The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 201: Choosing a woman, looking for Yao and asking Beisun

Sending envoys to form an alliance with Gongsun Zan, so that they can compete with Yuan Shao and his party militarily, this is the second major thing Xunzhen wants to do.

First, Xun Chen and Zhao Yu were sent away, and then Cheng Jia and Jian Yong were sent away. The two urgent matters have been done, and the rest depends on whether Xun Chen, Cheng Jia and others can successfully complete their missions respectively. .

In addition to these two major things, there are two other things that need to be done by people.

In contrast, these two matters are not too urgent and are related to future developments.

After sending Cheng Jia and Jian Yong away, Xun Zhen summoned Yao Sheng the next day.

When Yao Sheng met Xun Zhen in Jizhou, he was only in his early thirties, and he is in his forties this year. Since following Xun Zhen to Guangling, he has been mainly responsible for farming until now. Tian Envoy, who is now Diannong Captain, has mastered the matter of the farmland under the rule of Xun Zhen, and together with Jiang Qin and Zaozhi, are the two "granaries" of the people and the army.

Although he was in charge of farming, he did not see his ashes, nor did he get sunburned.

This is not because he is not diligent in serving the public, but because he is extravagant. Xun Zhen has long heard from the people below that every time he goes to the field, whenever there is a scorching sun, several people will hold umbrellas for him, and change his clothes three times a day. Although he lives in the fields all day long, his clothes are free of dust.

Yao Sheng came to the hall, smiled and said to Xun Zhen, "How come Junhou is so free today, call me to see you?"

As soon as Xun Zhen heard it, he knew that he was complaining that he had not invited him to meet him in the palace for many days, and smiled: "I have been busy recently, and I have not been able to have time to drink with Qing, and I will pay for it in the future." He said, "I'm calling you here today, but it's for an important matter."

Yao Sheng heard that Xun Zhen said it was "urgent matter", so he straightened his face and said, "Please tell me your majesty."

"Many of my Xun children from the army have not yet been married. Although I am in Xuzhou now, the yellow turbans are rising and falling in Qing and Yan, and the heroes are fighting in the prefectures. I heard that there are many right surnames in Qing Township, and Duke Lu of your county guards Guangling. It is praised by the people of the county to this day. This is what I have personally seen. Men are both handsome and women must be good-looking. I would like to invite Qing to return to his hometown. Those who are not married to Xun's disciples in the army."

Yao Sheng was stunned. He didn't expect that the "important matter" that Xun Zhen said was actually asking him to return to his hometown to choose a wife for the children of the Xun family. Yao Sheng was from Wucheng, Wu County, and if he wanted to return to his hometown, he would naturally let him go. He has returned to Wu County. "Lu Gong of Guijun" refers to Lu Chou, the son of successive sons, a native of Wu County, Wu County, who served as the prefect of Guangling.

Yao Sheng said, "Is this the 'important matter' that Jun Hou said?"

"'If you don't marry without children, you will never sacrifice your ancestors, and the three are not filial.' Have you heard of it, sir?"

"If you don't marry and have no children, you will never sacrifice your ancestors, and the three are not filial." This sentence is today's famous Confucianism. Zhao Qi, a native of Jingzhao in the Chang'an Dynasty, commented on Mencius's "three kinds of unfilial piety" in his "Notes on Mencius". one of the sentences.

Yao Sheng said, "I know this Zhao Jingzhao's note."

"Not marrying without children is one of the three unfilial things. I can't let the children of my clan be unfilial, so I want to entrust this important matter to you."

Of course, there were not only Xun Yu, Xun You, Xun Chen, Xun Yan, and Xun Cheng, but many of the children of the Xun family who followed Xun Zhen, but most of these Xun family children only understood scriptures and had no special talents, so Xun Zhen measured It was only used. Except for a very small number of soldiers who were aspiring to join the army, and there were indeed some military talents, they were given command of the soldiers. Most of the others were assigned to various departments under the account before, and they were in charge of documents and other affairs for the ministers. Now they have obtained Xuzhou. , and selected some from them and sent them to various counties, who were also responsible for all matters.

Some of these Xun family disciples were already married, while others were not.

Yao Sheng looked at Xun Zhen, and judging from his appearance, he clearly felt that the reason given by Xun Zhen that "not marrying without children is one of the three unfilial piety" was not enough to explain why Xun Zhen suddenly remembered choosing a wife for the children of Xun Zhen. He also sent him back to Wu County to choose wives for the children of Xun, saying: "Xuzhou also has many handsome men, Duke Ming is now shepherding Xuzhou, and it is time to win over the scholars of Xu Fang, why did I choose a wife for the children of Duke Ming's family instead of near and far? "

"Xuzhou You's family, I will also send people to investigate carefully. It's just that I heard that Wu Nv is very charming, so I also want to find her Shuli to match my clan's children." Xun Zhen paused, then smiled again, " You know what I like, and if there are good ones, there are plenty of empty houses in my back house, and I can accept them.”

Xun Zhen's words became more and more outrageous. A few years ago, he had taken several wives. In recent years, after arriving in Guangling, he was a widow and never took it again. He chose wives for the children of Xun. It was beyond Yao Sheng's expectations, and Xun Zhen's asking for a little wife surprised him even more.

However, Yao Sheng was originally a wise man, and he was in his forties. He had a wealth of experience, he knew the world, and he could see into the world. He quickly guessed Xun Zhen's true purpose and said to himself, "Xuzhou has been acquired now, although Tao Qian is still a senior. In Tan, it is not enough to mention. The princes suddenly wanted me to return to the hometown, chose a wife for Xun, and also wanted a small wife. This must have the intention of looking at Yangzhou in the south, and wanted to do it, so I wanted to make me first. Returning to the hometown, visiting Wu County is one of the situations, and getting married with the A family of Wu County, in order to become more prosperous in the future. My little wife, this is clearly because many of the Xunzi disciples in the army are not well-known and have no prominent positions, so I went to battle in person to prevent the Wu Da surname from looking down on them."

Having guessed Xun Zhen's thoughts, he didn't say anything, and smiled: "She only knows that Cheng Junchang is fond of a rich and charming old woman, but I honestly don't know what a prince likes."

Xun Zhen heard the words "Fengmei old woman", and the tea in her mouth almost spurted out. When she swallowed the tea, she pointed at Yao Sheng and scolded: "Uncle Qian, why is it too narrow!"

Cheng Jia likes plump, older women, but how can she use the word "old woman" to describe her.

Yao Sheng also laughed.

The two laughed for a while, and Yao Sheng bowed down and said, "You can go back to your hometown tomorrow, but it's just that you can go back and forth for more than a month. Although the farming is over now, when you are dealing with silkworms and planting rice, you will go here. I don't know who should be appointed temporarily for all matters related to the silkworm rice?"

Xun Zhen said: "The sacrifice wine is old and prudent, and you can take it on your behalf."

"Sacrificing wine", said Zhang Hong. Zhang Hong was originally discussing the school captain, and Xun Zhen won Xuzhou. Because Zhang Hong was a local celebrity in Xuzhou, in order to strengthen the call of the state government to the locality, he was transferred to the state government and granted him to engage in sacrificial wine. The so-called "sacrifice wine", according to ancient etiquette, the elders are invited to eat food at the feast, and the elders must sacrifice wine to the ground before eating, so later generations will use "sacrifice wine" to refer to the elders. "Engagement in sacrificing wine" is the honorable leader of the state government. Although he has no real power, his status is the most respected among many engagements.

Yao Sheng said, "If that's the case, then Sheng will retire first, go back to the house to pack up, and return home tomorrow."

"In the past few years, except for Nian Qing, who has returned to the township once, and has never been back, this time it is on my behalf to choose wives for the children of Xun. You must prepare more gifts, but you can go to the state treasury to choose your own."

Yao Sheng was not polite, replied "yes", and then resigned.

Xun Zhen sent him to the door of the hall and watched him leave, thinking: "Although I don't know which county you will come to if you can come from the imperial court, but sooner or later you will have to get it from Yangzhou, if you can come to Qing, Yanzhi this time. County, I should plan ahead for the matter of choosing a wife for the disciples of Xun."

When Yao Sheng left the courtyard outside the hall, Xun Zhen said to Yuan Zhongqing at the gate of the guard, "Tell the official on duty to invite Scholars Sun to work."

Yuan Zhongqing complied with his promise and went to the next wing to convey Xun Zhen's instructions to several government officials who were on duty.

Xun Zhen just returned to the table and sat down for a while. She was reading some papers and papers. When Sun Gan came, she got up to greet him, and when he came in, she invited him to the table and sat down.

The two are seated.

Xun Zhen first asked each other diligently, asking him if he could still get used to it in the prefecture, whether he was used to living in the prefecture, and whether the food of the prefectural chef was to his taste.

——Like county and county officials, state officials also have to live in the prefectural government’s official quarters specially prepared for officials, except for the holidays. It was also a single room, and Xun Zhen specially instructed the state officials to choose a room in Xiangyang for Sun Gan, and also ordered that the living and daily necessities in this room be replaced with new ones, which can be said to be very caring for Sun Gan.

As for the "prefectural kitchen", so many state officials live in the prefecture, and they cannot ignore the food. Like the county, the prefecture also has a "cook", which is the same as the collective canteen in later generations. Previously, Xun Zhen entertained Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin for roasted deer. Of course, as the governor of the prefecture, Xun Zhen did not need to eat in the prefecture's kitchen. The back house had its own private kitchen, dedicated to cooking for the daughters, Xun Zhen and the servants of the back house.

Sun Gan replied one by one, all saying: "Very good."

Xun Zhen turned to the topic and said, "The Qing family is a famous surname in Beihai, and there is a great scholar Zheng Gong in your county. There will be many talented people who want to come here. I invite Qing to come here because I want to hear from you about nobles and people in your county. ."

The Gaomi Sun family is a descendant of King Zhou’s uncle Bigan. After Bigan was killed, his descendants were analyzed. One of them took Sun as the surname and moved to Gaomi. Lang is the third public.

Kong Rong's current meritorious officer is named Sun Shao, who is praised by Kong Rong as a "Gangmiao Talent".

People at the time praised characters. After two people from different places met, it was common to ask each other about famous people in each other's hometown. For the purpose of making their hometown famous, this time is often the moment when each other starts to "bragging".

Sun Gan has followed Zheng Xuan's studies for many years, and was deeply influenced by Zheng Xuan. He is a real person, but he has nothing to brag about. He said sincerely: "My teacher Zheng Gong, the elders in the world, publishes and changes various schools, scholars know what they know. Return, the virtue of my county is also."

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "After Ma Fufeng, in terms of Confucianism, respect for teachers is number one in the world."

Zheng Xuan was the first to say it. Having said Zheng Xuan, Sun Gan went on to say: "Zhu Xu is humble, Guan You'an, a dragon's belly, and a dragon's tail. Sergeant too."

Bing Yuan and Guan Ning were teachers of Chen Yu, and they went to Xu County with Hua Xin. Xun Zhen had met them, and said at the moment, "I have seen these two gentlemen in Yingchuan, and in terms of their purity, they are indeed prefectures. County Table."

"King Shuzhi of Yingling, loyal to filial piety and righteousness, Confucius Beihai Pi as the main book, went to guard Gaomi, Ming rewarded and punished, the people called it, my county can be a minister."

Wang Shuzhi was Wang Lie, and when he acted as the agent of Gaomi, the Gaomi Sun clan, also known as the Sun Gan clan, because of their strong surname, the clan and their followers broke the law several times. When they were arrested, Wang Lie led the officials and the people to surround the Sun Clan. The Sun Clan resisted and defended it. The officials and people were afraid, and no one dared to approach. Only then did the people go up to besiege, and the Sun family was so frightened that they sent the thieves out.

This matter is certainly Wang Lie's political achievement, but the opposite example is the Sun family. It is their tyranny and lawlessness that shows Wang Lie's "clear reward and punishment". However, Sun Gan did not cover up the shame of his own clan. Although he did not elaborate on the matter, he still praised Wang Lie.

Sun Gan said again: "Sun Shao of the inferior clan, Kong Beihai became a meritorious cadre, praised as the 'Langmiao Cai', and he is also a follower of the inferior clan."

In the original history, this Sun Shao later went to Soochow Wu, and Sun Quan called him the Queen of Wu, and he was the first prime minister.

However, Sun Gan naturally did not know about this matter, but neither did Xun Zhen.

So even though he heard that Sun Shao was praised by Kong Rong as a talent in the gallery, Xun Zhen expected that he might have a real talent, but he just listened to it.

Xun Zhen asked Sun Gan about Beihai characters, not just to know what famous people in his hometown were, but for ulterior motives.

Seeing that Sun Gan's story had come to an end, Xun Zhen slowly asked, "Apart from Duke Zheng and this number of gentlemen, are there other talents?"

Sun Gan answered honestly: "Although there are some, it is not enough to be fair."

Xun Zhen Dun is now disappointed.

Seeing Xun Zhen's expression, Sun Gan was puzzled and asked, "What is your intention when Duke Ming asks the people of Ganjun?"

"To be honest, Duke Zheng is a great scholar in your county. I expect that there will be many heroes in your county. Now that Xu Fang has been decided, he is in need of Juncai's assistance, so he intends to invite three or four from your county to clarify our government."

Sun Ganmian was embarrassed now, and said: "The two kings, Wang and Sun, have all been established by Beihai, and the two kings Guan and Bing are now going to Liaodong. These four kings, Duke Ming may be difficult to use."

Xun Zhen said in her heart, "I don't need you to tell me, I know too!"

Sun Gan suddenly showed a look of joy and said, "Yes, but there is one person who understands the meaning of the scriptures and has a noble morality. If Duke Ming can make use of it, he will definitely be able to get a little help."

"Oh? Who is this gentleman?"

"Runan Cheng Deshu, Ganzhi's classmate, is also in Nancheng, from my teacher's left and right."

Xun Zhen had never heard of the name "Cheng Deshu", and heard Sun Gan say that he "understands the classics, understands the meaning, and has high morals", and only talked about his knowledge and morality, but did not mention his ability to handle politics. It is useless even if it is offered, but this topic was brought up by himself. Now that Sun Gan has recommended a person, he has to use it. He pretended to be happy and said: "Since he has been engaged in the recommendation, this gentleman must be a scholar and a famous scholar. Send people to Nancheng to worship."

When Sun Gan saw that Xun Zhen accepted his recommendation, he was very happy and said: "Ming Gong has subordinated himself and is thirsty for talents. The people of Xu Fang are very fortunate!"

Xun Zhen said a few words of modesty, then chatted with Sun Gan about something else, and sent him out of court.

Seeing Sun Gan leave, Xun Zhen returned to his seat and sat down.

He flipped through the case booklet he had just read, and covered it up again, looking out of the courtyard, thinking, "I originally wanted to pass Sun Gongyou to get a few scholars from Qingzhou, but now it seems to be impossible. That's all. , and look for another opportunity to deploy Qingzhou."

Sending Yao Sheng back to his hometown to marry a famous Wu County clan; summoning Sun Gan to ask Beihai famous people to arrange Qingzhou, these are two things that Xun Zhen wants to do that are not urgent and are related to future development. Only one of these two things was done.

But he said, why didn't he send Sun Gan back to Beihai and also marry the famous Beihai surname?

This is because: for such things as marriage, one marriage to one place is enough, not all places at the same time, otherwise, in the eyes of others, it is a marriage with the surname of Wu Jun, and a marriage with the surname of Beihai, then what is he trying to do? ? The conspiracy is too obvious. And although these two counties are bordered by Xuzhou, they belong to two prefectures, one south and one north. It would be too greedy to do so.

In addition to Wujun and Qingzhou, Xunzhen also wanted to settle down in Yanzhou first, but because there were no Yanzhou scholars in the account, he could not get on line with Yanzhou. He looked at the green trees and gardens in the courtyard for a while, and said to himself, "Last year, Ying Shao repelled the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans and drove them into the northern Henan and Yanzhong. If you want to settle down in Yanzhou, the excuse of destroying the Yellow Turbans is a good excuse, but it's just that When I came to Yanzhou, no one asked me for help, and secondly, if I attacked the Yellow Turbans, I would have to use troops, but Zhou Ang didn’t go south, but my troops couldn’t move.” Then he thought to himself, “It’s strange to think about it, Yuan Benchu ​​expressed Zhou Ang. He has been the prefect of Yuzhou for ten months, yet how come Zhou Ang is still in Jizhou and hasn't crossed south yet?"

Thinking of this, Xun Zhen called Yuan Zhongqing outside the hall: "Go and ask, there may be a letter from Jizhou recently."

In the early years, Xun Zhen served as a chief official in Zhao and Wei countries successively. He had many acquaintances in Jizhou, and there were many former officials. For example, he was appointed by Yuan Shao as an important task, and he was assigned to the court of governance. Although the official of the government has not seen each other for several years and is separated by thousands of miles, the two still exchange letters from time to time. Although Shen Pei will not deliberately reveal the military secrets of Yuan Shao's army in the letter, he is in the Wujing, the daily contact is with military and political affairs. Xun Zhen and Yuan Shao are in the same party, not the enemy of the state, so in the letter to Xun Zhen, he will inevitably mention a few military and political affairs or the current situation in Jizhou. This is also just as Xun Zhen sometimes said a few words in his reply to him about the analysis and evaluation of the changes in the situation in Xuzhou or Qingyan, and these "not secret" military and political affairs revealed in his letter As far as the situation is concerned, for Xun Zhen, it is of great benefit to understand the development of the situation in Jizhou.

In fact, even if Shen Pei did not say a word about the situation in Jizhou, the military and politics in the letter, Xun Zhen would have been able to understand the situation in Jizhou in time, and if nothing else, only Zhao Yun, Handan Rong, Lu Guang, Chen Yi, and Luan Gu were mentioned. , Cen Rong and other Jizhou natives, their clansmen, relatives and friends in Jizhou often communicate with them by letter. Compared with the trial match, these clansmen, relatives and friends have nothing to worry about. The changes in the situation in Jizhou, Yuan Shao What things have been done in Jizhou, etc., are mostly mentioned in the letters to them.

Therefore, although Xun Zhen was in Xuzhou, he was able to understand the situation in Jizhou in a timely manner. This was due to the many letters from Jizhou.

Yuan Zhongqing went to ask, and came back and replied, "No."

"Zilong, don't they have any documents to send?"

Zhao Yun, Handan Rong and the others knew that Xun Zhen was very concerned about the development and changes of the situation in So every time a letter from Jizhou arrives, after reading it, I find that it mentions the military and political situation of Jizhou, changes in the situation and other related content. , will transcribe it and send it to Xun Zhen to the mansion.

"The villain asked, but there was none."

Xun Zhen nodded, and no longer asked any further questions, she took the booklet that was just right in her hand, and lowered her head to read it.

Yuan Zhongqing returned to the guard at the door.

With the sound of footsteps outside the hall, Xun Zhen looked up and saw that it was Xun Yu, followed by two small officials, each holding a pile of books.

When they got to the hall, Xun Yu motioned the two little officials to put the album on the table in front of Xun Zhen, then told them to leave the hall, and said to Xun Zhen, "Your Majesty, the albums from all the counties and states have been sent."

After Xun Zhen got Xu, he used Le Jin and others as the ministers of the county and state, and ordered them to re-check and count the households, accounts, fields and other items in the county immediately after they took office. Pengcheng and Xue Li did not ask him to re-count the statistics, but they also asked him to send the collection book to the prefecture. Le Jin and others are in their own county. After so many days of intense work, they have sent the collection books to the prefecture one after another, and they are all delivered today.

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