The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 176: Le Jin rides into Pengcheng alone (Part 1)

When Xun Zhen's military orders and letters were delivered to Xu Zhong, Xu Zhong's troops had just arrived in Xiangben.

In the East China Sea, the nearest county seat to Tan County is Xiangben, followed by Houqiu.

Xiangben is in the northwest of Tanxian County, 60 miles away from Tanxian County; Houqiu is in the southeast of Tanxian County, more than 100 miles away from Tanxian County.

As long as the Xun army can take these two cities, they can form a flanking and encircling situation in Tan County.

Tao Qian naturally saw this, so he not only deployed heavy troops in Houqiu, but also stationed elites in Xiangben.

It is foreseeable that Xiangben will be as difficult to conquer as Houqiu.

Xu Zhong arranged for troops and horses to build a camp, and when he was discussing with the generals about the siege, Xun Zhen's military orders and letters arrived.

Xu Zhong took a closer look, and after reading it, he said to the generals: "General Jianwei's order: I ordered my department to choose and use the general to go to Pengcheng, and order Xue Li to send troops."

All the people present were leading troops to fight on the front line, but they did not know the "diplomatic exchanges" between Guangling and Pengcheng during this period. Only Xu Zhong and Le Jinyin were the generals, and Xun Youyin was the mastermind. The three of them received Xun Zhen 's official document, aware of this. At the moment, Xun You spoke and briefly told everyone present about the recent incident of Guangling sending envoys to Pengcheng and forcing Xue Li to send troops.

When everyone heard it, they knew it.

Liu Bei asked, "Did the monarch appoint a candidate in the order?"

Xun You knew his intentions, knew that he was eager to try and wanted to make a contribution, and replied with a smile: "Xuande, I'm afraid you won't be able to make this contribution....Although the lord has not appointed a candidate, he suggested in the order that you Come to do this.”

Xun Zhen was in the rear. Although Xu Zhong's military reports were constant, the war was changing rapidly. It is very likely that when he issued the military order, the war did not change. When the military orders and letters that could prevent him were delivered to Xu Zhong's camp, the front line battle was over. There will be some changes, so I did not assign Le to go in with certainty in the order, but only suggested that if the war is not in a hurry, Wenqian can go to Pengcheng.

Xun Zhen suggested that Le go to Pengcheng for two reasons.

First of all, Xue Li is Prime Minister Pengcheng after all, so he can't just send a mid-level officer to transfer his troops. Doing so will make Xue Li consider it an insult and may affect the "smooth progress" of the transfer of troops, so It is necessary to send a high-level general to go. Xu Zhong, as the main general of the army and horses on this road, must not go, so there is only Le Jin.

Le Jin was Xu Zhong's lieutenant. At the same time, he was also appointed by Xun Zhenbiao as the prime minister of Xiapi. Although it was not appointed by the imperial court, but now that Xiapi has been obtained, he is in essence the chief of a county. The status of li is equal, which can alleviate Xue Li's resistance mentality.

Secondly, Le Jin is strong, resourceful, and well-planned. Judging from his ability, he is also suitable to do this.

Taking these two considerations into account, Xun Zhen therefore suggested that Le go to Pengcheng to transfer troops.

Hearing that Xun Zhen suggested that You Le go in to do this, Liu Bei had no choice but to accept the idea of ​​"doing more credit" and said with a smile, "Jun Hou thought carefully, although Xue Li was still unwilling, but with Le Xiang's high talent, Adjusting Pengcheng soldiers will be as easy as the palm of your hand."

Xu Zhong asked Le Jin, "Wen Qian, will this matter be left to you?"

Le Jin said: "I respectfully obey the order of the emperor."

Xu Zhong pondered for a while, and then said: "Wen Qian, I will give you a thousand people, from you to Pengcheng, do you think it is enough?"

Le Jin smiled and said, "Where do you need so many troops? The general is going to Xiangben today. When I was using troops, I didn't bring any soldiers or soldiers, just a few followers."

"As Xuande said, Xue Li is still unwilling. Wen Qian, you can't be careless when you go to Pengcheng now! How can you do it with only a few followers?"

"There are Generals in Xiangben in the east, and Sunhe in Xiaoxian in the west. If I go here, there will be no hindrance."

Seeing that Le Jin insisted on not bringing troops and horses and leaving the troops to Xu Zhong to besiege Xiang Ben, Xu Zhong could not persuade him, so he had to listen to him.

Some preparations were made that day. Early the next morning, Le Jin took four or five horses, left the camp, and headed northwest toward Pengcheng.

Xiangben is about 60 miles away from the border of Pengcheng. After entering the border of Pengcheng, there are two counties of Fuyang and Wuyuan. These two counties are close to the border between Pengcheng and Donghai County, especially Wuyuan County, which is located in Pengcheng. At the junction of three counties, East China Sea and Xiapi.

——Pengcheng, Donghai, and Xiapi are adjacent to each other. Donghai is in the north, Pengcheng and Xiapi are both in the south of the Donghai, and one west and one east, Pengcheng is in the west, and Xiapi is in the east.

After a day of driving, Le Jin arrived outside Wuyuan County at dusk.

Xun Zhen and Tao Qian have been at war for nearly a month. Xia Pi and Donghai are both facing Pengcheng. Although Xue Li has not sent troops to participate in the war before, in order to avoid the spread and to avoid the entry of random troops, he is also worried that Xun Zhen and Tao Qian will suddenly enter the war. They attacked and forced their way into Pengcheng, so the counties in Yanbian, Pengcheng County were heavily guarded.

Xun Zhen also served as the pavilion chief, and Le Jin met Xun Zhen when he was the pavilion chief, so although Le Jin is now the "Xiapi prime minister", he has nothing to do with this pavilion chief who abides by his duties. What an arrogant state, and talk to him in a pleasant manner.

The pavilion chief looked at Le Jin and his subordinates vigilantly, and asked, "Who are you waiting for? Where do you come from? Do you have a talisman?"

It's no wonder that the pavilion chief is alert, Le Jin is fine, he wears a high crown in black, and wears a long sword on his waist, like a scholar. The saddle side of his mount still carried a bow and crossbow, so it was not a "good citizen" at first glance, and they came from the northeast, where the border with Donghai County was not far away, and Donghai was now fighting.

Seeing that the pavilion chief was very vigilant, and that the begging thieves and several pavilion guards on the side were also on guard with their swords, Le Jin smiled and said: "There is no talisman, no biography, there is only an official document, which is for your county governor. of."

The pass symbol is a token for customs clearance or transit. Generally speaking, talismans are mainly used in military affairs, such as tiger talismans, which are a type of talismans, while biography are mostly used by officials and people. When officials and people need to go to other counties or counties for official or private affairs, It is necessary to apply for a "biography" at the local county and temple, and write down the individual's appearance, identity and purpose of travel, etc., and then travel around the country.

It stands to reason that Le Jin entered Pengcheng here for the purpose of mobilizing Xue Li's soldiers, but military affairs. He should have a talisman, but because of the war between Xun Zhen and Tao Qian, the talisman of the entire Xuzhou can no longer be used. It's not that it can't be used, it's that it can't be used universally.

Originally, Xuzhou’s talismans could be used in all counties, but in a war, in order to prevent the other side from using talismans to pass through customs, infiltrate their own territory to seek information, or even sneak up on their own cities, Tao Qian and Xun Zhen, including the meaning of sitting and watching. Both Xue Li and Zang Ba made a separate set of talismans for use in their respective jurisdictions, so Le Jin had no talismans to show to this pavilion chief.

As for the biography, the same reason for the talisman is that Le Jin takes out a transmission. Whether it is in the name of Xiepi or in the name of Guangling, I am afraid that the pavilion will not recognize it. Besides, Le Jin does not need to transmit it at all. , Xun Zhen's official document is enough.

The pavilion chief asked, "Where did the official document come from? The prefecture?"

Seeing that Le Jin came from Donghai County, the pavilion chief asked this question.

"General Jianwei's official document... You can lead the way and take me to the county temple to meet your county magistrate."

The pavilion chief was quite suspicious, but Xun Zhen's official documents were not something he could read, because he retreated to the side to discuss with the thieves and the pavilion guards for a while, then came over and said to Le Jin, "Okay, I'll take you to the county temple. "

There are soldiers and horses stationed in the county, and although Lejin's several cavalrymen are wearing armor and leading soldiers, it is useless to have a few cavalry materials.

The pavilion leader took Le Jin and waited to the county temple, and finally couldn't help but asked, "Is you under General Jianwei's account?"

Perhaps because he knew that Le Jin was Xun Zhen's subordinate, the pavilion chief addressed Le Jin and spoke in a more polite tone.


"I don't know why you came to my Pengcheng?"

Le Jin smiled and said, "I can't tell you that."

"Yes Yes."

After walking for a while, the pavilion chief couldn't help but ask: "I heard that General Jianwei has captured the whole county of Xiapi, is this true?"

"Not at all."

Originally there were Xutai, Gaoshan, and Dongcheng counties in the south of Xiapi County. Xu Zhong did not attack them.

"... A few days ago, Fang Bo's people passed by me and also went to see our palace lord. I don't know about this, do you know?"

"Oh? When did it pass by you?"

"Three days ago."

"Can you go back to the East China Sea?"

"This..., the villain doesn't know, anyway, I haven't seen them again these days."

Le Jin secretly wrote down this matter and said to himself, "Tao Gongzu must have come to Xue Li to borrow troops again. Since the pavilion chief has never seen them again, they are most likely still in Pengcheng County. I met Xue Li. After the ceremony, I can do some articles here." He asked the pavilion with a smile, "You should know that General Jianwei is fighting against Tao Xuzhou, but why did you tell me about it?"

The pavilion chief replied, "I don't dare to lie to you: Zhou Bo has been in office since he took Every year, the rent and taxes are heavier and heavier every year. , the villagers have long been overwhelmed by the hardships, most of them sell their children, many people fled from their hometowns, and many people gather to become thieves. If the villain is a pavilion, with a little money and stipends, he can barely support his family, I can’t say. He has long since become a refugee. Hearing General Jianwei’s words, he said that the purpose of fighting wars is to give the common people a way to survive. The villain is really eager for General Jianwei to conquer Xuzhou as soon as possible!”

Le Jin sighed without realizing it, and said to the followers, "Did you hear that? General Jianwei rebelled against the army and attacked Wu Dao, which is exactly what the people wanted. "

The world is suffering from military disasters, and the princes are rising. If you want to stand on your own, you must have a strong army, and if you want to strengthen your army, you must have money and food. Where does the money and food come from? It will only be taken from Qian Shou.

After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the people were already in trouble, and if they were brutally exploited, of course they would not be able to survive.

Powerful and powerful like Que Xuan, scholars like Chen Gui and Chen Deng, and common people like the pavilion leader of Pengcheng Kingdom, all stood on Xun Zhen's side. How could Tao Qian have any reason to win this battle? It is probably because of this that Xun Zhencai's offensive was very successful, and within ten months he was able to take down Pi and enter the East China Sea. Although Houqiu and Xiangben had a lot of strong troops, Tan County had a lot of troops and horses, and the defense was well prepared. Ke Lejin believed that with the morale of the people, no matter how strong the city was, no matter how many enemies, it was definitely not the Xun army. opponents, the victory is only between sooner or later.

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