The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 191: Only the Son of Heaven has a king's life


Zhang Zhao and other family packed his luggage for him, and together with Zhang Cheng, followed Xun Yu to the prefecture of Tanxian County.

Not long after Zhang Zhaocai left Pengcheng County, Sun Gan arrived at the prefecture before him.

Sun Gan's family is in Gaomi, Beihai, and from Tanxian to Gaomi, the journey is longer than from Tanxian to Pengcheng. Why did Sun Gan arrive at the prefecture not long after Zhang Zhao had left Pengcheng County? This is because: Sun Qian is not in Qingzhou, but in Nancheng County of Taishan County.

Sun Gan and the great Confucian Zheng Xuan were from the same hometown and were disciples of Zheng Xuan. Last year, in order to avoid the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, Zheng Xuan went south from Yanzhou to Nancheng County in Taishan County, chose a stone room on the mountain, and lived in it. Because Nancheng County is the southernmost county of Taishan County, this county borders Donghai County and is only 200 miles away from Tan County. At that time, Tao Qian was very enthusiastic about Zheng Xuan, and he treated him as a teacher and friend, and often sent people to greet him. When Xun Zhen got Xuzhou, he also sent someone to greet Zheng Xuan, and the messenger sent to greet Zheng Xuan came back. , Now Nancheng, from Duke Zheng."

But it turned out: last year, Sun Gan accompanied Zheng Xuan to the south, and went to the South City of Mount Tai together. There are many disciples of Zheng Xuan, such as Zhao Shang, Cui Yan, Wang Ji, Guo Yuan, Xi Ru, etc. are all his students. There are often more than a thousand disciples, and there are many people who accompany him to the south. Sun Gan is only one of them. Therefore, Xun Zhen did not know that Sun Gan was no longer in Beihai, but in Nancheng, two hundred miles away from him.

For this reason, the messenger did not need to go to Beihai, but went to Nancheng instead. The distance from Tanxian to Nancheng is slightly closer than from Tanxian to Pengcheng, and the messenger was in a hurry on the road when he went. Therefore, before Zhang Zhao reached the prefecture, Sun Gan had already arrived.

After being summoned by Xun Zhen, Sun Gan actually didn't want to come, but wanted to serve his teacher Zheng Xuan, but Zheng Xuan said to him, "The Xun family is very wise, and the Marquis Xun can settle Xuzhou. Now that you have been called, you can go there. "Only then did Sun Gan take the call and follow the messenger to Tan County.

Unexpectedly, Sun Gan was the first to arrive, so Xun Zhen hurriedly went out to greet him.

After meeting and asking about Zheng Xuan's health, Xun Zhen smiled at Sun Gan: "Jun Qingya Gao Shi, don't want to do chores, please ask Quzhou Confucian Lin to do it for a while, how about it?"

There are no Confucian scholars in the official quotas of the prefecture. Only Doujia, Zhizhong, Bujun Guo, and Book Cao are engaged. When there is military affairs, you can set up another soldier and Cao. The prefectural government had a fixed quota of jobs, but in today's chaos, these few jobs were obviously not enough to recruit scholars, so Xun Zhen set up a few more jobs.

The Confucianism is one of them.

As the name suggests, the so-called "Confucianism engaged in" naturally refers to Confucian scholars with profound knowledge. From Xun Zhen's point of view, Sun Gan was Zheng Xuan's disciple, and his knowledge was nothing to say, so he could just do this. But when Sun Gan thought about it, he was not a person who was good at government affairs and military affairs, and he did not want to be involved in political affairs and military affairs, but this scholarly engagement was exactly what he wanted. He readily accepted the order.

Calling and recruiting talents is not just about recruiting talents, but also knowing that people are good at responsibilities, and appointing them with appropriate positions. Otherwise, if he doesn't have the ability, but wants to let him take charge of this matter, even if it is used for a short time, and the time is a little longer, it will definitely cause people's boredom. people.

Two days after Sun Gan arrived, Zhang Zhao arrived.

Xun Zhen went out of the city to meet him.

Zhang Zhao was welcomed into the city, came into the mansion, and sat down to talk.

Zhang Zhaojin said that he mentioned four things, all of which are to appease the scholars, raise the strength of the people, eliminate corruption and corruption, and upright the atmosphere.

After hearing this, Xun Zhen said happily, "Now that I have the help of the public, Xu Min is at peace!" All the four things that Zhang Zhao mentioned were accepted.

Zhang Zhao saw that Xun Zhen accepted all his opinions humbly, and was very happy, and said to himself, "As I expected, Xun Xuzhou is lenient, and his remonstrance is like a downstream." He said to Xun Zhen, "Today, I am in Xijing, Ming Dynasty. Gong Ruding wants to stabilize Xu Fang, why not send envoys to flatter the king?"

This is to suggest that Xun Zhen send an envoy to Chang'an to meet the emperor.

This suggestion was put forward by Xun Yu and others after Xuzhou was conquered, but Xun Zhen was busy with military affairs and appease the state at that time, so he was unable to pay attention to this matter.

At this time, seeing Zhang Zhao also put forward this suggestion, Xun Zhen said in his heart: "Xuzhou has already been decided, and it is time to free up his hands to do this. I don't know when Zhou Ang will send troops to fight with Wentai, but as long as When he raises troops, I have to help Wentai, and by then, I will definitely turn against Yuan Benchu, and it is indeed necessary to send an envoy to Chang'an as soon as possible.

Nowadays, people all over the world regard Xun Zhen as a party of Yuan Shao. In terms of political capital, Xun Zhen is not lacking, but once they turn against Yuan Shao, Xun Zhen will not be able to use the political background and resources of the Yuan family, so they need to find another political party. up the backer. After many times in the world, which political force can be more suitable as a backer than today's? Although Zizi has no real power today, the emperor is orthodox, and Wang Ming is righteousness—and it is precisely because Zizi has no real power today, so he is precisely the best political "backer".

The only thing worth worrying about is: Xun Zhen spared no effort in courting Dong Dong Zhuo must be very jealous of him, so I don't know how Dong Zhuo will treat his messenger when he arrives in Chang'an? Maybe they will not be allowed to see the Son of Heaven, but it is also possible that in order to divide the Guandong princes, instead, they will vigorously win over Xun Zhen "without regard for previous grievances". If it is the latter, it is naturally very good, if it is the former, it is a waste of time.

But then again, compared to the gains, the cost of "running in vain" is almost negligible. As for whether Dong Zhuo will kill his messenger? This is unlikely. The two armies are still fighting, and they are not killed, what is the situation now? Moreover, the person who could be sent by Xun Zhen to see the Son of Heaven must be a famous person from the prefecture and county. Since he is a famous person and has no grudge against Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo will not kill him because of Xun Zhen.

Therefore, this messenger to see the Son of Heaven should indeed be dispatched as soon as possible.

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Who should I send to see the Son of Heaven? This person needs to be discussed with Wen Ruo."

All these thoughts in my heart were changed, Xun Zhen answered Zhang Zhao in her mouth, saying: "The public statement is very true. Wen Ruo, Zhicai, Gongda have also proposed this before, and when I prepare the tribute gift, According to the public announcement, choose the right person to go to Xijing to face the Holy Spirit."

After talking with Zhang Zhao for more than an hour, Xun Zhen ordered someone to fetch the seals and ribbons of the clothes that he had been working on in the governance of China, and gave them to Zhang Zhao himself.

Zhang Zhao and Zhang took over the robes and ribbons, and bowed down to Xun Zhen.

Before accepting the seal, it can be regarded as a guest and host, and after receiving the seal, it is the minister and the king.

Xun Zhen hurriedly picked them up and said to Zhang Zhao with a smile: "It's **** the road. There are many cherry blossoms in the Zhizhong Shelter, and they are all in bloom! The spirit of recuperation. Until tomorrow, I will convene the state officials again, set up a banquet, and serve the public. "

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