The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 185: Star Luo Xiongjie Manbu Middle School (Part 1)

Six people including Wen Zhi were appointed to work for the Ministry and State, with Wen Zhi in charge, and Xu Xuan and others in charge of one county; they also filled the vacancies in the officials of the state government. Except for a few positions, the remaining vacancies were filled by suitable candidates. . This was the second and third thing that Xun Zhen did after entering the prefecture.

Some of Wen Zhi and others are still in Guangling, while Chen Ying is in Huaipu.

When they all arrived, Xun Zhen sent them off together, and together with Wen Zhi personally sent them outside the city gate, and said to them: "Fan Mengbo is the imperial emissary of the Qing Dynasty, who is investigating Jizhou, and boarded the car to take the bridle. The ambition of the world. Today, all the monarchs are patrolling the state department, and I hope that this will motivate myself."

Fan Mengbo, also known as Fan Pang, was one of the "Eight Guards" of the party members. He was ordered to inspect Jizhou and even to the border of the state. Xi Zhicai used Zhu Mu's story to compare Xun Zhen's current situation, while Xun Zhen used Fan Pang's deeds to encourage Xu Xuan and others.

Xu Xuan and others all said: "No!"

After sending Xu Xuan and others away, Xun Zhenzi and Wen Zhi returned to the prefecture.

Back at the prefecture, Xun Zhen encouraged Wen Zhi to say a few more words, telling him to return to his own Cao and familiarize himself with the work he was going to be responsible for.

After the affairs of the prefecture were temporarily brought to an end, Xun Zhen devoted his main energy to military affairs.

First of all, the military capital.

Tao Qian has been searching hard in Xuzhou in recent years. There is no shortage of things such as grain and cloth, enough to supply the needs of ten thousand people for three years.

There are also a lot of weapons, armors, and ordnance, which are piled up in the arsenal of the prefecture. Roughly calculated, it is not a problem to equip more than 10,000 people, but Xunzhen now not only has no plans to expand his army, but is receiving a large number of them. After the Xiapi, Xuzhou and Danyang soldiers were captured, he had the idea of ​​disarmament, so these soldiers and armors were not used for a while, but the arsenal was ordered to keep them properly and checked frequently.

Second, there is the prisoner.

The Xiapi soldiers, Xuzhou soldiers, Danyang soldiers, and other types of soldiers added together, totaling more than 30,000. After the battles in Xiapi and Donghai, except for those who died in battle and were disabled due to serious injuries, there are still nearly 20,000 people in Xunzhen's main part. That is to say, with the addition of the soldiers, there are more than 50,000 soldiers who need to be supported by Xun Zhen. This amount is too large. Xun Zhen needs to be streamlined, keep the brave and eliminate the old and weak.

Xun Zhen ordered Xu Zhong and Xun Cheng to take responsibility. After so many days of intense selection, the streamlining work has come to an end. According to Xun Zhen's intentions, only half of the soldiers should be retained at most, that is, about 15,000 people.

During the period when Xu Zhong and Xun Cheng selected and eliminated Jiang soldiers, the contributions made by the generals in this battle were counted.

After many discussions with Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Xun Yu and others, Xun Zhen decided on the list of awards and the contents of the awards.

When Xu Zhong and Xun Cheng finished streamlining the army, Xun Zhen summoned all the military officers from the generals and schools above the Sima of each battalion to gather in the Zhendong General's Mansion, which was run by Xi Zhicai and Xun You in the city of Tan County. A ready-made house was selected, and it was put into use with a slight modification to the layout. Xun Zhen already lived in the prefecture, but why set up another general's mansion in the east of town? This is not because Xun Zhen finds an excuse to "buy a house" for himself, but because he needs a place to work for the shogunate officials of General Zhendong.

Xun Cheng, Xu Zhong, Xu Rong and below, all the school captains and military officials above the Sima of the other divisions, all wore armor and were divided into more than ten rows according to the level of military rank, and even the spacious main hall of the General's Mansion was almost full.

Although there are many people, even though they are all tigers and wolves, they all fall into battle on the battlefield, making the enemy terrified, but at this moment, they are silent.

If you close your eyes, you won't even feel someone in the hall.

Mingwei Colonel Xia Houlan, who was responsible for maintaining discipline, stood beside the military officers of the generals, but he was useless.

Of course, there is only one person who can make so many fierce generals marching through the army so honest, and that is Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen sat high in the hall, looked around the generals, captains, and other ministers, and said: "Xiapi, Donghai calendar wars, you have many meritorious deeds, and merits will be rewarded. Order: cross the Huai River, take down Pi, and take Xiangxiang. Ben, the merits of protecting the army; going down to Quyang, Kehouqiu, and attacking Tanxian County, it is also the merits of the army. I have already listed the two generals as the generals of the side. The achievements of Quyang and Houqiu, the merits of General Xu, should be General Pi."

Pian general and Pi general are the lowest general titles, higher than Zhonglang generals.

After talking about the awards to Xu Zhong, Xun Cheng, and Xu Rong, Xun Zhen continued: "The only one who is ambitious is deep and far-reaching. General in the army, Gongda joined the army in the general."

Xi Zhicai was originally a military superintendent, and Xun You was a military officer. Although their military titles have not changed, they have both been promoted.

Xun Zhen continued: "Zang Jun refused the Yellow Turbans in the north, welcomed the righteous soldiers in the south, and kept the people loyal, and should be commended; the Chinese army fell to the prime minister and took down Pi, and he was brave and wise; The cavalry army gallops thousands of miles, conquers the strong and drives the north, and is invincible. Today, it is the emperor of Tibet who protects the general of the army, the general of the army of Fu, the general of the army of Yongnu, the general of the army of cavalry, and the general of the cavalry."

Zang Ba was listed as the general of the middle, which everyone had expected. "The general of the guard of the army", which was Xu Zhong's military title before, was given to him by Xun Zhen now, which is obviously a kind of win over him. Zhao Yun was listed as the general of the Fu Army, and he took over the title of Xun Cheng's previous military post, which shows that Xun Zhen's trust and love for him. As for Liu Bei, he has his own merits. Guan Yu crossed Huai Kexu, and this credit is also counted as part of him, so he also got the post of Yizhong Lang. Although Xin Ai did not have much military exploits in this battle, it was not his fault. Most of these battles were sieges, and he was not the director of the cavalry. As the highest commander of the cavalry, he was promoted in the infantry. In the case of a middle-ranking general, it would definitely not be suitable if he was only a captain, so Xun Zhen also promoted him to be a middle-ranking general.

Zang Ba and the other four were promoted as Zhonglang generals, and Xun Zhen appointed two Zhonglang generals: "The military law is clear, and it is courageous to face the battle. The power of prestige is also the power of food; the courage of the army and the people, without the power to produce high yields, will not have the power of the three armies to fall into battle. These two monarchs should be commended, and each will be a general."

Xia Houlan, the commander of Mingwei, and Jiang Qin, the commander of the high yield, were awarded the post of Zhonglang General because of their command of the military law Yanming and the merits of the field.

Xun Zhen was the main general, so he didn't have to personally issue all the awards to the generals and schools. It was enough to say the content of the awards for the above-mentioned people who were promoted to generals and generals, and Xuankang read out the rest of the awards.

In addition to the three generals and the seventh general, Xun Zhen was appointed eleven captains, divided into ten military captains and one civilian captain.

The ten people who were transferred to the military position were: Zhang Fei, who was appointed Li Feng; Guan Yu, who was appointed as Hengye; Pan Zhang, who was appointed Xiandeng; Wenpin, who was appointed Zhechong; Que Xuan, who was appointed Zhaode Colonel; in addition, Sun Guan, Chang Xi, Wu Dun, Yin Li, and Sun Kang were five.

It was Xun Chen who was appointed as the Civilian Colonel, and he was appointed as the Colonel of Fuzheng.

Changed the names of six school captains, namely: Liu Deng's title of "Terrorist Captain" was changed to "Champion Captain", and Chen Bao's "Jianwei Captain" was changed. Became "Zhongjun Lieutenant", changed the title of Chen Wu's "Pinglu Lieutenant" to "Zuojun Lieutenant"; changed Jiang Hu's title of "Jiangong Lieutenant" to "Former Military Lieutenant" ; Changed Gao Su's title of "Yingchuan Right Military Commander" to "Post Military Commander"; and changed Zang Hong's "Zuojun Commander" to "Zhongzheng ~ The six captains who have changed their names, except for Zang Hong who changed from military to civilian, the rest of Liu and Deng were Xun Zhen who set an order of superiority for the captains in his army, that is, this change A: The champion is the top, followed by the middle army, right and left, and the "Miscellaneous Colonel".

Under the school captain, Xun Zhen was appointed four more commanders.

Gan Ning was the commander of Pengcheng, Huang Qian was the commander of northern Langya, He Yi was the commander of Xiapi, and Ling Cao was the commander of Donghai.

Before the war, Gan Ning and the other four were Sima of other divisions. Of the five counties and states of Xuzhou, Xunzhen only served four commanders, but he did not appoint the commanders of Guangling. His meaning was obvious. Except for Xiapi and Donghai, which were newcomers, they needed to set up commanders to be responsible for the security of the county. It is to take the opportunity to take the security rights of the two prefectures of Pengcheng and Langya back into the hands of the prefecture.

The officers below the commander-in-chief were promoted by false captains and military commanders. Su Ze, Gao Jia, and Gao Bing were promoted to false commanders, and Chen Ji, Yao Ban, Su Zheng, and Shi Juxian were promoted to commanders. ()

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