The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 211: Forbidden, stab and frighten 2

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Xun Cheng asked, "Which two strategies?"

Chen Deng replied: "One is to give a warning, and the other is to stab and scare."

"Appreciate further details."

"The commanders of Mount Tai have different temperaments, or have resentment and disobedience, and there must be those who dare not make trouble. The generals can divide them and call them, personally observe their different attitudes, comfort them, and guard against those who disobey. This is Caution. Send more officials, go deep into the coast, and always pay attention to Yanhao's movements. If you detect someone who wants to cause chaos, you will immediately kill them with the momentum of thunder to scare the rest of the generation. This is stinging."

Xun Cheng said, "Your Majesty's two strategies are both good, so I will follow them." After pondering for a while, he said, "Yangdu is the closest to Kaiyang, and Sun Zhongtai is second only to Zang Xuangao in the battalions of Mount Tai. I will send the official to Yangdu today and invite him to meet in Kaiyang."

"Why did the general want to invite him to see him?"

Calling Sun Guan to Kaiyang for no reason will surely arouse his doubts and beware.

"The day after tomorrow is the last day, so I invite him to see him on this ground."

Shangsi Day is the Shangsi Festival in later generations. The Shangsi Festival in later generations is the third day of the third lunar month of March every year, but there is no such definite date yet. This is a festival for expelling diseases by bathing. The weather turns warm in spring, when diseases and plagues occur frequently. Therefore, such a custom has been around since the Warring States Period at the latest. Major ceremonies and festivals.

On this day, people usually go to the nearby river in groups to bathe. Because the bathing place is not too close to the residence, and it takes a certain amount of time to bathe, most people bring food and have a picnic lunch. And put some of the food they carried into the water to worship the gods. Ordinary Qianshou is just a picnic, but wealthy people will take advantage of this opportunity to erect exquisite curtains in the wild, prepare delicious food and wine, and invite many guests to hold a unique suburban banquet.

All in all, the custom of bathing and feasting by the river in Shangsi, from Kyoto to other places, from the powerful to the head of Guizhou, is the same.

Kaiyang faces the Yishui River, so he can use the excuse of "bath in Yi, drink the waterside, and use the pretext to save Shangsi" to invite Sun Guan from Yangdu.

Hearing this, Gao Tanglong said, "Although I am not in the same county as Sun Xiaowei, but his county is not far from our county, I have met him in the early years, and it is considered an old acquaintance. When I get to Kaiyang, I can walk around the General and see him again."

Xun Cheng nodded and said, "You and Zhongtai are old acquaintances, so it's natural to see you again." He said to Chen Deng, "When you go up, if you have nothing to do, you can join me and Lord Gaotang to meet Sun Zhongtai."

Chen Deng smiled and said, "General Ming invites you, dare you not obey?"

He made a decision with Xun Cheng to invite Sun Guan to Kaiyang on the last day, and discussed with Xun Cheng and Gao Tanglong about how to send Xun Zuo to sneak into the coast. After discussing these two matters, Chen Deng resigned and returned to the city. And go.

After Chen Deng left, Gaotang Long smiled and said to Xun Cheng: "Before Long came to Kaiyang, the officials of the prefectural government said: 'Chen/Yuan Long is proud and proud of himself'. When they arrived in Kaiyang, although Long and Chen Fujun met very little, I feel quite congenial, but I know the rumors are not credible."

Although Gao Tanglong was just recruiting for Xunzhen, he was given a big post when he first arrived, and was promoted to the post of superintendent, supervising Mount Tai. All the state officials knew that as long as he could manage this mission well, the future would surely be prosperous. It was like brocade, so on the night he went to the prefecture, several people came to visit. Knowing that he was going to Kaiyang, they told him some comments about Chen Deng in the prefecture.

Xun Cheng said, "How can a Lulu son know Yuanlong's arrogance." He added, "Chen Jun has a clear vision, and Sun Guanru is invited to come, so he can use Chen Jun's ability to identify his loyal and traitor."

When Chen Deng arrived in the mansion in the city, it was already night.

The clerk came over and reported: "Mingfu, there is nothing in and out of the county today, only a few state vehicles returned from the north, crossed the border and headed south to the state government."

"Understood, you go down."

The clerk bowed respectfully.

In order to isolate the Taishan camps from the Taishan County, shortly after Chen Deng took office, he passed on the counties and towns bordering Taishan County, namely Zangguo, Linyi, Yangdu, Dong'an, Dongguan and Kaiyang, and ordered the commanders of the counties. They will dispatch competent officials and soldiers to patrol the county day and night. If they find outlaws, juveniles, vicious youths, or suspicious persons appearing in the territory, they will be arrested and questioned immediately.

It has only been half a month since this order was handed down, and the total number of arrests reported by the counties has reached nearly 100 people. Most of them, when asked about their purpose of entry, are all going to join the Taishan Army. The rest are not from Taishan County, and most of them have committed crimes in other places. In order to escape crime, the purpose is also to join the Taishan Army.

There are nearly 100 people in half a month, 200 in a month, and more than 2,000 in a year. This can be said to be a major source of troops for the Taishan Army, and now it has been cut off by Chen Deng. The fashion is short now, and the captains of Mount Tai have not yet realized this problem. When they react, there will be many people who will scold Chen Deng, but of course Chen Deng will not care about it at all.

Because Kaiyang is the county seat, the inspections inside and outside Kaiyang County must not only report to the county magistrate, but also report to Chen Deng.

Hearing that the little official reported that several state vehicles were returning from the north today, Chen Deng thought to himself, "It must have been the state envoy who was sent by the Lord to call wise men back, but I don't know which wise man was brought back to the Lord this time?" He also said to himself, "The Lord is good at fighting, martial arts, and culture and education. Since taking charge of the state, it has been ten months since then, regardless of whether it is within or outside the state, and has successively recruited a number of literary and military talents. The prosperity of Xuzhou lies in the present. !"

The monarch is positive, and the aspiring subjects are also full of energy.

Chen Deng ate some food. Although he had been busy all day, he didn't know he was tired at all. He took the initiative to move the notebooks that were stacked on the wall and put them beside the desk. With the bright candlelight, he was refreshed again. handled county affairs.

Xun Cheng sent officials to deliver a letter, inviting Sun Guan to Kaiyang, and Sun Guan arrived at the invitation, and on the day of Shang Si, Xun Cheng and others shared a drink on the banks of the Yishui River.

Chen Deng and Gaotanglong accompanied him.

At the banquet, Chen Deng watched Sun Guan's mood, and Gao Tanglong and Sun Guan recalled the old days. At the end of the banquet, Sun Guan returned to Yangdu, and after seeing him off, both of them said to Xun Cheng, "Sun Zhongtai's thoughts are not in the right place, and there are many things in his mind. There must be something mysterious and false, and General Ming can carefully examine it."

Xun Cheng therefore kept a close eye on the movements of the Taishan soldiers in Yangdu, while quietly continuing to call Chang Xi and others to meet, or Gaotanglong personally went to the Taishan army station to meet the Taishan school captains.

At the same time, Xun Cheng wrote to Xun Zhen, describing Chen Deng and Gao Tanglong's analysis of Sun Guan and Taishan soldiers and his own judgment on this.

Needless to say.

Tanxian County is adjacent to Yishui in the west and Shushui in the east. Because Confucius and his disciples once "bathed in Yi" on Shangsi day, Xunzhen also invited Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong and other government officials, Xun Yu, Xin Ai on Shangsi day. After waiting for the arm, and Fei Xu summoned Zhao Yun, who was stationed outside Xiangben County on the west side of Yishui, and went to the bank of Yishui, and also enjoyed drinking for half a day.

Spring and Jingming, all sitting with beautiful materials, the Confucianists talked about "Poems" and chanted songs, and the generals talked about military and martial arts. Xun Zhen looked at it in the middle, and his heart was happy, and he said to the left and right: "Once the world is settled, let all the people enjoy this happiness!"

After drinking until dusk, everyone returned to the city.

On the way back to the city, several government officials drove horses from the prefecture, begging to see Xun Zhen.

The servant at the front asked clearly, and came over to report: "Ming Gong, the envoy from Donglai is back."

Xun Zhen was overjoyed and asked, "Is there a way for Ziyi to return?"

The servant who came to report it replied, "The servant didn't ask."

"Call the messenger over here!"

The subordinate officials promised to go back to the front to give orders. After a while, the several state officials hurried to the front.

Xun Zhen looked at these people and saw only the deputy envoy who was sent to Donglai by herself. She didn't see the official envoy, and asked, "Where is the official envoy?" He asked again, "Can Ziyi come?"

The envoy answered Xun Zhen's second question first, and replied, "Taishi-Jun has not arrived yet. The subordinates are waiting to pick up Taishi-Jun's mother." Then he answered Xun Zhen's first question, "The envoy didn't come back. He went to Liaodong to find Taishi Jun."

Xun Zhen inquired about it carefully, and only then did he know that Taishi Ci was not in Donglai, but in Liaodong.

When the state envoy came to his home, there was only his old mother in the house.

The prefectural envoy then spoke of Taishi Ci's mother and said to her: "There are many yellow scarves in Guizhou, and the governor of Guizhou, Jiao Gong, does not know how to fight, and he is not able to settle down in the prefecture. Xunzhen East used to beg Dong Zhuo, and he worked in the country. Now he is in Xuzhou and loves the people. Like a son, why doesn't your mother move to Xu?"

Taishi Ci's mother disagreed, saying that she was too old to leave home.

The state envoy then said to her again: "To avoid illness in the state, I have fled far away from Liaodong, and I can't fulfill my filial piety to my mother, and my mother is not allowed to see my son. Now my mother is willing to move to Xuzhou, and Jiao Gong's authority is reinvigorated. Don't enter Xujing, so my mother can meet Linglang!"

Hearing what the state envoy said, Taishi Ci's mother was eager for her son, so she agreed to move her home to Xu.

The state envoy ordered the deputy envoy to **** Taishi Ci's mother back to Tanxian County, while he continued northward to Liaodong to find Taishi Ci.

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "It was five or six years ago that Taishi Ci offended the prefecture, and yet he is still avoiding it! It's really hard for him."

A few years ago, there was a dispute between Donglai County Prefecture and Qingzhou Prefecture, and it was hard to decide. Whoever reported to the imperial court first would have the first chance. Taking the person who could be the envoy, Taishi Ci was twenty-one years old at the age of 21. He played Cao Shi for the county and was selected as the envoy. He then traveled day and night. Although he was a latecomer, he went to Luoyang almost with the state envoy, and saw the state envoy. Later, he used a strategy to destroy the memorial of the state government and presented the memorial of the county. The state government was reprimanded by the imperial court, and Taishi Ci was famous for it, but he offended the state government for this county, in order to avoid being punished by the state government. In revenge, he took refuge in Liaodong, and it has been six years since then.

Xun Zhen said, "Where is Ziyi's mother now?"

"Waiting for Duke Ming at the state capital."

"How can you make the old man wait for a long time?"

Xun Zhen called Shang Dianwei, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin and others, as well as dozens of personal guards such as Yuan Zhongqing and Zuo Bohou, galloped on horses, and returned to the city first.

When he arrived at the palace in the city, Xun Zhen personally went to see Taishi Ci's mother, greeted Taishi Ci's mother for the hard journey, and treated her with courtesy. He also asked the government officials to arrange a place for Taishi Ci's mother, and asked Zhuge Jin to select a number of clever and sensible slaves from the back house. It was used by Taishi Ci's mother, and ordered these servants to serve carefully.

When the dormitory was ready, Xun Zhen personally sent Taishi Ci's mother over to see her settle down before leaving.

Back in the palace hall, Xun Zhen called the clerk and said, "Go to Zhizhongyuan, and order the envoy who went to Donglai to give him a credit."

The clerk promises.

Zhizhong manages the personnel affairs of the state government, and the merits and demerits of government officials are all recorded by the government.

At this time, although Zhang Zhao had not yet returned to the government, there was a member of the Shishi family in the Kezhi Intermediate Court, and he could record his merits first.

The prefecture that went to Donglai was making an emergency response. In the absence of Taishi Ci, he was able to invite Taishi Ci's mother to the prefecture first, and made a contribution. It needs to be recorded and rewarded in Japan. .

As for whether this envoy could invite Taishi Ci after he went to Liaodong, Xun Zhen was not worried at all. Taishi Ci's mother had already arrived, and Taishi Ci's filial piety, how could he not come here?

He had only been in charge of Xuzhou for ten months, and he had already won two warriors, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin. Now he is determined to be Taishi Ci, and Xun Zhen is in a good mood.

The next day, a piece of news from afar made him feel even better, and at the same time made him overjoyed, he immediately sent people to chase after Cheng Jia and the others who were envoys from Yuzhou.

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