Yue Chun Qiu" written by Wu people.

Once again, it is manifested in marriage. The Wudi scholars mainly married locally. Although most of the nobility in Guandong and Guanzhong also married locally, for example, Zhong Yao's family and Li Ying's family in the same county were married for two consecutive generations. There are frequent contacts with scholars from other places, and there are many nobles who have served in the dynasty in the past dynasties, so there are many marriages with other states.

The root cause of the local awareness of the Wu people is that the Wu people have too little contact with other places.

There is a river in the west, and it is inconvenient to communicate with the outside world. There are few Wu people who travel, and not many people take the initiative to contact other places.

Wu land developed late, with backward economy, small population, and many "barbarians". In the more than 80 counties in Yangzhou, only Nanchang and Wu were appointed as commanders, and the rest were chiefs. Xuzhou is even bigger, and it can be set up in more than ten counties. In the south of it, there are still more and more chaos. Therefore, Bei Shixiang regards Jiangdong as a "lowly domain", and believes that "the talents and talents will not be found in the land." Of course, Jiangdong's economy and the number of households have made great progress compared with the past, but the ideas of the northerners have not changed. Cai Yong took refuge in Wu, and was called the "Wu Hui Hui". Those who are far away are far away from the center. The meaning shows that the northerners despised Wu, so few people from the Guandong scholars came.

The customs of the north and the south are different. The people from the north often serve in the northern country, and the people from the south often serve in the southern land. The scholars from the east of the Yangtze River mostly serve in Yangzhou. If they are a little further away, they are at most close to places like Guangling. Lu Kang of Wu County was the prefect of Lujiang, Sheng Xian, the prefect of Wu County, was from Kuaiji, and Tao Qian, who was from Danyang earlier, was the prefect of Xuzhou.

The locals went out less often, and the foreigners came less frequently, and many of the officials who went to work in Yangzhou went around in Yangzhou. For these reasons, it is impossible to think about the local consciousness of the scholars in Wudi.

In addition to the strong sense of locality, the three counties in Jiangdong are relatively stable now. Xun Zhen has taken charge of Xuzhou, what will he do next? Scholars in Wu County must have guessed that the four surnames and others refused to allow the marriage, or they did not want to be dragged by Xun Zhen into the chaos of the Kanto War before the situation became brighter.

Xun Zhen asked, "What's the surname of the person who allowed the marriage?"

"Qiantang Quan Clan, Yongan Shen Clan."

After listening to the two clans, Xun Zhen's original sense of inadequacy was almost gone, and he was quite happy. Therefore, although the two clans were not as good as the four surnames, they were not far behind.

"Qiantang Quan's family, who is Xu's daughter?"

Yao Sheng said, "Quanrou's younger sister."

The most famous of this generation in the Quan clan is Quan Rou. In his early years, this person was regarded as a filial and honest person, moved several times, and made up for the Shang Shulang Youcheng. When Dong Zhuo broke the government, he abandoned his office and returned to his hometown. He was granted the title of Captain of Eastern Kuaiji by the DPRK.

Xun Zhen nodded and asked again, "Which daughter did the Shen shi promise?"

"Zhong Ze's sister."

"Zhong Ze? But Shen Yi?"


The family name of the Shen family is similar to that of the Quan family. It was originally a non-Jiangdong native, and moved to Jiujiang in the former Han Dynasty. It was already a prominent official. There were officials in the family who lived as hussars and generals. He was given the title of Marquis of Haihun County, and he did not accept his resignation. He moved his family to Kuaiji, where he has lived since then. When Emperor Shun, Kuaiji was subdivided into Wu County, and his township was assigned to Wu Guan, because he changed from Kuaiji to Wu County. .

After Shen Rong moved to Kuaiji, his ethnicity continued to intermarry with Kuaiji and later famous clans in Wu County. The ancestor is Sheng Xian.

Xun Zhen said happily: "I heard that Shen Zhong kept his way and didn't pay rashly, but now he promised his sister to a disciple of my clan!"

Yao Sheng smiled without saying a word.

It's hard for Yao Sheng to say it outright. With Shen Yi's character, he was originally unwilling to agree to marriage, but after Sheng Xian found out about Yao Sheng's proposal for a daughter of the Xun family, Sheng Xian did not know why he intervened. Among them, there is the matter of Shen Yi and Xu Mei.

Xun Zhen added: "Although I only have two females, she is from Quan and Shen, and she must be a good girl, enough to match my disciples."

There are quite a lot of nobles in Wu County. It stands to reason that with Xunzhen's current power and fame, even if the scholars in Wu County are conservative and have a sense of locality, they should not only marry the Quan and Shen families. In fact, Yao After being promoted to Wu County, there were indeed several famous surnames who agreed to agree, but the reason why, except for Quan and Shen, did not mention marriage anymore was because of one thing.

It's just this matter, Yao Sheng can't say anything to Xun Zhen.

This matter is: After the news of Yao Sheng's request for a wife for a son of the Xun family spread The Qing Yi in Wu Junzhong made a comment, saying: "Gongming does not marry, Erlong agrees to him, Sikong disobeys his order, Gongsha gave up the seats, and Guangling attacked the state, without edicts and injustices, but under the reputation, there were vacuous scholars."

"Guangling attacked the prefecture without an edict and was unjust." It was Xun Zhen who said that he did not have an edict to attack the prefecture with a prefecture, which was disloyal and unrighteous.

"Sikong disobeyed orders, Gongsha cut the seat" refers to Xun Shuang, the Gongsha clan of the Beihai hopeful clan, Xun Shuang was friendly with a member of his clan named Gong Shafu. Xun Shuang was recruited by Dong Zhuo and became Sikong on the 93rd. Gong Shafu thought that Xun Shuang was disobeying his orders, so he took a seat with Xun Shuang at a later meeting and refused to share the table with him.

"Gongming refuses to marry, and the two dragons agree to it." It is said that in the last years of Emperor Huan, Tang Heng wanted to marry his daughter to Runan Fu Gongming, but Gongming refused, Tang Heng gave his daughter to Xun Yu, Xun Wan agreed, and Xun Yu agreed. Qian is the second dragon among the eight dragons of Xun's clan, so to say "the two dragons respond to him" is a mockery of Xun Qian's lack of uprightness and integrity.

Six lines of discussion, two lines of sarcasm against Xun Wan, two lines of alluding to Xun Shuang's tendency to become flamboyant, and two lines of criticism of Xun Zhen, although only 24 words, they have degraded two generations of the Xun family one after another. The best of the generation.

The Wu people who made this comment did not rule out that they were indeed noble in nature, and they were sincerely criticizing Xun Shuang and Xun Zhen, but there must be a lot of them who wanted to take this opportunity to belittle the Xun clan, a right-handed Guandong clan, In order to raise the price of Jiangdong Wu Shi's reputation.

For this reason, Yao Sheng returned to Wu County this time, and only told Zhu Xun in the army that it was two marriages.

These comments of the Wu people not only mentioned Xun Zhen, but also Xun Shuang and Xun Lai. They were both taboos for Xun Zhen's venerable lord, but also worried that Xun Zhen would be furious when he heard this, and he really wanted to invade Wu in the future. It may be harmful to the scholars of Wu, so Yao Sheng can't talk about this.



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