The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 195: Zhou Youping is like a bear lifting a general (Part 1)


In the past, he was regarded as a "crazy child" by the village elders, but now because of his "crazy child", the villagers were exempted from the rent for one year. It can be expected that from now on, the villagers will not only stop pointing and pointing at him, On the contrary, he will be full of praise, and the fathers and elders who called him "crazy" before will definitely be ashamed. Please search (product to see the most complete! fastest updated novel

This seems to be a proud thing, maybe someone else will be happy.

Lu Su looked rather hesitant.

Xun Zhen asked, "Is your intention not enough?"

Lu Su replied: "Duke Ming is so kind, why does Su dare to feel inadequate?

"Then why hesitate?"

"Su is only afraid that once Duke Ming's intentions are announced in Suxiang, the elders of Suxiang may feel ashamed, and the elders and the venerable are also reluctant to this Sucheng; and if you say goodbye to the public, you will have to save the people of Suxiang for a year of money and food. , so he hesitated, not knowing what to do.”

Xun Zhen praised Yuan Sui, "Zi Jing is really kind!"

Yuan Sui also praised, praised, and said ponderingly: "Lu Jun does not want to be ashamed of his father and elders, so food is inevitable. There are no two things, so they should be taken lightly. Lu Jun, which is more important and which is more important, you can decide."

Lu Su made a decision and said: "To exempt the villagers from Su for a year is the kindness of Duke Ming, and since Xuzhou has prospered the army year after year, the villagers of Su have suffered a lot, so they cannot be destroyed because of Su's personal feelings. Suxiang people's money and food."

Xun Zhen said with admiration: "The Qing Dynasty is prevalent in the sea, and all the people in the world seek fame instead of being pragmatic. Zijing, your minister is not only generous, but also a pragmatic person!"

If you reject Xun Zhen's good intentions because of "intimacy", then you will not be able to distinguish the importance of it. To put it more deeply, it may even be just for the sake of fame.

Why do you say "just for fame"?

Because today's conversation between Lu Su and Xun Zhen, Yuan Sui is in the hall, and there are attendants outside the hall, it will definitely spread out sooner or later. After it spreads, nine out of ten people who hear it will look like Xun Zhen. Just like what he said when he praised Lu Su, he would say that he was a "generous man". He gained a good reputation, but the villagers lost their benefits. Even if this conversation is transmitted back to the village, it will definitely make the villagers complain about those village elders. , the final result is: Lu Su alone has a generous reputation, and the villagers can't get benefits, and the village elders will also suffer and complain.

So, the matter was settled, and Xun Zhen handed it over to Yuan Sui.

Lu Su got up and bowed down, thanking Xun Zhen for the villagers, and then, without getting up, bowed again.

Xun Zhen asked, "Why do you worship again?"

"Su has one thing, dare to say it at the risk of death."

Xun Zhen laughed and said, "That's all you have to say, why is that?" She asked him, "What's the matter?"

"The Duke of Ming raised an army and executed violence for the people. The governor of Su City did the wrong thing. He didn't want to offer him a welcome. Instead, he used a mere hundreds of people to attack Duke Ming's 100,000 division. It's not too much to be punished. I only think that the governor of Biyi was in charge of the past, and he still loved the people. Therefore, Su today dared to ask Ming Gong fortunately not to blame him. Now he knows that he is ashamed and wrong. To die for Duke Ming."

On that day, Xu Zhong attacked Xiapi, stationed troops in Huaipu, and all the counties in the south of Xiapi County, all trembling and dare not move, but Dongcheng sent troops to attack it to echo Huaibei, but before the troops arrived, Xu County had already moved down, so, Dongcheng soldiers returned without success. This time, when Lu Su was summoned, he passed the county seat. The county magistrate of Dongcheng heard about it and came to see Lu Su, asking him to say a few good words for him after seeing Xun Zhen, and pray that he could be relieved of his guilt.

Although the mayor of Dongcheng was indeed "arrogant and ignorant" as Lu Su said, he was quite loving in governing the people. Judging from his past achievements, Lu Su asked Xun Zhen to ask Xun Zhen to talk about this. You can forgive him.

Xun Zhen lifted him up and smiled: "I thought it was something! At that time, everyone had their own masters, so how could I blame him for this? Qingke wrote to him and told him to take good care of the people in Dongcheng. If you can love the people like a son, I will not blame you; if you are sued by the people, I will kill them!"

Xun Zhen is actually very concerned about this place in Dongcheng County.

Of course, the reason for paying attention to nature is not because of the county magistrate of Dongcheng, but because of the geographical location of Dongcheng County.

Although Guangling County and Danyang County are adjacent to each other, the two counties are separated by the Yangtze River. When Zhou Ang goes south and Xun Zhen aids Sun Jian in the future, if Zhou Xin from Mount Tai in Danyang sends troops to attack Guangling, it is very likely that he will not directly attack Guangling. Danyang crosses the river, but will take the road of Jiujiang County to the west. Jiujiang County is to the west of Danyang County. The boundary between the two counties is also divided by the Yangtze River. It is possible to enter Xuzhou by land, and Dongcheng County is the closest county to Jiujiang County. Dongcheng is at the junction of Xiapi County and Jiujiang County. Then, if Zhou Xin needs to attack Xuzhou, it is very likely that his first attack will be Dongcheng. .

Xun Zhen exempted Lu Su from the villagers’ rent for one year. On the one hand, it was to thank Lu Su for offering food. On the other hand, there was also a kindness from the city to Dongcheng, hoping that after the war, the people of Dongcheng would not turn their backs.

As for the county magistrate of Dongcheng, Xun Zhen really has no plans to deal with him now, because since this place is very likely to become a battlefield, then Xun Zhen must be stationed here. As soon as his troops arrive, the county magistrate of Dongcheng will It doesn't matter who it is.

Seeing that Xun Zhen complied with his request, Lu Su thanked him.

Xun Zhen called him up and talked for a while. He asked about the geographical situation of Dongcheng County and the customs of the village. Yuan Sui knew why Xunzhen asked about the geography of Dongcheng. In addition, Xun Zhen asked about the art of war. Lu Su has been in charge of the trilogy in the past few years. Although the number of people is small, it can be regarded as a practice. Whatever Xun Zhen asked, he answered like a fluent.

Xun Zhen was very happy and said in her heart, "If there is a war in the East City in the future, you can use Zijing to assist in planning."

Xun Zhen was not polite, Lu Su was also at ease, Yuan Sui accompanied him, the three of them talked for more than two hours, and it was not until they were hungry that they realized that the day was approaching.

Xun Zhen invited the two of them to eat together.

Lu Su saw that the food on his food table was very simple. The main food was porridge and cakes. The dishes were only two flavors, one celery and one carp. The same is true in the food tables of Xun Zhen and Yuan Sui. Xuzhou is close to the sea, and there is no shortage of seafood, such as mackerel, scorpion, abalone, etc., all of which are excellent seafood. Compared with this, carp is very common. The dishes are only two colors, and the meat is carp. Respectful, but frugal so far, which makes Lu Su admire.

Xun Zhen held up the chopsticks and diligently persuaded them to eat them, saying, "The carp from this side can be eaten as soon as possible."

Saying that, he took a piece of carp meat and ate it with shredded ginger. People of the time like to eat raw fish, and they often eat it with ginger. Xun Zhen didn't like this kind of eating very much in his previous life, but after coming to this era for a long time, he gradually got used to it.

After eating the fish fillet, Xun Zhen suddenly remembered something and asked Lu Su, "Zijing, do you know the Yu Lang in our army?"

Although Dongcheng belongs to Xiapi, it is adjacent to Guangling, and the feudal lords seek Dong. Only Xunzhen and Sun Jian advance bravely, and they are victorious. He knew all about the famous advisors and generals under his command, and immediately replied: "But the Xin cavalry?"

Yuan Sui said with a smile: "Now he is not the captain of the cavalry army, but he is the general of Yingyang Zhonglang for Duke Ming."

Xun Zhen said: "Zhi and Zhi I only love Zhi. Yesterday, Yulang hunted wild and got several deer, and he sent one to me in the mansion at night. You can cut the deer and cook it, please enjoy it."

Roasting is similar to barbecue, but at the moment, only rich people can eat it.

Lu Su replied, "I have heard for a long time that Yingyang is a man from Minggong County. If I see him tonight, I will be happy for my life."

After dinner, Xun Zhen got to the point, talking about the position that he was going to confer on Lu Su, and said to Lu Su: "You have a strong festival, and it is suitable for you to talk about military affairs with you. You can be said to know the military. If you want to show your talents, and you want to use my shogunate's merits for Cao Cao's position, can you please?"

The most senior positions in the general shogunate were Changshi and Sima, the next was engaged in Zhonglang, and the third was all the members of Cao Ye.

There are 29 people in the genus, who are in charge of the practical affairs of each Cao.

Next, there are 31 people in charge of the history and the imperial family, who are in charge of the general record book, and there are ten other people.

The status of each Cao Ye family is not the highest, but it is not the lowest, they are middle-level officials in the shogunate. When Lu Su first arrived, he had no merit, and he was young, so he should not be given a high position suddenly, otherwise it would surely cause dissatisfaction among the rest of the shogunate.

In fact, the position of "Gong Cao Ye" is already very high for Lu Su now. Gong Cao is the main personnel in the shogunate. Power is the same.

When Lu Su heard that Xun Zhen wanted to make himself a shogunate, he thought to himself, "Your Excellency and I are only first acquaintances, but you have entrusted me with such a big responsibility!" Without saying anything, he bowed down to the ground again. , said in a loud voice, "Although Su is short, he will definitely live up to his official duties!" After standing up, he said to Xun Zhen, "Su has a friend, he is a strategist, a genius in the world, dare to recommend you to the public."


"Huainan Liu Ziyang."

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